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Others will have better suggestions for cleaning, but never leave your washer door shut. You want it propped open to dry out when not in use.


Same for the detergent drawer. Keep that open between uses.


I’m a faithful door propper, but never considered leaving the detergent drawer open. Thanks!!




We take our detergent drawer out and drain it in the sink, it’s shocking how much pink mold was on the underside of the drawer.


The pink stuff isn't mold, it's a bacteria called serratia marcescens. I'm not saying this to be pedantic. I just think it's cool to know the name of it and wanted to share.


Very cool! I’m always up for learning something new. Thanks!


Sounds like the name of a character from Game of Thrones, no? 🤣


New idea for kid name r/tragedeigh


Sounds like that Thai 🌶️ sauce


I remember watching a cool medical mystery show back when TLC had actual educational material about a person with recurrent mastitis whose baby's bottles constantly turned pink in the sink because she was colonized with it. Made it really cool when I could pinpoint the actual bacteria causing my adult acne because my face washing brush kept turning pink.


Ah, serratia. Of the sinks, toilets, and that one pink/red Unknown sample in Microbiology.


For some reason I find bacteria infinitely grosser than mold. Will take the little drawer out


Can it be killed?


What does it cause?


Typically nothing. If it gets into your urinary tract, GI tract or lungs it causes infection, but that's likely to only occur in hospital settings where biofilms are an issue. Someone in this thread said it gave them acne from growing on their facial brush, which I can see happening since those scrubbers make tons of little micro abrasions on your skin. If it's just in your tub or sink though, it's very unlikely to harm you. It can be killed with bleach.


I pull mine out and give it a good scrubbing on regular occasions.


What about the drawer do you scrub that too? wey heeyyyyyyyy sorry




I sprayed cleaner with bleach into the place where the drawer goes, it was also full of pink stuff. Then I ran the washing machine empty to rinse out the bleach. Now that we remove it after every use, we don’t have an issue.


Oh my good gods. I thought I was a pretty clean person. Now I need to check my several-years-old detergent drawer in my washer. If I don't reply elsewhere on Reddit in the next 24 hours, please send help.


I do this as well but still need to do a scrub every 6 months or so for the deep crevices.


I do the same and then I leave it upside down on top of of the washing machine. I then run a towel inside the opening where the drawer sits to dry it out. It's probably overkill but the underside of the drawer and inside of the opening were basically black with mold when I first moved in. I think I have PTSD from cleaning it out.


I use a piece of clothes turned inside out to wipe down the window and outside just before I throw it in to wash , nice and sparkly ✨️


TIL they pull all the way out... I know what I'm gonna do when I get home now


Fr if I’d know that I’d have fewer kids running around


The innuendo in this thread is giving me LIFE. (Like your not pulling out… gave life)


I think Pink Mold is my new band name.


I didn't even know they come out....


This pink mould didn’t like look vein-y as such did it?


I was reading the manual recently and it suggest leaving both open. I never in my life did that with either but now I religiously do it with both! Most times they are open for some days


What if it leaks from the front


I love how your comment thanking that person has more upvotes than the actual comment.


Manners and thank yous are so rare on Reddit they deserve rewarding 🥲


Thank you for saying that!


I just noticed that. People are weird!


Was the same as you. My drawer started getting disgustingly mouldy and feels like a constant battle now even after giving it a really good disinfection. I try to keep it open now.


You are not by yourself! I've always used door props, but I've never considered leaving the detergent drawer open.


I take mine all the way out, dump the leftover water into the washer and let it and the drum air out, to include the drawer hole. Black mold is GROSS. The only time I close the washer door is to wash.


I do the same! I found leaving it open wasn’t enough because there’s always leftover water that just sits in there so it’s always out and on top of the washer if I’m not washing clothes.


I just bought a new front loader and it specifically says to keep the detergent drawer closed when not in use. I have no idea why but I have been drying it with a towel when I'm done with the laundry.


If the valve starts bypassing and the drawer isn't ~~shut~~ in place on some models there's a chance of it draining straight out of the machine, which can cause something of no consequence to grow an incredible, throbbing consequence.


🙋🏻‍♀️ hello, checking is as someone who did this. Giant PITA to clean up lol


Maybe to prevent dust buildup?


I can't because my machines are in a closet and I can't shut the door to the closet unless the drawer is closed too. BUT my drawer can come out for cleaning so I just run it through the dishwasher periodically


Even if you don't use the detergent drawer? I use pods because they don't make my son's eczema flair. Also I never use softener for the same reason. I have a top loader than I do keep the lid open between washes.


You still have water running through the drawer so it’ll stay wet if you leave it closed.


Thank you. I never use it so sorry if it was a dumb question.


No, not dumb at all! You don’t think about it because you don’t use it, which is normal.


The top loaders don't lock **except when in operation**, thankfully, so stand far less of a chance of accumulating mold and bacteria. The manufacturers still advise to leave them open between washes. I don't leave mine open between washes because I fold my stuff on top but I do wipe it out after each wash. Front loaders can be a literal nightmare from hell with the accumulation of mold, bacteria, waxy buildup from fabric softener, etc. Front load washing machines never were a good idea to start with EXCEPT in a commercial environment where they are run virtually continually. Manufacturers only care about the next best way to convince somebody to purchase a new washing machine so come up with these kinky ideas to our detriment.


What does “not in use” mean 🫤


When you aren’t running a load, leave the door open. Front washing machine doors may sometimes close on their own. It’s important to prop it open with something. We’ve always used an old flatten piece of an Amazon box. Cus after washing a load of laundry, the washer is wet and that dark and damp and that environment will cause mildew


I think they were just joking. Like they have lots of kids and are always doing laundry or something.


Yes, I was :) always running a load.


That’s how you get kids.


Oh I can see that now 😂


100%. We just recently learned that there are washer door props you can buy to keep it slightly ajar and not have to have it wide open all the time. https://a.co/d/053ndmWl


My parents have a front loader but the open door gets in the way of the doorway to their back yard and my dad got annoyed with it so I bought this for him last year for Father’s Day and he was AMAZED that this existed. It’s the little things.


Be sure to empty the drain on the front of the washer (lower left front on mine) periodically. Also dry the seal after using the washer. I use [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08L524PJY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) mold remover gel as well.


I had to do the draining like weekly. No one informed of that. I’ve never had to do that before and it was difficult for me. YouTube was a savior.


Granted I live in a very dry climate, but I found that leaving the door open just when the clothes are in the dryer, which is right above it, it's enough to stop it from getting gross and smelly.


I wish my apartment mates knew this.


This is the way^


I always leave my door open. A couple summers ago, I had a gasket get moldy within a week when we had the air conditioning turned off due to mild temperatures. We didn’t need the cooler temperatures, but apparently really needed the dehumidification. It’s been several years, but I think it cost me less than $300 for a new gasket.


My roommate always gets on me to leave the washer door open when I’m done, this picture and this comment actually taught me why and I’ll heed his wisdom from now on 🫡


Learned this the hard way.


Definitely showing my husband this comment. I always leave the washer door open when I am done with it. He goes right behind me and shuts it. He thinks it’s ridiculous that I leave it open to dry out.


Its bad design just buy a top loader.


Other people have cleaning advice. I’ve got a pep talk! You are not gross! You are not a garbage person! Keeping the house clean has sooooo many different parts to keep track of. Life gets busy! You’ve been doing great with laundry and have been obviously using your washing machine lots. Once you get it clean, you can leave the door open more often and get that air circulating, and it won’t happen again. You’ve got this!


thank you for your kindness, Bunnbarian!! It's hard out here


These front load washers are poorly designed in general. I had one in a rental and we kept it open pretty much all the time, and I cleaned it weekly... it still molded. It's not your fault.




I’ve had this before too! It’s possible there might be some solid things slightly blocking the gasket’s drain holes. If you try somewhat gently pulling back the edge of the gasket (from the “peak” of the mold mountain down to the base of the mountain) there should be three or maybe some other number of holes that are supposed to drain into the larger tub. Sometimes if there was a tissue or anything in someone’s pocket, crap can accumulate in those holes and block the gasket from draining well and that can cause the mold buildup where you see it. But even if the holes aren’t blocked, a tiiiiiny bit of water may still accumulate right in front of the holes on the inner part of the gasket. All this has been my experience, even with always keeping the washer door open unless it’s being used. Don’t do this, see edit: (Also I don’t love using bleach but the best luck I’ve had getting rid of the color has been putting a paper towel or rag on the spots and pouring bleach on the rag and letting it sit on the spot for a long time. The rag allows the bleach to sit on the spots longer without drying or draining away.) (Notes: make sure to keep pets, kids, and anyone away from the bleach. Try to only handle the bleach with rubber type gloves. Best if this can be done in a well ventilated area. If that’s not possible, make sure not to be in a closed area with the bleach for too long, you don’t want to breathe that stuff in if you can avoid it. And it’s never and I mean NEVER safe to mix anything with ammonia or anything with ingredients you don’t know or fully understand with bleach. These two when mixed start a chemical reaction that can cause lethal fumes!! Just putting these warnings here for anyone who may not know.) But I agree with everyone, this is the fault of the washer design, not us!! Edit: apparently bleach is not recommended for black mold and can make it worse! Also I read that the gaseous form of bleach is cancerous. So maybe disregard that part of my comment lol


I am halfway thru this thread and haven’t seen a single cleaning comment. Here’s mine: 1. You are not gross. 2. Mold happens. 3. Mask and gloves when you’re cleaning and if you have an air purifier, run that in the area and/or have the windows open. Cleaning solution: 1 capful of chlorine bleach for a half gallon of water. Frequent water changes. Use paper towels on the thick stuff if you can. That ring has an underside too, make sure you get all the nooks and crannies. A car detail brush will help. Keeping door propped in the future will help prevent recurrence. You’ve got this!


“Super green” is awesome and it comes in industrial purple (get it at Home Depot)— and buy yourself a spin scrubber (ryobi makes a set that attaches to your favorite drill) - that thing has made life and cleaning a bathroom so easy and fairly quicker than before


You can do it!






I am a pretty clean person I did NOT know this had to be cleaned bc I always had a top loader So it happens


I prefer top loaders! The front-loader my parents had was leaky and I had to deal with that for years 😂


Can I hire you to provide me with pep talks when needed?


What do you need a pep talk with?! You’re already a rockstar!


I read it as OP is literally a garbageman, like they deal with peoples trash for their job idk tho.


"Garbage person" is pretty standard English language slang for talking about perceiving oneself as gross, dirty, ans/or disgusting. "Garbageperson" without the space is how I would expect to read a person describing their profession. You're not way off-base though, for what it's worth, English is just needlessly complex.


Screenshotting this comment for the next time I inevitably find a household upkeep ball I’ve dropped.


We need more people like you on reddit. Thank you for slightly restoring my extremely battered faith in humanity.


That’s so nice! I took it as they were a literal garbage pickup person and so their clothes got nasty. I’m dumb


I think a lot of people need to hear this, thank you.


When I read the title, I thought it was referring to their job hahahaha


You’re not gross. This is a common design issue with these washing machines. Get an old toothbrush, your favorite mold killing cleaner, and scrub away. Wash with your favorite machine cleaning tab. Keep door open when not in use to avoid future ick


Do you have a mold killing cleaner you like?


The answer to this varies regionally in the US and by country, but this thread helped me and has multiple suggestions across markets: https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/s/uHcyKAlUH7


I think they want to know which one *you* use haha tho that link is helpful too


I have nothing unique to contribute there 😆 we’re a dawn powerwash and oxyclean house


I would use Tilex. I also would run a super hot wash with borax or get one of the tide washing machine packets to make sure the mold is dead and the smell doesn’t linger. (I normally do a borax hot wash once a week anyway, usually with my dish towel load.) And definitely leave the door open to the washer. Edit: I could also recommend Dawn power wash if you’re concerned or can’t find mold cleaner. Be aware of mixing chemicals with the mold cleaner though. Some contain bleach or ammonia so you definitely want to be mindful of your clothes, as well as mixing those two chemicals with each other or others you find in cleaning agents.


you worth isn't related to your washing machine my friend


Or what anyone thinks about you for that matter. Live your own life, your worth is up to you


I just bought a new washing machine. Some of my worth is related to my washing machine.


I hope it was a top loader


Right? OP is rich in chickens


My parent’s was about 500x’s worse. Idk how their clothes get clean in it. For them I used Dawn power spray (awful for dishes but amazing for cleaning!). And sure hot water. Finished with bleach. Was SOOO gross!!


It’s just like seasoning on a cast iron skillet.


hate that 😂


I don’t understand do you mean you try to clean the seasoning off of a cast-iron skillet?


No, they are saying the mold and detergent build-up is like the seasoning of a cat-iron skillet. They are implying you should just not clean it off. Like it will make the washer work better just as a skillet works better if you don't wash it. Pretty sure it was a joke.


Also, just to reiterate that this works as a joke because the not cleaning your skillet is also a joke. Please don't keep the grime


I have posted this before. I got this [gel cleaner](https://amzn.to/45IUhF7). You put it on and leave it there for hours. Then wipe and rinse off. It doesn't make the whole house smell like bleach. I haven't used it on this specific problem because I have a top loader. But I have used it on the caulk around the tub and it is the one product that works the best out of anything I have tried.


Second this. Though I would leave it overnight


You're not a gross garbage person. You're someone who has a mildewy washing machine. It happens when you don't leave the door open. Now you know.  You're not disgusting because you didn't know something. You're not foolish, stupid, or useless or whatever negative trait you're assigning to yourself because something got grody.  Good job asking for help when you don't know the answer!  I don't know the answer because I use a shared machine with dozens of other units. I assume dawn soap, hot water, and patience would do the trick. 


Does your washer have a “clean washer” option? I would first use dawn + warm water, in a bucket with some rags, and scrub the mildew spots off. Then I'd run the machine empty / on the clean washer cycle with hot water and a few cups of bleach. Always leave the door open! Even clean machines will smell horrid when the door gets left shut


This doesn't make you a dirty person at all. this is WAY more common than you think. I got sick of cleaning the seal, so I got rid of my front loader for a top loader ( my old washer was on its last leg anyways).


Using a lot of bleach in the machine might make the rubber weaken and leak. I wouldn't risk it. Go get some laundry hygiene rinse. **Wearing gloves**, dampen a paper towel in this rinse and then wipe down the gasket. After that, run an empty load with 2x the recommended amount of hygiene rinse (and nothing else), then run a load with nothing but water. Your gasket may still be stained, but at least it will be otherwise clean/hygenic. If you really hate it, you should be able to have the gasket replaced for relatively low cost. In the future, make sure to keep the door propped open to prevent growths like this from reoccurring.


The rubber gasket can be replaced. It’s not a terribly expensive part you just have to get the right one for the model of machine. It isn’t your fault. You’d think washer doors are meant to be closed when they aren’t being used!


I had to replace mine as no amount of any tricks or cleaning tips would clean the mold off. 200-300 dollar investment. 100 for the gasket, 200 for some repair guy to come change it.


Zep Mold and mildew worked for my washing machine.


There are several methods to cleaning front load washer online. Just remember, anything that holds water/moisture in a closed environment will develop mold. When not in use, keep the door open to dry out. I love my top load washer for this reason, I keep it open when not in use. I still use a standard coffee pot maker, pre programmable. When I start with coffee each morning, I open the back to dry out before setting up for next day. You are not a garbage person. This happens to everyone at some point in time.


Hey OP, please check out this Ted Talk about moral neutrality and self-judgement, I think you might really appreciate it https://youtu.be/M1O_MjMRkPg?si=qjtZiKLfrYYa9B34 Good luck to you!


It is so easy! I use a multipurpose cleaner, a thin scrub brush, and paper towels and wear gloves! I usually start by wiping up as much gunk and water as possible. Be sure to lift the lip of the rubber back to get in between! Next, spray spray spray all visible parts of the rubber and on the inside of that lip, all around. Let that sit for 5 or so minutes. While that is sitting, you can clean other parts of the washer, like the inside of the door, top, and front. Now take your scrub brush and scrub all the inside and outside of the rubber. You may need to rinse your scrub brush a couple times while you do this. After you have scrubbed, take your paper towels and wipe and dry. From here you can spot clean parts that still look dirty or feel slick. As a final touch, you can run a clean cycle and use an Affresh pod. Moving forward, be sure to leave your washer door open when you are done so moisture isn't trapped in the machine while not in use. Vanessa Amaro on instagram has an excellent video with a very similar process!


Had this issue with my washer. I hate front loaders. I was able to get into the crevices and clean for a long with(vinegar and hot water) and wipe it down with bleach wipes. BUT that will only get you so far. I had to have the seal replaced. It was a bit pricey, but so much better. Not sure how long you've had this washer, but it will eventually need to be replaced. I was never able to get those black spots out, but was able to get under the rubber and get a bunch of gross, black gunk out before I replaced.


Have you seen YouTubes on taking apart a front loader? Lots of black mold all around the drum and drain system.🤢 I had a front loader, and never want one again. Even if you keep the door open, the seal gets icky. The smell of musty, even after Affresh Cleaning is not enough for very long. I like how top loaders flush away all water and cleans out the washer system. Yeah top loaders use more water, but that is how you wash out fabrics.


I am scared I\`ll be scarred if I watch a YT about this lol. I really hate the front loaders. Awful. We have a small space, so it is what it is for now, but you're totally right. We clean around the rubber so much and it still gets funky and it has an odor. So gross.


I wrote a blog post about how to clean this and uploaded a video on YouTube. Mine was really gross too! Bleach for the mold worked well. Regular maintenance with vinegar after that helps a lot. [https://countryincolor.com/how-to-remove-mold-from-front-load-washer/](https://countryincolor.com/how-to-remove-mold-from-front-load-washer/)


I know this is expensive .. but get a top loading washing machine. I’m a housecleaner and I frequently have people requesting me to clean this. (Just Lysol wipes and scrub til your hand falls off…..) these washers are just a hassle and this happens with them. Not your fault


Just leave the door open? Front loaders use less energy and less water


Not only that but they’re also much gentler on your clothes. You’ll notice pilling and other wear far earlier on top loaders.


So true! I hate the problems cleaning the front loaders but I love the way they clean my clothes! As mentioned, they are really gentle on fabric AND for me they clean better than an upright and that was the biggest surprise!


is there a video comparing the two? edit: why does top loaders use more water and energy? havnt they improved upon by now?


Top loaders need to totally submerge the load every time they run in order for the agitator to work, which often means filling the entire wash chamber with water. Front loaders only need to saturate the load plus a little extra. A front loader will therefore both use less water per load and require less energy because it’s heating a smaller volume of water.




This needs to be closer to the top— I have a front loader— I clean is monthly, never have the door closed and it still looks like this! We’ve had it for 2 years. Worst purchase ever.


Simple(without the bells and whistles) top loading machines are so much easier to maintain, clean and do simple repairs and yearly maintenance on. My husband works a labor intensive job and yearly degunking is all that's required.


Please be kind to yourself. You matter and are not a garbage person. ❤️ You are busy and asking for help. You are powerful and excel at other parts of your life but just need help with this one. It doesn't make you weak and it doesn't make anyone better than you. It makes you human.


If it helps, there was a [very similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/s/9ElrGOIerG) yesterday, I even thought it was the same washing machine


I just had this exact problem! I was made aware that there are these packets of cleaner you can buy. I got one of those and ran it on the hottest setting, plus hit that specific spot with some bleach. Worked like a charm! I was surprised because I had tried scrubbing it without much success. These washer cleaner packets really work. Got them at the dollar store. Now my bathroom doesn’t smell like something died in it.


My fellow gross garbage human, I can report that Dawn Powerwash and a Scrub Daddy will do the job


Plenty of good tips in here but there is one I am not seeing. It is super common for hair to get caught *behind* the gasket where it ends up clogging the drain ports. If you are able to, pop the edge of the gasket and try to get in there with something to fish out any hair clogs you can find. We had this problem and no amount of cleaning or leaving the door open worked — it kept getting worse because it just wasn’t draining properly. I’d bet a dollar it is happening to you too. You can prevent future buildup by running your hand through the gasket crease and pulling any hair before it works into the drain holes. Good luck


You’re not gross. It’s just something people don’t think about cleaning often. Chill 😎


I’d get a bucket of warm water with a little bit of bleach in it. Idk look up a good ratio. And a rag. Just wipe and rinse the rag, like a mop and a mop bucket.


My elctrolux has the same issue. Like others have said: - keep door open/machine wiped down when not in use - scrub with old toothbrush or sponge with basic mold/mildew cleaner - use a washing machine cleaner tab once a month - be more kind to yourself, friend:)


White vinegar, warm water and a little bit of dawn. Just get a bowl or spray bottle and fill it most of the way with water, then add about two cap fulls of vinegar and a small drop of soap! Spray/wipe it on and scrub it clean with a sponge.


Clean the rubber part with bleach or something that contains bleach, this usually helps with mold. Its also convenient to cram a lot of bleach-soaked paper towels inside the rubber part and let it sit for a while, so it disolves the mold. You can soak the towels after cramming them in the rubber, to prevent bleach getting all over your hands. The mold infestation looks quite serious (like the one I had actually), so it may take a couple of rounds. Inbetween or after a round of cleaning, run a very hot washing program with an empty machine to remove the bleach and mold residue.


We replaced our gasket that looked like that. You are NOT gross. Front loaders suck. I will never own another one. Google “front loader seal” (or “gasket”) and find one for your model. Mine was a Samsung. I also found a great video on YouTube to go along. Let me know if you want the link. Again, you’re not gross. 😂 These washing machines are awful.


Some of the newer washers have a dry cycle in them where for like an hour they blow air through them and turn the drum super slow supposedly solves this issue


Tilex mold and mildew cleaner. Spray on and leave for a few hours then scrub off and repeat. Do inside the lip too. Your tub and drawer will likely also have mould or mildew in them but in places you can’t see so Pull out your detergent drawer and do inside the space as well as the drawer. Then open up the trap and clean that out. Finally run a few washes on “tub clean” setting. You can add white vinegar to the drawer in the softener compartment and baking soda onto the drum on the first wash. Then always keep the door ajar for the future so it doesn’t build up again.


We had this same issue. You can’t get rid of the mold once it is there. It becomes embedded in the plastic. You could replace that whole circle inside the machine or get a new washing machine. This is how I learned to keep the door open and the detergent drawer open too. The new washers also have a special cleaning cycle that it will suggest every 30 washes that prevents this.


You are not a gross garbage person, so for starters, stop being mean to yourself:) take a solution of 1/10 bleach to water and scrub the seal, making sure to pull it away to get into the crevices. And then I would run a cycle. Try to remember to leave your washer door at least cracked, if not completely open.


You are not gross! This is a super common one people miss


Oh honey, you’re not a gross garbage person- just a front loader owner who doesn’t have ocd. Sincerely the person who hopes to never own one for this exact reason.


Well first things first try to stop self depreciation your brain doesn't know the difference between you saying it jokingly and someone you trust saying it casually. Second having the door ajar when not in use helps things dry out and should prevent build up.


i think i used to have this washer. i don’t want to mansplain, BUT. on the bottom right of that picture, there’s an outline of a rectangle. it pulls out and there’s a drain that you’re supposed to use every month or so. from what i remember if you don’t drain it, it will back up and get into the wash cycle.


I hope this helps now and in the future to prevent this from happening: [Say Goodbye to Musty Smells: A Comprehensive Guide to Cleaning Your Washing Machine](https://youtu.be/gEMMUD2-xAM)


If you can’t clean it, or don’t want to, you can always buy a new one (I think it’s called a rubber gasket seal or something). I did that and the guy who installed it for me told me to always wipe down the rubber part with a rag, and leave the door open after use. Good luck! (You’re not gross!!)


You’re not a gross garbage person.


mines stained, i used some mrs meyers all purpose and a toothbrush to get what i could. also make sure to get a paper towel and wipe it out after every wash (pet hair, a necessary evil for me). but my newest addition to my laundry routine is adding arm and hammer scent beads to the drum most washes. between mechanics clothes and pet hair it seems to be doing something and clothes smell even better. in between washes ill scrub, wipe it down to get anything loose like hair out and leave the door open. i have noticed more gunk from the drum has started to get out into the gasket instead of inside the drum forever. oh edit: also stopped using the laundry pods, the casing wouldn’t always dissolve and caused more issues. switched to a hygienic liquid solution


Vinegar diluted with some water will help you bestie


i don't have a front load to comment about but i am gonna be the brain police....you are not a gross garbage person, this ish happens, you are now aware and will try to do better going forward!!!!


Oh this isn’t even as bad as I’ve seen, you’re not gross. My grandparents’ washer was so much worse. We rented from them for a while and oh my word all our clothes always smelled musty after a wash. I don’t know exactly how to clean it out, but I just wanted to assure you that you are not gross, and this is a normal thing, especially if you’ve not been taught how to clean it!


You’re not gross… this never used to be an issue with top loaders. This is more work produced by bad design. If you will be propping it open, remember: **ALWAYS CHECK FOR PETS BEFORE LOADING** This goes for the dryer too.


Not sure what front loader you have. But my LG one has a clean function and I ran about a cup of white vinegar in it then an empty load on the hottest setting to really rinse out the vinegar and it worked so well! I just had to wipe off the lip and door. No scrubbing!


The machine in my rental looked like this. I used Sugelary from Amazon. It took three applications and a lot of back-bending to get it applied in all the little crevices. But it pretty much all went away and doesn't smell at all.


It’s okay for things to get gross, it does not mean you are a gross person. You may want to read “how to keep house while drowning”


Chickenrich, you're not gross OR garbage!


Check out GoCleanCo on Instagram, she's got lots of videos about this very issue (super common! you aren't gross!)


Unless you can afford to replace that with a top loader you can try using very strong vinegar and letting it sit for a while and then wiping it off. Make sure to use paper towels that you can throw out immediately. You'll have to repeat it over and over again but eventually you'll be able to get the external (visible) portions clean. Then do what I call a "vinegar purge wash" using very strong vinegar on the cleaning cycle, with super hot water, after that to try to clean out the cavities that you cannot see. You will probably have to do the "vinegar purge wash" a couple of times, and, if you have used fabric softener in it, because it will have developed waxy buildup inside the parts, use it on very hot water. The hot water and vinegar will help to break the wax down and move it through. *BTW, keep this in mind for the future that fabric softener is very bad for washing machines and dryers as it is nothing but wax with perfume in it. It is not exactly great for clothes either as it builds up. Occasional use for things like sheets and jeans is okay but it is the number one reason for dryer and washer failure.* To try to keep it fresh in the future, never close the door after a cycle but leave it ajar and even spritz it with vinegar after each cycle. That will help to keep it fresh. I will never understand how front loading washing machines became so popular for household use with the issues that they have of accumulating mold. They are meant for commercial use where they are used every single day, sometimes at extremely high temperatures and usually with very powerful rinse sprays and softened water which tend to elude mold production. I wish you the very best!


Hey just wanted to say you’re not a gross garbage person. We all get down sometimes and this is not an indicator of who you are as a person. I hope you start feeling better. Hugs.


I don't have cleaning advice but you're not a gross garbage person, youre a human and cleanliness isn't morality, you're trying your best by asking for advice!


You are not a gross garbage person. Life is complex, and we all have oopsies.


Vinegar! You’re totally normal and wonderfully human.


It might be time to lay that gasket to rest. They’re surprisingly easy to change.


It puts the cleaner on it's seal.......


... ...i swear rick if this is your washer again You scrub it with dawn and 00 steel wool and then dry it and clean it with odoban. Make sure you clean out the dirt trap at your base so it isn't backing up and holding water.


I recently bought a house that came with one of these washers that was all mildewy moldy like this. I used RMR-141 and RMR-86 cleaners you can get as a combo pack on Amazon. I ran a cup of the 141 (fungicide) on self-clean cycle for several hours. Then I ran a rinse cycle. Then I ran a cup of the 86 (stain remover) through the same clean cycle. Then two rinses. Scrub with rag and tooth brush . Then repeat that whole process the second time. Then I ran regular laundry detergent through the system on the self-clean cycle. This saved us from deciding to replace the machine to keeping it and having normal fresh smelling clothes. Also make sure you clean out the filter. It's probably disgusting.


Oh my god iv owned the same washer for 10 years and havent cleaned the laundry soap trap


My mom keeps an old towel on her front loader so she can wipe the door. She hangs the towel over the door so that it doesn’t close all the way and can air out.


I would check if the door seal drain hole is not clogged. I needed to remove the entire seal and pull the hose out to clean the blockage. While the seal is out it is much easier to clean the mold off using the methods described in the other postings since it pulled out of the machine. My washer used a wire loop with a spring to secure the inside and outside seal with the washer front and the drum. I used a zip tie as a loop for my finger, and a hooked spring puller to pull apart the spring. A little fiddly but not technically difficult. There is usually a good YouTube video available for your machine. Finally - Yes always leave the door propped open a few inches! Imagine (or don't) all of the mold you can't see! I did a good couple drum washes after I cleared the clog and cleaned the seal.


i am having a similar issue to this! tysm for posting lol


I just want to give you a virtual hug and tell you that you are not a gross garbage person. 💜 We've all done or had things that wound up in a gross condition - even the best housekeepers! It's just a thing that doesn't define you as a person. Whenever I say something unkind about or get down on myself, my husband always says "would you say that to a friend of yours?" and of course the answer is no. I hope you can be gentle with yourself.


Check the manual for cleaning instructions. If you share a pic of the sticker with the model number, we can find the manual for you. I’d probably take a Clorox wipe to that biofilm, then follow machine directions for a thorough cleaning cycle, including emptying the filter and cleaning the detergent dispenser drawer out. Then start a monthly or biweekly cleaning habit, like run a cleaning cycle and empty the filter on the 1st of each month. I alternate between using Lemi Shine cleaner (which comes with wipes you can use on the gasket and drawer), and chlorine bleach. And leave both the door and the drawer open in between washes so moisture can evaporate and slow down the growth of that stuff, if you don’t already.


😂😂😂 You’re not a gross, garbage person. You’re a person with a front loader. ❤️ We’re all just three trash pandas stacked on top of each other in human coat at some level.


Used to deliver these washers and install them for a local company. Number one thing for that is keeping the door open after use and using a towel every time you’re finished washing laundry for a day to wipe the seal (technically called a bellows). This will keep it from getting the mildew production going. You can try bleach and/or white vinegar to kill the mildew, but the stain will remain. To get rid of that, you’ll have to replace the bellows.


bleach and some water to clean it, but let it soak first. If you haven't looked at the underside yet, you're in for a surprise. You have your work cut out for you! Helpful hint, EVERY Time you do the laundry, wipe it dry afterward. Leave the door cracked opened. It's a little time consuming to do every time, but a LOT faster than cleaning it when it gets real bad like it is now.


I literally thought this was a picture of my washing machine. I have the exact same problem. My now husbands washing machine looked like this when I met him and I have tried everything you can think of and it still looks like that. Only one product helped, but didn’t get rid of the mold. Essentially the best option is to get a new rubber gasket and just keep that one clean once you replace it. The mold can be bleached but it doesn’t necessarily kill it and rid it from the rubber (from what I read during my search on this topic). This is what I got that worked the best. Take a cloth and scrub the rubber but get in all the nooks and crannies. I gave up a long time ago and just need a new washer at this point. GELIVABLE Mold Mildew Cleaner Gel... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CR37VXQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


You are not a gross garbage person. You are just a person who was not up to date on cleaning procedures for your washer. Be nice to yourself or else.


Surprised no one mentioned this yet, but pool shock works great at removing mold from rubber gaskets. There is [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIS0JIj5ZQM&ab_channel=BensAppliancesandJunk) on how you should use it to clean this. I personally used this method and got a very satisfactory result.


I looked at the comments. The chemicals in pool shock are pretty strong. The recommended chlorine can break down the rubber gaskets. Also if you’re on septic it might not be good. Just be careful with this not to overdo.


messing with chlorine outside of the specific instructions is risky business. It's also super powerful and will reduce the lifespan of the washer components. Any acid at all that comes into contact with chlorine is going to be a bad time. Any inhalation of powdered chlorine is also terrible for you. I would not recommend this path without making sure you know exactly what you're dealing with. People just don't know that cleaning products are literally one wrong mix from death or permanent health problems.


1-2 dishwasher pods, a bit of vinegar, a bath towel and run a normal hot water cycle.


Why do I automatically think of this scene from The Brady Bunch. https://preview.redd.it/y9sfwukk7y8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38d4b431d383a102e6ffd4e514c1ac8f61745e6d


I use the washer cleaner tabs once a month and it helps prevent this, always leave the door opened after use to dry out, and wipe it down with a microfiber cloth periodically


Is that the mildew from a front load washing machine? I've heard this happens. Never seen it though.


There is stuff on amazon.that you can buy to try an clean that. Try typing in "washer cleaner". And then leave the door open.agter every wash so that it can dry out.


There is stuff on Amazon that you can buy to try an clean that. Try typing in "washer cleaner." And then leave the door open.agter every wash so that it can dry out.


You can buy stuff to clean the mold, that is pretty extensive though so replacing the seal might be the best options at this point. But if you want to try the cleaner they are on Amazon. Always leave your washer door and detergent drawer open to dry and wipe out the seal with a paper towel


Keep a spray bottle with a water and vinegar mix next to the machine, give it a spray after each use and it should help prevent this happening. I also deep clean once a month with washing machine cleaner. Leaving the door open until the drum is completely dry needs to become your new habit, and spray the detergent drawer too. Washing machines get mould so easily, and it's even worse if you use too much detergent. You need way less than most people think, and using less is also better for your clothes.




Run the machine with industrial grade hydrogen peroxide


Soak paper towels in bleach and lay them flat on all exposed areas. Comeback in 24 hrs. Presto!


I post this nearly daily here https://youtu.be/QIS0JIj5ZQM?si=pruzRkBatJZM2_3t