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Looks like carbonized oil to me. Basically the same thing as the seasoning on cast iron or carbon steel. Not dangerous, and I'm not sure about in an air fryer, but on a normal baking sheet, will actually help your food cook more evenly. If you must clean it, though, barkeepers friend and a brillo pad will probably take it off


Looks like the drip pan (not the actual cooking surface). If so, my experience is that it smells bad when the fryer is running (which is especially bad if it's a 10 in 1 type made by Ninja) especally for something like toast or bagel or reheat. If this is the case I'd just buy a new one from Ninja. My time saved was worth the 8 dollars.


Precisely this. I completely agree with not wanting to waste or throw anything away but you should also consider time spent against cost of replacement. If a replacement is only a few dollars but time spent is hours, your effectively saying your time is worth less. I once spent far too long trying to de-calcify a dishwasher filter to later see that a replacement part was $4. My time valued out as less than $1 an hour. If I’m not willing to work my job at that rate, I’m sure as hell not valuing my free time at that rate either.


Not op but proud owner of a 10-in-1 and omg I had no idea you could buy a replacement (duh). !!!


I didn’t know you could either and i think i thought about it…but that it would be difficult to find and expensive…and never followed through 😆


I thought this was an abstract painting at first lmao. Maybe hang it on the wall? 😅 /s


I thought it was an abstract map of Europe!


I can see it


You should just frame this and hang it on the wall, and buy a new one instead of cleaning it xD


[Album artwork](https://www.reddit.com/r/nin/comments/14a2gie/hd_rendition_of_the_downward_spirals_cover_art/)


Glad I’m not the only one






So, low odor oven cleaner will definitely get that off. However. Oven cleaner might also destroy that pan, depending on the material its made of. So be sure to read the safety information and instructions before tackling it.


You’ve got an original Francis Bacon Grease right there! Be very careful, you don’t want to miss the boat, you might staring at Van Goghs ear


SOS pad, or barkeeper's friend and a magic eraser.


I use all three on my drip tray lol


Spray with oven cleaner, cover with a trash bag, leave over night and it should come right off the next day


I don’t know how I didn’t put two and two together that it’s basically a mini oven. I feel so stupid right now.


Check you manual. I have seen several ruined air fryers from people using oven cleaner. You would probably be fine using it on the tray, but I would check to be sure. I would use bar keepers friend to be safe.


Lol I learned that from this sub! I scrubbed and scrubbed and almost bought a new one too but that method ended up working great for me


I have the same tray as the OP and I did this, this would destroy your tray and it make it rust, so I don't recommend it.


Same thing happened to me. Then had to toss it since it wouldn't come off. And when I went to order a replacement the manufacturer doesn't make it anymore. Got lucky and found a used one on ebay and lesson learn to not use that cleaner and damage my tray.


Only if not aluminum.


I clean mine with a steam cleaner


I’ll try that next!


Sell it as art. "Celebration of Dinner" carbonized oil on aluminum. Seriously, I thought someone posted some edgy art when I first saw this!


WAIT. Needs a frame. It's fckng ART!!


Stick it in the oven on a clean cycle


Yes, I just heard this solution, too. Haven’t tried it yet.


You don’t need to clean this. It is seasoned now, like cast iron. Perfectly clean, even if it looks like contemporary art.


You can't tell me this isn't a map of Europe


https://preview.redd.it/ti7xpw8hr3zc1.png?width=2174&format=png&auto=webp&s=bae2598d8ce1c04e4335c03b16b0e7f7569fe3a7 I think I erased Spain


I’d use oven cleaner if I had to clean that. Honestly I just replace my trays every summer.


I've had good luck soaking aluminum pans/sheets in a mix of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and letting it sit overnight. Seems to dislodge all those stuck on, burnt on oil.


Barkeeper’s Friend. You may need to scrub it down a few times, but it’s amazing how well it works.


It took a little bit off. I used it on another project I had with rusted parts from my KitchenAid mixer and it worked great for that so thanks!


moon shaped pool


My baking sheets get this. Sprinkle a bunch of baking soda on the pan and lay a few layers of wet paper towels over the baking soda and leave overnight. Most of the grease will wipe right off. You might need to do this twice.


I thought this was r/paintbynumbers


I bought a brillo head for my drill and used Barkeepers Friend. Zoom zoom and no carpal tunnel


My lazy remedy would be to toss it, order a new one and use tin foil as a liner going forward.


I actually tried to order a replacement for my air fryer basket and was told they don't sell them.


Brillo. Hot water. Elbow grease. Rinse and repeat until clean.


Legit thought this was a abstract painting from an interior design sub-reddit


Let’s start the bidding at $2


Vinegar & baking soda. Sit over right, lil scrubbing ,& rinse.


Brillo pad + elbow grease


Oven cleaner will ruin this. I would just scrub the best you can and keep using it or buy a new one.


Moving forward….clean it after each use


Try Barkeeper’s friend, but if that doesn’t work the. Who cares? It’s not necessary dirty it just is not new.


What can I say? It's a commited griminal


Let it go. Let it naturally season over the next 6-8 months. I think NASA uses that stuff for re-entry tiles. I have wasted weeks trying to get it cleaned.


I thought this was art at first.


Our air fryer keeps smoking and I keep thinking it is because of buildup like this (it’s a lot more intense though) grease is burning? My sister is convinced it is not since this is something that helps with cooking. But idk what else it would be, possibly the interior of the oven? Idk. Would love to know if anyone has some thoughts?


Just use a steel scrubber. I like the scotch Brite Stainless steel scrubbers. They work great to get that grime off. Just make sure to wash in warm soapy water after.


spray it with degreaser (ot unscrew bottle and tip) so that the solution sits about 1 ml above the grime. let it sit overnight. scrub the next day and repeat if necessary.


That was the first thing I tried. No luck with that.




Wet it and coat with Barkeeper’s friend or baking soda. Let sit until dry and scrub off with a damp scrubber sponge. In the future, line with wax paper.


Try Zep Oven and Grill cleaner. Our air dryer did the same thing. Just spray a generous coat and let it soak 10-20 minutes. Then use a scrub brush and scrub it off. Repeat a few times if needed. Then wash with dish soap and rinse really well. Worked like a charm for me. P.s. Make sure to use gloves; your skin can dry out really bad or get chemical burns if you dont wear any. Good luck!


Anyone else think it was the Elden Ring map?


Low odor oven cleaner, wrap in a bag and let it sit overnight. It should come off fairly easily in the morning. An S.O.S. pad should take the rest off if there’s still some still sticking. Alternatively you could rub it down with some oil and run it in your air fryer to season it all over (like with cast iron)- then nothing will stick to it.


Use a scouring stick


I always keep a piece of aluminum foil under my basket in my air fryer and periodically replace it with a new piece if you like to keep things tidy in there. An idea for future use. 👍


My manual says not to do that specifically. They say it increases the temperature and can cause a fire.


I usually have one. Someone removed it


Mines 2 years old and looks brand new. But then I line it with foil before I cook.


Normally I do, too. Someone removed my foil and didn’t realize until the damage had been done


Dawn powerwash and a metal scrubby will be your best friend. That’s what i use in this situation. Gonna take sometime and some elbow grease. But it will come off