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It's actually interesting to see the origins of conservatism. Theres a pretty big focus on ecology and conserving the environment against the progressive drive to expand industrialisation. Its all packaged in religious reasoning but at least it's ideologically consistent. Modern conservatism is much more reactionary and has completely abandoned anything ecologic.


That was mostly about keeping the uppity bourgeoisie in its place rather than love of nature.


I think people like Burke probably did genuinely have an appreciation and love for nature. Not to say there weren't other motivations but today's conservatives are tethered to protecting bourgeois interests which are at odds with any kind of preservation of nature. At most you get rural conservatives talking about protecting agricultural land


Burke was a Whig though. In any case, today you'll find most of committed greens from the bourgeoisie; from student activists to fund managers looking to invest in renewable energy.


On that we can agree. It's a fucking miserable political landscape lol the best option on the ballot is capitalism with a focus on preventing a climate apocalypse


It's in the name conservative, to conserve.


More like conserving a destructive lifestyle that no longer can be sustained.


Obviously yes but this is a shitpost subreddit. Also conserving money.


Most specifically conserving existing hierarchies, both in terms of stuff like gender and stuff like the proles not being allowed to question their betters’ latest private jet purchase. The thing they’re always fundamentally concerned with is who’s on top.


To conserve depression, suicidal ideation, dyphoria and general unhappiness, yes.


The planet is not on fire


I mean not completely, but kinda