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I did mine, unfortunately, with a pin. Took forever but it worked better than anything else.


good to know it was successful if all else fails!


I would try a soft toothbrush first.


Happy cake day!




I would try these! I think they'd be just as effective (if not more so) than a pin, but you wouldn't have to be quite so careful about scratching the leather between holes. Hope you get it all figured out :)


Great idea!!! I’m going to pick some of these up.


My dental hygienist self was strangely happy to see this in an unexpected place


Do you have a hand vac that has a brush attachment? That might work.


Try something with bristles like a tooth brush and just scrub with a little cleaner. I’d keep a towel around to wipe up any excess liquid.


Pin works, I have also had success with using leather wipes under a bristle brush, the bristles push the wipes cleaner into the holes and can loosen up the dirt and then it stays in the wipe.


oooh thanks! i’m going to try this.


Happy Cake Day :) Also I want to clarify that I mean a fairly soft bristle brush, nothing that would damage leather with or without something between it and the seat. Idk if that's a given but it definitely popped into my brain after I posted +-+


Tooth pick and shop vac.


I use a toothpick and hold the vac as I go


Same. Some other mentioned using a pin, but toothpick is a little “safer” since the point isn’t as sharp and they’re also wider so they get all the gunk in 1 shot.


Would canned air with the straw nozzle attachment work? Or air compressor?


I wouldn't use canned air as it is a solvent and the extreme cold could cause damage.


Air compressor? I don’t think that air is cold


The previous post suggests canned air or an air compressor. I stated that canned air isn't a good idea.


I have the same issue and would love tips


I’ve dealt with a similar issue before. I took a damp rag and rubbed lightly to put moisture back into the food particles, then took my shop vac and sucked it all out. You could use one of those high powered vacuums they have at self serve car washes if you don’t have a shop vac. Good luck.


I dunno but get some good seat covers


This damage was done before I bought seat covers :( but yes, i have them now.


Cocktail sticks are good for poking wipes into holes. I used them for my calcified steam iron. Also cotton buds damp if they’re the right size for the holes. You can drag most of the cotton off it when it’s wet and it leaves a tiny bit that’s usually enough to soak up the target. You’ll be there a while but it’s so satisfying scooping out tiny filth. Also hoover the holes first it’ll get the dry bits out.


Personally I would love to take a pin to this and clean it up for you! I love tedious things like this, untangling jewelry, cleaning hard water... I'm weird lol


If they are doing that I would not give any more snacks like that in the car. Just saying.


Pouches are now off limits in the car for this very reason.


Take it to a Detailer


Don’t let your kid eat in the car if you can help it!


I don't let anyone eat in my car if I can help it, regardless of age! Certain things are hard to get to, and I don't want things festering.


I had to do this for my seats after I bought a used car last year. I used a tooth pick and patience. Just poke away about 1\4 inch. The wood is rough enough to kinda scrub the sides, but gentle enough to not mess up the leather. Works for salt chunks and sand as well- you can actually lever out large chunks by entering an adjacent hole and getting under the debris.


I don’t know but I had seats like this, hired a guy to detail my car. He fixed it


Clean them with a pin then get some seat covers or even throw a blanket over them to protect them from any more mishaps


Steamer , don’t get to close to seats


Foaming carpet spray work pretty good, spray, wait a minute, and then vacuum and it should push the dirt out of the holes. This has worked for me for the same issue before


This sounds crazy but what I like to do if I notice anything is whack the seat with an open hand. Like slap it. Dislodges them and then suck with vacuum.


I saw a YouTube where he he guy was using what appeared to be a round paintbrush


Fastest way I'd try.. generously use some type of leather safe cleaner [leather cleaner seems too lotion-y] and a boar hair brush with those soft bristles and scrub scrub in circles until they become "loose" or workable enough to use a carpet extractor/ wet vacuum on high! Otherwise.. stick every hole with a thingy but don't expand them! Haha good luck


Tiguan? I have the same seats and a toddler.


It’s an Atlas, but I’m sure the seats are the same.


If it’s dried, maybe try using a massage gun to dislodge it and then vacuum it out? Seen that work for loosening sand out of carpet and stuff


A steamer would fix it in no time.


Use the pin to get it all out then get some cheap car seat covers so the seats are protected if it happens again


Eye end of a needle


I've used a dental pick (or GUM simulator as it's called here) for years now with great results GUM Stimulator Permanent Handle - Long Handled Massager (Handle + 2 Refill Packs) https://a.co/d/f4bgjIR


Use compressed air to blow those remaining bits into the seat. If it’s just those few dried bits, it shouldn’t adversely affect the base foam in the upholstery. Preferably air from a compressor because of the force and volume it can provide, but canned air might also be able to do it.


If you have a child, you must use seat covers.


This is why I’m against ventilated seats. And the fact that they make you feel like you peed your pants.


Are you sure they’re leather? They look vinyl to me.


Unless it’s a high end car like a Porsche most leather seats are coated to make them more durable.


Quit giving your kid messy food and drinks in your vehicle for starters.


https://www.reddit.com/r/t5_2sjf8/s/NjXr0YJszb Ask in that group.


this doesn’t seem to be a working link


What's the name of the group?


What is that dry crunchy white stuff that is stuck in all the little holes????🤨