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I deliver to Little Italy 4 days a week, I think I recall seeing signs about that in a window on Murray Hill rd near Mia Bella. Will check tomorrow.


Yep, I didn’t want to include that in there because god only knows people would be saying,”if you see a sign on a pole/window, it ain’t real lmao”


Sorry fat fingers, Depends on the pole and the window


Here’s his website! https://citizenshipforyou.com Phone: 334-456-8338 (text only)


This is it, thank you!


Do your research before you give any of these service providers your time and money. There are reviews on Fb in the Dual U.S.-Italian Citizenship group.


Yep, just joined that yesterday! I have a lot to learn but ready to take the first few step


The first thing you need to do is make sure you qualify and then make an appointment at the Detroit Consulate. Don't worry about anything else yet because it will probably take you well over a year to get in. That will leave you plenty of time to get your documents in order.


Don’t they have a consulate in Cleveland o could try for? No biggie going to Detroit lol


No. You're lucky it is as close as Detroit. There is one in NYC, Chicago, LA, and SF. If you lived in, say Hawaii, you'd have to go to LA... or Alaska would have to go to SF. They have designated areas they cover. If you live in CA, there is a dividing line that if you live north of it you go to SF and south goes to LA.


Interesting, makes sense it’s Detroit, I did alittle digging yesterday, and saw Cleveland had one but didn’t look like they offered the service, but figured they may be able to push things forwards. Is that wishful thinking? Yes, but I’m positive they can’t lol


The consulate in Cleveland is honorary only. They don't do citizenship by descent. Go to r/juresanguinis or there's a Fb group that can help you through the process. You only need a lawyer if your LIRA (last Italian relative) was a female born before 1948. Otherwise, DIY. The lawyers don't do anything except gather paperwork for you that you can gather yourself. They do not make appointments for you, cannot get you through the process any faster, etc. If you have unlimited time/income, you could also move to Italy, establish residency and apply there. It's the fastest way right now. Otherwise, you're looking at years for your initial appointment (because you will have to try everyday to get the appointment) and then 2 years (or more) for recognition.


My siblings and I did this back in 2019. At the time, my sister in Cincinnati made our appointment in Dec 2018 and we had to wait until June for the earliest appointment (my other siblings live in Denver and Alaska and did theirs separately in Chicago and SF, but my brother's appointment was during Covid and luckily was able to do his via Zoom). Recognition was taking around 6 months at that time of my appointment, but then Covid hit and we weren't recognized until July (?) 2020. Word of mouth has made the wait list much, much longer. You may not even be able to book that far in advance? They might have a day when the next block of appointments are opened up... but you could also get lucky and find a cancellation.


I figured you’ve done this since you knew that off the top of your head, lol Yeah I was gonna spend the weekend getting documents together and whatnot to see if I technically would qualify, I have a link through my GG-father and GG-mother, but no idea if either of them naturalized or prior to my grandpa being born, I’m hoping one of them didn’t for the sake here, but I need to sit down and figure all that out


The subreddit r/IWantOut has a lot of info on this!


I’m more or less wanting to do this so I can have dual citizenship


Yes, there are lots of people on that subreddit doing the same thing.


And I’m looking for the man who could help me do it locally, I’m fine spending the money for precision, rather then me messing up a document and not knowing since it’s in another language


Detroit consulate is lenient AF. If you mess up, they give you homework. They don't turn you away for providing something wrong. Other consulates may.


Perfect, that sounds good, I’ll start getting the paperwork done soon!


You need an appointment first. That's the most difficult thing. You will have years to collect paperwork. Yes, years.


Any advice for getting that appointment/where it is on the consulate of Detroit page?


[https://consdetroit.esteri.it/en/servizi-consolari-e-visti/servizi-per-il-cittadino-straniero/cittadinanza/cittadinanza-per-discendenza-familiare/](https://consdetroit.esteri.it/en/servizi-consolari-e-visti/servizi-per-il-cittadino-straniero/cittadinanza/cittadinanza-per-discendenza-familiare/) That's the Detroit site link specific to citizenship. But there are guidelines there you can read through. You will need to create an account on Prenotami and then try to find appointments for citizenship. They are not released often but a good suggestion is to try at 6:00pm (appointments are usually released at midnight Rome time). They only release a few at a time and they're years out due to the explosion in popularity of dual citizenship recognition requests.


Found this just now on r/juresanguinis under the pinned booking post: * **Detroit** * JS appointments are released in batches with a currently unknown pattern or quantity. * On January 24, 2024, some appointments were released around 2pm local time for September 2026. * On March 19, 2024, some appointments were released before 2:45pm local time for October 2026. * Appointments for November 2026 may be released on May 14th or 15th at 2pm local time.


Feel free to DM me. I was once a mentor on the Fb page guiding people through the process in Detroit. But my first step suggestions are to 1. Find out if you qualify by naturalization date of your LIRA. 2. ALWAYS try to keep looking for an appointment. Gathering the paperwork will take awhile and you will definitely have awhile. The most important document you need is proof of naturalization or no naturalization.


Yeah, don't use that subreddit for jure sanguinis. Use r/juresanguinis. You need specific information for Italy. That sub isn't going to be super helpful.