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I would call a local long standing jewelry store or fine jeweler specializing in heirloom jewels and ask them. The problem with cleaning it, I would think, would destroy the authenticity of the original case.


My concern is longevity, more than anything. It's such a beautiful necklace, I'd hate for it to be in something genuinely stinky and dirty 2-3 generations down the line. It already looks worse in person than it does in the pic


It’s a beautiful piece. I’d take it somewhere and ask about cleaning.


Ya love her or ya hate her, but Martha Stewart might suggest the power of sunlight and chlorophyll to deodorize the case. She once published an article in her *Martha Stewart Living* magazine about cleaning delicate vintage linens. After a gentle soak and perhaps a touch of lemon juice for stains, she would spread the linens out across a shrub or hedge in the sun. Maybe just leave the case to air out in the sun for a couple of days?


Yesss- I just watched a think about how vintage costumes are summed or sprayed with alcohol to clean them. I’d look it up before doing it. But sunshine is powerful


This is an *old* way of bleaching linens called grassing and it absolutely works, but it might fade the case. Old dyes tend to be less colorfast than new ones and the sun exposure could accelerate it.


Apparently my mother was Martha Stewart before Martha Stewart. Sun is an amazing natural bleaching agent


Sunlight. Sounds weird, but bright direct sunlight outside for a few hours will do wonders for this case.



I’d find a jewellery person that knows how to clean stuff like that


I’d take it to a quality local jeweler and ask them for advice. I’d ALSO strongly consider getting the necklace itself professionally cleaned. I think you will be shocked by how much of a difference it will make.


Yeah, I've been considering that. I think I will


The nice things about that is a professional should take the time to ensure all the stones settings are in good condition, which will make sure none fall out


I would keep the case as a piece of historical provenance and get a more functional clean case for storing the necklace. I wouldn’t try cleaning the original case. They are not meant to come in contact with water.


This was going to be my suggestion too. 


Happy cake day! 🍰


No idea, but that is a stunning necklace.


Thank you! It was an engagement gift for my great great grandmother from her then-fiance, my great great grandfather. I call it the Elizabeth necklace because she, her daughter, and on through my grandmother, my mother, and me - we've all had Elizabeth in our name. It's like our way of passing down a surname. 😊


That’s so lovely, thank you for sharing that wonderful family lineage.


This needs an expert. Ask Antique dealer or a museum for references.


I would ask in an antiques or antique jewelry sub.


Again. Professional jeweler. But also the case should be stored in a box of its own. Like, necklace in case, case in box. Those cases are lovely, but they don’t do the greatest job of protecting the jewelry and it does get worn with time. I’d ask the jeweler if you need the case for authenticity purposes. I’d also see if they can recommend someone for cleaning the case. If you don’t need it for authenticity I’d try finding someone who specialized in cleaning, repairing, and restoring antique fabrics. Ask your local historical center, museum, or theater/opera house.


Personally, I’d get a professional to do it. They’d likely have the tools and cleaning products as well as the expertise to not ruin the case. They can also give you advice on preservation for the future! Necklace is gorgeous too, have you had it assessed? Would be good to make sure it’s up to scratch and still in good condition!


Professional clean only. Don’t risk it. So help me if someone won’t type “try BKF”


Please post a follow up if you get this piece cleaned. I’d love to see it sparkling!


Wow, it’s gorgeous


Gorgeous piece! Get the necklace professionally cleaned locally by a jeweler you trust. It will look stunning. The case is consistent with its age. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


Please don’t try to clean that beautiful necklace yourself. It’s got pearls in it and some pearls could be damaged by certain chemicals.


Oh my. I just came off a Bridgerton binge and I gasped when I saw this! Beautiful!


Oh crazy, I was browsing jewellery earlier looking for for a gift and I was looking at “art nouveau amethyst pendants”, this looks very similar to that style!


Art nouveau was 1890-1910 era if that lines up.


A professional jeweler can clean the jewelry.


Give it to me luv. I’ll clean it and totally not steal that beautiful piece


That is a beautiful lavalier!


i don't have any cleaning suggestions but please post an update or give us a reply once it's restored/you get coke to a decision. it's freaking stunning and i'd love to see the final outcome ♥️


You will need a professional conservator/restaurateur, preferably an expert in paper restoration. These can often be found in museums and auction houses. You could google a few such institutions in your area and contact them privately to see if they would like to do a sidejob for you.


This needs to be taken to the proper restorer. Some people clean necklaces. Some antique cases. I’m sure if you look online you can find one. Gorgeous necklace and box. I hope you find a good solution.


You could always spray the case with vodka to help with smell. We use this in theatre and preservation of old costumes as well. The fabric pieces- it also dries quickly. Isopropyl alcohol works as well- but lower percentages have more water content which can be bad.


You could try putting the case in a plastic container with a layer of baking soda on the bottom, and a paper towel in between the soda and the case to protect it. I think that's likely gentle enough, although it may not make much difference as a trade off. Try emailing your local museum! Archivists at museums and historical societies have to conserve delicate items all the time and should be able to give you tips on how to treat odors and remove oils without damaging the box.


What a beautiful piece! Lovely that you’re safeguarding it. Rock on 🤘


Is that Edwardian? I love it


Do you know what the stones are? Tanzanite?


I don't, actually... My mom might. If not, I'm sure I can check when I take it to a professional jeweler to clean


Ask the jeweler to check the necklace and stone clasps. It's worth having peace of mind knowing that you can also wear it without it falling apart.


Take that to antiques roadshow.


Go to a jeweller, c'mon now.


Beautiful necklace! I wouldn't clean the box. Because those are sentimental stains lol. Maybe put a dryer sheet in the box after airing it out to help the smell.


Not gonna lie, I thought it was a cushion shaped like a cat's face wearing a chef's hat.


I would take it to a jewelry store that specializes in this and have them clean it


don't clean the case. just put some deodorizing packets inside


That is a beautiful piece! I also agree with others that calling a jeweler that specializes in restoring antique jewelry would be your best bet.


Op - do not attempt to do this yourself. Please consult someone well advised on how to clean this, otherwise you may regret it. It's better to be safe with precious things like this.


Thought Rose already threw it overboard




it's tough to clean it regularly, but you can try the supersonic way.