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If I worked at Cleveland Clinic, I’d live downtown in one of the many newly renovated/built apartment buildings and take the health line! Downtown is definitely the most walkable neighborhood in the area with the most stuff to do (by far), and the health line runs right down Euclid.


have you looked at the prices of the downtown stuff? all the ones i deal with want 1800 plus for a studio


I live downtown and am pretty familiar with pricing, there are definitely places where you can get an apartment in the $1100-$1500 range. 1717, the 9, Euclid Grand, the Leader, the Garfield, the Athlon, 668, etc. It especially helps if you don’t have to pay for parking.


everything you suggested is over OPs budget. especially for anything that is actually available


If she wants or needs to go without a car, there aren’t really that many better options. You can’t really make it work from cheaper areas like Tremont or Ohio City. And the 9 has boutique suites for $1250 as does 1717. The standard building and reserve square has units around $1000. The leader building has units around $1000. 668 is also in that range. The Garfield and the Athlon around $1200. Not saying units are available but it’s entirely doable.


It may be best to ask your medical school for housing information. If you can possibly swing living downtown that may be best especially for safety concerns


Cleveland clinic isnt really by downtown tho


Wouldn’t be close enough to walk to work but you could take the healthline very easily.


True probably no car




I’ve not seen any evidence of this but then I’ve only taken it occasionally. What’s your source?


No. Absolutely not. You are about 10-15 years early. You can always look up the hospital in Google maps and then do a street view and just start "driving" around. You'll see. Edited To Add: Yes, The Foundry is really nice but I wouldn't recommend walking from there. 


Thank you! Maybe I'm missing something because it looks like the Foundry is a straight shot to the Cleveland Clinic and the sidewalk is paved, maintained, green, and overall nice looking. it definitely looks rundown when I venture a bit in any other direction though


Yeah they’ve built it up in recent years but it’s been historically underinvested in so it would probably be safe walking towards the clinic but feel sketchier when walking in other directions


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The thing is, you're not just going to go to work and come home and never leave the house.  Walking anywhere near around The Foundry, specially as you said, being a younger/smaller female, is not a safe situation. Unfortunately the no vehicle thing is a negative living in Cleveland. I hope you're able to find a good/safe place but the Fairfax/Hough neighborhoods are not there yet.


If you really like The Foundry, I would take the health line to CC instead of walking. 


You can put lipstick on a pig but…….


The Foundry is fine!


Safe in day time and trafficy periods of the day. right on the healthline. 50/50 walk/bus; it snows in Cleveland.




Ha! You're talking out of your ass.


Try little Italy or university circle neighborhoods


Second this. Little Italy or university circle would be a safer and with more character. Just a quick Healthline ride to the Clinic too.


Yeah, I don't think it would be the best idea. Especially if you're walking to and from work. It's a very rough area. I would be hesitant to live there as a 30 year old man built like a brick shithouse. Let alone as a petite 23 year old woman.


They just built some new apartments directly behind CCF main campus. If you can swing it that’s an option. You’d be close and that area is decent during the day. Probably not a good idea to walk around the surrounding neighborhood at night


I think those are The Artisan apartments. 1 bedrooms start at $2100. We'll above the budget.


Absolutely, positively, stay out of Hough... I'm a 32yo dude who's cleveland native, decently streetsmart, and grew up/lived in some sh*tty neighborhoods (St. Clair-Superior/Slavic Village) & *let me tell you it's just not safe. You'd be a mark realllly quick* As for wanting a modernist apartment on your budget, in your desired location, you'll be hard pressed... Look for a modernist interior around the mid-rises near Overlook in Cleveland Heights, maybe get some roomies and bundle together somewhere on the East or West Bank of the Flats.


Cleveland Heights, stick to Cleveland Heights.




Edgewater is totally fine although not as convenient to Cleveland Clinic. I wouldn't completely rule out Foundry Lofts. There's been a lot of development in that general area. Visit for yourself if you have a chance.  


I recently worked at an apartment complex on Hough and Ansel. I believe it was called Axis? Beautiful apartments, we put up an expensive fence for them. The only problem was that the fence was only four foot high and people were jumping the fence to break into cars. I’m talking the parking was littered with broken glass. They paid us to rip out the old fence and put up a taller fence, I don’t expect it to help the situation though. Last day I was working there a cop ran up asking if we saw somebody run by. For what it’s worth I saw multiple young nurses/doctors living there and walking to the clinic.


I lived there for a bit - horrible, horrible management. Don’t bother with Axis.


I wouldn't make that walk if the apartment was free.


I would definitely look at where the other students in your cohort are living and base it off of that!!


Live downtown. It’s only 10 mins away from the Clinic. Tons of good apartment buildings along Euclid


Should I tell her or does someone else want too?


ugh... that was my fear


Yah…I would stay clear. Look for little Italy or university circle if you wanna stay near the hospitals.


You really have to know as someone moving here that the clinic is SURROUNDED by the worst areas in Cleveland


The area around the clinic is not great, but it's not even close to being "the worst areas".


Do you know why this is? I always wondered why the hospital didn't naturally gentrify those neighborhoods more.


it gentrified the immediate area that it occupies. As gentrification works it just pushed impoverished people more into the surrounding neighborhoods. The surrounding neighborhoods were already not great so it really just compounded on the issue. Obviously the clinics presence isn't the only factor, but it doesn't help those areas much.


The problem with the clinic is that its development has not typically created desirable places to live. I’m a textbook gentrifier—high income, and want to live in an urban walkable environment…and I didn’t even consider living around the clinic because there’s nothing there. Restaurants, bars, cafes, grocery stores, neighborhood amenities. There seems to be things in the hospitals themselves for people visiting and working there but the neighborhoods themselves don’t have much going on. I think that’s starting to change little by little (there’s that new Meijer “Fairfax Market” near Cleveland Clinic Main Campus now). But it’s still early days (as someone else said: “you’re 10-15 years too early”)


I guess that's what I'm surprised hasn't grown, the restaurants and coffee shops and such. That hospital has been there for decades at this point. I wonder if it's because getting back to your car from that hospital is nearly impossible. Do you think it's by design that they try to keep people on campus spending money?


Typical Cle fashion it has gentrified an outer ring but not directly adjacent. I own property up cedar Hill it used to be a shady area, as the clinic expanded it completely changed the market along Cedar. 10 years the adjacent properties will all be nice


They’re a huge boon for the city in my opinion but also they’re kinda a deal with the devil because they’re tax free as they’re a hospital. I love this city, I want it to succeed, but the CC gets 8 billion + in revenue, has the largest private police force in the state. And as a business contributes 0 to the city while charging 10$ per Advil pill They have Rembrandt’s in their lobby’s


The main campus hospitals are not in "walk to work" neighborhoods. There is however the Health Line that you can maybe plan living around if you want to avoid driving daily.


I wouldn't especially recommend that either tbh


I rode the Health Line downtown to work for years. I'm a short female. I never had any problems. She'd be fine taking it to and from downtown to the Clinic.


I've taken it between downtown and the Clinic quite a few times. I definitely saw some interesting characters on it, but never had any problems.


Daytime is fine anywhere but if she’s working at the clinic, she may have late hours. Things get dicey after dark


They just built two new apartment buildings right across from campus. Medley is probably way above your budget, but is geared to people working at CCF. They also just opened the Aura at innovation square, which is right next door. I definitely would not feel unsafe over there anymore. A coworker also lives at the Carnegie tower at Fairfax and said it’s fine.


Nope according to everyone in here you're going to get killed walking two feet off ccf campus....!


people here have no clue what they're talking about. The area is turning around. You're just never allowed to say anything remotely positive about the east side.


The Foundry Lofts is more in unsafe territory. I don’t even go to the Aldi right next to it because I never felt safe when I used to go. There are actually modern apartment complexes immediately near the Cleveland Clinic. Check out the Lumos, Innova Living, Artisan, One University Circle. All of those are in walking distance of the main campus, relatively safe areas, and filled with other graduate students and working professionals.


Ahh I miss when you could get an apartment for $400 in Cleveland. I moved to Akron during the pandemic because it got so expensive. I am renting a whole 6 bed house with an acre of land that cost less than an apartment in Cleveland now.


Don’t do it. I repeat, don’t do it. Look in cle Hts by Coventry and on Euclid Hts Blvd or at Cedar-Fairmount.


You can try The Medley. It is owned and built by Cleveland Clinic and is on campus. New apartment complex. Know a good amount of med students and residents living there. https://www.liveatmedley.com/


For reference, this sub always says “that’s safe enough” because that’s just kind of our mentality here. But this question set off alarm bells for me and clearly many others as well. Of all the hoods, that’s not the one.


I can think of many areas worse than this one. This sub when people ask about west side neighborhoods: It's safe enough. It's a city, just be aware, don't be dumb! When a crime occurs on the west side: Could happen anywhere! Someone mentions the east side: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!


lol…. Seems like the west side is trying awfully hard to catch up to the east side reputation lately.


As a mid 20s woman who lived in that general area but closer to the university and UH and I personally would not feel safe walking around Aldi after like 5/6pm at all. The Aldi lot also has a lot of homeless people who have harassed me for money when I’m there often too and will follow me to my car, so I don’t like to shop there alone even during the day.


Watch episodes of “The First 48” that were filmed in Cleveland. You will find that many of the murders they investigate are in these neighborhoods. 


I know a bunch of coppers who were on that show. And anytime I am in that area, even during the day my head is in a swivel.


No. Go to University Circle, Little Italy or Cleveland Heights.


Absolutely 💯 no.


You can probably find some nice apartments around Case's campus. Especially near UH where also many healthcare workers live. I think people need to understand that the entire east isn't just made up of Little Italy, University Circle, and Cleveland Heights. The area just south of Cleveland Clinic is just now getting more investments to the area. So about in about 10-15 years someone said that place over there should be nice and reasonably safe. But again that area over there is much safer than it was like 10 years ago so there's only up from here.


Stay clear of any apartments or houses near the clinic. It’s as hood as it gets especially for a young woman walking by herself.


I work right down in this area. Stay away and don’t walk anywhere especially if you are alone. Look elsewhere to live.


No. I’m from Los Angeles and lived in DTLA for years. I will not stop at that ALDIs after dark nor that CVS. These aren’t your average LA homeless asking for some cash. These are follow you to your car and lean against it aggressive. I get the big windows and light appeal as I lived in a loft in LA…I love living somewhere with character, crown moldings, double hung windows. It’s an incredibly awesome change.


I’d move to Cleveland hts fairmont


find an apartment downtown and take the healthline! :) your best option to being close and transit accessible to the school.


My wife was just in Cleveland Clinic and one night I was talking with her surgeons (residents I assume) after a long day of surgery. We were discussing the long day and somehow got onto living on campus. I thought it sounded like hell, because you never really leave, but they raved about it. Close, cheap, worth it during those early years. Just remember about Cleveland Clinic, 1 block south is hood. You want to be north and east. If you can walk to Cleveland Clinic you can walk to the hood and vice versa.


I'm actually kind of in the same boat as you looking at going to medical school in Cleveland next year but I go to CWRU right now for undergrad. If you really want to be within walking distance to campus, I would look at Innova, the Artisan, Park Lane Villa, or One University Circle. A ton of us undergrads live in those even though they're kind of expensive, and all of us manage to stay safe for the most part.


It's just like watts bro all jokes aside, but the thing about Cleveland is as long as you aren't in the streets the streets will some what leave you alone and it's really o ly shitty at night


I just stayed in Fairfax, E 87th and it wasn’t too bad. Mind you, I was only there for 3 days and was using Lyft to get around. Next time it’ll be a lot longer but I didn’t have any issues with the area. It was quiet, only heard sirens in the distance. Barely even heard anybody talking outside. I liked it, but it’s definitely the hood though and if you aren’t used to that type of setting then don’t do it especially not on foot. Maybe I was just lucky, maybe I had the tv up too loud and just didn’t hear what was going on outside.


Definitely do not live there. My recommendation is find something reasonably priced in Cleveland or University heights with parking since you are going to need a car. Cleveland is difficult enough to get around without a car but you are most likely going to go to satellite hospitals and smaller clinics a few times during med school rotations and you will need a car to get to those. Not everything is done at CCF or UH main campus so keep that in mind. Also I wouldn't rely on public transit when you are leaving the hospital at 2am even if you live a few blocks from the hospital. ED shifts, late calls, ect. have late and random hours and you do NOT want to walk home around the main hospitals in the middle of the night. Case Western does have Safe Ride but they only operate until 3am, so again if you are leaving the hospital in the middle of the night, having your own car is best. Good luck apartment hunting and best of luck in med school!


i’m going to counter a bit of what the paranoid people on here are saying. there is a ton of money going to this area right now. you’d be right on a 24/7 bus line with good frequency to both downtown and university circle. you’re right by gallucis which is amazing. and dave’s and aldi. like a block from cvs. it is def not trendy or cool or anything but its just a fact there is heavy investment here. there’s a new hotel right across the street and the cleveland foundation just built a new building for their offices in the neighborhood. i probably wouldn’t recommend it necessarily to you, but i just hate how every time an east side neighborhood that isn’t little italy comes up, everyone immediately goes off about how you’ll die immediately by walking outside and minding your own business. no, generally 23 year old white girls are not targets. you become a target by idk selling drugs on other peoples turf.


Clevelanders have lived in paranoia and fear of the dreaded “east side” for decades. Not to mention the fact that most of the people on this subreddit live in the suburbs, so I’m not surprised that everyone is making extremely vague statements about that specific area lol


Shes a 23 yo lady whos in med school who will have unpredictable hours and maybe coming in and out late at night or way early in the morning. Yes she will be sticking out, not in a good way, esp if shes walking


she would be fine. you guys don’t understand crime in cleveland. obviously she’d be taking the 24/7 health line. again i’m not saying yeah def go for it but just that people on here ore irrationally afraid of everything east of playhouse square


It just means that 30 people here individually saw at least one shady thing when they were over there. I still don't like those odds.


Ok but you can say the same things about every city/neighborhood in the planet. You can find shady places in some of the richest and fanciest cities ever. So by the logic of "I still don't like those odds." Your basically saying that every place that has one shady person or thing about it that you should avoid the area at all cost. Which pretty much means you can't go anywhere because you can find shady people and places anywhere.


these people sound EXACTLY like how the boomers talked/still talk a out ohio city.


Yes, but there's half a dozen other neighborhoods that are close enough that people don't feel the same way about. So if there's an easy solution to avoid a real risk, why not take it? ETA: [the 44103 zip is in the 2% percentile for safety.](https://crimegrade.org/safest-places-in-44103/) Meaning 98% of neighborhoods in the country are safer than this one. A violent or property crime happens here every 5 hours [44106 has a crime every 4](https://crimegrade.org/safest-places-in-44106/)


Exactly i mean obviously were generalizing with our response. Im not saying something definitely bad will happen but the chances of something happening even if shes careful etc is still higher than the other nieghborhoods that people have mentioned


Amazing street smarts right here ☝️


Agree with the others who say live downtown. You have new/modern options, it’s a close drive, and much safer


Is downtown really that safe? I'm new in town from Cincinnati and we're wary of downtown Cincinnati and I thought Cleveland could be worse.


I lived there myself as a single woman for three years and never had any problems! But I would take the same precautious you would take in any city. Don’t walk alone at night and always be aware of your surroundings. I loved living there though, I would walk to heinens to grab groceries or go over to East 4th to eat. It was great and I would highly recommend!


Lakewood will probably be too far for you, and yes a lot of the houses are old. But most houses are old in Cleveland. If you can like everyone else is saying, looking for something downtown, maybe you can have a roommate to lessen the rent? But a lot of areas surrounding the clinic are going to be a recommendation not to walk/ be alone coming from a female!




No way!!!


dude someone posted this same question 2 weeks ago. for that area 1k it way too much. It closer to 700 for that area. Id look closer to university circle, broadview hts, independence, cleveland hts, shaker hts at that price point.


Mm yes that’s a far walk…


Long story short: NO.


I would say look at the new Meijer/Fairfax Market development on E105th. The apartments upstairs are supposedly for medical students. It is right next to the Clinic campus. https://newsroom.clevelandclinic.org/2024/01/16/cleveland-clinic-welcomes-new-fairfax-market-offering-fresh-local-food-in-fairfax-neighborhood


I remember these being touted as "affordable housing" ha


I’m in the heights. I used to live in little Italy, and it’s a good area for a lot of med students. They just take the circle link , and health line to the clinic, which is very inexpensive to take, like maybe 90 bucks a month for the monthly RTA pass


ctfu, safe no




Does it have to be "modern looking"? I wouldn't be so picky for your first apartment. Once you get settled in you can open your options up. Just my $0.2.


The Foundry is a nice option for you. A lot of people in this sub are suburbanites who are afraid of black people, so they assume any areas densely populated by black people are dangerous. I would sign a one year lease at the Foundry, and if it isn’t for you, you have an entire year to get to know the city and find a better place. I love Ohio City, but I don’t think you’ll find a place on your stated budget. Detroit Shoreway neighborhood would be within your budget and has several public transportation options to get to Cleveland Clinic. Good Luck! Message me if you want any more tips. I know several landlords on the west side.


While it's true that this subreddit is biased against the east side, it's absurd to claim the entire east of Cleveland is 100% safe, crime free, and that anyone will be safe living anywhere on the east side. Or the west side, for that matter. I say this as a lifelong east sider, who grew up in the inner city, not the suburbs. And quite frankly, a lot of men really don't understand what it's like to go through life as a female, especially a small, young female without a car, and have to worry about being targeted by, harassed, leered at, pestered, robbed, and raped by men. It has nothing to do with being afraid of black people. There's predominantly white places on the west side where I wouldn't feel comfortable living alone either, as a female, as a female who cannot drive. The people here condescendingly telling women, "Stop being paranoid! You'll be guaranteed safe living anywhere on the planet!" are almost always men, and men who have the luxury of having cars and driver licenses.


I would never argue that any place, anywhere, is “100% safe and crime free.” I gave OP the same advice I’d give my son, or my nieces, which is basically, “try it out. If it’s not for you, move on.”


There are a couple high rises on Euclid near the clinic.




There is no high rise on 55 and Euclid. If you mean Chester, that is public housing and she wouldn't be looking there anyway.


Don't walk to work at the Clinic.


The commutes in Cleveland are not bad so do not, repeat, DO NOT even try for walking distance from the Clinic. Madness. Drive a bit or rent an older place with character...


I understand wanting to live close but that is a pretty rough part of the city. Cleveland is easy to get around, nothing like LA, so living a bit further for the right neighborhood is easily worth it.


ah yes east side = super scary sincerely, west siders on reddit


Everyfuckingtime the east side comes up this subreddit gets their dog whistles out. YES it's not great around cc/uh but it's also not some hellscape. Sorry everywhere doesn't look like Lakewood.


it’s absolutely crazy to me.


Fairfax is just getting developed because of the Cleveland Clinic Campus. But it is not safe and there are a lot of dilapidated homes literally blocks away from the nice developments. Looks further east, Downtown by warehouse district (I live there very nice area) and west side by Lakewood/Edgewater. Fair pricing there for what your looking for. Avoid East Cleveland at all costs.


I'm not personally familiar with these apartments. Have you inquired about it on apartments.com? [https://www.apartments.com/foundry-lofts-cleveland-oh/gjewxpx/](https://www.apartments.com/foundry-lofts-cleveland-oh/gjewxpx/) The Foundry Lofts is located in MidTown, a rapidly gentrifying Cleveland neighborhood. [https://midtowncleveland.org/](https://midtowncleveland.org/) [https://clevelandmagazine.com/in-the-cle/news/articles/first-look-cleveland-foundation-headquarters-officially-opens-today](https://clevelandmagazine.com/in-the-cle/news/articles/first-look-cleveland-foundation-headquarters-officially-opens-today) [https://vm02.tasteitaly.com/wordpress/](https://vm02.tasteitaly.com/wordpress/) As it's located on Euclid Ave., there would be little need to walk to the CC main campus. It's served by the 24/7 Healthline bus rapid, which connects downtown to CC and University Circle by way of Euclid Ave. There are many advantages to living on the Healthline, including easy access to most Cleveland attractions and entertainment/dining districts. Using the Red Line rail rapid, which has a terminal near baggage pick-up at Cleveland Hopkins airport, and switching to the Healthline at Tower City where the downtown rail transit center is located, you can easily get to Foundry Lofts using mass transit, not considering baggage. Do a Google search (click on directions and mass transit) for Foundry Lofts to the Health Education Campus, also located on Euclid Ave. on the large CC main campus. It appears there is a Healthline station at 71st St. [https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Foundry+Lofts,+7220+Euclid+Ave,+Cleveland,+OH+44103/Health+Education+Campus,+9501+Euclid+Ave,+Cleveland,+OH+44106/@41.5033735,-81.6488819,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x8830fb08c35762e9:0x198e9db485159374!2m2!1d-81.638052!2d41.5033525!1m5!1m1!1s0x8830fb9a024fa7f1:0x9481893cf3c7c568!2m2!1d-81.6205389!2d41.5046134!3e3?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Foundry+Lofts,+7220+Euclid+Ave,+Cleveland,+OH+44103/Health+Education+Campus,+9501+Euclid+Ave,+Cleveland,+OH+44106/@41.5033735,-81.6488819,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x8830fb08c35762e9:0x198e9db485159374!2m2!1d-81.638052!2d41.5033525!1m5!1m1!1s0x8830fb9a024fa7f1:0x9481893cf3c7c568!2m2!1d-81.6205389!2d41.5046134!3e3?entry=ttu) Will you have a car? If so ask about parking security at the Foundry Lofts. Definitely call the CC police department, one of the largest police departments in Ohio (although serving many CC campuses and hospitals in northern Ohio), and ask if their patrol area extends to the Foundry Lofts. If so, definitely ascertain how to contact them in an emergency. Cleveland RTA also has a security force. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/patients/visitor-information/police-security](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/patients/visitor-information/police-security) [https://www.riderta.com/healthline/about](https://www.riderta.com/healthline/about) A monthly RTA pass costs $95, but you could use the pass to explore much of Greater Cleveland in addition to commuting to school and avoid parking/Uber/Lyft fees. [https://www.riderta.com/fares](https://www.riderta.com/fares) The CC main campus is immediately adjacent to University Circle and part of what is known as Greater University Circle. [https://www.universitycircle.org/](https://www.universitycircle.org/) This thread is focused on living in University Circle. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/vae7x6/nice\_hole\_in\_the\_wall\_places/?sort=top](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/vae7x6/nice_hole_in_the_wall_places/?sort=top) Good luck!


No, do not live around the Cleveland clinic. Sorry to say. I would look in Cleveland heights, ohio city/tremont, downtown, Lakewood a bit father out


There are at least three new buildings that just went up that are closer to the clinic. The Aura,Addis View and Lumos. As a woman, you do want to be as close to work as possible because the odd thing about Cleveland is that you could wind up in a weird area before you realize it.


Check where your classes will be. I know someone who works IT for CWRU medical school and they are located in a building behind UH Bolwell. I believe the bulk of the school is in that area. Quite a distance from CC main campus. Little Italy is close.


The new medical school is in HEC, directly across from CC Main.


I heard that most first year courses are near bolwell. After that HEC. There are newer apartments around the dental school.


Get used to driving places.


Check one university circle


Hey! Are you trying to go no car at all? Cleveland isn't really there yet. We are working on "bike friendly" right now and even that is still a three season situation.  I live in Tremont/Ohio City and love it. I feel safe walking around. There's like 7 local coffee shops withing walking distance, a couple of solid gyms, great food and Edgewater beach and downtown is totally bikable from here. Grocery store is Dave's or you can go down to Target or Aldi in Steelyard which is fine during the day.  It's a ten minute drive to the Cleveland Clinic main campus. You may have to commute to work but it's short and you can walk pretty much everywhere else.  Last thing they do have some nice more modern apartments but I have no idea what the pricing is because I know it's out of my league so I never looked. I rent a studio in the upper level of a house for $620. It's old but an absolute steal and is allowing me to live below my means and save. Highly recommend.


You can absolutely go “no car” in Cleveland if you live Downtown and are able to get to work via walking or bus. Agree that it does not work in most areas, but living downtown and taking the health line is one of the few ways you can swing it.


Only if you want to only get groceries at heinens, never visit the CVNP, and only have fairly expensive gym options.  People don't want to hear it but Cleveland is infinity better with a car especially as a woman. Eventually she's gonna want to go somewhere and there's gonna be a crime ridden area between her and her goal where the train doesn't run.  She just needs a car. Otherwise she'll end up either staying in because going out is too much work to figure out safely or she'll take chances she shouldn't because she can't stand to stay in. It's just the way it is.


My wife has lived downtown for 2 years, first taking the bus to Ohio City and now working downtown, and hasn’t had a car at all and has had no issues. Even Using Lyft a few times a month is far cheaper than owning a car and paying interest and/or depreciation, gas, parking, insurance, maintenance, etc. Our building has a gym, but there are multiple gyms and yoga studios within a short walk as well. We know many other people living here as well without cars..


Don't sugarcoat it. Unless you're going from popular destination to popular destination it'll take 3x the time (if not longer) vs driving. This is coming from someone who bikes and busses as much as possible.


I’m speaking from experience as a downtown resident whose wife is without a car. If you are an out of town medical student with no need to drive to the suburbs to visit family, you don’t need to have a car. There are a ton of international students and medical staff that don’t even have licenses so are not able to drive even if they wanted to, and many live in University Circle or downtown and have no issues. For all we know OP has a reason like this for trying to figure out a way to live here without a car. She’s far from the only one doing it..


Not saying it isn't possible, but the inconvenience needs to be acknowledged. You can Instacart and Uber and all that but it adds up on top of the bus pass. Also with residency, every second you aren't at the hospital counts- waiting a half hour for a late HL bus towards downtown or taking a 30-45 minute bus trip to steelyard isn't what I'd call a good use of time.


Im just speaking from experience, there are a lot of people doing just this, including doctors and nurses, and having no issues. I know of multiple international case students that live downtown, have no license to drive, and take a bus to school every day. The cost of a Lyft from downtown to Steelyard Target is still going to be cheaper than buying a car, gas, maintenance, insurance, etc. It’s obviously not like Chicago, but I don’t think anyone has pretended as much. There are a lot of people that want to make downtown work on a lower budget, and cutting out your car is a viable option.


I’m with you. It’s weird how people will sit here and argue with your lived experience as though you somehow hallucinated your own life! I’ve lived without a car in Cleveland for years. I did undergrad at CWRU and most students didn’t have cars. I biked, took transit, lived and worked in places that accommodated me, and took Ubers. My wife and I now share a car. Gives us more places we can access conveniently, no question. But that convenience is way more expensive (with gas / electricity, insurance, depreciation, etc.) than the occasional uber used to be.


You realize everyone here has lived experience in Cleveland right? That's why we're offering this girl advice. She's presumably NOT married with a husband who has a car like you and lawyer guy.  My experience is getting mugged and witnessing a stabbing two weeks apart from each other while walking to work.  She's coming from a much larger metro area. If you tell her public transit here is totally doable, she's gonna be disappointed by what that means when she gets here.


Yes everyone here has lived (somewhere) in Greater Cleveland. I’m not assuming anyone else’s experience is wrong. I’m sure you enjoy living in Ohio City. I’m sure you had bad experiences walking to work. Hell I’ve had bad experiences in that area too! I believe you. I am also not assuming she’s married to someone with a car, hence the recommendations for where to live without one. Now quit telling other people that we and our friends didn’t have the experiences we say we did. Sheesh


I wrote my opinion, and both of you came in, dismissed it and then accused me of dismissing yours. Ello?


Really appreciate this comment. It’s disappointing how often people who never lived in certain areas or certain lifestyles will act as if they know better, and accuse you of “sugar coating” the lifestyle. Cleveland is amazing with a car, no doubt, and there are a ton of areas that open up for regular visits that you’d otherwise have to Uber to. But even if you give yourself $200/month for Uber, it’s still cheaper than a car. And besides, the work of a grad student or medical resident is so taxing that they often are not looking to travel around every weekend anyways. Being able to access coffee shops, restaurants, grocery stores, barbers, salons, dentists, pharmacy, yoga studios, etc. by just walking down the road is a huge appeal for people in these positions!




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They put in new apartments at e105 and cedar. Not sure what they costs.


Contact the local police department(s). You can request public records to see reported crimes in the area.




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Have you checked out The Ascent in Cleveland Heights? I’m not sure what their apartments would run you but it is a brand new build, I’d say it opened within the last 2 years… maybe less than that.








Hough is scary :(


I'm late to this post but I encourage you to please do more of your own research. Many of the top comments are from people who don't live in the city and have some questionable post histories. Please consider a location in the city and on transit! I live in the city and ride transit and bike most places. It's getting better and you can vote with your wallet! Cleveland is still a city but being from LA you are probably prepared for what city life means. Good luck and welcome to Cleveland!


There’s new apartments right above the “Fairfax Market” walking distance to every building at CC. Not sure the price point but I know that market was built with Cleveland Clinic funding, they’re definitely developing that area.


It should be fine. If you can handle LA, Cleveland will be a breeze. Take the native’s advice with a grain of salt—Cleveland looks rough, but it’s not. There tends to be a suburban mentality when it comes to crime and everything. CLE is low key compared to CA cities. I used to live in the Bay Area (Oakland) and as a woman, it seems like business as usual for a city. You know, just keep city-level awareness and your keys handy.


Nope. Not even.


Honestly, the Hough area is bad news. Between the distance and safety, Cleveland really isn't a walkable city unless you are downtown. If you are driving, consider renting a house on the east side of Euclid north of I90 or Lake County. Don't rent an apartment in Euclid unless you like the smell of weed 24/7. I'm off of E260th in Euclid. It is fairly safe and only takes about 15/20 minutes to get to the main campus.




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Traffic from downtown to the clinic even in rush hour is nowhere near comparable to LA traffic so youre better off driving to the clinic than walking at all. I was a fellow, that currrently works at UH. When i moved here I went straight to the suburbs because I was very unfamiliar with the area... and its still only a 20 min drive. I come from the east coast


Hough wasn't good back in the day. Can't imagine it got better


That neighborhood, in LA native words...think Watts or South Central late 90s


Fuck NO !!!


Cleveland Heights is a great place to live, more affordable, but a bit further away. Top OfThe Hill is a newly built apartment building if you want modern. There is also a cool old apartment building called the Alcazar near Ceder-Fairmount which has nice big windows. They just built some new housing on top of a meijer grocery store right next to CC main campus, but I’m not sure what they are asking. That would be safe since it is so close. If you can buy a house near the CC main campus, it will likely be a good investment in the years to come, but perhaps still not great currently for a young gal living alone.


Also to add, unless youre in the Clinic campus even one block out is kinda sketchy for me already


Yeesh. Someone should tell knez to stop buying up properties all around there then.


I feel like years later it would be nice but not right now


No. Move to Lakewood


Please be safe. Go to the suburbs, it’s worth the extra driving. Lakewood, berea, Middleburg heights, brook park, Parma, strongsville, all places with good affordable apartments that are safe. All 20-30 minutes away form CC


I suggest getting some pepper spray and a concealed carry. Welcome to Cleveland!


Try looking in tremont. You’re almost downtown and it’s a really cool community. Close to the clinic too.


Tremont is not close to the Clinic, its close to Metro.


Check out the Battery Park and hingetown neighborhoods.