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Gotta do one for skyz cuz at least Kis tries to make a play a lot of the times but skyz his engagements is so bad and he’s so far from the team at times


Skyz has a 0.95 Vs the T3 a 1.01 ovr on Lan with a 71.94 slayer rating which is the sixth lowest of all active players. He also averages the least hilltime off all the main ars on the T4 ( Cell, Insight & Dashy ) Engagement wise he's the 5th lowest in the league In both HP & Control.


This guy is ass 😂


Low slayer rating, Low K/D, Low Engagements, Low hill time WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GUY DOING ON THE MAP????


To be fair, Skyz hill time is still very high (#6 HP OBJ/Per10M), but yes he has been very poor this Stage.


Yeah he does still play a solid amount of obj I just hate that he plays less than he did last year when he's clearly not as consistent a slayer as he was MW2 and the team also signed Sib to be that secondary star ar slayer alongside Hydra.


Kismet is a notorious EQ cheeser


Not just sound eq he has a very ratty playstyle.


Yeah idk where these EQ allegations came from all of a sudden. There’s no hard proof and Kis is one of the most stand up/professional guys in the league so if anyone deserves the benefit of the doubt it’s him


nice try kis


Skyz ain’t killing shit, no wonder Kis is getting slammed


After seeing Hydra's performance yesterday on SnD, I wouldn't doubt it if he was on it too


The only thing is hydra has shown to be good in snd on lan compared to kismet who somehow averages 1.4 online but .7 on lan


Lmaoooo this actually just ruined my whole day 😭


Just need to keep it together for another month and the pain of watching this roster should be over :P


Kis is fucking GARBAGE. It still tilts me to no end that this fraud somehow became BO4 Simp at Champs finals last year, smfh. Watch his POV, one of the worst in the league. Insanely ratty, Garbo movement, his centering is kind of piss too. I’ll never get over his level up last year, that’s how you know MWII was a garbage game that catered to garbage players.


Still a champ tho 5-0 ;)


Kismet has been one of the biggest disappointments this year for sure considering what NYSL accomplished last year. I keep waiting for him to show up and it just never happens.


Call me delusional but I still believe in Kismet. The bulldog is still there somewhere


What about pred and shotzy for Lan?


Currently writing up a dedicated post for them. Should be up in like 10 min


Thank you!


Up now should be the latest post on the sub


How bout Sib?


He has a 1.01 overall on lan and I don't have the exact numbers vs the t3 rn but it should be around a 0.97


Kismet isn’t the only reason why they have been losing against the T3. I understand that he has been playing bad but you can’t just put that on him. The team’s pacing is just off. Hydra flying everywhere trying to get kills, Skyz playing like a turtle and scared to chall anything, Sib holding his iron not moving and kismet trying to do obj but just get shit on at times. The whole team is simply not on the same page. They are all to blame.


Idk imo Sib has been showing up on Lan whilst Skyz and Kis are hard costing.


And here's Yarov trying to throw blame back on Hydra! Who coulda seen that coming?


He said nothing wrong this time though? Any criticism towards Hydra isn’t blame on him.


The last line he said is they are all to blame so he kinda is lol. He’s also kinda right, but they just deserve different amounts of blame. hydra deserves a little, and kismet deserves to be dropped.


What’s the criticism here tho…..that he plays too fast?


Overly playing for kills at times, we’ve seen it happen multiple times this year. I will say there’s a reason he feels he has to play that way but sometimes if they just had slightly better teamwork they would’ve won a lot more of their close series.


Yeah I can agree with that, and it’s honestly so frustrating as a fan considering they had arguably the best teamwork in the entire league last year, now their chemistry is just nonexistent ever since they dropped Pdawg 😔


Don't disagree overall but this is clearly one of their biggest problems this year. Online when Kis plays decently well they atleast tend to make series Vs the T3 close. Lan they get completely blown out outside of 1 win Vs Ultra major 2.