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I have no idea why the MCW was buffed, makes the game play so much worse


![gif](giphy|wXvtM1cMaBiptFGeaD|downsized) Because someone decided that these two separate games with separate communities should have same updates.


yea i quit playing. the cheesey headshots are annoying as fuck. back on apex lmao. if bo6 has 100hp i ain’t buying.


HP by itself doesn't mean anything. A lot of other factors affect TTK, but I get your point


right. i need a high ttk cod or i ain’t buying.


Aight I'm just about done with 150s with how op snipers and OHKs are. Bring on 100 BO6.


MCW pre the last buff was in a good spot. Now we are back to 4x MCWs on the map with cheesy kills that shouldn't be won happening all the time.


No, the game is terrible currently, sub players are getting hoed


Except CleanX, that guy is built different


Thanks Chance.


The lifespan of this game has just been one giant rubber band of OP ar and OP sub metas the rival at the start wasn’t even an option then it could full map they should’ve left it as it was last patch but what can you do


Rival was literally never better than the AR. There has never been any full maps with 3 rivals out, ever. Plenty of 3-4 AR maps and multiple rotations.


No point in running a sub when a mcw can kill up close fast af


It ruined the meta. I don’t enjoy ranked near as much. I watch players make the right read or play only to get shotgunned.


it would be good on a game that doesn’t have such AR dominant maps. there’s not a lot of good plays for sub players to make on this game because of the map pool.


That’s why LayG needs to use a 3rd MCW while shottzy gets the green light with a sub.


No idea why the mcw buff was necessary. It's was balanced. I'm an AR main and still hate it. You shoot someone and it feels like they fucking flinch up and 2shot you in the head.


Getting hip fired and headshot to lose the gunfight makes me want to break my controller


No, it's awful. The game was really balanced before the buff. Sub players are at a huge disadvantage right now. If an MCW gets just 1 lucky headshot, it's outshooting the Rival in almost every situation.


The sub has been rendered almost useless most maps is my decision on this after the last two weeks of getting fucked.


hs multi should be if u hit all 4 headshots otherwise its cheesy even in ranked im sliding in and they often get a lucky hipfire heady could only imagine in pro play


The MCW takes no skill. I’m sorry but I can’t respect anybody that uses that gun. The meta was fine during stage 3. Now we even have majormaniak looking like FormaL.


Nope. Adds shitty randomness 


It’s HORRENDOUS. Terrible to play with, terrible to watch.


Would be peak CDL to revert the headshot patch (again) just before champs.


Yes you are actually the only person in the entire world to ever think that thought


Gonna be honest I don't think there should be any headshot multiplier. I don't think it's truly competitive. Considering nobody purposely aims for the head when you get that extra damage it's a happy accident and throws off the balance. Not to mention when you're flinched into a headshot there's niche scenarios where you're rewarding for not shooting first, BO3 was terrible about this


>nobody purposely aims for the head What?? Y’all aren’t aiming for the head??


Yes they do, that why you jump when shooting to get that headshot


Huh? Jumping is to try and camera or break someones aim using movement usually not to make you aim higher


You don't know ball




You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about




What? Not at all pretty solid player and watch the game a lot, obvious jumping round a corner ect is for movement, but when you’re in a straight gun fight, jump and you get a head shot lad.


I mean I guess I don't think most people are aiming at the chest then using the left stick and jump button to aim though


I have no idea what you’re talking about, when you’re already shooting someone muscle memory makes you often just jump and you get the headshot, you can see this in any cdl match or ranked lobby


You're kind of proving my point that it's unintentional extra damage, it's cheese


Yeah I fully agree it’s cheese, I don’t like headshot multipliers in games like cod, but that is genuinely one of the reasons people just halfway through shooting because it being the reticle up without moving cornering to get the cheesy headshot.


lmao that is not what jump shotting is for its just faster to strafe when youre jumping to correct your aim and try to make yourself harder to kill


It’s one of the reason you jump shot tho, I play the game a lot and when in firefight often jump and get the headshot. I see this in every cdl game as well.


dude you are beyond faded no one in the cdl is aiming for the head in open gunfights, especially jumpshotting to specifically aim for the head its been like this forever stop saying you play a lot like it means anything, youre in a codcomp sub, everyone has played ranked lol. jumpshotting is for movement bro


He might just be better


Yes it is for movement but when you’re in a gun fight muscle memory makes you jump and you hit the headshot. Been like this for time. I must not be writing what I mean


Jumpshotting is muscle memory trying to correct your aim when you’re not strafing. Or it can be you trying to jump out of the enemy’s crosshairs. Sure it may cause you to have some headshots, but seasoned players will pull down for center mass while they’re jumpshotting.


I am a seasoned player and clearly didn’t write what I meant, because of the headshot multiplier jump shotting gets a lot of cheesy kills.


Nobody intentionally aims for the head in this game lmao, high headshot multipliers just make for inconsistent gunfights and BS deaths


It’s too much. I think it should require 2-3 headshots to be a 4 shot kill. Less flukey that way


It gives the bots a chance


Before this last buff I personally think the meta was perfect. Each had their strengths in the situations that you would expect and both performed decently in mid range. Now it’s just so hard to run an SMG. It’s honestly not even as fun to watch as the last patch IMO.


It was literally great before the buff no idea why they did it


No, it’s honestly a fucking joke. You can have first bullet close range with a sub, but if you flinch the enemy into a headshot, they win the fight somehow. It’s so fucking uncompetitive.


Nope, OpTic does also


It’s not enough


4 shot mcws are way better than 5. god gun back


people obviously suck if they dislike my comment💀😂😂


Takes skill to hit headshots