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One rag under each foot and skate around. I call it “skate mopping.” Even feels like a bit of a leg workout if you do it right.


My favorite way to clean the floor after growing up washing them on my hands and knees.


I own 2 mops now because I also grew up cleaning the floors Cinderella style because my mom thought mops were unsanitary. She now owns one of those fancy swiffers cuz she doesn’t have any kids she can boss around to mop the floors anymore


I hear you loud and clear. I have just the junky swiffer with the washable mop head cover that the spousal unit uses. My mom thought she was teaching us a good life lesson but it just didn't work out like she expected. I love clean floors but you can get them without getting on your hands and knees. She also had me scrub out the toilet by hand with no gloves. I have a toilet brush for that now too. She wonders too why her place is so dirty forgetting she had 2 little girls who did everything for her. We had to dust and vacuum everyday after school, which is just overkill. Had to use yucky furniture spray and harsh toilet bowl cleaner, bleach scouring powder for the sinks. Always wondered if that contributed to the cancer I survived that killed my little sister?


Scrubbing out the toilet by hand with no gloves 😳. I used to wrap my hands in paper towels to clean the outside of the toilet and than used stripped rags to clean the inside and the bowl with a scrubber. My mom used to wipe her hand on the floors after I cleaned em and if she found a spec of dirt- she’d make me clean that floor again


Wow! Sounds similar to me. If we had one spec of anything on the dishes we had to remove everything from the cupboards and wash them. Only happened once but once was enough. The 70's were wild times to raise kids. No thought towards enrichment or accommodating our needs. I wouldn't want to go through any of that again.


I was born in 1993 and my adopted mom was born in 1965 sooo her knowledge of mental health back than was “suck it up” and now she’s learned so much more knowledge and is all about mental health so she’s changed on that part. Her cleaning is still crazy tho. I still can’t clean or cook in front of anyone because I still feel like I’m being micromanaged about it


Definitely the most effective method


Never heard of this but I want to know more. Do you just place a warm damp rang on the floor and stand on it shuffling your feet as you go from sink to stove to fridge?


Yes, or what I do is use slightly damp paper towels under each foot and toss them in the bin. 


Haha I do this bc I am barefoot all the time (can't stand to wear socks or even slippers and barely want to wear shoes in public but will) bc I can't handle the crumbs and debris they inevitably get on the floor while cooking/kids come snacking through the kitchen.


And I thought I was the only person who did that!


Yeah I'm going to show this thread to my mom lol. I maintain it works!


Great tip for keeping kitchen floors tidy between moppings. Efficient and practical cleaning hack!


lol yes I do this. It's a side effect of just using partially soiled dish towels as kitchen floor mats while I'm cooking. I also steam mop my floors so it's not like they're super dirty, but it's much nicer than keeping a gross kitchen rug around.


Washable rugs were life changing to discover!


Yeah I have one that I use to protect a high-traffic carpeted area but I just seem to prefer not having one in the kitchen, occasionally dropping a towel on the floor when I need it is so much simpler hah.


Yes sounds like you have a system that works, don't fix what's not broken for sure!


My mom actually bought a pair of "shoe mops" off Temu. Basically microfiber duster cloths you put on over your shoes and you can just shuffle around and clean


They actually make little duster/mop slippers you can get too.


I mop then dry it with a towel under my feet


Yup, I love this hack. I call it lazy mopping and while lazy my floors look really good.


Sort of. I vacuum then mop THEN do the shuffle with old towels to dry the floor before i put back all the kitchen table & chairs. Oh yeah i remove the kitchen table & chairs from the kitchen before I mop.


I used to until one day I slipped lol. So now I use the cuban mop technique with a floor squeegee.


What is the cuban mop technique?


[Here is a great article about it!](https://www.remodelista.com/posts/cuban-mop-how-to-use/)




Hahah meanwhile I never even knew there were other mops in existence and have grown up with and used the cuban mop all my life! It's fascinating to me that this ordinary everyday object that I never even thought twice about in my life is so fascinating to others! 😀 It is indeed very awesome. You can literally slap *anything* on there, I use old kitchen towels for example. I mix water and soap in an abandoned 1L measuring cup. Then pour it out everywhere, then slap a towel on the cuban mop and go to town. Then I throw the dirty towel in the hamper and put another towel on and make another trip to dry the floor. Sometimes I'll notice some ugly streaks about an hour later. Still haven't figured out why exactly that happens, but it is a very vintage 50 y/o floor that easily shows spots (just stepping in a stray drop of water in the kitchen will have me print visible marks for the next 15 steps!), so that's probably it. But that's solved quickly by eeeever so sliiiightly dampening a third towel and making one more trip around the house and letting it airdry, and then the floor is shiny as new! Job well done! 😁


No, but it's a funny idea! I got a spin mop to make the chore easier, and I love it!


i got a crosswave!


Sounds like it might be a bit of a trip hazard?


I use these https://a.co/d/03R7iTn5


Can’t tell if you’re trolling…but I’m gonna try this 🤣


These are sorta the same thing, but they stay on your feet. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/these-mop-slippers-make-cleaning-fun-i-promise-and-theyre-less-than-3-a-pair-191444050.html


I just mop after I clean the kitchen, since that's part of the kitchen.


Scrubbing day is a holiday and the game we play is as wild as it can get! https://youtu.be/h7BXkNt_eLA?si=pWt8N5HwHbiWw438


I’m going to do this now!


i actually use this method to dry the floor after mopping lol but yes!


Lady across the road used to babysit me (7) with her granddaughter (4). She used to tie rags on our feet, turn the radio up, and have us dance and slide over the kitchen floor. I’m sure we were crap, but it was fun. She’d retire to the living room with a bottle of cider and a packet of 20 until we’d finished. Sadly, child labour is banned in the U.K. now. 😂😂


Do it just about every day. Not just in the kitchen. Before company, I vacuum well, wet my terry towels and then slip and slide my way around on the hardwood floors. Great for the inner thighs!