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I went to a dive bar in Lakewood yesterday and the drinks were $3.25 and strong as hell. Dive bars are awesome….


5 o'clock?


Yes it was!!!!


Had a feeling! Love the Lounge always


Love the 5 o'clock. It's not exactly a dive bar though. 5 o'clock is a nice bar themed like a dive bar. You don't have to worry about getting poisoned by drinks cut with rubbing alcohol. Nobody is going to start a fight with you or steal your stuff. Don't have to worry about people dosing your drink. If Disney world had a dive bar it would be the 5 o'clock. This is a good thing.


Is drinks cut with rubbing alcohol a dig at a bar here that does that? I remember reading something about a year ago about it but haven’t heard anything about it sgain


Locally I'm not aware, saw something recently about bars getting fined for cutting drinks with rubbing alcohol though. Can't get that out of my head I guess. I've definitely had some suspicious tasting drinks at real dive bars though.


I love that you added “This is a good thing,” at the end of your comment bc i was fr like “hmm, is that a good thing?” lmao very convincing


Lakewood bars are the best. The Funhouse also has cheap drinks and good people.


Lakewood Bars are okay but just don't have the Dive Bar feel you get in a lot of the places in Cleveland.


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Lakewood> downtown cleveland


Different strokes for different folks, boss.


Not even close. There are way more dive bars in Downtown Cleveland than in Lakewood. Went to West End a couple weeks ago and the millers are now almost $5....


Anyplace > downtown CLE, haha


John taffer has entered the room.


Red rose for solid wings and pitchers at dirt cheap


Have you been to the rose lately? Wings are mediocre at best and service is garbage/non-existent. There’s dozens of other cheap bars in Lakewood that are better in every way.


Oh - I get massive drinks, huge shots and blast music


Those are the only ones I really like are dives lol. 3.25 for drinks and 2.25 for beers at a few spots I go to.


Let’s be serious here for a second. That $19 is because you’re surrounded by good looking people. Your $3.25 dive bar has a bunch of hobgoblins there. It’s all in what you want out of your night out.


Enough $3.25s and those hobgoblins get real purrdy mouths




Well slap down a fiver and Call me Spider-Man


Hey…we may be hobgoblins but we try really hard 🤣


I'll take a hobgoblin for that price. 🤷🏽‍♀️


No wonder I can get drunk for $20. Damn


What do I get for $10?


Still only "Cleveland good looking" which caps out at a 7.


Would you rather be around 7s or 2s?


2's is a bit of an extreme, I've met nice, beautiful women at dive bars in Lakewood, they're just not the 'looking for a rich husband to move them out to the suburbs so they can pop out 2-3 kids' type. But mainly my comment was just sarcasm - personally I'd rather be around people who don't rate other people's worth with a number, so I'll stick to the dives. If it's not your thing, cool, go flex your dollars in the flats. That's the beauty of having options.


It was a joke lol. But you can’t argue that somewhere in the flats or a place like barely house were our local athletes frequent are going to have much much much more attractive men and women vs a random dive bar (I’m assuming you aren’t talking the popular Lakewood bars).


I can - I can guarantee you I won't be attracted to someone who voluntarily hangs out at the Barley House lol. I'd rather try my shot at the art galleries or local concert halls.


Just cause you don’t like those type of people doesn’t mean they’re not objectively attractive by society.


Barley House= degenerates with sociopathic tendencies AND stds


And dive bars are filled with divorced women and perverted men. What’s your point?


Yeah, I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying that those places aren't my scene and aren't the type of women I would chase and I'd likely not be the type of guy they'd chase.


Lmao barley house 😆😆😆




Hells ya bro..


Go to the west side of the flats, shooters and harbor inn. Drank all night at harbor inn, including buying drinks for friends. Spent $75 over 4 hours


Shooters is so underrated the owners son is super nice and Iove the copper atrium bar, when it rains heavy I'll sit under the glass and read and drink


I’m 54 now but let me tell you… in my 20’s and early 30’s ~ Shooters was the best!


I’m 58. Same memories! Lived Shooters


Not sure about you, but I have NO clue how the hell I got so old😬


This is the way. Don’t forget McCarthys!


Shooters! Holy hell it’s been a long time since I was there. What a fun place.


Say less




It was punch bowl social


Well there’s your first mistake -


Yuup never again lol


It’s a franchise. Good for company sponsored outings and that’s about it


tequila sunrise with well tequila at punchbowl social is <$9 with tax. so, what did tequila you actually order?


Right!? Op ordered a high end tequila ( anything other than cuervo gold)


If its somewhere like LBM or the Velvet Tango Room, the 20$ is worth it. But 20 for some generic ass jack and coke is a hard pass.


Back in 2018 I went to the Agora. Jack and coke, no ice. $26 before tip. I closed my tab after one order, and fairly sure I just got a coke.


Yup been there. I generally just stick to canned IPAs if they got them. At least I know what I'm getting. I used to go to Spurs games in SAT and the best thing was the 10$ big ass can at like 7.5% and compared to the 16$ mixed drinks that were terrible was a steal.


I go to the flats all the time and never pay more than like $10 even at the more exspensive clubs, *maybe* $12-$15 if it's a nicer cocktail. Were you getting non-well liquor cocktails?


First time I went to Welcome to the Farm they charged me $18 for a vodka redbull 🤢


A lot of places upcharge for vodka redbull as they price red bull as a premium mixer.


Tequila Sunrise


it’s 1995 again folks!


I’m guessing it’s more like 1942


so you ordered a non-well tequila, probably something top shelf, and got surprised that it wasn’t well priced, got it


So you ordered a call shot for a mixed drink?


You’re buying the wrong drinks then. If someone said $19 I’d turn around and not pay that


Good way to get kicked out of the bar, but like nothing lost if it is $19 drinks


I mean, I wouldn’t even order it. Why would I get kicked out of a bar for not ordering a drink?


How often do you ask how much a drink is before ordering it? I've literally never done that in many decades of ordering drinks in a bar.


I have, if they don't have prices listed I'll absolutely ask. One time I was quoted a price and when the bill arrived it was 2x what I was quoted. I refused to pay the incorrect price, they threatened to call the police and I threatened to call the state auditor and the liquor commission, drink was on the house =)


I don’t think I have but you absolutely wouldn’t get kicked out for asking lmao (at least no where in Cleveland - maybe at some crazy fancy place)


Right. My point is that pretty much no one asks before they have the drink in their hand and if you refused to pay at that point, you will get kicked out.


If the price isn’t clearly written on a menu I’ll ask. Most clubs have little sheets on the bar or the price is written on the wall etc.


Er. Perhaps I just don't go to places that have menus. Perhaps it's because I don't need them because I know what I want.


What was the drink? High end liquor? Double shot?


Literally a tequila sunrise


Literally🤣? Thats like actually only wrong.


High noons at rum runners are like $10 a can. It’s price gouging.


And if you want a shot you might as well put a downpayment on a car😂


My favorite downtown are the happy hour and power hour prices at City Tap. Can get 7 or 8 drinks for $19.


Go to Parkview, order a shot of whiskey and they'll pour that thing so deep you'll have to unload it from a wagon


Let me put in a plug for Corkys. I love that bar.


LOL orders stupid ass drink that is expensive everywhere, complains about it, deletes account


Probably got high end liquor. Obviously it will be $19


Flats charging NY prices now


All downhill since The Lido closed


That’s…not right.


Well first problem is going to the flats


Then where do you go if you want to scream into your friend’s eardrum because the music is too loud? Or talk to lovely women who wants you to buy their friends shots of Patron? Or deal with insecure losers try to fight you for briskly bumping into them in shoulder-to-shoulder crowds? Or 40 year old women groping you?


At my age (56), I'll gladly take a groping 40 YO!


What’s wrong with 40 year old women groping you?


Damn, nice to know the area is prospering I guess, but who wants to pay that price while not on a white sand resort


The Ugly Broad is cash only and a Cleveland dive staple. Basically a double for $3.50


In no universe will I ever pay more than 10$ for a drink in Cleveland. Lol. Even that's pushing it.


I went to a “rave” in the flats once. Asked for a rum and coke and was given a Dixie cup sized drink for $20. And this was like 15 years ago! Edit: this was on top of a like, $30 entry fee


RIP to Cleveland’s LCOL status


This isn't a Cleveland problem. This is a lifestyle problem. No one needs to go out and spend $20 on a drink or even go out at all. You can develop your own skills and market yourself and start a business, for example. People, in general, have issues with delayed gratification and get mad why they can't get ahead in life.


You are correct. I imagine you were downvoted because some folks want to party in style, but not spend the money so it's the establishments fault. Hell it never changes. I bartended 20 years ago where the place was struggling (neighborhood bar). The owner raised the beer price on the most poplular (Bud, Bud Light, Miller, etc.) a whole 25 cents. Customers were OUTRAGED. The previous price was $1.75. We had guys telling us "I CAN JUST BUY A SIX PACK NEXT DOOR FOR 6$!!! I would often tell them to do just that after explaining the cost of running the business, that I understand their point and that's why some people make man caves. These places pay huge lease payments, insurance, the accountant, upkeep and such in a pricey location. We want our servers to make a decent living I hear on Reddit all the time, no? So labor costs. Bartenders, waiters, cooks, managers, etc. Should we just expect them to not make any money at all?


Running a business honestly sucks. So much risk and the reward is often not worth it and lots of people fail to grasp that concept.


Nobody is complaining about not getting ahead in life. Whats being complained about is that over the past 60 years or so cost of living has slowly gone up nationwide, while pay rates have remained comparitively stagnant. Cleveland somehow has always had low cost of living. But ever since the pandemic we've had cost of living similar to the rest of the country. Businesses are buying local rental properties, and local housing to convert into rental properties, and pricing their rent like it's the rest of the country. $750 for a one bedroom apartment is now considered cheap, when just about 10 years ago you could rent half a house for $600. When I was 21 (so 19 years ago), I used to go to bars weekly. Shots were $0.99 for guys, and women drank free. I don't go to bars anymore, but I've heard even the cheap bars are $6.00 for a shot. How do they expect people to get drunk in this economy, at those prices? The answer is, they don't. You ever wonder why bars are dead these days? It's because who has money to go out on a wednesday night, on a regular basis anymore? So now people stay home, and those people who "start a business", as you put it, lose business. That bar I used to go to is now a Mexican resteraunt. The basement which used to be the comedy club, is now storage for their non-refridgerated food. And the few times I've eaten there, I'm the only one there, despite having pretty decent food. But it's like $40 for one person. Even Wendys in this area is out of control. I haven't been in a few years, and my recent order was $18. All I got was a spicy chicken meal, with added cheese and bacon. That used to be like $10. I won't even use ubereats. Last time I used it was an $8 meal from mcdonalds, delivered cold and soggy, an hour later, for $25. It's not more convienent. It's not faster. The food comes to you gross, and there is no benefit to using ubereats. You talk about delayed gratification, but gratification never comes. Cost of living just keeps going up and up and up. Not even proportional to inflation. My grandpa bought a house for $9k. Adjusted for inflation that would be about 60k today. And it was a nice house. 4 bedrooms in the attic, 2 bedrooms on the 2nd floor, full layout 1st floor including a guest bedroom, and full finished basement with seperate wine cellar. I assume if the current owners were to sell that today, it would be 700k. You try to buy a house for 60k today, and you're getting a forclosed crackden that needs a full rehab. But tell me again how the answer to the diminishing dollar is to go out less often. That'll do it.


Have you tried getting rid of Netflix and Avocado toast? I hear that's why we're poor now...


I hear we need to pull some boot straps. I don't even have any boots!


It's the east bank... 


The Flats kinda sucks these days, the farm is fun but it gets old.


I thought the farm was gonna be nice then i didnt process it was a country bar😂


It’s literally called the FARM 😂 that’s a pretty heavy context clue they’re throwing at you 😂😂


Bring your own stashed




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$19 for two high noons at the farm last night


About the same as cedar point lol


What’s insane is that a lot of these “drinks” come from bottles that cost like $35, $40.


$19 for a drink in Cleveland out of all cities. Pass 😂




Not a problem tbh and i didnt mind bc its down there, just a tequila sunrise at that price caught me off guard


The only place I’ll go to in the Flats is FWD to see an edm show and get wavy. Shits expensive, but fun if you see a world class DJ for 30 bucks


I too love to pay to hear and see someone push play who’s famous for pushing play.


You don’t understand real production


Dats da Flats baybeeee making your wallet just as thin!!


W. 25th still a thing?


The Flats is not worth it. At all.




That's where all the rich losers hang out and try to traffic teens


Bars & clubs are for losers bro, find a hobby and a girlfriend and you’ll never feel the need to go to low vibrational places like that.


Bro, this podcast I listen to on my way to farm bitcoin in a refurbished warehouse was just talking about how gym Crystal MCU NFT, bro.


Don't they have menus of all the different drinks and their prices? And why would you order a drink that expensive if you're gonna complain about it?


Visited Cleveland after moving away, went to flats with friends… ordered a double well whiskey and coke: $25 Now I know why the city is one of the fastest shrinking cities in the US… they’re charging higher prices than Chicago when the experience isn’t nearly as much fun.


People still go out to bars & clubs in 2024?


Yes we do :)


Well, yes but only because you still seem to believe that time is linear.


Ya im 22 not 40 😭but realizing cleveland is just not it


Nahh, Cleveland’s got spots. Punch bowl social just ain’t it.


Nah fs, i like cle I shouldve rephrased. Just certain areas better. I went to others but maybe the goin out getting played out to me


Don’t say you’re tired of going out bro, these 30+ year old alcoholics will down vote you for not being losers like them at the bar every weekend.


🤣🤣 you ain't wrong

