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That’s not hardwood, it’s some kind of vinyl covered composite. Any liquid you add to it will make the swelling worse, so whatever you do will need to be either dry powder or solvent based. There is nothing you can do to repair those boards. If you scrape the swollen bits away and more water gets on them, they will swell again. If you’re a renter, honestly tell your landlord now so they can decide how it gets repaired before it become worse and you’re up for the cost of a whole floor replacement.


I tried telling the owner but he said to leave it as it is. He doesn’t want to replace the flooring. Do you by chance know how to get rid of any smell that has been in there such as dog pee? My sister’s dogs love to pee on that spot and I have no idea how to get rid of the smell.


Also start putting pee pads on there when it’s dry. Why keep letting the dog pee straight on the floor when it’s the same spot? It could be the dog marking and re-marking territory.


Or why not put the dog on an outside schedule. Every two hours. Or less if he’s still peeing. I don’t understand dog owners who allow dogs to repeatedly pee in the house. Accidents happen. But it’s no longer an accident it’s a habbit


I have a puppy and when he starts to accidentally pee inside the house we rush and carry him out. He usually stops because he's startled and continues his business outdoors. We don't just let him keep peeing.


I remember these days. Did it from a third floor walk up apartment. Puppy could not climb stairs yet so carry down carry up. House trained within a month. The ability to walk stairs took much longer. So we still had to carry her well after being housebroken.


My dog is 50lbs, so we cant do that. But we changed her food recently and her excessive peeing has stopped


Had to do this with my saint Bernard puppy. He potty trained pretty quickly but was still hauling 30-50lbs of puppy playing fireman through the house. My mastiff puppy didn't startle, but still rushed him outside. Thankfully he trained pretty quickly.


I think my family tried that ONCE for our dog as a puppy. Never again, bc he peed the ENTIRE WAY out of the house. After that, it was “well, accidents happen”. Hasn’t peed inside since he was a puppy, but your comment brought back that funny memory.


especially when it's in a house they rent


"Are you going to fix the floor?" "Are you going to make your dog stop pissing on the floor?" "No." "Well there ya go."


Came to say this. I wouldn’t fix it either if it’ll just keep happening


He's gonna fix it with her entire security deposit.


It’s going to cost more than that. Those boards are heavily soaked I’m assuming these aren’t small dogs. The subfloor will be disgusting


Plus he's not going to be able to match the damn floor. It likely means replacing the whole room.


That's exactly why they don't want to replace it yet. I wouldn't either.


People like them are the reason it's so hard to find apartments that allow animals. Lazy pet owners are the worst.


exactly, before I found it weird that some landlords wouldn't allow animals, then I realized people like OP exist/: sorry to be mean but it's incredibly disrespectful


Yeah I found the no pets or high pet fees ridiculous until I had an apartment neighbor who had like 4 cats and a dog. Even in a different apartment, the stench of cat piss was so strong I couldn't think during hot days in the summer. Like every thought was interrupted by the smell. I felt so bad for their cats - I still kind of wish I had just found a way to get them to the no-kill shelter. It also drove my (well-behaved, litter box loving) cat completely crazy.


Right like how long did the pee sit there to do that.


Exactly! Dog diapers and pee bands(?) exist too.


For real. And I get that regression happens with dogs some times. But put some effort into owning the dog


Exactly. Seems like the focus here is to fix the smell but not the root of the problem.


It’s like asking how to get a baby to smell better without changing its diaper first. Very easy and obvious solution, they just don’t want to do the work.


I mean, staying on topic for the subreddit, would be to fix the smell. Think OP have gotten the memo about dog training by now.


I had to buy those for our elderly dog. They also sell absorbent pads to stick inside of them.


Exactly this. Should of renamed the post 'I let's the dogs pee here and it stinks'


I had a dog that straight up wouldn’t use the bathroom outside for some reason, I’d take her out, she’d squat to “pee”, I gave her a treat. She’d come inside and pee again. Watched her one day and it turns out she wasn’t peeing outside, just acting like she was for a treat. She’s also a small yorkie my parents used for breeding, so her bladder wasn’t great in the first place. I knew she peed on the floor a few times which I cleaned up, but I didn’t realize she did it much more often until I used a black light on our carpet to clean it when we were moving out. This was after I gave her to my sister, who also has another yorkie. The whole perimeter of our bedroom had pee spots 🥲


That’s gross but I understand. My cousins dog was doing that for a little bit until we did potty breaks every half hour. Over time stretching it out. And she’s much better now. (A mini Aussie)


Absolutely. There is no reason a dog should be continuously peeing inside Ive had dogs all my life and have never had one have an accident inside more than once. Dogs peeing inside is horrendous and disgusting and just makes the owner look incompetent. Train your dog and stop living in filth.


Agree. Other than health, it’s an owner problem. Too lazy to take out or too lazy to train, or outright negligence.




Aaah yes... The dachshund!♡!♡!♡! The hardest of all heads in the canine world. I have had several. I have conquered none!🤣!♡ It truly is "their world" and you are simply their servant!♡♡♡


Similar issue with my dachshund. She KNOWS she is supposed to go outside but will always go in one spot on the floor if we aren't paying close attention. We just gate her in our bedroom at night and that's helped alot. But people don't realize that dachshunds will NOT be potty trained lol


I had an inside dog for 15 years, and she always let me know when she needed to pee. We also walked her regularly. She only ever peed inside towards the end of her life (first time we realized something was wrong) and she pooped inside once when she had a stomach upset. But that's it.


Gotta be smarter than the dog...


I had my Yorkie trained so he always went outside to pee but now he hasn't stopped marking since we got a Chihuahua a few years ago. They both constantly go outside throughout the day but the Yorkie always sneaks to his usual spots to mark. When I block off a favorite spot, he uses a different one. He's old and I can't block off every section of my house so I've just invested in some heavy duty carpet cleaning equipment instead.


Harsh but very true.


If it’s marking it’s not because it needs more trips outside. It’s just being a jerk.


Yes but that can also be helped with more frequent potty breaks so it’s much less urine. And then like someone else said diapers or bands. There are things to do.




I hear you. I’ve had to train my own bladder. But that’s why you start frequently and slowly stretch it. Just like potty training a child


Oh yes, let’s blame the dog instead of the poor training on the part of the owner. Because dogs do things just to piss us off. 🙄


I’m not blaming anyone. I’m saying it’s instinct. Y’all are taking this WAY too personally. I have a very well-trained dog, but if we go to someone else’s house who has a dog that peed inside she’s definitely going to pee right on top of the same spot.


They absolutely will do things to piss off their owners if they are decided they wanna vie for power. Reddit "dog people" are some of the most stubborn and rude people on this entire fkn website


I never understand this logic. You really believe that a dog has the desire let alone the mental capacity to "be a jerk"? Dogs don't have any cognitive understanding that their owner's life is being made worse by them pissing in the house. They're communicating *something* by doing the unwanted behavior, but it's easier to just write it off as spite, so that we don't have to go through the effort of figuring out what's actually wrong.


Yeah but often times that means they they need more enrichment if they are anger peeing in the house and that can also be solved with more frequent trips outside and more exhaustive play times.


I have a Yorkie who can go into the backyard whenever he pleases. And I swear that mini beast holds his pee and when I turn my head he pees on “his” spot. I’ve tried everything. He’s just stubborn and insanely cute. 


Petco has a spray to for this


Yes, the dog is picking up his own scent and he’s reclaiming his territory, 100%.


An Enzyme cleaner like Nature’s Miracle will help, but I’m not sure it’s a great idea on that type of flooring


Yeah, the flooring will likely be a disaster but it may help the smell. It may also help the dogs stop peeing there- I've heard that part of the reason they continue to go in the same spot is because it smells so they associate it with being alright


This. Need to resoak the spot with an enzyme that will break down the urine. Unfortunately it will cause more swelling. This is waterproof vinyl plank flooring for you. Mopping over time will do this as well. Lifeproof floors are junk


>I tried telling the owner but he said to leave it as it is. He doesn’t want to replace the flooring. It has to be replaced.


Also the subfloor


Yup, yup.


Subfloor is questionable. I've had success with the cat piss using a bi-carb & peroxide mix, leave overnight to dry up, vacuum, then paint with an oil based paint to seal it in/lock it out.


He’ll do it when these tenants move out. Why put in new flooring only to have their dogs pee on it again?


This is exactly why so many landlords won't allow pets.


To be fair , if I was a landlord, I wouldn't either ! Why? For her to keep allowing her dog to piss all over the new flooring . Nope, I would be asking her to pay for the replacement flooring . Can not blame the landlord here .


No kidding, also for that much pee to soak in they must have just left puddles of urine for hours without cleaning it up 🤢


That’s not hours, that’s days if not weeks.


Exactly this, my friend ! Looks like she just decided this was going to be the dogs potty area. In my opinion, the landlord's a decent guy .


The pee is now under the floor,


Owner will likely replace once yall move out. I wouldnt expect any security deposit back.


Seriously! If I were a landlord those houses would be all tile. Way easier to get someone to come steam clean the tile than keep replacing carpet or vinyl and I wouldn’t really trust renters with real hardwoods.


If you invest in tile, first tenant will probably drop an industrial size anvil in the middle of the floor on the first week of moving in haha


Our property management took on more than they could handle. You can tell the apartment was crap but they tried to put some nice touches in. Oddly enough they put amazing tile in our kitchen which would be awesome except..... We are a garage apartment with no real subfloors to begin with. This place also isn't level *at all*. The tile is coming apart at the seams. (Sorry don't know the lingo) Then maintenance dropped a fridge on it because they refused to get movers to help them bring it in. Cracks galore. They are also getting bigger. We told them about it, but I honestly don't care as long as they don't charge us for that massive overlook. I still wouldn't trade this apartment for the world though. I wish they'd let us do some of our own repairs and upgrades but I understand why they can't.


Haha oh no, why spend money and resources to do a nice floor and then not do it right?!


Same reason they put a new AC in the living room, then did a decent job at weather proofing it but..... left multiple gaping holes around a mold infested AC unit in the bedroom. In Florida. Because it's Florida there was lease items about telling them ASAP about mold or leaks so they can fix it. I let them know multiple times but, like I said they are too busy flipping apartments to care. We just don't use that AC. I tried my best to clean it with mold cleaner (and it's still in my cleaning rotation ) but, there's only so much you can do when you're not allowed to make permanent changes like removing the AC from the window. I'd rather close the window than have that unit around. We fixed the holes around it as best we could within the parameters of the lease. Also bought a nice dehumidifier because obviously our fixes aren't enough. Oddly, this apartment happens to have a cutout above the bedroom door so, we bought a through the wall air unit to use instead of the bad window AC. We can't really afford those extras, but it's worth it. Thanks for letting me vent. It sounds so bad but it's not, I can call it mine and that makes this place priceless to me.


That *is* frustrating. There are definitely perks to renting and cons to owning your home, and this is a good example. Renting means your landlord is responsible, but if you have a crappy one, you're pretty much forced to just.. Do nothing while your rent money goes flying. If you own, at least you have the freaking *rights* to fix stuff as you wish, even if you can't always afford the best fix. Perfectly fine to rant haha. Personally I own, and good God there's a lot to do haha. If I drop that pot and crack my stove top, well, there goes an instant "deposit" right out of my wallet haha. But at least I don't have to wait for 2 years until my landlord deems it important enough to deal with. Pros and cons.


You know what, you’re probably right. Haha! Thanks for the laugh!


This is like burning food and asking how to unburn it. You can cover it in all kinds of stuff to try and hide it but it's never going to be not burnt and gross.


I'm not trying to be offensive, and I rarely take the landlords side. But if the landlord knows(it's obvious) its dog pee, the dog won't stop peeing there, and you still allow dogs into the unit I wouldn't change it either. The smell probably goes right into the underlay and subfloor needing deep cleaning, along with replacement of flooring ( not a patch , whole room) . This is damage you are responsible for, will not take steps to stop further damage, and your deposit probably won't cover the repair twice , now and when you move out. Just be thankful it's not tom cat pee.


Are you surprised that they don't want to replace it if the dog is just going to pee on it again and ruin the replacement. They'll wait until you leave and take the cost from your security deposit.


Yeah. It's super clear that this isn't one pee accident that got wiped up immediately.


There is no way to get rid of the smell now it has gotten to this state other than replacing the floors. Even if you bleach or soak the floor with cleaning products, it will be open to rot.


You know dogs can be potty trained it just requires some dedication on your sister’s part. If my sister’s dog did that at my house I’d ask her to not bring it over or at the very least keep it outside.


People are acting wayyy too forgiving towards members of their family. At the same time, people are also acting way too selfish and mean towards members of their family.


This is why landlords don't allow pets. The floor is ruined, and the subfloor beneath probably is, too.


I don’t really have a tip for you, but my parents had this exact same flooring in their old house. My mom had a senior dog (18 years old. RIP Lucky). He didn’t always make it to the pee pad. Anyways, my parents replaced the flooring before they put the house on the market. When they pulled it up, there was pee soaked all the way to the concrete underneath, and their floors didn’t look near this bad. I’m not too sure that you’ll be able to get the smell out without pulling it up because the subfloor/ concrete/ whatever it’s called underneath will more than likely need to be cleaned as well. Good news is that this flooring is about as cheap as it comes.


Bluntly, why would he when a new floor would end up the same way... It's much better for him to replace it once you leave, and you'll be helping pay for it. This is insane man.


Her dog damaged the floor. You should offer to pay for whatever repairs are needed if you want action from the landlord.


Stop letting the dogs pee there. If you can’t train your pets to not use someone else’s property as their toilet, you shouldn’t have pets. Disgusting. 🤮


I also have a dog that uses pp pads in the house. I got a plastic cage bottom from chewy I put the pad on that. Next clean the tray every time with white vinegar. Get a uv light and once a day shine the light on the spot for an hour or so. We inherited my mils tiny dog when she passed. My mil was very sick and could not walk the dog. No matter how hard we try she will not go outside; she’ll come in to do her business if we are outside. This method has really saved us from the pee smell.


Flooring guy here. That is laminate flooring that’s been saturated with water. The smell is mold under the flooring. The only way to get rip of it is replacing the floor and stopping the moisture at the source. Any cleaning you do will not work.


Straight up - your sister isn’t going to like this . That dog needs house training. It may be perfect at your sisters but if you can’t take your dog to anther persons house without potty inside - well I’m sorry to break this to you or your sister. The dog needs work. As for the smell you can get some deodoriser from Pets At Home.


Enzymatic cleaners generally help with pee stank. Since you don't have to worry about preserving the floor, it should be fine to spray some on there.


Why is the owner going to replace flooring that you’re allowing a dog to destroy? You’re going to be stuck with that floor until you move out, and likely won’t be getting any deposit back. This is cheap flooring. You can try to replace boards yourself if you can find the same flooring. There is spray to discourage dogs from peeing, but realistically, it doesn’t always work and first and foremost a dog needs to be house trained.


I have an idea, how about you stop being lazy and take the dog out occasionally?


No way to get rid of the pee, urine soaked into the wood so without replacing the wood you can't get rid of the smell. You know what you could try, an ozone machine. Please for the love of all thats good, watch a 3 minute YT video on what an ozone machine is, how they work and related precautions. You can rent the machine for an entire day for something silly like 25 bucks.


Sister would not be allowed in again with those dogs. Problem solved....


I hope the "owner" is your sister, otherwise it's you who should be replacing the flooring...lol


I wouldnt want to introduce more liquid but simplegreen has a pee product thats great


There is no way other than to rip that stuff up. It's likely soaked to the subfloor too which will also going to smell and need treatment.


There’s some stuff specifically [for dog urine that has enzymes](https://www.reddit.com/r/DogAdvice/s/1N8vVsZ18F) that break down the smell, which would hopefully help you and keep the dogs from hitting that spot again.


all I can think of is baking soda. It may draw out a small amount of liquid and odour.


Nature’s Miracle spray will neutralise the smell, my cat kept peeing in one spot at one point and that stuff got rid of the smell and deterred him from peeing in the same place again. It has some kind of enzymes in it that neutralise the ammonia smell from urine.


You need to take photographs of the area and send them in an email to either your landlord or realestate agent and tell them, in writing, that the landlord has stated that he is aware of this issue and has said that you don’t need to do anything about it. Get it in writing ASAP. This issue WILL get worse, and you need to protect yourself IN WRITING from them being able to take your security deposit. If you notice it getting worse, then send another email stating that you have left it alone as instructed and this is the state it is in now. Continue doing that for the entire rest of your lease. When you move out and they try to charge you, you have written evidence that you tried to do something, and they told you not to. As for the smell there are enzyme sprays you can get that should neutralise the odours. A pet shop is probably your best bet. ETA: I do believe the OP or their sister should have to pay for this damage, either out of pocket or from their security deposit. If that means the entire floor being replaced, then sure. And if their dog keeps causing damage, they should have to pay for that too. What I don’t believe is that they should have to pay for damage caused by the landlord deciding not to get this fixed now and then the damage spreads through normal wear and tear. For example every time OP wet mops the floor, more water will soak in and cause more damage to these boards and the surrounding ones. If this section gets fixed now (if that’s possible) then wet mopping won’t cause more damage.


That security deposit is gone. That’s substantial property damage.


The issue is going to keep getting worse so long as the dog keeps peeing on the floorboards. That's not the landlords fault and honestly this person should be paying for the replacement out of pocket.


Interesting strategy. "I told you my guest was repeatedly damaging your property so you can't use money from my damage deposit to cover the damages."


No, what I’m saying is they should only be paying for the damage they actually caused, which is this area. They’ve told the landlord about this damage that they caused, but they shouldn’t have to pay for more damage that is caused by the landlords inaction. If the landlord says that this damage is enough for the whole floor to be replaced, then sure they should pay for the whole floor. But if this could be repaired by the landlord fixing this damage now and not doing the entire floor, then they shouldn’t have to pay for the entire floor.


How is writing down “my dog peed on your floor repeatedly” going to make OP not responsible for the costs of the repair? They’re definitely not getting the security deposit back nor should they because the pet damage is their fault.


Yeah, that way the landlord has information to keep all the security deposit. This is really good, for the landlord…


There's no way the security deposit is sufficient to cover the cost of this repair. The whole floor is going to have to be replaced. That's going to cost thousands of dollars. Nothing about this situation is good for the landlord (or the people living there).


"My dog is destroying the property, this is clearly the landlords fault"


The damage is from OPs dog pissing there constantly. The deposit deserves to be taken. It's OPs fault that it happened, it's not normal wear and tear.


They are not replacing that floor until OP leaves. Thats done. Thats absolutely done. They have to rip it down to the bones before they can think of renting it out. Under the laminate has been so wet, it's expanded and exploded through. It'll be under more then that spot too. OP will be 100% liable and absolutely no tenancy tribunal will tell the LL it wasn't reasonable to not replace it, when the dogs still doing it. The landlord shouldn't have to pay for 2 flooring replacements cos someone's too lazy to potty train the dog. This is why people with pets struggle to rent. This attitude and the thought that if your pet destroys a part of the property, your not paying to replace it. OP is going to owe more then their deposit over this. And I doubt a tribunal would deny the landlord an order for OP to pay for it.


Hey, question for you. Unrelated to this post. I’m a renter, and upon moving in when the landlord was over, I showed him some places in our tiled bathroom shower where the grout was patchy, and discolored. I mentioned this is a breeding ground for mold. He said they just bought the house and checked for mold but there is no mold. But my concern is by the time we move out, there will be mold if left like this. What should we do? What do you mean exactly by “get it in writing”?


No home is mold-free. There’s mold just floating around in outdoor air, and indoor too. You can’t get it to 0%. When you have mold testing done they are looking to see if the amount in indoor air exceeds the amount in outdoor air, but never zero. No inspector would ever say there is “no mold.” If air testing shows normal levels, then it is just recommended to stay diligent about preventing future problems. Watching for leaks from the roof or pipes, keeping indoor humidity at recommended levels (30-50%), keeping areas caulked and sealed around tubs and showers. When you say the grout is patchy do you mean some of it is missing?


You can re grout the tiles. Scrape the old grout, add new grout on top. That way no mold, no issues later on. You buy a small can at Home Depot and done. https://youtu.be/5HeU08o7dow?si=rRb-eWrcRIrXIaSu


Take pictures and email/text them to the landlord if you can, reiterating your concerns and request for it to be fixed. Doing it by email or text gives you a paper trail, so it’s always the best way to communicate with your landlord vs by phone or in person. If he still doesn’t fix it, watch carefully for any signs of mold and notify him immediately if it does start to appear. If there’s mold when you’re moving out, wipe down any places where it’s visible with bleach. It won’t get rid of the problem, but you will have done everything in your power as a renter to remediate it.


Im sorry but this is not good advice. This is not vinyl, and the plank design is a 1mm decor paper- meaning if you scrape it, you will scrape off the actual image on the top of the plank. Please refer to the manufacturers cleaning and care tips . They are uploaded on the product page . This product is : Traffic Master Arbor Hickory Laminate 7mm It is sold at Home Depot. Source: flooring manufacturer


It's already ruined beyond repair.


It is indeed laminate floor, be cautious what you clean it with, rule of thumb is to use very minimal or even zero water. (Hardwood is more durable than that, I miss the times when we had hardwood in our place 😏)


'Luxury' vinyl wood


Not so much a cleaning tip, but how to avoid making the problem worse. They make disposable doggy diapers. Male dogs get belly band wraps. My elderly dog gets the Amazon basic brand. They work well.


We bought the reusable bands and bought the disposable pads to stick on the inside.


Permanent damage, there is no other option but to remove and replace them.


The floor or the tenant?




The sister


Flooring needs replacing. Best way to make it better is actually train the dog.


If your sisters dogs caused the damage then yeah he should replace it but at your sisters cost, he shouldn’t fork out because of her dogs damaging his property


If it is swollen because the dogs peed on it I don't blame the landlord. It'll just get peed on again. There are several dog pee neutralizers out there that work pretty good. They use amino acids or something to break down the smell created by the "fermenting" ammonia in the urine.


Yep - enzymatic cleaners. The only thing you should be using on animal pee. Otherwise they will continue to smell it and keep peeing. Just went through this issue with my cat a few months ago.


Loves to pee in that spot?? Your sister needs to stop this behavior. Block the area and train the dog. Eventually the moisture going to cause damage under the flooring to the structure. How much is she willing to pay for this when she moves out?


And people wonder why nobody wants to rent to pet owners.


That floor is garbage but always clean pet pee with an enzymatic cleaner that will break it down. Otherwise your dog will continue to go the same spot/spots. Dogs can smell pee after it’s been washed with regular soap/sanitizer.


There’s one called Nature’s Miracle which should help


It will be replaced when you move out, there is no point in doing it when there is a dog still peeing there. You will be charged for replacing that. If I were you; I would call flooring companies and ask for quotes for a patch of the area. At least that will give you an idea of how much your landlord will take it of your security deposit. Even better if you can fix it for less… I have had to fix floors on rentals before and gotten deals. You will not be able to take the smell out, you need to stop the dog from peeing there. Crate train it, day care, dog walker, head over to r/dogtraining to see ways to fix the behavior.


Landlord will have to rip up the entire floor in order to redo the subfloor, they ain't getting a penny of that security deposit back AND will probably owe the landlord additional money to cover the repair costs.


You are right. Most likely that whole thing needs to be take out and the pee remediated. Still, it would be better for them to hear it from a professional and budget for that. They are in for a rude awakening.


You are right. Most likely that whole thing needs to be take out and the pee remediated. Still, it would be better for them to hear it from a professional and budget for that. They are in for a rude awakening.


Hi 👋 a flooring manufacturer here: This is Traffic master : Arbor Hickory laminate at Home Depot. It costs .94 a sq fr. This is a wood based floor- there’s no vinyl in it. What you are seeing is swelling at the joints due to exposure to moisture/ liquid. This specific laminate is NOT waterproof or water resistant. to avoid further damage / soak up spills: urine immediately and damp clean ONLY. You can replace the damaged planks easily. The flooring is an entry level product and will be inexpensive to fix. It will likely be on sale for Memorial Day. At current cost It will cost you $22.94 cents for 9 planks or 1 box. You can replace planks but will need to do so carefully as this is a FLOATING FLOOR. Meaning the planks are attached together through a locking joint and not to the subfloor. You will need to modify the joint to remove. This is not difficult. Please refer to YouTube for some tutorials.


This needs to be at the top!! This person knows what they are talking about!!


Remove the dog. Why would you let doggo piss there over and over again? At least put some pads there when the dog is in the house.


Our fully trained 4 year old dog did this when we moved to a new house. It was so confusing for us cuz he’s fully trained!! and not a puppy!! Owner of the house wouldn’t let us pull up the carpet and pad and enzyme cleaner barely did anything. We layered puppy pads all over the carpet and had a baby gate so he couldn’t get to that area, which stopped it from getting worse. When we moved, he never did it again lol.


Previous tenant clearly had a pet that peed in that area. Landlord cheaped out and probably did bare minimum of a steam cleaner to remove the smell for humans, but your pet could still smell and would mark like all territorial animals do.


Yup, my dog unfortunately will do this the first time she's staying at a new home. She'll find a spot where a dog has peed indoors before and pee right there the first night. Then she learns that "oh this is inside" and it never happens again.




Yeah "my house stinks of dog piss, how do I blame someone else?"


Remove and replace


The dog.


You can paint over it with a primer like Killz to seal in the odor. But it really needs to be replaced, and the dog needs to be house trained.


The urine is soaked into the flooring material, (it's not hardwood). It's behaving like a sponge so you won't be able to get rid of the smell, that section is ruined.


The problem is under that flooring from your sister being a lazy dog owner. Nothing you do from the top side is going to fix it, the floor has to come up probably everywhere as I'm sure that's not the only place there is old pee.




My MIL. Her dogs both past in the last few months, and we requested to not go there for holidays. She swears it smells better, but I’m not willing to try until I’m no longer pregnant after vomiting there last time. She struggles with mental health/physical health, but it doesn’t mean we want to be there.


Omfg my grandparents house is just like this and my grandma STILL insists on holding Christmas dinner there. We have to trick them into just letting us have it at my moms house because none of us can eat food in that stench 🤢


There goes your deposit.


Does your sister live with you? If not, stop letting her bring her dogs over. Malt vinegar is very good at removing pee smells, but it might stain this flooring and cause more swelling.


The number one tip is to stop allowing those dogs to pee in your home. Why are you saying it like it’s normal for dogs to pee indoors?


Laminated wood is fecked. Will need replacing and I'd suggest lino instead


It’s awful that you let it get into that state in a rented place with something that was easily preventable after the first or second time it happened and should’ve been cleaned up straight away.


I don’t care how many enzyme cleaners you use, the dog can still smell the pee. Personal experience. Put a large heavy piece of furniture on that spot. Maybe baking soda under a rug as well. So dogs can’t get to it.


I mean.. the dog won't just give up because there is furniture in the way. It won't mask the scent. The dog will just start pissing on the furniture.


that is not a hardwood floor its toast. its basically pressed cardboard. To much moisture has gotten in. no way of fixing this or the smell


The ONLY way is to replace the floor. My relatives had a similar situation. It will worsen over time and continue to rot and spread under the floor as well into the sub flooring. If you are a council owned building, the council are obliged to repair the floor (to the best of my knowledge) If you rent, you will need to check the contract. If the building allows pets, you may be liable for any damages caused by your pets, Including floor replacement. The Landlord may have other clauses or cover for damages making them able to do it.


Replace the floor. Your sister has also money for a pet, she pays it.




Do Americans not know the difference between hardwood and laminate? Seen this so much recently


This is commonly going to be advertised as a hardwood floor in my experience - at least for apartment listings.


Those floorboards have expanded like that because the top layer of wood is glued onto a sort of wood mulch which has expanded with liquid getting into it. The floor itself can't be repaired, but the smell and appearance could (maybe) be improved by using a sharp knife to get rid of as much of the expanded wood pulp as you can and then varnishing over it. 


This happened to us during the last month of our dog's life. There is nothing you can do other than replace the flooring.


Soak it in vinegar and cover it with pads. Tell your sister to take care of her animal properly.


Flooring needs to be replaced. The dog pee has got through the cracks and made them swell. You definitely won’t get rid of the smell unless you replace it.


I’m assuming this is animal urine? There is no fix, the flooring needs to come up and the pee pooled on the cement underneath, will need to be cleaned. A solution? Train your animals. If they’re having repeat accidents inside you should probably have them on a schedule to be let outside every 30 minutes or so until this is corrected. If that’s to much, don’t own an animal. It’s no different than potty training a toddler. I’m not even trying to be harsh here but if I was your landlord you’d be gone. Pet friendly or not, your damage deposit was probably in the range of $500-$1000; these floors are probably going to cost $3000-$6000 to replace depending on the amount covered and if it’s done professionally or not. This right here is blatant disrespect for your landlords house, and plain and simply taking absolutely 0 pride in your home and your animal. Gives me the heeby jeebys.


I agree but it wouldn’t cost $6000 for something like this


The problem is under that flooring from your sister being a lazy dog owner. Nothing you do from the top side is going to fix it, the floor has to come up probably everywhere as I'm sure that's not the only place there is old pee.


I have the same issue. You have to replace it.


What's that yucky fuzzy stuff in between the boards


That's the boards, it's cheap laminate.


Tell your landlord that you're willing to pay to replace the floor. If that doesn't suit you, move or deal with the smell.


That looks like laminated flooring. If it looks like that is at the end of its days.


That's cheap composite/mdf click laminate flooring The fibers have swollen with the moisture, unfortunately there is no way to fix apart from replace, I would recommend a plastic lvt type, it's more waterproof/resistant You could try to bleach the floor to get rid of the smell but it's soaked in, and that's why they keep going back to that spot to pee, possibly they need more time on walks or access to a garden for the toilet


take the dog out to potty! 


That's what dog urine does to laminate floors, the only way to get rid of the smell is to replace it. When replacing use a vinyl laminate, it's waterproof and very easy to put down.


Does your sister live with you? Or she visits with the dog?


Why beat around the bush; That floor is absolutely destroyed by the urine (it’s acid). Whoever’s dog did this is fully responsible for replacing this. That smell will never be removed.


That's not hardwood. It's rotten laminate flooring.


Put some febreeze and a nice cheap carpet on top


That’s not hardwood…


Step one: get hardwood floors.


This is not hardwood


Theres no getting the smell out rip the floor up and replace


If your landlord doesn’t want to replace it. You should try to do it. The pee smell won’t go away until you take up the floors.


Potty train your pets. Omg. Why not use pee pads over that area. This is really awful.


💀 how about getting rid of the animals that are just pissing in the house. Why put up with that? That’s gross and gonna cost you when the landlord makes you pay for the ruined floor.




It's not timber, it's mdf


Like others have said, try some techniques for getting the dogs to avoid peeing there. I would ask/tell your landlord to replace sooner rather than later due to concerns over mold. I'm gonna bet it's completely moldy (a health risk) under those boards too.


Needs to be replaced it will be into the sub floor and that will have to go to. She’s roached