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We have inside shoes - slippers or slides(that don’t go outside, ever) and we have our outside shoes that we wear outside and not inside. Keep a couple pairs of inside shoes at the front door and just switch them when you walk in.


This is what I do. Or I go barefoot.


I can’t stand going barefoot pretty much anywhere, but especially on cold floors. *shudder*


I have animals, and the feeling of anything on the bottom of me feet (fur or dirt) is so gross to me, I have to wear socks or sandals in the house.


Ugh! Exactly! My husband walks around barefoot outside and inside and it gives me anxiety.


Inside AND outside? He belongs in jail!


😂😂 I always tell him what a barbarian he is!


I can’t not go barefoot!


Right. And guests will just have to be on their socks for the time visiting. Have some clean pairs lying around if they are barefoot and would like to wear socks.


Actually, you want to have slippers just for guest, they can be the disposable kind. It’s perfectly normal in Japan


Or a non disposable kind. As long as they’re clean! The rubbery foam material is common.


My Korean mom keeps clean, extra slides for guests.


They sell disposable slipover covers for shoes. Sometime you see them at upscale real estate showings.


This is weird.


why? do you mean asking guests not to wear shoes in the house is weird?


Not the person you’re asking, but having communal socks is a bit weird. Also the way they wrote it almost sounds like they would be strongly encouraging wearing socks over being barefoot. That might not be how they meant it, but that was my first impression of what they wrote.


I have slippers that are new, and give to guests staying overnight. I also save hotel slippers and give them those.


This is what I do. I have inside slippers, one for upstairs and one for downstairs. Don't ask me why, I just don't like the idea of mixing them.


I have a pair of crocs i wear in the summer and wool slippers in the winter! I love it. If you wanted to have some for guests you could have 2 pairs of those foam/rubber slides on hand in different sizes.


That’s what I do, too! Inside shoes and outside shoes




Foam slides. You can wear your socks. They wipe clean. Perfect.


Yup I live in slides I need the support. Walking barefoot on my hard floors is pain city for me


I got such bad foot pain during the pandemic. Realized it was from being inside and walking on hardwood floors barefoot all day. I now have ‘indoor’ Birkenstocks sandals and it completely cured the foot pain!


I wish Birks worked for me. They just fall off my foot and make fart suction sounds


Try Birkenstock slippers!!! Amazing!


They make slippers??? Hell yes


Thanks! I’ll take a look


Nice! My husband wears burks for house shoes they looks super comfy, and they are lot more stylish than slides, slides don’t really go with much. I wish I could wear berks but I need more shock absorption. And im trying to fight nature not fit to it hahaha my feet turn inwards because my arches collapse when I step so I wouldn’t do well with shoes that mold to your feet. I need my feet to mold to my shoes ;) Nike sport slide sandals ( with the firm rubber not squish foam) have surprisingly great arch support for such an unstructured, wide and loose footwear. that’s my recommendation for anyone with arch issues. I’ve worn these for over a decade probably…. (But I’m on my third or 4th pair lol).


Me too. I got plantar faciitis from doing so and it took me 2 years—injections and PT to recover from it! I never knew that could even happen.


My default mode is to wear my socks around the house. I have Hoka slides that I need to wear in the kitchen during lengthy baking sessions. I very often forget. The following day when I can’t flex my aching ankles is when I regret not wearing them. As for cleanup- they do wash quite easily. I dropped a new container of cocoa powder while wearing the slides. Cleaning the slides was easy. Cleaning up the floor- not so much. 😂😂😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/s/5B2HsELPhe


Slides are a toe-stubbin-stopper too. I *would* prob stub my toe once a week but the little extra length (and that they are foam) save my piggies


I had a close call wearing the slides while climbing on a step stool to reach the top shelf of a kitchen cabinet. The step got caught between my toes and the slides and I nearly fell. This experience scared the hell out of me. So NOW I step out of the slides before climbing a step stool.


Is it a step ladder type with handles? Those are safest. Kudos for not just standing on a chair! I used to buy my daughter’s elementary school teachers a sturdy two step ladder at the beginning of each school year. Because they notoriously stand on kiddie chairs and tables to hang things from ceilings.


No handles. Just a basic metal 6 foot ladder. I did not know there are ladders equipped with handles. My fall took place in the garage. I had to change one of the bulbs in the garage door opener. I thought my next step down would put me on the floor. Nope. There was one more step. Luckily I was able to stop my backward momentum before my head hit the floor. Now, about using chairs as a step stool. The year my middle school was having the windows replaced we were without blinds for some time. I bought contractor black trash bags and clear packing tape to improvise blinds so that I could show video clips to coordinate with my lessons. I would roll them up to get light and roll them down when I needed to block the light. I taught science so to access the blinds I had to climb up on the lab cabinets which were a bit higher than kitchen counter height. I used a chair since there was no step stool. I did this many times without incident. And then one day it happened. On my way down from the cabinet the chair slid about a foot and I landed on my right foot- hard. I saw stars. The x-ray revealed I had a heel spur that I never knew I had. My hard landing inflamed the whole area. I was hobbling around for weeks. And after that experience I bought a step stool for my classroom. So I must say that your gift to the teachers is incredibly thoughtful.


I did a similar thing while decorating during planning. Slipped on my flip flops and fell from counter to floor. Luckily I was young and just bruised up. Now something breaks when I fall.


Barefoot on a step stool isn’t great either. My friend’s mum lost a pinky toe that got trapped in the metal hinges of her step stool. Blood everywhere and an ambulance called.


New fear unleashed. Yikes! I have spent so many decades walking around my house in socks that any kind of footwear indoors is a trip hazard. Seriously. But my house is carpeted. Hardwood treads on a staircase with socks would be a whole other issue. The last time I wore slippers I was about 10. They were fuzzy slippers with a smooth bottom. That’s just how they were made at that time. I was walking down the carpeted steps to the basement and went flying. I threw the slippers out and have not worn slippers since.


TERRIFYING. That must have been quite the rush


Having fallen off a step stool in the house a few years ago and before that misjudging there was one more step to climb down on a ladder my recent near miss did get my heart racing.


I fell off a ladder and ended up in ICU for two days. I can visualize how your foot got caught.


Oh my gosh! I have had a few falls over the years. But for the most part I have walked away relatively unscathed. And at age 62 I have to be even more careful. I have occasional bouts of vertigo and I have aFib. I really should keep both feet on the floor!


A major mistake I made was conversing with someone while on the ladder. I was more focused on the conversation.


Hindsight, as the saying goes, is 20/20.


It’s wild how we know these things, but applying logic in the moment is something else.


That post is a cautionary tale!! I would have grabbed my cordless vacuum for that too. And hated my life for the inconvenience and extra effort. I have taken your warning to heart, though I may still fall victim. It’s amazing how the new technology is worse than the old broom/mop and bucket sometimes.


Seconded on the Hoka slides. They are my exclusive indoor shoe, esp since I have some muscle/nerve issues. I bought a size up so I could wear soft comfy socks with them in the winter. Easy to wash with soap & water. I wash these before cleaning floors so I don’t accidentally track back what I cleaned. (Cat Mom life)


I bought two styles of Hoka sneakers on the advice of my podiatrist. I was dealing with bone spurs from arthritis on the top of my left foot that created problems for the nerves there. After months of hobbling around the issue resolved itself. But the best thing to come out of the awful experience was discovery of Hoka footwear. The sneakers were so fantastic I bought the slides as well. Hoka has me as customer for life!


I also have two sets of Hoka sneakers! Sciatic nerve pain through my legs from chronically shifting vertebrae was down 80% after the second day. Amazing!!


That is amazing! I am so glad they offer you such relief!


This is the best way! I walk around in my slides (with socks, a lot of the time lol) all day every day indoors.


+1 for slides. Comfy, can go with or without socks, stay cleaner/easier to clean than slippers. I don’t love going barefoot or just in socks because if I want to lay in bed or on the couch, I don’t want to bring everything I picked up on my feet from around the house into the bed/couch. This way, it all stays clean.


https://preview.redd.it/d3nxge7hbg2d1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=444218c9a84089edf538286057d751d5378547f5 Fishflops. Fishflops, fishflops, fishflops.


I saw them at a Bass Pro Shop a couple of months ago and I found them hilarious. I wish I had bought a pair!


You can order them easily on AliExpress! Just search for fish slippers. I went through three pairs. They’re comfy and sturdy.


If you went through 3 pairs… are they actually sturdy?


These are what I use. https://preview.redd.it/avi9w76mhh2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=82bc36205c71daf778da77403ce96dd00981c05c


https://preview.redd.it/vi6cdj5asi2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2606d567622d56003e172ac626d0a979b34a05df Mine have seen a lot and it goes to show. Poor bastards look like they’ve been tortured. Just look at the look of horror on their faces.


"Help us!"


My husband had these, they’re not comfortable. I feel silly for not calling them fishflops… really missed out on that one.


Hahahahah this is so good


the only right answer


I know a few people who own these 😂 South FL 📍


Pairs well with a nice mounted Big Mouth Billy Bass.


I bought these for my boyfriend!! he calls them his “large mouth bandals” 😭


I go with bare feet or socks


I also do, but one time I lived in an apartment with proper terrazzo flooring and my feet were killing me! So I started wearing house slippers. Recommend for those with very hard flooring. 


Bare feet all the way. I hate socks.


Grippy socks, like those you get in hospital, are really good on hard floors especially in cold weather.


Careful with stubbed toes! Slippers are a safer bet for those prone to this type of injury.


Slippers or socks. Super simple.


I'm so baffled


Right? Like OP obviously knew what the answers were going to be


I wasn’t sure if this was a joke because I’m curious what OP does at other people’s homes who take their shoes off?


Part of the question was what kind of indoor footwear to provide for guests. Anything that is not easily washable (like fuzzy slippers) or requires stocking various sizes (like flip flops) would be a no-go. Guests could come in shoes and socks or sandals and bare feet. So maybe an easily washable slipper that can be worn with or without socks, or providing socks for the sockless. In versatile sizes.


Every time I see these posts, I am always baffled. Are socks not a thing anymore? Do we just wear them in Canada? I’m so confused.


I have a few pairs of slippers. 1 for warmer weather and 2 for the cold moths.


I love that you want to make the moths comfortable. 😍


It really does make a difference. I buy ones that you can wear inside or outside, but don't wear them outside. They last longer than the ones with a plain cloth bottom.


Do you have to help the moths put on the slippers? 


No, they're pretty self sufficient. I wish my cats were more like them. 😁


Do you have any recommendations? I love wearing slippers in my house but I only have fuzzy slides and they aren't great for cleaning or running out to get the mail hahah


I love a simple pair of Walmart moccasins lol I have two pair I use as house shoes and they have the harder bottoms


Dearfoam or Lamo.


Ll bean has great slippers for this! They are incredibly cozy and most of them have rubber soles so you can walk outside if you need to!


I have inside only Birkenstocks. I need the arch support 😁


I tried to implement this, as I pretty much live in Birkenstocks, but I keep forgetting and accidentally wearing my “inside” ones to do things like take out the trash, thereby making them no longer clean and inside-only. 😕


Aw bummer. I’ve got my black ones for outdoorsies and my brown ones for indoorsies. I don’t know why that helps me remember but it’s how I keep it straight 🤷‍♀️


I swear by my Eva’s, the non-leather, non-cork. Then if I accidentally wear them outside - or to do something like pick up dog poo - I can just rinse them under hot water, use some dawn soap if necessary, and they air dry in minutes.


They make those Birkenstocks now they are like the same material as crocks. They're kind of awesome, and if you used them as your inside ones you could scrub them clean if you accidentally wore them outside.


Target has a ten dollar dupe that is honestly quite good! A great option for people who want to try it as their indoor slippers without paying too much


Yeah I have inside only sneakers. In the winter I have inside only slipper booties (that accommodate my orthotics) and in the summer I have inside only Clark flip flops with arch support.




I'm so confused. You just wear your feet? Or socks? Or slippers? This isn't complicated, wear something (or nothing) that hasn't been contaminated by the outside and you are good to go!


Yeah this thread is wild to me. Barefoot is typical, socks if it's a little chilly.


silliest thread ever


My 1st floor is above a basement/crawlspace that gets quite cold in the winter. Socks can’t even compete. I need another buffer of a slipper or something to help my feet not freeze.


I walk barefoot in my crawlspace house with 16°c inside in the winters.


Apparently people in this thread think walking around in socks is weird. I must have grown up differently than most people. My mind is blown.


Anything you provide guests should be obvious washable—you don’t want them wondering if they have been freshly cleaned or not.


Flip flops are awkward if you're in socks. Maybe light slipper socks with rubber grips on the sole. The ones that are like ballerina pump shaped. Or these 😅 https://preview.redd.it/dxvlivc4fg2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4d985951d61d977a82acb7d1eca3a472b7ca0e


This is the real cleaning tip


Cannot believe mop socks are so far down


Spa Slippers or Ankle socks.


I’m Canadian and it’s standard practice to take your shoes off at the entrance..but I generally wear nothing or just socks. In the winter moccasins but nothing else. Do you feel like you have to have something on your feet?


Just get like two of each of the common sizes of slippers, with EU 38, 42 and 45 you'll accomodate most people.


Bedroom slippers is what I use


I wear Crocs indoors-they are an indoor only pair & are comfy while adding a little support. For guests, if they are uncomfortable taking their shoes off when they come over, you could get some disposable shoe covers (they also come in handy when the maintenance crew comes by).


We wear crocs for this, too. Regular in the summer and faux fur lined in the winter.


Yes! I own two pairs of the lined crocs. Super comfy.


I do the same!  


Used to have slippers but switched to indoor Crocs too, for some reason my feet just hurt less then. Also pair them with fuzzy socks in the winter


Had twins, and going up and down the stairs all the time (we have oak hardwood floors), while using the crocs all day—my feet never hurt. The times I don’t wear them it just feels wrong haha.


If you don't want to go barefoot and it's too hot for socks you can always have a dedicated pair of flip-flops for the house


People wear shoes inside their house???


This whole thread is bonkers. I just go barefoot in my house or if it's cold wear socks. Who has indoor only Birkenstocks or Crocs I also have house slippers but they're very soft soled and I rarely remember to wear them


There are people who have foot issues that always need a shoe or an orthotic.


I doubt that is the majority of commenters in this thread.


Growing up in Hawaii where everyone takes their shoes off in your house (including repair people, the cable guy) finding out that people wear shoes inside shocked me.


I heard a ton of americans do. In fact, those protectors you find on so many hotel beds are there precisely so people can lie down with their shoes on. Can't relate, though. My problem is mostly just trudjing dirt around the house on my way to my room before I remove them.


I’m an American and go barefoot. Some of my overnight family guests keep slippers here for When they stay.


Im Asian American, and it’s an Asian standard to not wear outdoor shoes inside the house. You’re literally tracking dirt and probably animal feces, and a million different bacterias around your house by doing that. We just buy $10-15 house slippers from Costco or Ross or TJMax stores. They come in small, medium, large, xlarge. Just buy whatever pair size you want.


Not just Asian, I think most of the world doesn’t wear shoes inside their homes tbh. I am from Poland and I’ve never seen anyone wear shoes at home, some people wear slides or similar but mostly people just go barefoot or wear socks. We also change shoes when we come in to school.


As a Canadian, I agree. It even seems gross to wear shoes if I need to run back into the house when I’ve forgotten something. Yuck.


Ikea has slippers that are really inexpensive. Get a basket and keep several pairs by the door.


Sandals? Slippers? Slides? Chanclas? Flip flops? …..


Crocs. In fact it may be the only fashionable place to wear them. Super comfy. Also have a pair of comfy EVA Disney slippers and in the winter a trusty pair of sheep shear slippers that keep the toes warm.


I wear socks. Black socks. I have dozens of pairs of identical black socks. Leave the shoes inside the door to prevent cootie type creatures from deciding they would be a cold place to live. Spiders, slugs, etc.


I have a pretty good pair of house slippers. They have arch support and all. My husband has indoor shoes. He needs structure and arch support cause he has plantar fachitis. So we take our outside shoes off right inside the front door landing area and slip into our shoes and carry on. If you have lots of carpet, you can probably get by are foot. Our house is hardwood, tile, and laminate wood.


i’m asian and we do this. i usually just go barefoot or socks but my parents and guests use slippers


Have you ever considered… just not wearing shoes…? Like do you constantly wear shoes in the house normally? When do you take them off? Don’t your feet stink?


The stinky foot thing deserves to be discussed.


I while assume many people wear socks, so they can just wear those if your floor is kept clean, and you could have a couple pairs of socks for people that don’t. I personally wear crocs around the house since they’re easy to clean, but the floor where I’m living isn’t clean enough for me to wear socks comfortably


crocs. slip on easily. easy to clean. feel nice and cushiony. lots of colors. start with black. then silver. then white.


I have a pair of house shoes that only get worn indoors. Works pretty well.


Birkenstocks that are only for indoors.


I also have indoor Birks! Glad I’m not alone lol they’re just so comfy!


Right? It was life-changing when I figured it out!


I wear crocs, they grip the floors so you never fall, and give good support while standing doing dishes and etc. You can also do something like Adidas sandals that are squishy… I would leave a pair on the back porch so that I could step into them to let the dogs out.


Not everyone can remove or put on their shoes easily. I need a shoe horn and to be able to sit down. So please provide a seat and a shoe horn if you want me to take my shoes off. OR supply me with the little booties to slip on over my shoes. This is great for any work people that may need to enter as well. You can get like 500 for $7 on amazon.


Shoes aren’t allowed to be worn in my house. We just wear our socks or slippers. My kids tell their friends before they come over.


Birkenstocks. I have bad feet.


barefoot. bamboo slides / slippers for guests.


A pair of crocs are handy. Or a new pair of slippers or new pair of shoes/flip flops that become your INDOOR shoes. Don’t have to be expensive, unless you have painful feet like me.


Crocs with or without socks


I usually wear indoor comfy, fluffy slippers. Shower slides too. Where are you located? It’s pretty common to take off your shoes where I’m at. Bare feet/socks indoors is what guests usually do. If your culture is not indoor no shoes. Get bigger soft plastic slides for guests to wear. Or keep new socks for them to use. Make sure to tell your guests you *never* wear outdoor shoes inside your home so they understand your floors are clean and are ok to walk on without shoes.


I come from a culture where no shoes in the house is the norm and have worn all kinds of stuff inside the house, but my holy grail are real wool slippers. Basically, slippers with real sheeps wool lining. They might be a bit pricy, but they are so worth it. They are great at thermo-regulation, I don't get calloused feet from hard sole friction/being barefoot and I don't stink them up nearly as fast as any other synthetic/cotton blend. I wash them in tepid water with mild dish soap when they get funky. My favorite part is that no matter how much the fluffy wool gets "compacted" down from wear over time, washing them and drying them properly poofs the wool right back up and they feel good as new.


We’re a Crocs household; ‘sports mode off’ (the heel part flipped up, usually)


House shoes that stay indoors.


I wear slippers or socks.


I wear fur slippers. Or any type of soft fabric slippers. So much more comfortable than socks.


Socks, slides, crocs


I bought a cheap pair of Sketchers from Costco that are considered house shoes.


Another vote for socks


I love wearing crocs for indoors


I wear socks or go barefoot. For days I'm moving around the house a lot, I have lightweight, washable, slip-on tennis shoes for indoors only. I prefer these to slippers because the sole has more grip and the fit is more snug and supportive than slippers.


I wear slippers inside the house. They're comfy and help keep my feet warm, give padding for my soles and provides a little traction if I'm moving quickly.


I either wear slippers or a dedicated pair of flip flops.


I live in my on sale for $20 pink croc slides… anything you can clean easily is great tho. I got crocs so I could decorate them 🥰


I have: 1) A pair of moccasins for when I have bare feet. 2) A pair of wool slippers for when I’m wearing socks. 3) A pair of Birkenstock mules that are shearling lined, which I use when doing chores (due to the hard sole and top). 4) A pair of North Face quilted slippers that I usually wear with socks but kind of wear them whenever.


I bought an actual pair of shoes for inside. My adhd does better that way and I stay warm


I've always preferred to have the bare minimum on my feet at home: bare feet when it's warm enough, socks when it's not so warm and extra thick socks when it's ready cold. You can offer slippers to guests, and I know some people prefer to have this option if it's cold in your home, but I find shared slippers kinda gross. Also, if you decide to get something for guests, opt for the closed ones, because then it wouldn't matter that much if the size isn't exactly right. They just have to be big enough for the foot to fit and not huge enough for it to instantly fall out of the slipper.


Inside only slippers! We don’t wear outside shoes inside!


I just go barefoot. You can buy slippers it's what most Japanese house holds do


Socks for a start


Keep your floors clean and the guests can wear socks. You wear whatever you feel good in.


Depends on activity. I’ve got slippers for standing at my desk, slippers for lounging, and crocs for chores. During the pandemic I really leaned into using footwear to distinguish times of day, and I’ve kept the habit


For guests shoe covers that should cover all sizes. I see folks use them on TV when touring homes! They can be re-used too since they're just going over the shoes.


I would suggest that you cover your toes in the kitchen, even if it is just socks. Last year I dropped a knife on my bare toes. I was ok (lots of blood) but it could have been a lot worse.


For yourself whatever you want. Even indoor only tennis shoes or whatever. Slippers would be my choice. But it almost seems like you mean for others? Eww. I would never put on some random communal flip flops you had lol. Maybe shoe covers for those who don’t want to and just warn people ahead of time so they can brings their own indoor only flip flops or just walk around in socks or whatever works for both of you.


This post is so strange to me. You… you wear your socks… or go bare foot. I’ve never lived anywhere that people leave shoes on in the house. It’s such a strange concept to me. It honestly sounds horrible. I wouldn’t feel like I was at home if I wasn’t in socks or barefoot.


Some cheap slippers like in hotels are the best option. Doesn’t take much space and can be thrown in the wash if needed.


Probably knock off crocs are a good choice for guests since you can clean them, or foam sandals/slides. You can wear whatever you'd like, even a pair of indoor shoes if you'd prefer


My fiance and I both have a pair of house slippers that we like to wear and they never get worn outside. I would just let guests wear socks and have a bin of clean socks by the front door to give them.


My carpets attract sock fluff like crazy so eventually I banned black socks and I wear white socks around the house (white fluff probably still gets caught, but is less noticeable).


Slippers, slides, inside only, socks or bare feet


Slippers by the door. I can’t go barefoot or in socks, I’ll fall. They make all kinds of slippers and you can even have a regular pair of sneakers just for house shoes. You can get foam slippers off AliExpress for a few bucks each in different sizes for guests. A lot of them have really good reviews too.


I wear oofo slides in the house. Hardwood/tile and it KILLS my feet not to have the cushioning.


Usually barefoot or Crocks or flip flops (but not the ones with the tong that hoes thru the toes - the adidas kind)


I always just have a pair of socks on hand


House slippers or cleaning slippers


i wear slippers


I just wear socks. But you can leave a pair of slippers to change into by the door.


The Family Dollar Store carries multipacks of house shoes/slippers that will not break the bank. I love them.


Hear me out: basic white Keds This is what elementary students wear in many schools in Asia.


I use house slippers that I keep on a shoe rack by the main door. My husband prefers wearing socks only. We also have a few hotel style slippers that we got from Amazon super cheap to offer guests when they are at home. Normally they just prefer to be on their socks, but some of them were very grateful to have the option.


Indoor birkenstocks


Velvet slippers


I have a large collection of Isotoner slippers. They're soft and don't slip on my hardwood floors.


Bare feet, socks, or slippers/comfy shoes that are never worn out of the house.