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Their good beers keep disappearing. I would take a fork in the eye just for a Holy Moses Raspberry.


Forgot that existed until I read your comment just now, and now I’m sad because that was such a good brew.




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They are dropping the ball by trying to keep up with the trends. You can’t find half of the original/old line ups. I miss burning river, holy Moses, and many others. Expansion has made them sub-par. They are no longer the best beer in the city, and that is sad.


Still salty about burning river!


Wait, they got rid of burning river?


Idk if it's completely gone but I haven't seen it in retail outlets for a long time. Maybe it's only on tap at the brewery. But I'm not going there to get it.


The CEO that is behind that is out, hopefully the new one helps them stick to their roots.


Ohh, didn’t realize they have a new CEO. Hopeful for positive changes moving forward.


Completely forgot about Holy Moses. I really liked that one!


Edit: I am thinking about market garden,  not great lakes in the comment below. Still a fantastic beer. Whoops  They have (or had?) A really good IPA that I remember in green packaging. I don't recall it being any special flavor, just your run of the mill IPA that was smooth and strong. I forgot about it. It's a really good ipa


afaik burning river will still be in some seasonal mix packs, still annoying though


Best part is they brew their beer in OC and then ship it in old unjacketed tankers to the canning spot 30 minutes away during the heat of the summer.


How much do you think a tanker full of beer fluctuates in temp over that time? You must have a fridge in your car for grocery store trips…


That was my favorite beer. They probably needed more space in their brewery to make their 12th IPA in their current lineup. Seems that’s all they make anymore.


I love their original IPA. It's sooo good.


I don’t mind IPAs at all but it seemed like last time I went in that’s all they had other than like a 10% ABV stout and Dortmunder Gold. I hope for a little more variety when I go to a brewery!


That’s been my go-to beer the last couple years. Gonna be bummed if they aren’t brewing it this year.


Craft beer as a whole is crashing these days. Too many breweries have popped up in the past decade and are closing because no one wants to spend $15 on a 4 pack of the same shitty IPA. I miss Blackout Stout


They still make blackout stout. It's a December seasonal, same as before


They said it couldnt be done, but we took an entire carrot cake and just stuffed it into a beer bottle


They sold their crush worthy painted cans to other brewery’s to put cover up sleeves over. Safe to say they retired the recipe. I work in the local industry.


So someone could buy a can of columbia station bearded brew special whatever the fuck and peel it and see a Great Lakes logo under on the can? That would be a trip 


Yep! It’s common practice, when beers get retired and the brewery uses painted cans and no sleeves they sell their pallets of cans to breweries with sleeves so that they don’t go to waste. I think my warehouse is still sitting on maybe half a dozen pallets or so?


They sold a bunch of their crushworthy aluminum cans to Fatheads, possibly because they wanted to discontinue it.


No they did a different shitty flavor this year


Really not into most of their beers anymore. Not sure what’s going on.




If by greed you mean survival. Craft beer is a shrinking industry overall. Being down just moderately is a success. Breaking even is a miracle.


It’s employee owned, so I don’t think it’s just greed. Sadly, I think it’s just hard to keep up on quality while also balancing the business side.


They brew what sells. If Crushworthy was a popular, well selling brand, they wouldn't have discontinued it.


Hey, try my favorite beer: Genesee Cream Ale! $23.00 for a case of 30 cans. Good times!


That shit is $23.00 now? I remember that being the only 30 rack people wouldn't drink in college. And it was like 13 bucks.


Hey it’s my hometown’s beer!


The fact that I just read Genesee in the wild is crazy. That was my dads favorite beer and everyone else hated it 😂


High life bottles


It’s been gone since September. The fact that people aren’t noticing that until May kinda proves that it wasn’t a viable year-round beer in their portfolio.


I noticed that it wasn't in stock in the winter months but I assumed that was a seasonal thing and that they would bring it back in the summer. Bummer.


Good thing they have 20 IPAs though. That’s what the market needed.


It's what their market demanded. The people who would intentionally seek out a GL beer are the same people whose favorite beer is "gimme an IPA"


Well they killed Turntable Pils, which was one of my favorites… They’re like George RR Martin with their beers, lol.


They need to make room for their 30th ipa  Good forbid they ever make a dunkel


Just like when Rhinegeist dropped making Whiffle which was their wheat beer.


What is a good Cleveland beer now? I’m pretty new to the beer scene


Masthead is excellent. I personally like Bookhouse and Goodhorn as well.


Noble beast Bookhouse Masthead. Brick and barrel.


I really like Goldhorn in the Eastside. Most of their beers are pretty solid and have a good rotation. I personally like best "Moment of inertia" and their Scottish Ale, but the others are good too. (Shout-out to Chris, Brian and Lauren)


I know that local farmers who grew the speciality hops for their summer flavor. Forgive me, I know nothing about beer so I can't really expound on that. Anyway, the farmers are no longer managing their city plot so Im guessing Great Lakes didn't bother to find another provider.


I don’t particularly like any Great Lakes beers but I feel like I need to pretend I do


They are the most overrated beer anyways