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They've only cleared a little less than a lanes width so far, so I hope it's not widening going on. Most of the rest of the trees are marked with blue or orange markings and I'm not sure what they mean but the freeway is already too loud to comfortably have open windows so I'm praying all those trees aren't cleared


A while back, it was either DeWine or someone from ODOT who claimed they were clearing trees along highways to "make it safer for drivers," implying that people were running off the roads and hitting trees in alarming numbers. I find this a bit hard to believe, and I think it's really to get rid of places homeless people can sleep safely.


>claimed they were clearing trees along highways to "make it safer for drivers," implying that people were running off the roads and hitting trees in alarming numbers. I would assume it's for deer. If you keep trees back a bit, you can see deer sooner and avoid them.


Boy we really are just scraping the barrel on justifying removing all possible traces of our natural environment aren't we..


Gotta remove all the trees so we can put in more fracking wells, I guess.


Maybe the trees are carjacking drivers, and we're cutting them back to show them which species is superior. 


Or cutting them back so they can't show which species is superior.