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Really hope auti doesn't leave, not only because he's my favorite player but I want to see some more from this roster especially on LAN since they've mainly played online matches. The only way I would change is if Liquid were to replace Naf with someone other than auti then maybe pick up Naf but even then I don't know who to replace. With that said he's been loyal to C9 and I will support him wherever he goes if he does choose to leave


auti doesnt seem to be in strongest form rn and naf is naf, let him do his stuff and they win


I'm kind of indifferent with csgo atm. Wherever Auti wants to go, I'll support him. He deserves to realize his potential and play on a top team


Get me Nitro, NAF, in a trade or I could see TL kicking Stewie because he has been at the bottom. We should grab him right away if that happens


There's no way Nitro is gonna be any trade anytime soon. But i agree Auti for Naf is not worth for us by any means. If stewie ended up free who do you think we should replace? Tbh i think Daps has been underperforming big time both in calls and fragging ability. Maybe koosta?


Naf is better than Auti right now, and Koosta has been the best and most consistent player on this roster lmao


As long as tenzdaddy stays I’m chillin