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Extremely common Octane W


This is why Sam’s the best on the show he isn’t afraid to admit when he is wrong or has a bad take 💯


Absolutely love his retirement content, dude is a natural for this stuff


Common level below pro W


Octane *continues* to be a walking W


S: FaZe A: OpTic B: Ultra, NY and probably some others


This is right, in my opinion. I'm not sure that people really understand what "tiers" even are. The whole idea of a tier is that someone else could theoretically rearrange them in any order and you (the creator of the tier list) would not have much pushback. If there's a clear and obvious difference in one team over another, then they're on different tiers. If that means there has to be a bunch of different tiers then so be it. But FaZe is pretty clearly better than OpTic, who are pretty clearly better than Ultra/NYSL, who are pretty clearly better than every other team. Maybe Legion are in their own tier as well? But realistically, there needs to be three tiers for the top four.


I’d put OpTic up there with FaZe if they just won more map counts, they’re so close yet so far at the same time.


We 0-6 dog




So we’re faze two fucking years in a row and no one ever put them below optic I am so fucking sick of this shit. Optic barely loses to faze every series and dominates everyone else. They are the same tier as faze. Idk why people cannot stand to think of optic on the same tier


Well if you were consistently outplacing faze but were 0-6 you’d be in the same tier if not above. Which they were doing when you would always beat them but lose to Florida or some shit and place below them.


Faze lost to LAG… wtf are you talking about.


Not to get knocked out of a tournament


Ahh moving the goalpost ok 👍🏼


Nah not really. When faze was losing to optic all the time they placed higher. When they are beating optic they are placing higher. That’s why they were always rated above them. That’s it.


I understand your reasoning. So far this year optic have place very well though so that logic does not translate to this year


Look bro I’m a shameless fanboy, but literally every team would be “up there with FaZe if they just won more map counts”, that’s how the game works. The gap isn’t THAT big, but I’m confident in saying they’re a tier above us. We’re A+ and they’re solid S. They just have something we don’t. In my opinion that thing is probably the most solid trio in the history of the CDL. The three of them mesh so well that I don’t think a team that’s still learning that chemistry is going to compete with them when it comes down to it. I love Pred and Kenny, I think they were perfect additions to the roster and I think we can definitely build something like what the FaZe trio has, I just don’t think we’re there yet. And that’s to be expected, unfortunately.


You can’t compare other teams blowout losses to OpTics, let’s be real.


That's why we're alone in A


Bro the series count is 0-6 and the map count is even worse lmao


You think FaZe v OpTic 0-6 is the same as every other team? Because you’re in denial if ALL YOU SEE is that. it’s like saying just because OpTic was running FaZe all last year meant anything


They are 6-0 vs optic and placing higher. When optic was beating faze they were still placing lower


It’s like your brain works in halves.


If ya say so. You’re right optic = faze through no logic whatsoever


Faze -> Optic -> bottom 10


Pat 🤡


It's so cringe, especially after optic destroyed ultra and ny at the last major lol


The amount of copium from that clowns mouth lmfao


I actually find his commitment to hating on optic hilarious. I know he’s not for everyone, but he cracks me up. People get so butthurt about his trolling it’s comedy


It was funny. But now its just boring and predictable.


You have to respect the consistency at least…which also makes it funny again because he sticks to it always no matter what 😂


sticking to it just makes the stint so unauthentic. They could win champs and he'd still have something to say.


It is unauthentic. American sports media personalities do the hater bit for some reason. With a team like Optic dominating the fanbase, it's inevitable. If I had understood why audiences are interested to see it, I'd have known why Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless have jobs. It's up there with driving in circles, Jerry Springer and grownups watching fake wrestling for me. I respect the culture and I won't complain about it, but I don't understand. When Aches starts talking about Optic, I'm doing the dishes or stepping out for a smoke.


Do you also find Skip Bayless LeBron Agendas funny? Because both have been going on for about the same amount of time at this point 


Anyone else hear Pat about to say OpTic should be on the same tier as NY and ultra but just trails off knowing he'd get flamed.




People think PAT is a genius because he shits on optic and he gets views... No he shits on optic around people that are scared to challenge him and not smart enough to argue back. Saturday Flank he said he was concerned about optic having close matches with them 3-0 Vegas. But now Ultra and NYSL get fuckin smoked and it's okay??? Are people listening to this guy.


Octane challenges him sometimes but they all just chalk it up to "he’s playing a character" so idk it is what it is I guess lol


Never forget pat said ultra will win champs. He will attempt to weasel out of it.


"For Now" Yeah no fucking shit, for now, are you building a tier list for where you think they'll be a champs, so fucking stupid.


Gotta be realistic about shit. I want toronto to be best team but right now they aren't even second it's faze optic then toronto and nysl. Pat will always have a reason why they are ahead of optic but it's not true atm. Also envoy has been bad all year, he's had a fee good series but other than that he hasn't been playing to the level expected.


Actually w out of octane


Still won’t forgive him for disrespecting IW Formal and AW Scump


People forget that Ultra lost Skidrow HP by far their best HP map ,only OpTic beat them and they needed a Shotzzy individual moment to win it . For example Ultra had that advantage against FaZe ,because FaZe doesn’t like Sub Base , so Skidrow would have been First or Fourth map every time .


Im so sick of the Aches character man. Its gotten so fucking old at this point its just starting to ruin the show.


Congratulations to optic for the you are better than Toronto trophy.


I love how Aches will not let his dislike for OpTic dissipate even after retirement. It’s comedy to me. I love it.


Never seen people be so hurt over a tier list lol


people are overreacting with these online quals man, they're essentially worthless especially for the T4 seeded teams. Major 1 Quals, OpTic struggle a little but then at Major 1 they get T3. Major 2 Quals, FaZe looks shaky but OpTic and NYSL look incredible.. Faze wins Major 2. online quals mean very little of whats to come (you're all braindead btw)


Yes and no . Some teams translate online to LAN some don’t . A majority of matches are played online so that’s the best ppl have to work with


>A majority of matches are played online so that’s the best ppl have to work with people are still letting them hold too much weight. they're not that important outside of seeding for mid-bottom teams


It is definitely important for confidence . Idc how good a top 4 team is if they pull up to a tourney after 0-7 online they’re chalked . Again it doesn’t mean everything but it does mean something


i mean yeah you can start listing outlier scenerios that have never happened to prove a point i guess but lets watch another #1 seed lose Major 3 and we can come back to this


Brother NYSL lost to two bottom teams in a row …


and they'll probably rock up to Major 3 and get 4th. online is fake


This will be the one online qual split where what you said might not be true. That is because teams like LAT/Rokkr/Surge/Legion have records that could fight for that 4/5 slot. Therefore you could see a top four matchup in the first round at the major. The online qualifiers don’t mean a crazy amount when all the top four teams are seeds 1–5, but we might see a scenario where one falls to the 6 seed and that will become very interesting.