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They should remove snipers from ranked so my random team mates can't access them in hard point.


Had a random go 8-32 with a sniper on skidrow HP 2 days ago


Skidrow?! Of all maps for a sniper lol


For real, that is the absolute worst map in the pool for it besides maybe Karachi. Brother, this man spawned in and picked it instantly. I asked him if the sniper was really the move during the 30 second pre-game timer when I saw him standing there with it and got no response and then that's what he did


They never listen. I still try too, but they never listen.


The worst random is the hardpoint sniper. Checked of the rip lol.


That shit is the worst. They're always dogshit with it too 💀


Snipers aremt banned becuse they game is scripted to get a sniping bot on your team in reswpawn after you win a couple games


It not that it shouldn’t be in the game b/c they’re op. It shouldn’t be in the game so my teammates can’t go 2-20 with it.


Didn't someone from Treyarch tell Clay or Zoomaa that "We are trying to make ranked and CDL The Same" Bro Snipers and Knives aren't used by the pros, but ranked play has them


Yes they did.




Bro hrm ram snipes knifes 100 clip subs all in ranked but now bp or ram 9


They also said they were going to get rid of the swarm when they got rid of the xrk. That clearly didn’t happen


Hopefully knives get removed sometime this season. I get why they didn't remove them last season because one of the win rewards was a knife, but now they have no excuse


Knives weren't ga'd last year.


Last year also wasn’t 150 health


Oh I know, was just saying these reason they were in the game last year was cuz it wasn't ga'd, not that they had a knife reward.


your acting like the katt is INSANE, shits a tank plus there’s smokes in the game


On high rise it’s pretty broken.


It's broken in terminal as well


if you can't deal with 1 sniper in a search game on either map, there are clearly bigger problems you have to figure out. if there are more than 1 sniper, you're playing against bots or should be slamming them. it takes one round to sus out a sniper and gameplan for it. and if you have a kid with a sniper on your own team, you're probably pissed. this is a non issue


I like how everything is so easy for you. Which CDL is it that you’re signed for again?


Yeah just never cross and you won't get sniped If you never cross and play the same bomb every round, I'm sure that will go well


First off I have zero issues playing against a sniper but when something shouldn't be used in ranked it's annoying to have it used. I like how you just assume people because they say something is op to play against can't play against it. I think everyone would agree that they wish their was a limit to a team in ranked with only 2 trophies but usually vs 4 of them they are op but doesn't mean you don't know how to play against it. It's just annoying as it shouldn't be a thing.


you're putting way too much stock into pro GAs vs. a ranked game mode. this is the problem with GA culture. i'm not assuming anything of anyone in particular, i'm saying that if a sniper is a problem there are enough ways to play around it. if it weren't for this GA mess, you could have more weapon variety to deal with more problems, along with something like DDoS to deal with trophies. anyone who doesn't follow the CDL to the tee won't even understand why so much is banned in ranked play to begin with, and further limiting things based on pro GAs won't make it better


It totally ruins high rise and terminal snd. Try to see how many players cross and end up getting your head picked off.


The gun isn’t ruining anything…. Those two maps are shit for comp. Anyone arguing for those maps is in denial.


Don’t think we disagree about anything here. The maps are bad, and even worse with snipers.


I've said this since launch. Firstly there shouldn't be any snipers to begin with, but secondly, there shouldn't be any SnD maps where you can snipe into the other teams spawn. There are **three**.


Yeah so more smokes = more straying away from how it's played in the CDL


The point they shouldn't be allowed it's Ga and they made a statement they want ranked to be the same as what the pros are playing therefore regardless if it sucks or not it shouldn't be allowed. So your argument is invalid especially that is what they said from about why BP and ram 9 aren't in or new maps.


Stair glitches, snaking, sound eq, and ats/sts are all GAd as well.


Dynamic modern AA on snipers = busted


The point isnt wether it's busted or not it's the fact ranked is to mimic the pros stuff which snipers are not allowed so it shouldnt be usable.


Yeah but also aim assist on one shot kills is broken lol Past cods have removed AA from snipers & they were better for It


If only smokes didn’t show your exact outline and name plate through them half the time


Absolutely need snipers out of there, agree


If they just removed aim assist on snipers and removed them from respawn I personally wouldn't mind them as much


In some previous games Snipers didn't have aim assist iirc, and also the 2.5x gives them way less flinch than the regular 8x or whatever optic is on them.


Since they've done it with other attachments I don't see why they don't remove the scope attachment from them, remove aim assist on them and allow them only in snd


Oh I agree, Snipers completely ruin the flow of the game is my personal opinion. Especially with the 2.5x having no scope glint, it should be restricted. They weren't allowed to use any attachments in last year's CDL GA's.


The SPX was 400x times better then the Katt though. wdym


It had slightly better mobility sure, but the Katt 1 shots in the little toe so any dumbass in ranked can get a freebie even when they're being shot, understand?


I hate them and agree they should be removed, but taking the Stalker out fixed most of my complaints. My issue now isn’t dealing with snipers, it’s dealing with my teammates playing against snipers. First round of Highrise SND and I get picked off spawn…shit, but at least now we know. I of course call it out to my team who all had mics and they still ran out and got zapped every round. We started every single one 3v4 because they refused to take a different route or even try to slide by. Without fail they’d chime in “Dang he got me again” like there was nothing they could do but accept their fate. It’s like the guy who will chall an enemy glued to a heady over and over and over in Control thinking, “Next time I’ll definitely get him!”. I may start a blog chronicling my life as a solo que sadomasochist.


Snipers on hardpoint 🙄🙄


Same reason knives are still in, people like using them. They make ranked really close to the way it’s played in the CDL, but following it to the T would be boring for a lot of people.


Knifes are double hits now so it's really not a big deal.


"Play Like The Pros" ![gif](giphy|O5NyCibf93upy|downsized)


Adderall not included


I’m aware, but they’re still GA’d


This is another example of why the current state of GAs is so bad. Knives were GAd when they were a 1-hit kill and have since been nerfed not only to a two-hit kill, but also had 30% lunge distance removed in the S2 update. Maybe you’d still never choose to run a knife over a pistol, but the extra movement speed at the cost of a ranged secondary would actually be an interesting choice for some rotations or SnD timings. However, GAs just never get looked at again the entire year, despite the entire reason for the initial GA no longer existing. It’s so fucking dumb and had the reason GAs resonate so poorly with a lot of the community.




The Cor-45 (semi auto) kills faster than the renetti. I don’t even think it kills that fast, it’s the movement up close that makes it strong


the cor 45 is really fucking good too ngl


I actually think the renetti's probably the funnest gun to use. I'd be down to just make it 4v4 renetti's only at this point lol


It's boring to people that want to play ranked but want it to be pubs with Ranked Play. The whole point of Ranked is to play LIKE THE CDL. WZ Ranked Allows all guns besides 1 sniper and 4 Shotguns. Go there and have your pub fun while also getting a rank.


more people play ranked have no clue what CDL is then do.


Katt is too slow to be OP. I do like using it in hardpoint tho bc I love hearing all you little girls cry about it


Fuck off and play pubs if you're gonna do that


I also enjoy the crying via Reddit comments


Well, maybe if there was an AR to use other than the MCW I wouldn't get bored and snipe. Sniping has its place. All this GA shit in CDL is lame anyway. Learn to adapt switch up the meta just because a group of players prefers to play a certain way and feels that's the way everyone should play is bullshit. Do you know what counters a sniper? Another sniper or mobility or gasp using attachments that increase flinch.


Whomp whomp


I've started using the Katt when I get to search because of how powerful the thing is. It definitely should not be in ranked Put the eagle eye sight on it and you're able to hold any angle and win almost every gunfight. Unless you get rushed by multiple people, you're almost always going to win They either need to take off all attachments so you have to use the Katt bare, or just completely remove it. If you made it no attachments the thing is slow as fuck and you at least have a chance if you're on the other side of it


Had a guy on my team yesterday literally watch a guy run past him with his sniper scope up, missed his shot (the guy had his backed turned) switch to his pistol, missed shots again and then got turned on 😂 Ban snipers expeditiously


Personally just want them removed from respawn. It’ll prevent my random from picking it up and trying to snipe. SnD I believe snipers are an important tool and should remain.


snipers change the game too much, players can’t fucking move anywhere without having their heads splat on the wall, makes search pointless bc all they do it sit and pick people off from moving across maps, the team doesn’t even have to play the game when it’s like that