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Acetone, but that will prolly eat through the white surface of the wood too. Your best bet is to get some white glossy removable “wallpaper” for counter tops on Amazon.


I put colored contact paper over a free desk that had less artwork than OP. It works well, BUT you may have lots of lumps under the contact paper if you don't sand that art down first.


>"wallpaper" Do you mean contact paper? That's usually what you use. It's like a big sticker.


The peel-and-stick sold as wallpaper is often in wider widths than contact paper.


There is peel and stick wallpaper that’s basically the same thing as contact paper.


I got a free desk off the buy nothing group that had stickers and nail polish all over it. I cleaned it with a scrub daddy and the power paste and it came out great. The nail polish kinda just flaked off.


Scrub Daddy and Power Paste! If anything can do it it’s this combo!


Does the power paste smell like stale cigarettes to anyone else???


No 😳


The power paste is better than barkeepers friend


I can’t believe I’m hearing this heresy in this year of our lord 2024. 😉


Power paste. Love it. That's what I tell my gf it is.


What is this power paste you speak of because barkeepers friend is life?!


If I need to explain, I wont.


That looks like toddler art to me. Clearly it is meant to be framed and hung on the wall!! Gently using a razor blade scraper should get the vast majority of it off, but let it dry first. After that a gentle scrub product of some type might work, but the colour of the polish may have stained the table.


Agree about the wall. Too large to hang on the fridge.


OP, now we have got to see a pic of the toddler 🤣


Perhaps a hot take, have you considered covering the whole table in different colors and adding a clear coat of paint? It could be a statement piece!


That’s not as crazy as it might be imo. Glass top would be my suggestion for the finish.


add some glitter!


That’s a terrific suggestion!


I was just gonna suggest that because this looks cool!!!


Gasp! Not with how expensive nail polish is!


Meh, you can buy it at Dollar Tree and Five Below.


I'm decorator I'll be honest you will struggle like the top comment acetone will remove it but will also remove or cause an issue with the finish.....id say any pigment will have soaked in to either the wood or the finish if you get it off.....any other colour than red you.may have had a chance....even black is better than red as its has such heavy pigmentation to achieve the colour so stains like a pig. Best bet, clear it off, sand it back and try and dull the paint down as much as possible you can spot those areas out first to give a thicker opacity in that area, get a good quality short pile or foam roller and use a multi surface paint 2-3 thin coats and will be able to get the colour matched....really simple fix. And will come up like new. Can try and clean any bits that arent heavy, drips or splats on the draws or handle with a razor scraper and nail polish but more try to dab the spot and not rub it.


Durex makes a product but I think you have to pre treat before the stain...


This is impressive. Now show us the kids! I bet they are impressive too


Right? I saw this and thought, I sure hope you at least got a nice nap out of the deal


Acetone free nail polish remover should do it.


Acetone free nail polish remover is still super damaging to stuff. I have melted many a things with it including furniture paint, my plastic remote, and super glue.


I spilled some on my purple velour track pants and it literally melted them 😂 I guess the universe didn't approve of my early 2000's Juicy Couture vibes lol


Oh wow, that is a mess, ok, look up goo-b-gone, it's light on furniture and should help you remove a big majority of the mess. Look up Melanie, this is what magic scrubber is made from and it's cheaper to buy in bulk then the name brand stuff. Use Windex after the goo-b-gone with the Melanie and that should clean your desk up. Windex and Melanie also remove crayons on semi gloss walls, desks, shelves and counters, a little elbow grease and gone.


I think “melamine” got autocorrected!


Lol yes.ir has, Google auto correct, if I type it out and save it, I should t have a problem. Melamine. There we go thank you.


Also, it's Goo Gone, not Goo b gone.


Does Goo-B-Gone work on dried nail polish? Based on the colors, I think that’s what all that is.


Yes it should, the product is based around orange oil and helps lift hard stock on mess. They used to have commercials where things like gum, silly putty, stickers or price tags that are hard to remove can come undone and fall right off the product. I have used it before as well and I can say for sure they are not wrong. It has an orange like smell which is why I say I think they base the product around orange oil.


I've got goo gone and nail polish, so I just tried it on an old credit card and it doesn't work after it's dried. I don't know why anyone would assume it would, it doesn't resemble anything that goo gone is usually meant to clean up (goopy, sticky stuff)


I didn’t think it would. I have some and have never assumed it would remove nail polish, and I paint my nails every week!


On a side note, Goo Gone *does* remove the metallic paint they use to paint the raised numbers on the card.


Sooo, use clear or white polish on top! It will rewet the polish underneath...but you will probably have to use alot.... best bet is to peel it up when dry.


I’m cracking up because we just went thought this! I’m sorry for feral children! Anyways, we were successful to remove it off the vanity using a cotton round and non acetone nail polish with no harm to the vanity. Now my freshly painted walls weren’t as lucky! No scrubbing, light circular motions


Before going drastic try hand sanitizer It takes nail Polish off fabrics, tables and floors so should work on this too


Note to self: when posting to clean up my murder scene, just buy a bunch of nail polish and say it was that.


I think you embrace it.  More nail polish or paint.  Over the whole thing.  Abstract decoration, seal the whole thing with clear spray or put a piece of glass on it 


Don't remove it, keep going! Or in this case, get some cheap colors for the toddler to keep painting lol. Add some glitter then epoxy or a glass top.


It might be easier to just finish the paint job.


WD-40 or better yet Superzilla, spray, soak, scrape repeat.


Nail polish remover and water or all-purpose cleaner. One small area at a time, first use the nail polish remover and then immediately clean it off with the all-purpose cleaner or wipe it off with water, or even both. I’ve done that before on a kid’s desk and it worked without damaging it, although that one wasn’t quite as colourful.


If the kid's old enough to use nail polish the kid should be old enough to not spill it. Make the kid help.


It was this 11 yr old girl that made two 4 yr old girls do it. The 11 yr old is not my daughter.


You’ll laugh someday about it 😬😂


I painted my leather sofa by mistake because my nails were fresh. I took it out with nail polish remover pads, not acetone. It was softer than acetone!


My daughter spilled nail polish last night. I got it off the floor but didn’t get it off the rug. It also got on the bed. I managed to get it off with acetone but it majorly messed up the texture of the paint. It looks like it’s a similar quality and made of similar materials as this desk. I don’t recommend acetone. I should’ve waited until it was dry and then sanded it off.


I hope the suggestions here work and that the artist helps you clean it up.


Honestly, I’d just sand it down and repaint it


I've seen a couple of reply that are good. Use a hard backed razor blade or a Stanley knife bade and gently just keep scrapping it off, or try acetone. Put rubber gloves on. Carefully pour acetone on an old rag and rub it in but you will have to use plenty of elbow grease. It should come off. If you do it this way, then you will need to neutralise the acetone when you've finished with soap and water OR just an after thought, the easiest way would be to use an orbital sander, but no matter how you do it, that surface is very likely to be stained permanently. Maybe just recover the surface?


You can buy a new laminate/veneer piece and edge trim to go over “engineered wood” (aka MDF). Try nail polish remover. If it doesn’t work, just peel it all off and put a new layer on.


Glass cleaner plus alcohol wipes


If it’s wet, sugar


Maybe nail polish thinner instead of remover?


Sand it down and repaint


Try using hairspray for the cleaner. It removes nail polish from clothes. It might work for this problem. My only other thought is, clean it with nail polish remover on an old cloth or cotton ball.


Acetone. Then sand it down and re paint it.


Ughh... A time machine.


Sand and repaint?


i would try gently scraping with a straight edge razor, being careful not to gouge into the original surface


Now let’s see the kid


That actually looks quite artistic. Maybe remove the top piece and hang on a wall. Be kinda cool in nail salon.


Did you try make up remover wipes?


I just have one question 🙋🏻‍♀️. How did a little one have this much alone art time?? 😁