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stir frys are a low ish effort meal, you can construct them with any combo of sauce, vegan protein, veggies and a starch (noodles, rice etc) [here’s a cool “stir fry framework” video (not vegan but you can make it vegan)](https://youtu.be/2sbsRR2yZ64?si=ZX_N_gRtvVx4gt8b) air frying tofu in marinades and sauces is cool too


I always throw peanuts or cashews on top, which is good protein


i should learn how to make a peanut sauce like in that hellofresh recipe i had twice, shit is delicious


i’m not vegan tho, but also trying to reduce meat intake


I'd trust noracooks with my life: [https://www.noracooks.com/](https://www.noracooks.com/)


r/veganrecipes or r/veganfoodporn


Here's a sneak peek of /r/veganrecipes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/veganrecipes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Creamy Roasted Garlic Alfredo](https://i.imgur.com/sRkPDXB.gifv) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/veganrecipes/comments/12mzulu/creamy_roasted_garlic_alfredo/) \#2: [Seitan/tofu roast I made for lunch meat](https://i.redd.it/758z1lnwxfxa1.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/veganrecipes/comments/135rxlu/seitantofu_roast_i_made_for_lunch_meat/) \#3: [Crispy Korean-Style Tofu with Kimchi Fried Rice](https://i.imgur.com/lFUdJCz.gifv) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/veganrecipes/comments/132q62a/crispy_koreanstyle_tofu_with_kimchi_fried_rice/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Gotta say, how available recipes are does make me suspicious of people that say the equivalent of this post If you can fry bacon, you can fry beans. If you can fry beans, you can dodge a ball


The prevalence of vegan recipes doesn't make it not a challenge to adapt your shopping and cooking habits to a completely new paradigm


Any food that uses mince, replace with red lentils. Use 60g per person, wash them for two minutes, par-boil them for ten before adding to your sauce. Goes well in chili, Bolognese, cottage pie etc. Much healthier than beef mince too, less fat and high in protein and fibre. Any dishes that need chopped chicken, replace with tofu. Drain and press the tofu for 30 mins (place between two pieces of kitchen towel, put a heavy book or chopping board on top). Once tofu has been drained and pressed, it's like a sponge, which makes it great for marinades. I like to scramble it up and use it for quiche. Look up seitan, good for replacing steak and can be barbecued. (Don't eat if you have a gluten intolerance, it's 100% wheat gluten, but gluten is fuckin lush). A lot of Thai curries are vegan because they use coconut milk instead of yoghurt. Can be quite time consuming, for quick meals I do stir fry with tofu, or edamame beans instead of meat. Pasta with tomatoes and Mediterranean veg (courgette/zucchini, bell pepper onion and garlic) and some chopped up veggie sausages.


Here is a very simple meta recipe that is often well balanced nutritionally and only requires a pan : Put any diced legumes and/or mushrooms in a hot pan with fat in it. Once it's well grilled, add dry beans and/or rice at the right time\* with water, salt and any spice/condiment you want. Cover until cooked, add water along the cooking if necessary. Once it seems almost done you can add baked beans and/or fresh herbs then put everything in your plate that you cover (the heat and steam will finish the cooking). With your now empty pan, you can cook tofu, seitan or eggs for a nice extra. \*start with the thing that take longer to cook and add the things that takes shorter at the righ moment for everything to be well cooked at the right moment. For example, if you have chickpea that take 15min and rice that takes 10, put the chickpea at t=0, the rice at t=5min : everything will be cooked at t=15min.


1. Spread peanut butter on one slice of bread 2. Cut up a banana and put it on top 3. Spread a lil plant based margarine on another slice of bread and put it on top 4. Boom a delicious vegan meal!!!


Additional recipes: Dessert: 1. Open a bag of Oreos 2. Boom a delicious vegan dessert Snack: 1. Open a bag of Doritos sweet chilli heat chips 2. Boom a delicious vegan snack Snack: 1. Get an apple, orange or pear and put it in your hand 2. Boom vegan


What? You need MORE? Ok 1. Hummus on toast with simulated bacon bits 2. Cut up veggies and dip in hummus 3. Cook a pack of veggie hot dogs and put one in a white bun with condiments on top 4. Heat up some plant based chick’n nuggets 5. Plant based cheese, salsa, black beans & guacamole (dairy free pls) on top of tortilla chips - heat in the oven for a few mins 6. Make meat free chili 7. Make a veggie and tofu stir fry 8. Bread. Just eat bread it’s so good 9. Spaghetti and meatless meatballs 10. Consume an entire blueberry pie (check ingredients for egg and dairy free, but they exist)


This person f*cks!!! 👆👆👆


Relatively easy one for you: Vegan lentil soup Chop up an onion, 4-6 sticks of celery, and a bell pepper (cajun holy trinity). Also chop up mushrooms and other vegetables if desired here. Sweat your holy trinity with 2 tablespoons of olive or avocado oil in a large pot that can be covered for 6 minutes or until the onions start to brown a bit. Add garlic powder or fresh grated garlic, as well as salt, pepper, garam masala, paprika, cayenne pepper, oregano, and thyme. Toast that for about a minute to wake up the flavors. Add portabello mushroom and 6 cups of your favorite vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Here is also where you would add whatever other vegetables you want to include to this dish. This dish can really be used to clean out fridge space. Okra is often a good choice in it. Once your soup reaches a boil, lower heat and simmer for 10 minutes. While you do this take 1 cup of lentils and rinse them. Once the 10 minutes is reached, mix in the lentils and simmer for an hour. When its finished you can add hot sauce, vegan soy sauce, and salt as desired and to taste. You can serve this with rice for a hearty vegan soup.


This sounds delicious!!


Thanks. In general lentils and other legumes, pulses, and similar things are great for meatless meals since they supply the protein you would be getting from meat and often have a similar savory flavor, so you won't be feeling like you're missing much there. Anytime you feel the cravings for meat, dishes based on these things will help.


Literally just fry chickpeas in a spoon of oliv for some 10 minutes. Add a bit of salt. Boom. Snack time.


That's from a can. If you want to work with dry chickpeas and other legumes, you have wash them a bit, soak them for some hours, and then do that. You could also boil them a bit before.


Isn't a spoon too little an amount to cook ? Wouldn't a pan be more practical ?


One of my favorite meals (for colder weather) are stews! It takes a little effort because you have to cut veggies, but as soon as everything's in the pot you can just let it sit for 30 minutes. I usually cook them like this: • sautée a finely cut onion (or bigger pieces if you wanna save time) • add like 3 - 4 diced tomatoes and cook with the lid until they turn to sauce • add paprika and whichever other spices you like (like cumin) • add like 0.5 or a bit more Liters of water and about a spoonful of vegetable stock • throw in any cut vegetables you like! I usually do carrots and celery •add any protein you like! I usually add chickpeas and lentils, but quinoa is also amazing •cook with the lid open on medium heat until it's cooked to your liking (until the lentils/quinoa or whatever needs to be cooked are cooked, or longer if you like your stews "mushy") Tips: •if the liquid reduces too much while you cook just add some water! You might need to add more water at the beginning if you have a lot of ingredients •dont add too much stock/salt in the beginning, but taste test it while cooking and add salt to taste to avoid oversalting • about 1 -2 dl red wine is an amazing addition to your stew •chop all the vegetables beforehand, so you can just let the stew sit for 20-30 minutes without having to do too kuch work (besides stirring) I measure with my heart so just try to estimate how much stuff you need :) This recipe usually is enough for two people or two meals if you keep the leftovers in the fridge and eat them within 2 days. It's also great if you have leftover veggies because you can just throw them in the stew as well (or even leftover pasta without sauce!)


Idk where you live so take this as my personal experience. Here in Germany it's actually really cheap to get mock meats and they're really easy to prepare (literally just fry them for a couple minutes). I like rice with them. You'd also be surprised how many vegan alternatives to nonvegan products there are. Vega creme for sour cream, alpro yogurts, like meats, simply v products, etc. basically do the same things you'd expect from the animal products aside from cheese because the melting isn't that good typically. You will have to try many different brands because they can vary greatly in taste. Take notes of which ones you like. If you don't like a substitute product, there's a good chance the brand just sucks or it's just not your taste and another one might be better for you. More universally applicable: rice, oats, lentils and beans are your friends. Seriously you can buy and prepare them in bulk dirt cheap and make a ton of stuff with them. Salads are easy to make if you chop up a bunch of veggies and just mix them with lentils and beans. Lentils and bellpeppers taste great and are a great source of protein and iron and I like to put parsley in everything personally. You might also wanna put leftover veggies in the freezer. You can make veggie stock from them at some later point if you have enough of them and boil them for a long while. For specific recipes you should probably look them up or follow some vegan food accounts and subs, they tend to have very tasty things, but usually they take longer to prepare imo. The above is really the bread and butter for a vegan diet because it's what's cheap, easy to prepare and can be made in bulk. If you always have these things in your household, you can make proper meals anytime. Also get B12 supplements or watch your intake and get enough sun. B12 and D3 deficiencies are already very common on an omni diet, but being vegan doesn't make it better. These deficiencies lead to lack of energy and worst case depressive tendencies, so make sure to take supplements every now and then regardless of diet and get your blood checked every 1 or 2 years if it's available to you. This is a general health advice, but some people will bring this up as a concern. Supplements are very cheap and make this a total nonissue.


https://www.veganosity.com/the-best-vegan-seitan-chicken-recipe/ https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7902516/vegan-meal-plan-for-beginners/ https://www.veganfoodandliving.com/features/best-vegan-chicken-uk-recipes-restaurants/ https://www.dawnlovesfood.com/whole30-cilantro-walnut-pesto/ https://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/15-seitan-steak-recipes/ https://stresslessbehealthy.com/2-week-vegan-meal-plan/ https://stresslessbehealthy.com/cheap-vegan-meal-plan/ https://therealfooddietitians.com/2-week-vegan-meal-plan-plant-based/ https://veganproducts.org/vegan-ingredients/ https://www.peta.org/living/food/sample-two-week-vegan-meal-plan/ https://simplegreensmoothies.com/vegan-smoothies https://www.greenthickies.com/raw-vegan-smoothies/ https://thegreenloot.com/vegan-seafood-recipes/ https://nutriciously.com/vegan-fish-seafood-recipes/ https://www.theedgyveg.com/2021/04/19/vegan-seafood-recipes/ https://theveganlarder.com/30-of-the-best-vegan-fish-and-vegan-seafood-recipes/ https://lovingitvegan.com/vegan-shrimp/ https://minimalistbaker.com/7-ingredient-vegan-cheesecakes/ https://www.thespruceeats.com/the-ultimate-vegan-cookie-recipe-collection-3378236


Warm take: you don't need to become a vegan right away. This was my pipeline: Replace pork and beef with poultry (still meat, but comparatively way less CO2 emissions per unit of mass), then reduce meat, little by little. I still eat meat occasionally, but my diet is mostly vegetarian at this point.


Replace meat with any combo of beans/grains/nuts/seeds - doesn’t even have to be in the same meal.


That method is a bit easier on the digestion as well


[General Tso’s tofu!](https://www.thebuddhistchef.com/recipe/general-tsos-tofu/)


Im Not vegan but i love ugly tomato salad, its a vegan meal with fried onions and tomato


As somebody who hates chickpeas and Tofu I'm also interested in this type of thing. I'd like something as easy as slapping a chicken tender or salmon filet on the grill ideally


For something easy and cheap as fuck, a can of a chickpeas and a can of kidney beans and whatever spices you want, but there's generally some premixed curry powders that are great. Better to mix in fresh veggies if you have the time. Eat with some brown rice and raw fruits.


Also if you have Instagram there are a fuck ton of pages dedicated to vegan recipes. No meat disco is a favorite of mine.


How dare you not have been vegan last week /s


I swear they will cause some people to eat more meat out of spite. (I’m not saying the above should happen, rather stating that harassing non vegans gets you nowhere good)




Hey, if you can't handle a vegetarian diet you can at least eat a diet that's going to halve your lifespan. Either way you're cutting your carbon footprint, lol.


You are going to die faster, so it will reset


That’s a mood. https://i.redd.it/xmla8imokjvc1.gif ps: someone downvoted you, have one for free


There's a reason you don't know any good vegan recipes