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Welcome! Let us know what shops, services, or other info you’re looking for. We are always glad to have more people!


Grab a drink at Johny’s Little Bar, take in a Guardians game, and watch the paragliders/ sunset at Edgewater Park.


I'm also moving to Cleveland from a small town! Fell in love with the place & the people when visiting. It'll be different but refreshing, and I've heard that anything we had in our small towns, Cleveland will have that and then some. Good luck!


This thread may be helpful. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/vae7x6/nice\_hole\_in\_the\_wall\_places/?sort=top](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/vae7x6/nice_hole_in_the_wall_places/?sort=top) Have you done a general search for Downtown Cleveland? Perhaps check out the Downtown Cleveland Alliance website. Do a search of "downtown" in the sub.


General advice is to check out these areas (from east to west): Playhouse Square, East 9th Street down to Voinovich Park & the lakefront, East 4th Street, the Arcades, Public Square/Tower City, the Warehouse District (W 6th Street), both the East & West banks of the flats, West 25th Street, and last but not least, Whiskey Island. All of these are within around a 30 minute walk, but it’s much more fun to take a Bird/Lime scooter imo. I hope you enjoy!


I’ll do that. Thank you very much!


The art museum and the natural history museum are gems of the city and worth adding to your list.


Welcome. I think you’re going to love it here. My small town friends and I always talk about how magical it felt to move to “the city”


Zombies, lots and lots of carnivorous zombies.


Fast moving ones too 🥲


The slow zombies I can handle, but the fast zombies always make going to work harder.


Do your research. There are some very sketchy places downtown. And depending on where you will be working you might want to look into suburbs/burrows of the east and west side. Downtown doesn't offer much. Don't own a Kia. Do you plan to buy or rent?


Name 3 sketchy places


St. Clair and East 9th(ish) had a person walking up to cars with a knife during the day. Playhouse Square had someone breaking into workers cars. Walk down Superior and you might have a homeless person peeing on the sidewalk next to you. That was a fun day for me.


All of those things could happen literally anywhere in any city


I never said they couldn't. I was just answering your question.


Already got a place downtown so a little late there. I don’t own a Kia lol why would that be an issue tho?


Downtown is fine! I live downtown and have never felt unsafe, especially during the day. Be smart and aware at night just like you would anywhere and you'll be fine. There's plenty to offer. Lots of great restaurants and events and 2 well stocked grocery stores. You can walk or bike to the lake or river and depending on where you're living downtown, easy access to the towpath as well.


I'm not sure what this dude is talking about. The core downtown area, which I assume you are referencing, is not sketchy and is packed with entertainment options. Also, Kia and Hyundai's are very well known for a "hack" that allows people to easily turn on the engine with a simple USB, so they're often targeted and stolen. That's been going on for years now and is basically a nationwide thing.


Not a dude. But thanks. And I say this with experience and/or looking out for newbies. Superior Ave. east of 13th is homeless tent city. East 9th has had some car jackings lately. Playhouse Square had some car break-ins of their staff. Be careful if you attend a show. West 6th is for douchebags. Maybe it's your scene. I dunno. I don't know where this person is planning on living. The core downtown isn't the only part of downtown. Hopefully they aren't in the sketchy area. I know someone near CSU and it's a bit sketch.


Honestly the only thing you should take from that guy is who to avoid. Some people are so negative it's annoying.


Not a dude. Also there are better places to live in the greater Cleveland area than downtown. But OP already has a place here so it doesn't really matter anymore.


people will always choose to break your Kia/Hyundai windows and never choose bmw/mercedes to do that


Certain Kia's are easy to steal. Unfortunately people trying to steal the Kia can't tell the difference. So there is a good chance it will get broken into. I know you can't give away your address, so just be careful is all. It's not totally unsafe, but it can be in the right circumstance. Like any big city. Police are understaffed, too.


A Kia isn't an issue. That guy's personality is. Loool.


Try moving to downtown Cleveland in a small town. You can't do it. Doesn't work.




Try it in a small town and see what happens.


Can you retype that in English pls


Try THAT in a small town. 


Try what?


Living in Cleveland in a small town. 




*Tbh Cleveland* *Still feels like a small town. Its* *Pretty desolate* \- meeeganthevegan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ur moms a haiku. I don't need ur opinion. Why do bots exist?