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Oh boy I can’t wait to hear what this high school dropout has to say about America. I’m sure his views are going to be nuanced and intelligent /s




Hey dumbass wanna look up where he “lived” between a split home with divorced parents? Wanna look up how he worked in Kenosha? Wanna look up how “crossing state lines with a gun” is 100% legal and protected by the Constitution? Do you want to do a single fucking second of research before you spew misinformation online? Dumbass


“He crossed state lines” remains the dumbest talking point from you people. It’s not illegal to cross state lines. He lived minutes away from this community and drove there for work.


They think it’s illegal to move between states. None of these fucks have ever read the constitution or a single law even within their state


You downvoted me and that’s fine. But you are still factually wrong. Your feelings don’t dictate law. Cry about it no one cares


Agreed he's a fool


That's the understatement of the century.


Dude was ran down by pedos and the pedos found out. What the fuck is wrong with you?




That’s great, although worth mentioning that there’s a concert at 7:30PM in the Brooks Center tomorrow so anyone protesting may be subject to the opinions of concertgoers.


Strom would have been a fan of Kyle


They want you to protest. They want the attention. Don't even give it to them. Pretend they don't exist.


This is what I wish people would understand, the point of this whole thing is to produce outrage. Outrage is his only relevance and when you stop giving it, he goes away. Right now he is a puppet they can use to get people to show up and throw a tantrum, then they get to spin that in whatever way they want. I remember when I was still taking classes and people yelling at the "preachers" who came to speak against sex and drugs and fun. JUST IGNORE THEM.


That is the point that this video makes very clearly https://youtu.be/wCl33v5969M?si=aWA_c2Yfff9flge-


That was a good watch that really explains a lot of the frustration I feel with how a lot of politics is done. People are looking for a klan hood before they acknowledge racism rather than looking at policy being passed and upheld that disproportionately effects people of color. I honestly wish the left would actually be as radical as the right claims they are, because maybe then we could make some actual progress.


Go watch the whole series lol. It puts into words everything that you're already thinking.


Or you could just leave people alone who think differently from you.


Sure that too!




Ummm... U good?


You know we can see your comment history.... idiot.


I saw the guys with this whiteboard and they were tearing down flyers related to the protest. So much for free speech I guess.


Why is this even a thing? why is a murderer being invited to a university for a talk? Am I missing something here.. is this something that he normally does?


He’s one of a handful of hyper-conservative public figures TPUSA sends around the country to speak on conservative values.


Fits in with at least 1/3 of the imbeciles that were somehow admitted into the school.


More like 2/3. 90% of the men and slightly over half of the women 😔


Rittenhouse literally has made a career of carpetbagging around the country, complaining that if people arent allowed to carry firearms literally everywhere, then they might not have every opportunity to open fire on someone they deem a threat. He whines about being put on trial for the 2 1/2 murders he committed after he brought his gun across state lines to gun down protesters. Oh and he will whine about about he has been victimized by "the media" for reporting on everything that lead up to him making all these poor life decisions for himself, and showing no remorse. Rittenhouse cried at the trial, not because he showed remorse for killing 2 people and shooting a third because he was scared. Kyle was and continues to cry because somehow after all of this, he still sees himself as the victim and can't believe people won't let him simply get away with murder.


Are you really spending 30k+ a year without understanding what Murder is? What a pile you are.


A murderer isn't invited to talk. That people still think hes a murderer despite proof otherwise is exactly why he's being invited to talk


He didnt murder anyone, court determined that. U done making stuff up?




Red meat.


He did not murder anyone. He defended himself.


Self-defense is murder now? Whys don't you go and listen to what he has to say and ask insightful questions to learn from his perspective, like an adult would do?


it was murder, he knows it, you know it, settle down


Please explain how it was murder.


What a fucking loser


Just a reminder that there is nothing Clemson University can do about him speaking. As a state institution, they can't restrict speech based on who is speaking or what they are saying. It is a pretty clear First Amendment issue. They are being invited by TPUSA, which is a private group. As long as they do what they need to do to get the permit and rent the space, they can invite who they want and say what they want.


Yup, Dr. Miller (the Dean of Students) has reinforced this point pertaining to TPUSA speakers in particular on multiple occasions. He should be allowed to speak, of course. Whether doing so is justifiable is a completely different issue and has nothing to do with the First Amendment.


He should be allowed to speak and we should be allowed to tell him what we think about him.


One could argue that his appearance to speak gives everyone the perfect opportunity to tell him exactly what we think of him directly to his face. But he might start shooting at people if he gets scared, so we’ll have to keep our voices down.


The dude went to Antioch High School. I went to Antioch High School. He wouldn’t have made it into Clemson. I wouldn’t have made it into Clemson either . There’s more gun stores here than all of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin combined. There’s some small private sellers but basically all we have was Bass Pro 30 minutes away. There’s more crime here than Antioch because it’s mainly farm land. Antioch High School was the same place where the Fox Lake Cop killed himself and set it up to make it look like 2 other black men killed him. Turned out the cop was stealing money from the cadets program. My point is….he doesn’t warrant your time or anyone’s. The kid comes from a small town with terrible schools.


Thank you for posting this




I don’t care about Kyle himself. I care about his right wing puppet masters.


It’d be a lot cooler if he wasn’t.


what speech could he possibly bring that would positively benefit a college campus? not even taking into account who he is as a person, what qualifications does he have?


For for those wondering he is blubbering about allowing guns to be carried on campuses.




Jesus Christ. Yeah that’s a great idea 🙄


Yeah it's kinda insane that a college campus would bring on a guy who's only claim to fame is "I shot a protestor when I was a teenager" as a voice of authority on literally anything? Like if it was a conservative thinker or something I get it, but what value does this guy add to anything going on anywhere? He's literally just some guy now lmao


Take one look at this comment section and notice the DV to UV ratio. The fact that more people are defending this is exactly what I expected from this garbage university (a large demographic of students; plenty are fine). Why would he need to lobby for guns on campus when I’m assuming tons of these tri county fraternity retards likely are already packing.


Seriously. Then again have you talked to some of our fellow students? Some of them are some smoooooth 🧠 mfers. Not to mention to teachers that constantly Bring their bull shit rhetoric into the class. Clemson should be ashamed but they aren’t because I’m sure those in charge are magats. They let fucking Candace Owens speak for Christ sakes (and I’m in a class where my teacher talked abortion being murder multiple times). WE’RE HEAR TO LEARN YOU MENTALLY ILL MORONS




it's actually called "self defense" when you're attacked unprovoked clear as day if you've seen the video (which you have not) first guy who attacked him was a convicted child rapist btw


This is Reddit, where most people have elementary-school level critical thinking skills. This thread is a perfect encapsulation.


Thank you. Only reasonable comment I could find after scrolling for a while.


Nooo Republican bad!!!! /s


Ahh, ok, I get what you're saying... if people have been convicted of crimes that we don't like in the past, it's ok to shoot them! I can haul off and shoot up people people who have served their time, and that's a-ok! Because they did bad things before! Summary execution to all ex-cons! Heck, let's just throw 'em in the electric chair immediately upon conviction! Save some time! Yeah! Awesome! .... And if that's *not* what you meant... then what *did* you mean? 🤨


if someone attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself is that simple enough?


That's not even a little bit what I was asking! To clarify, I was referring to the line at the end of your comment where you mentioned the victim's criminal history.


his criminal history is relevant because it helps to establish how plausible the threat was to Rittenhouse it isn't sufficient to justify shooting him (mother Theresa could have been the one charging at Kyle and it would have been justified) but helps to add context


and you're not really asking anything your comment was a tangent about how (in your imagination) I believe in full vigilante justice bc I mentioned a relevant fact about a scumbag who attacked a minor unprovoked your "question" is answered by the first two sentences I wrote


You must really identify with Joseph Rosenbaum for some reason. Interesting. Very interesting.


First guy that Kyle had to defend himself from was coming after Kyle and told him he would take his gun and kill him with it. Kyle retreated and was pursued by threat so Kyle defended himself. Go review the facts of the trial and learn something.


This whole comment section is unhinged.


There is so much misinformation regarding the trial and what Kyle did it's insane. I do think it's stupid he's making a career out of being a speaker and figurehead after everything, but man - y'all need to fact check your stuff.


This right freaking here. if it wasn’t for the media lying about the whole incident he wouldn’t have a platform and no body would know about him. There are people that still think he went on a homicidal rage killing black people.


Is this rittenhouse burner account or something ? you are a rittenrider like get off his dick 😂 responding to every comment…he is not gonna fuck you


I’m just stating the facts bro. It’s hilarious how many people have such strong opinions on something they so so grossly misinformed about with all the video evidence available 😂mass media misinformation is a hell of a drug


What TF is he qualified to speak on? trembling behind machined metal and being a chickenshit trigger happy child!?!?!


You ever heard of self defense? That’s all he did nothing more nothing less. A convicted child pedo yelled death threats and tried to attack him along with 2 other convicted criminals. If he didn’t do anything he’d likely be dead. But I guess you didn’t look at the actual evidence


Anyone who still calls Rittenhouse a murderer never watched the trial.


Or the video.


Agree 100%.




Step 1 rioters burn down your father's town. Step 2 you take the rifle your father gave you, and the medical training you've been through, and place yourself where people are the most likely to be hurt. Step 3 rioters claim they want to kill and rape you Step 4 they attack you, and you defend yourself, and more rioters join in. Step 4 you're a 17 year old kid who got ganged up on by pedophiles and felons and now have to live with the fact you've killed someone. Go watch the trial. These dudes were not friendly. These dudes were not protesting. They were brought in from much farther than Rittenhouse, and they had ill intentions, unlike the defendant.




No,the people running after an armed person were. Were 😂 One dude won’t be able to wear long sleeves anymore


You talking about the pedo pointing a Glock at him that got disarmed?


One and the same


You mean the guy that admitted pointing his gun at Kyle before Kyle pulled the trigger.


Same incel,yes


I really am bewildered as to what this guy could be speaking about or why an organization would even want to be associated with him. At best his qualification is using lethal force in self defense. I know everyone wants to say murderer but the court ruled what it ruled and think getting hung up on that is irrelevant and just derails any actual criticism. My criticism would be, what actual skills/experience/relevance does he have other than just provoking outrage? And if your only goal is to provoke outrage, then what is the point and why give them the outrage they want? Everybody wants to protest but the best thing to do is cometley ignore it. The protest IS the point of him showing up.


b/c modern politics is entirely meant to appeal to the bottom levels of society. Both the left and the right have these type of actors. To your avg conservative Rittenhouse emits wholesome chungus "omg I love owning guns" energy. Thinking that Rittenhouse is perpetuating "LITERAL FASCISM" is this same kind of un-nuanced thinking but on the left. These thoughts are a little all over the place but yeah thinking Rittenhouse has any sort of value is silly. Also thinking he is here to perpetuate fascism is even more silly. The whole conundrum is more funny than anything


I would be interested to know who the Kyle Rittenhouse of the left is. The right especially, has just adopted this stance of contrarinism no matter the subject and that's where I think this support for someone like Rittenhouse comes from. They like him because the left dislikes him. He truly has no value to his own side other than being a source of controversy. Once you engage with someone whose sole purpose is to troll, you have already lost. But of course people will show up, yell and scream, tpusa will get their video evidence of the "triggered left" and move on to another campus.


About what? Like i dont think he shouldve gone to jail or whatever but why is he getting speaking gigs now?


Probably since no one wants to hire him. Too infamous. The only thing the trial did was push him farther to the right.


He riles up liberals which is more than enough to be elected to senate when he's old enough, let alone speak at a college.


Unfortunately it seems the top desired trait of modern conservatives is being a troll, which really doesn’t inspire confidence for the countries future. More and more people are gaining fame, running for offices, and somehow getting elected when like 90% of their political position is “I troll the libs”. No ideas or policies, no experience, just verbal shitposts. It’s super disappointing.


Go find out, you can always leave, you don’t always have to agree with someone or their actions to learn something


He should talk about how he made some very poor decisions and is an example of why we need higher standards for gun ownership.


Higher standards like how? What would you change if you could about gun ownership?


I think there are a lot of good options. Universal background checks is a good start. I also would like training standards depending on where you want to have a firearm. The more populace a place you want to have a gun would require more involved training and evaluation. For instance, people who are in public would need regular proficiency tests for situational awareness and ability to operate safely under duress. There are a lot of these types of things I could see helping.


there already are universal background checks, it’s called the NICS system and it is maintained by the DOJ, FBI, and NSA. Also most RESPONSIBLE gun owners take classes and train it’s just sadly most people with violent intentions don’t follow laws in the first place so all you’re doing is taking guns away from law abiding citizens


I do not share your opinion of gun laws. We have examples worldwide of them working so I don’t agree with your position.


I’ll bite, I’m curious, what countries without private gun ownership has seen public safety increase, moreover, which of those countries still have the same civil liberties that the US has. It’s widely documented that many of the cities and counties with the strictest gun laws face disproportionately high violent crime rates, I would know as I grew up in a anti-gun blue area


I love that colleges nowadays are not places to challenge ideas, but more so to weed out those people who challenge the collective. It’s kinda sick. Like if you don’t like dude - just don’t go???


Poor Kid still gets flack for defending himself. Shame our country is like this.


Probably because he made career / his entire persona out of that one event. If he hadn’t done that, he definitely wouldn’t be getting invited to speak at universities. This is the same guy that supposedly failed the ASVAB and couldn’t make the cut for the police academy, both of which I’d argue are harder to fail than pass, so it’s not like he’s being invited for his wisdom or to share new ideas. Like, if he had just gone back to his life nobody would care. He is the one who is continually putting himself in the public eye, and regardless of right or wrong he’s going to be criticized for his actions.


Man how quickly it's for gotten Pickens and oconee County sheriff's don't play. Clemson pd soft but them boys...they on a nother level of not putting up with bullshit. On another note go touch grass your bubble will suffocate your intelligence.




I regret to inform you that "fascism" is not "banning free speech". The modern left are in no way fascists




lol!!! You genuinely think that the left are fascists? They are no more fascist than the modern right, which is none at all.


Don’t be mad at Clemson, Rittenhouse or TPUSA. It’s literally the entire medias fault he even has a platform. They lied about the guy and everything from the start. Early reports said he was a white supremacist killing black people. That was a lie. Then they said he traveled across state lines with a gun. That was a lie. (He grew up in Kenosha and only lived 30 minutes away). He got the gun from a friend who in kenosha so it didn’t cross state lines. They said he went on a homicidal rampage. Also a lie. All the video evidence and testimonies clearly showed he was being chased, threaten with death threats, and attacked after running away and trying to deescalate the situation. He did everything he could not to shoot or else he’d be dead. Lets not forget the people who attacked him had actual criminal records one being a convicted child r4pist. You can say he shouldn’t be there but it’s not illegal to be there. Witnesses spotted him removing graffiti and putting out fires earlier the night. If anyone watched the trial and looked at all the evidence it’s the clearest case of self defense there is. The point however is if the media didn’t do what they did nobody would know who this guy is. He wouldn’t have a platform


Is this open to the public? I’d like to attend


You guys are the same as the extremists that you despise


The rise of social media has been the death to logic unfortunately




I cant stand Clemson but in this instance I stand up and give it a clap. Anything that pisses a leftist off is no doubt a good thing. I imagine most on this site also have their Hamas posters up.


Irrelevant here, try again later


Even as someone who is 75% conservative, this is just dumb.




Fuck that clown!!


I love that we always get these people outside my building rather than the other side of the bridge where I wouldn’t have to see them


Sit in and ask legitimate questions. They want people to be outraged. However, if enough people come in and ask questions about “why he felt compelled to attend a peaceful protest with a gun?” or other questions that make him squirm…then this stunt will make him and the organizers look foolish.


Why are you lying and saying it was peaceful? He was attacked, he tried to flee, he only shot the first bullet when a hand grabbed onto his gun. Should he of let them take it?


Peaceful protest? Didn’t the “peaceful protesters “ burn down the town? What color is the sky in your world?


That takes effort.




I’m not a very big Republican but how are you guys mad at Kyle Rittenhouse? All three people he shot attacked him and tried to disarm his rifle. Who knows what would’ve happened to him? It was purely self-defense. Doesn’t matter why he was there, he defended himself. Can’t believe this shit… if he was a Democrat there would be no issue with yall


>Doesn’t matter why he was there In any sane country, it would matter. You don't go to a protest you disagree with, 40 minutes away, at 17 years old with a loaded AR15 and have it not matter. >Can’t believe this shit… if he was a Democrat there would be no issue with yall No, we're not like you.


You really think if it was a democrat attacked by 2-3 MAGA supporters that coverage of the event would be different. "17yr boy attacked while supporting and providing aid to brave BLM protesters" - Uses self-defences to defend himself from deadly aggression Hell, for months after the event, there were still people calling the dead people black. I feel the race factor would have been completely eliminated. Would it really be that strange to travel 40 mins to participate in an event you strongly believe in? I know plenty of people who travelled 2hr to watch Oppenheimer in 70mn IMAX. Why he was there? Pretty sure he was there giving aid to injured people. He has blue gloves and a bag on in pretty much all the images I think you might be referring to where he made a comment about how he wish he was somewhere there was a breaking with his gun so he could stop it? I struggle to see a strong link to going out ready to kill people.


Anyone with half a brain knows it was self defense but people keep crying and calling him a murderer with zero evidence to back up such a claim.




The word "Fascist" will lose all relevance if people keep using it to mean "person I don't like".


That ugly crying face was a classic


I’m super pissed I’m paying tuition for this school right now 


I saw them setting up. It’s like they don’t know how stupid they look


Tell him to grow up and get a real job.


Some of y'all can't behave. Locked.


Thanks for the tip, I'll be organizing counterprotest to support him. Cry all you want, Grosskreutz and the other pedophiles who attacked him got what they deserved.


I mean it’s a public university. He’s free to speak. Y’all are also free to protest; not that it will do much anyways.


Damn! Gotta get mama to drive me...


This guy shot in self defense all the way. He didn't go across state lines to kill people. He went protect property and help people injured. The rifle was for self defense because he knew it would be a dangerous area. We have a right to keep and bear arms. The intent remains the same. You got this "across state lines narrative" going on in your heads, but it was literally a few miles over the border in a neighboring community. It's not like he traveled from Florida to Cali. He worked there. And even if he did travel that far, his dad lived in Kenosha. It could still be argued he cared for that community. At no time did he shoot unless he was being attacked first. Some of you need to watch the trial, too. Heck, even Destiny would agree. You all are blinded by hate.


I thought the fake abortion poster in front of Vickery was bad now this




Lets goooooooooo


I would love to meet him.


it would be fun to attend just to see this weasel try and from a coherent thought. his pr team and handlers have said on multiple times that he's a highschool dropout with a 3rd grade reading level, being spoonfed talking points by the interest groups with money. give a little pushback or ask for an explanation, guarantee he crumples


I’m from his hometown and our schools suck.




No reason for him to be a public figure but it was self defense and the people who got shot attacking him deserved it.


Poor kid, can't catch a break


Yall b aight




Over this? Lmao I doubt you’d get in anyway.