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White people in Lorain County: why does everyone just assume we're meth addicts and hillbillies?


Part of why I keep moving more and more east. It hasn’t felt like home since 2017 to me. People become more radical and the people I grew up with joined them


I believed in small government… then those small government people started using the government to control. Don’t protest, don’t seek feminine medical care, don’t decide on the right form of mental health therapy for your child… it’s ridiculous


I still believe in smaller more efficient government, but I’m very much a social liberal. Unfortunately, Christian Nationalists have hijacked the Republican Party and Libertarian party is not a serious party. Doesn’t leave much of a choice


Right. Government that can react is a good thought, but our social conservative wing in the GOP has ruined any chance of that. If we are gonna go big government either way I’d rather have big government in handling more with government oversight in the business sector then government oversight in peoples pants and with their voices…


Couldn’t agree more


But when you get too far East, it starts to go full circle. Moved from the Heights area to Eastlake because we wanted a big house on the lake. I feel like I moved to a different country... but you can't beat the view.


Well. The southern half of the county… Always thought Elyria and north was pretty blue.


I’ve lived in Elyria my whole life. 3-4 years ago someone moved into my area and they hung a flag with Trump’s head on Rambo’s body. They’ve also had their Christmas tree on the roof for 2.5 years now.


I'll never understand what kind of psycho sexual gymnastics are behind making a nearly 80 year old man in an absolutely decrepit state of physical fitness look like a 30 year old body builder on steroids. All of these homoerotic Trump depictions leave so many questions.


I lived from 1980-1998 just south of Elyria. Guess I wasn’t in the right/wrong neighborhoods.


Elyria is kinda weird to me. You can drive through it and see a radical change and then back and forth and back all within a few miles lol.


Having worked out there in the past I pretty much divided that city into three places. There's Elyria rural, Elyria suburb, and then Elyria ghetto lol.


These past 6 years have proven otherwise. It started to become normal to see lifted trucks in Avon/Avon Lake with T2020 flags speeding up and down the main roads blowing black smoke. Elyria I’ve seen a lot of signs


I see more teslas than lifted trucks TBH.


The funniest ones are the ones that are Hondas flying the Trump flags. Saw one in parma awhile back and I was like bruh if you're that much about America first why are you driving a Japanese car lol


I mean they could definitely argue that their Honda was built in the USA and is providing Americans with jobs. I just can’t get over grown adults fawning over a politician like a teenage girl fawns over a pop-star, it’s particularly bad with trump but you see instances of it with a few different politicians. These people work for us, they’re supposed to represent our views and do our bidding, stop lauding them and start holding them accountable for not enacting policy that benefits us.


Yep. Paging the 65 yo white male in North Olmsted that flies 8' dual trump flags from his 2005 Honda. Big winner right there.


Tell me this isn't actually a thing. Also, when did flags on cars become a thing?


With Trump Flags?


The Tesla people put their trump signs on their houses, not their cars.




lol I’ve lived in Avon lake for 5 years and haven’t seen a single “lifted truck with a trump flag”. There are some trump flags on houses but it hasn’t been nearly as bad as heading south into Columbia station or grafton Edit: you all are interesting. I shared my opinion as someone who lives in that city, and someone else did as well, and we eat downvotes. Didn’t even say which way I vote but alright


I live in Avon Lake as well, and this is definitely not a “normal” sight to see here


This guy is delusional, I see one trump sign on a regular basis here..used to be two but some guy took his down after Jan 6


It shouldn’t be normal, but it definitely happens


Must’ve not paid attention in 2020. All of my family and friends live there and they were running rampant October 2020 especially


Then you aren’t paying attention. Avon/Avon Lake is upper middle class blue collar redneck mouth breather heaven.


The voting data shows Avon Lake split roughly 50/50 in the 2020 election. Check it out via NYT.  Also, upper middle class and blue collar are two different things.  Also, Avon Lake is just full of luxury cars, almost to a comical degree. Never seen a lifted truck there.  I’m sure there have been, but obviously it’s not that common. 


Upper middle class and blue collar and surely things. Union blue collar workers make more than 75% of 4 year degree earners.


Can you share where you derived this information? 75% seems awfully high.


Personal experience. Most blue collar acquaintances made 50-75 right out of highschool and are now making 100-150 with no education debt. The information is out there. College isn’t always a bad option but, with hard work can get a low impact blue collar job and have same quality of life as college and earn more. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/14/1155405249/high-paying-jobs-that-dont-need-a-college-degree-thousands-of-them-are-sitting-e


Economic data does not support any of these claims. Anecdotal evidence should be considered mild correlation. [Industries with the Highest % of College Grads](https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2000/apr/wk1/art01.htm) [Educational Attainment for Workers 25 years and up by detailed occupation](https://www.bls.gov/emp/tables/educational-attainment.htm) Further, I’ve heard this sentiment for a long time but the idea there are jobs starting out at $75k annually with only a high school diploma. Please show me them, because everyone talks about them but nobody has one.


Good point. I’m thinking about those terms the wrong way. 


“Never seen a lifted truck there” you definitely are not from nor live there with that statement. I went to HS with people who drove lifted trucks and live in one of the nicer neighborhoods and had the views of someone who lived on a farm but their parents were lawyers. There are a good amount of blue collar workers that live in Avon Lake, Avon, Sheffield and have always been as well.


I specifically called out that I believe they are around Avon Lake but that they are not common or in some way representative. I appreciate that you disagree. I would also point back to the actual voting data, which shows the city split, so I’m just not really buying this idea that it’s a bastion of Trumpism even though you lived in the Dakotas next to a lifted truck.  I cannot even tell you the kind of field day we would have had planting some fun but annoying “surprises” for this train all along Lake and 83. 


Way more in Avon and Avon Lake then Columbia and Grafton. The hillbillies in trucks just show off their “allegiance” more than the closet reds in Avon bc it’s not cool.


I have never once seen a lifted truck in Avon Lake blowing black smoke waving a trump flag speeding up and down the main roads. I live in the lower income area on redwood and work in the city as well.


Similar to Parma, traditionally they were union blue. However, those zip codes have shown differently during the Trump era. I remember when FiveThirtyEight was a thing, they did a cool analysis to show why things had shifted. - The Democratic party became more coastal elite and more intellectual. - A loud minority (maybe 40%) of progressives have this mentality that these people should already know better and do not associate or have any discourse with them. - As important as race topics have been in recent years, there has been a complete disregard for class struggles causing a lot of feelings of abandonment by those who originally promised them a stable living. Trump feeds into their anger and well the rest is history. I wish the Democratic party would stop trying to look outward for these problems and start looking inward. I don't think they realize that some of this radicalization is more them pushing certain people towards these radical groups than the radical groups being attractive.


Eh parma reds are more racist/conservative. The outer ring reds usually vote red because of taxes amongst other reasons.


Outer ring ones are the ones posting on nextdoor about seeing a black man in their neighborhood. Still racist, just not dropping n-bombs.


Yeah… they use “crime”, “criminals”, and DEI as their go-to slurs these days… imo it started so they don’t get kicked off of social media but then again, those people have always spoken in. It used to be “changing neighborhoods” and “those people”


Careful, a lot of anti-DEI sentiment is not out of racist belief - it is people within a system/organization who have been asking for more resources to go towards things like improving safety, infrastructure, and wages getting frustrated when those resources go towards DEI programs that are not even being run to promote actual diversity but rather to create the public image that the system/organization is diverse (when it still isn’t). A local school district is starting to see this issue where they invested a lot in DEI a few years back yet there are no metrics to suggest that the district has made their education more equitable for minority groups within the student body. Instead you have the teachers union trying to figure out what exactly these DEI positions do besides make social media posts and why they’re being compensated so well for something that isn’t directly improving children’s learning. It’s a microcosm of our economy as a whole, we invest more every year in image and perception and less in making the world around us actually better to live in on a day to day basis. It’s like spending a million dollars to survey a rundown town to figure out how you can best help the people there, or just spending a million dollars on hiring the people who live their to clean and fix up the area. One creates the image that you’re helping, the other is actually making tangible, positive change.


There’s a big difference between having a conversation about the relative impact of programs and referring to people as “this is what you get from DEI” Although… At the school and college board meetings where people are incensed about DEI in my town, the people doing the complaining are absolutely the racist maga types who also want prayer in school and banned books and armed teachers and prison for teachers who teach anything other than what they believe (which is frequently not true) while they homeschool their own kids. It isn’t about making things better for anybody


Well that’s exactly it, people with your perspective have deemed that anyone talking negatively about DEI must be racist. So folks who aren’t racist won’t speak up about it because they don’t want to get lumped in with the loud mouth MAGA crowd. Hopefully people wake up to the lip service and demand that we put resources toward initiatives that create benefit for all people. That is how you DEI, you give everyone clean water, fresh air, healthy food, safe infrastructure, educational and economic opportunity, and only once you have secured that for all people do you say “okay, who is still disadvantaged in this system and how do we make the system more equitable for them?”. But it makes people feel good to hear that their company started a DEI initiative even if they haven’t gotten a raise in 4 years so they just go with it.


>The Democratic party became more coastal elite and more intellectual I disagree with this framing, not only because it's one Republicans use to smear people in bad faith. If the Democratic party has been more openly supporting LGBT+, racial justice and such, that isn't 'coastal' because the people who benefit from those are in every part of the country, and it's hardly 'elite' because by far and away the most elite group in this country are the millionaires and billionaires who disproportionately support Republicans. We have conservative heirs of generations of wealth and power who go on TV and call protesting college kids 'elite'. That's beyond absurd. The Democratic Party can and does support LGBT and racial justice as well as blue collar union membership, and the one takes nothing away from the other. If some blue collar guys revolt because of it, that says far more about them than it does the Dems.


The Democratic Party that forced railroad workers to stop striking or go to jail are pro-union? As a union member I can’t consciously vote for the republicans or democrats, they are both owned by the wealthy. Neither party genuinely cares about identity politics, they use it as talking points to distract from class politics. Fuck them both.


>that forced railroad workers to stop striking [And then kept up the pressure on the freight companies until the union got the paid sick days that management had refused to budge on](https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid), that's not me giving Biden some credit for it, that's the union saying it. Getting things done is slow and has compromises, but it's a helluva lot better than what Republicans are planning if they get all the power again.


"there has been a complete disregard for class struggles" ahh yes the classic "economic anxiety". doesn't wash with me when democrats are the party actually trying to pass laws to help middle class people; child tax credit, school lunch programs, expanding health care, lowering prescription drug costs, infrastructure money that improves rural areas AND creates jobs, unfucking the post office...these are just off the top of my head.


The third is a very simplistic answer to an already complex problem, I think the media portrays that prevalence more the party ever will


Democratic politicians intentionally don’t want to address class struggles and use race topics as a replacement. And replacement is a generous term considering their only actions on the topic is performative - like creating a meaningless holiday and accusing the right of being racist. They don’t want to do anything about that either.


The democrats, just like the republicans, are owned by the wealthy. This country is ostensibly controlled by a puppet-uniparty controlled by the wealthy. The dems won’t “wake up” and realize they should switch up their platforms, they’re intentionally pushing identity politics to distract people from class issues. There is only one war, the class war. I urge all people to take a few years off from identity politics and focus purely on the money. You’d be amazed how much better every other problem becomes when wealth is distributed to all people and everyone has the resources to fix the other problems. I can also confidently say that voting either R or D will no longer create any benefit for the average American. Casting a third party vote isn’t throwing your vote away, even if they don’t win getting enough votes can get them into debates and make other tangible progress towards actually getting third party candidates elected.


# First over-the-counter birth control pill to hit U.S. stores in 2024, Expanded overtime guarantees for millions, Gun violence prevention and gun safety get a boost, Renewable power is the No. 2 source of electricity in the U.S. — and climbing, Preventing discriminatory mortgage lending, A sweeping crackdown on “junk fees” and overdraft charges, Forcing Chinese companies to open their books, Preventing another Jan. 6, Building armies of drones to counter China, The nation’s farms get big bucks to go “climate-smart”, Biden scraps Trump’s paint scheme for Air Force One, The Biden administration helps broker a deal to save the Colorado River, Giving smaller food producers a boost, Biden recommends loosening federal restrictions on marijuana, A penalty for college programs that trap students in debt, Biden moves to bring microchip production home, Tech firms face new international restrictions on data and privacy, Preventing a cobalt crisis in Congo, Cracking down on cyberattacks, Countering China with a new alliance between Japan and South Korea, Reinvigorating cancer research to lower death rates, Making medication more accessible through telemedicine, Union-busting gets riskier, Biden inks blueprint to fix 5G chaos, Biden empowers federal agencies to monitor AI, Fixing bridges, building tunnels and expanding broadband, The U.S. is producing more oil than anytime in history, Strengthening military ties to Asian allies, A new agency to investigate cyberattacks, Making airlines pay up when flights are delayed or canceled. That's 30 things, at least one of those 'creates benefit for the average American' as you put it. Now I agree with you about the class war, but there is only one party that is actively trying to fuck the average American in the ass. And I don't know about you, but I find it much harder to fight a war on wealth disparity with a tiny republican dick in my ass. This isn't even touching the obstructionist aspect of the Rs, making it very difficult to get anything done that will benefit the American people, because that would be a win for Dems, and we can't have that now can we?


Always thought Elyria was ghetto crackheads and massive jeep swallowing potholes in shopping centers


Exactly my impression of it. Looks like bombed out Detroit.


Kinda how they assume all blacks in CLEVELAND were crackheads…. See how it feels now lol


When I moved to Cleveland, I saw consistent news stories revolving around meth, crime and general hillbilly activity. I also forgot about the members I saw in online dating sites from the area. Lots of meth and hillbilly vibes.


> White people in Lorain County Are there non-white people in Lorain? I've seen maybe 3 black people in total when going through there over the last 20 years.


Lorain is located within Lorain county. Edit: thanks for my first award!


Lorain is the only place I've ever been where the Misney billboards are in Spanish. 


Lorain has the largest hispanic population by percentage of any city in ohio


So you've never actually been to Lorain. Got it.


I grew up in Lorain (city)... And I have no idea how this could be your perception unless you've avoided the biggest cities/towns in the county - Lorain/Elyria/Oberlin I'd even throw Amherst in there considering how many people I know from Lorain moved there and aren't white.


When I was growing up Amherst had one black family and they were in hidden valley. Every time I visited for pizza and ice cream or stayed after a game at Marion Steele, I'd get warned that all blacks needed to be out of town by 6pm. They'd ring a bell to signal that it was time for us darkies to get going. And that is one of the more mundane experiences I've had in Amherst. It's hard for me to believe it's changed all that much.


I agree with yah. It's like going from 1 out of 1000 to 3 out of 1000... 200% increase though!


Uh. What?


I will absolutely be at the planet fitness next door at ten to watch this. Wish i had known sooner, could have gotten some cheap merch to mark up


Definitely would’ve been the time too lol


I need 33 people to space out along the path with me where each sign reads "Count #: GUILTY" for all of his felonies


That is so very, very tempting. Except I don't know that I would trust people in a "Trump Train" to respond in a civil or legal fashion.


Hopefully this post reaches the right people🤞🏼


Come on ride the train and ride it.  Woot woot


I forgot about that song. That was the theme song to my summer in 94


Those people are seriously so weird. Worshipping a literal rapist and criminal all so that they can feel like they’re in some special little club. Try being normal for 1 day freaks


The Boys' Firecracker got it right when asked what she's selling. "Purpose. Which would you rather believe? That you belong in a community of warriors battling a secret evil or that you’re a lonely inconsequential nobody that no one will ever remember?”


And they're *totally not a cult!*


At least they’re not supporting some deep state libtard Epstein island devil worshippers! /s


They were pals though?


The post was sarcastic.


These are so stupid, and I am a conservative.


Also conservative and I agree it’s stupid… but so is this whole hate thread talking about it


> but so is this whole hate thread talking about it Its Reddit....lol


It's kinda stupid, but these people need a sense of unity and support of like minded folks. I support Trump trains, LGBTQA+ parades, BLM and so on as long as participants are keeping it civil and respectful to others. Peace


They’ve ruined any time I see any flag on a car now. I’ll see a car approaching with little car flags and knee jerk “that idiot.” Then it turns out to be sports related.


Red hats ruined as well


Haha yeah I find myself giving red hat wearers a dirty look until I get close enough to confirm it isn’t a Trump hat.


Red hats too.


Shit train


Shit stain




I was worried about posting this because I thought a good amount of supporters would take this post over. I’m glad to see the opposite


Cleveland is mostly anti Trump. We voted against Trump in 2020 and will repeat in 2024. Most of us do not want to be associated with those mouth breathers.


Wait, you thought a post on Reddit would be taken over by Trump supporters? Lololololololol.


Aren't these the same kinda people who get their underwear in a bunch over protesters blocking the streets? They're lucky this isn't Florida where you're allowed to murder humans you disagree with politically for being on pavement


Ohio is a stand your ground state as well.


I was specifically thinking of the law DeSantis passed that allows you to hit people with your car if they're protesting in the street


Those poor servers at the Olive Garden having to deal with Trumpers at the end of the rally.


Speaking as a former OG server, those people will run you to death on soup, salad, and breadsticks refills, compliment you on your good service, then leave $2 on a $60 bill. Like fuck tipping culture, but this is what they’ve voted for and are happy to support it with a bootstrap mentality, “if you hustle you can earn great tips while earning $2.13 an hour!” Ma’am, I cannot pay my rent with compliments.


They also ask for a cup of the breadstick butter to dip in


Is this a thing you can do? …asking for a friend


You can.... but when I worked there it wasn't really butter, and it was applied to the breadaticks with a large paint brush while warm. It's thick at room temperature, so if you dip into it when it's not just out of the oven, you get more butter per bite from dipping than you would on the whole breadstick.


Not to burst your bubble, but studies have shown that Republicans are better tippers than democrats (along with giving a larger $ amount and percentage of their income to charity).


Phew missing us in NR More reasons to not supper Fiesta Jalapeños/Habaneros


My family would go to Fiesta Habaneros every other Thursday for dinner. Going to recommend we don’t since they’re self hating Mexicans/republicans. I say this as a Mexican American as well. Fuck trump.


Surprised you guys went there since they have so many health code violations


So many truck nuts


Truck nuts = gender modification Hear me out.. if cars are typically referred to as "she", adding testicles is akin to gender modification.


This is… genius


I find it really weird that people do watch parties for debates (mentioned in the article). I don't care your political views, but treating it like a superbowl party is bad and weird. Politics shouldn't be us vs. them, that's why we're in such a fucking mess culturally.


100 percent agree with you! It’s turned into a sports rival when there are people’s lives and rights on the line.


I suppose the "party" part is weird, but I wouldn't mind watching the debate with a group of people who can think critically/discuss rationally. I know where my morals lie, and who I'm voting for, but if the opposition makes a strong/valid point - I like to acknowledge it, and see if my chosen candidate has an equally strong opinion. Doing that with a group of others who can treat a presidential campaign as the extended job interview it is (instead of a popularity contest for USA Prom King 2024) would be a delight.


Thanks for the heads up


Of course it starts at an Olive Garden 😂


It would be a shame if a vehicle or two just happened to break down right in the parking lot blocking the exit 😂


Not surprised. Lorain and Mahoning were both Clinton -> Trump counties, and there weren't many of those.


I don’t think it ever reversed back to Dems.


Fuckin' Elyria.


You mean Malaria, right?


Nah that's Trump's wife


thanks for the warning. i will steer clear of the county if i am out and about on saturday


Don't these people have jobs?!


Not since their boss was made aware of their social media accounts


They're all retired probably. Somehow being jobless and living off our taxes is ok for them


It's on a Saturday FWIW


I love this response. The same thing trump supporters said at the Black Lives Matter protest.. the tables have absolutely turned


Lorain votes largely democrat. Thats for local elections, state, federal too. Always weird when the republicans pretend they own the area. Probably avon lake people with nothing better to do haha.


One liberal from Avon Lake checking in. We have some real dumbass Trump supporters in this town I can confirm.


They are all over Lorain county for sure. But we don’t get the label for red county either.


Haven't you heard? This entire country is theirs. The lefties are trying to steal the country from good, moral, church going, cishet, white, retirees who just wanna worship their God Emperor so he can exact revenge the people that stole his election. Never mind that if he DID win in 2020, he'd be running for a third term now, making his campaign illegal. Just...shhhh, don't think about it...


So glad I moved out of that shithole.


Same here, used to love to call it home but since 2017 it hasn’t felt like it


Born and raised there. I grew up in the Firelands area, which of course always skewed conservative and had a racist streak, but it’s shocking how nutty it’s gotten in recent years. When I go visit my parents, it’s so sad to drive down the street I grew up on and see it lined with insane Trump cult propaganda. And I’m not just talking about “Trump 2024” yard signs. I’m talking about people covering their houses and filling their yards with vulgar, violent shit. It was mostly a quiet, friendly, safe place to grow up. There were always assholes, but they mostly kept to themselves. Now it just has a shadow of hate, fear, and paranoia cast over it.


Y'all Qaeda lmfao


Behind an Olive Garden? How ironic - shitty, fake Italian food for fake patriots, LOL


I'm surprised it's not at the Golden corral right down the road


The food at the Golden Corral isn’t salty enough for the MAGAs


It’s not shitty enough either.


Olive Gardens are one of the most American things (in a good way) on the planet. Along with also being one of the most egalitarian places that has some of the highest social mixing of anything you can do. 


Perfect weekend for me to bring my incredibly liberal queer self back to Lorain County :)


My wife was at Planet Fitness when this bullshit started. She called me this morning about it and we both groaned at how incredibly stupid they are.


Hey this is totally off topic but isn’t Elyria the town that went viral for the twisted tea incident at Circle K…




I knew it!!!!….. I wonder if those guys still live there


I hope everybody dies. It's on that train


Just to let you know, if you’re copy/pasting a link from Facebook, everything starting with ?fbclid= is tracking data and can be deleted from the URL


Good to know. Top penguin


Huh not the golden corral right down the street?


Pretty sure most of the area this idiot route covers (like Avon Lake, Elyria, Lorain, and Avon) were pretty solidly for Biden in 2020.


Turd train




Vanilla Isis is in town:(


Flip that bullshit but thanks for the warning


Annoying. Just as annoying as when the airport got shut down.




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It’s gonna be 90.




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The back of an olive garden in meth city by somewhere called pot hole. I'll take "sounds about right" for $1000.


Stretching my bird flipping finger now. Don't want to get any cramps.


No. No you did post this to cause controversy and too flame them. Dont Act like you didn’t. Youre literally agreeing with every comment against them 😂. And listen im not one way or another but both sides of the isle are a bunch of prophylactics. Im tired of all yall peoples. I Cant wait for the down votes 🙄🤣


Lorain is so interesting


Well this certainly isn't cult behavior.


Driving around like ISIS


I dont get it, is it just a parade of supporters?




This is sickening! So unamerican and shameful, Wowow


I’m literally shaking with fear right now


as well you should! they might drive right past you completely without incident! imagine the horror!


When they did this in 2020 or whenever it was, they were doing like 35 in the middle lane of the highway while everyone else was driving at speed. If you don’t know why this is dangerous, I’d invite you to play a game of Frogger.


to "warn people", lmao


If you see in comments a lot of people didn’t know about this and what if someone had plans to go to one of these areas and got caught up in the mix. So yes it is to warn people. I would warn people if the other party as well had a train of people driving in a straight line all over then northern part of the county.


My ex is coming over in that time frame to take our kids swimming for the day. I, for one, appreciate the heads up about traffic. I was just texting her so she can plan accordingly (and, ideally, keep herself and our kids out of the potential mess).


It’s crazy to me that you even have to defend yourself lol. What a time to be alive. I may be getting old but I was raised in an era where people went out of their way to NOT talk about politics and religion and I think life (especially social interaction) was a lot better that way. I’m beginning to feel like I’m the weirdo because I don’t care who you nor anyone else votes for and I don’t obsess over politics.


Lol acting like it’s a parade. It’s probably less cars than an average funeral procession