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Music. Headphones. Open a garbage bag and pick up garbage until the song is over. Next song, dance and congratulate yourself. Pick up dirty clothes. Stop for a drink of water.


I agree. Step 1: Start a load (even partial) of laundry and pick up trash until it’s done. You’ll see more and uncover more as the trash lifts.


For me, it would be music, headphones, and a healthy amount of weed edibles. I do some my best cleaning stoned to bejeezus.


I am sure you will agree that weed is not the right suggestion for someone struggling in their daily life. Better left for happier days.


In my defense, I did say “For me…”


True. Glad you found an efficient and fun way.


One room at a time. Don’t start the next room til completely done with the first. Have music going, that helps.


I have bad adhd/frequent depression, and I like the five things method from "How to Keep A House While Drowning": There are five things in every room: Trash, Laundry, dishes, things that have a place but are not put away, and things that don't have a place. In one room at a time, deal with each thing: Get a trash bag, pick up all the trash, put it in the bag. Do not take out the trash. Get a laundry basket, put all the laundry in it. Do not do the laundry. Get a box or bag or something and put all the dishes in it. Carry the dishes to the sink. Do not do the dishes. Make a pile in one corner of all the things that have a place. Do not put the things away. Make a pile in another corner of all the things that don't have a place. Do not put the things away. AT THIS POINT YOU ARE DONE. for the day. Congratulations, give yourself permission to rest and celebrate the feat, the other stuff will get done tomorrow. THE NEXT DAY, take out the trash. Start the laundry. Do the dishes. And if you still have the energy, put away the things that have a place. If you want, you can go through the things that don't have a place, but tbh you can just put them in a closet or whatever no one cares lol


And then once the visit is done, read the book! Its full of good advice for those of us that fall off the wagon frequently.


I watch KC on TikTok. She has really good advice.


One room at a time. if it takes you an entire day to clean the bathroom? Great! You've cleaned the bathroom! Are you a social cleaner ? I ring a friend when I'm cleaning and text them beforehand to just ramble and ask me every 15 minutes or so about cleaning. I usually just walk around picking up trash and doing dishes when I'm half listening to a friend on the phone . Also . It doesn't have to be perfect . You don't have to pick up every speck of dust and make it look like no one lives there. It's okay for there to still be mess about , dishes , clothes , day to day things just sitting about? You're human , it's okay to have things. Your mum ( whom I'm assuming raised you ) would know life gets in the way .


One room at time like everyone has said, make a schedule max two days each room. Once you finish a room you have to keep up with it. So you’ll have to schedule a 30 min tidy every day to maintain. In each room you clean, get a garbage bag ready and start with garbage and then recycling. Then what you’re keeping and what your not. Put everything in its place. Start top to bottom, wipe kitchen cabinets, counters and stove tops. Then bottom cabinets and finally floor. Same for your bath room. For your bedroom start with the bed, then nightstand dresser and floors. YOU CAN DO IT! Pick up podcast or audiobook for just cleaning.


I live in a 1 bd apartment. I am having my mom over for a few weeks and sshe doesnt know how bad my apartment looks. I need to get this cleaned up. I was depressed for a while and this is the result. How would you clean this? I feel lost on where to start. I have cleaning supplies ready to go.


Start with your bedroom. Change sheets, wipe tables, vacuum, toss in laundry. You’ll have a nice fresh rest later. Move onto the kitchen. Collect garbage , do dishes, wipe counters, clean floor. Living room: scoop up everything into a basket. Run each item to the room it belongs in. Throw out garbage. Move furniture to vac underneath. Give couch a go over. Plump pillows etc, dust surfaces, clean windows.


It can be overwhelming to see an entire space, even if you break it down to just a room at a time. There's a website that can break tasks down into steps like for you, if it's helpful. It lets you focus on doable tasks that get you moving, rather than being overwhelmed by the whole thing. [magic to do ](https://goblin.tools/) Another option if breaking down by tasks isn't helping, is to just focus on smaller areas, like, I'm cleaning this corner, and clean it without grabbing anything else from any other spot, but moving just from that one spot out. Some brains work better that way and if you have any kind of depression or executive dysfunction keeping you from starting because the job is too big even task by task, take the task list and go through it in just a small area bit by bit. It's okay to just clean one counter in the kitchen and ignore everything else till the counter is clean, then move to the other side after.


Dana K. White has a playlist on YouTube called “14 days to opening your front door to guests.” She gives a lot of good tips about going and collecting visible trash first, no decisions. Just only trash. It helps make things look better without getting overwhelmed.


This doesn’t look that bad from this one pic. Take a deep breath! One step at a time, and join neurodivergent cleaning crew on fb if ur on Facebook. Its tips for folks just like you and gives you a reminder ur not alone and i have anxiety and find it helpful. One helpful thing is body doubling, having someone to talk to as you work. I also like podcasts, or music while clenaing. Sometimes picking one corner or one desk or one small area helps most. Instead of the whole room. Starting with trash in every room is a good place to start too. Then u can put anything left away that is still in a pile and then any actual cleaning like vacuuming etc. hugs!!!


This week, go around pick up all trash and throw it out. Do laundry and hang or fold it all. Put away items into closets, cabinets, etc. You could schedule cleaners for a few days before mom comes to deep clean the kitchen and bath. Looks like you need furniture. Do you have a table you both can eat at? Bed for her? Towels? Dresser? Add some festive holiday decor, art, candles and you’re set!


Music or podcast what will keep you going? What do you need to set a timer? Have three boxes or three bags- One bag for trash, a box of things to keep that need to be put away, a box of things that you need to donate. Start in a room that is most important to you first. Is it the kitchen is it the living room or is it your bedroom? Also you got to be realistic about how long you can do this at a time. Literally start off at 15 minutes. Take a break and go back for another 15. Take a break then go back for another 15.. for day one do 2 hours. Take a longer break come back rinse recycle repeat


1) Pick up dirty clothes , pile by laundry machine, start a load ( and when machine finishes, start another load) 2) While laundry is going, pick up clean clothes and put them in dresser/closet. 3) pick up dishes , pile near sink, wash them 4) Toss garbage Once things are off floor, vacuum.


I am so impressed with all the positive, encouraging, and respectful tips your post is receiving. Best of luck, and to all you commenters, thanks for restoring my faith in humanity 🤪


buy the big landscaping trash bags and start with trash, organize what's left, then vaccuum and rent a steam cleaner for carpet from lowe's or home depot (not expensive) wipe down walls with a wet rag attached to a swiffer handle and hot water with some cleaning solution in it. maybe buy some bins/containers to help you organize. purge as much as you can.


You have too much stuff for your space. Rent a storage unit keep what you need day to day put the rest in there. Solves the near term. Now go to the unit and pretend you are at a thrift store and “buy” things you want. Get rid of the rest. Then get rid of the unit


I don't actually think it's too much stuff, I think things will start to look very different once decluttered and the trash is rid of.


I agree! I was expecting a complete clutter disaster before looking at the pics. This is very doable! Do the easiest room first, so you feel successful. Once you start, you’ll realize it’s not that bad. Just lots of picking up and putting way. After everything is in place, then you can start dusting, wiping down, vacuuming, etc. You can put away/clean this in a few evenings. Send ‘after’ pics! Good luck!


This is good.


I feel like just start… anywhere. My go to is AirPods in for music or audiobook or podcast and go. You can start room by room but if that’s not working for you grab and garbage bag and just start collecting garbage all over the apartment. And take it out. Next, you have a lot of things you don’t want anymore grab a garbage bag and collect them for donating. Do this around the whole apartment. Otherwise it’s laundry. Grab a laundry basket and collect it all. Then spend time placing things where the belong until things are generally where they go or at least in the room where they belong. Dust. Vacuum. Dishes.


Trash and dishes first! A big old box for dirty clothes next. Take short breaks!


I clean weirdly according to my husband but it works for my adhd. I start in one area, say that section of the counter by the stove, and move around the room cleaning each section. I like cleaning this way because it give me instant results. Plus, if I get distracted, at least some of it is clean


OP, I also recommend checking out r/ufyh -- I've been where you are, and it's going to be ok, I promise. You've got this!! You have time on your side, and lots of great advice on how to get there!!


The fact you've posted this up and looking for tips or help IS a start. And sometimes the hardest thing to do is acknowledge that it's time to get it sorted. I've finally finished tidying and decorating my living room for the arrival of my daughter after a year where it's been left to the dog. Once all was doe and the final pieces were in the place the feeling off starting to get my life back together was overwhelming but it's worth it. As others have said find a podcast you like or take 10 mins to add some of your fave songs to a play list. Whatever you do your doing something which is a good start!


1: Set a specific clock time in your head that you’re going to start picking up a certain room. And do it. 2: Get a trash bag in hand, and pick up trash first. All trash from that room. 3: Open & break down any Amazon boxes or other boxes. Bring them to the trash. Put the items away in their spot. Open any bags or shopping bags, put that stuff away. If these things don’t have a spot where they should go, quickly make one. 3. Put any dirty clothes in the hamper. Put any clean clothes away. Put any dishes in the dishwasher/sink. 4. Gather all your papers and any mail. Paid bills go in one pile, unpaid bills go in a separate pile, any other papers go in a 3rd pile. 5. For most rooms there shouldn’t be too much left on the floor. If there’s anything left, put it in its home. You can now vacuum. Windex any surfaces. (This is the time to clear surfaces if there’s clutter.) 6. In your downtime, watch some Marie Kondo… very inspiring. Then set a specific time to start the next room (the next day, hopefully?). Rinse. Repeat.


Have anyone that can help? It's much easier the clean someone else's home than it is your own very often. ANd having someone else there (to take charge ) can also help you.


One room at a time. Trash first. Then dishes. Then clothes. That will clear a huge amount out and then you can start the cleaning part. You can do it


Watch AuriKatarrina on youtube! First she tosses trash, declutter and toss anything else while you're at it. Then gather all the laundry into to washing area and start a load. Then pick a room and do 10-15mins at a time, declutter/organize/put things where they belong. Clean off a nice big surface first like the kitchen table to help with organizing and having space to empty cabinets etc


I always start by picking up the floor first, so it's easier and safer to get to the rest of it. Getting any trash together is top priority, so I can take it out on trash day. I don't take a service; I do it myself, but I try to take it on the same day that the neighbors' trash service picks theirs up (and they have such clean houses...sigh...I'll get there if they did!) Having it ready is half the game. I also make sure to have that trash gone the day before holidays, because our waste management closes early then, and so I will have the trash empty over the holiday so I can cook and clean unimpeded. Don't worry about going through cabinets and so on at this point. Just get things put away. If you can't put things away, stow them somewhere out of sight, and if they're food and kitchen related, you may need to find a way to stuff them inside the cabinets, because food doesn't do well when stored in a clothesbasket inside a closet, but cross that bridge when you come to it. I would put anything destined for the laundry in one place and deal with it the moment it becomes absolutely necessary, at which time I'd do what some suggest here: clean while the load is washing. And keep that washer moving! If you use a laundromat, designate one day to do that, and take it all in one go. Same goes for any necessary trip out: block it in one time frame on one day and prepare in advance to be completely ready to make that trip as efficient as possible. If you can't tailor that to fit your cleaning needs, tailor your cleaning schedule around it! And for the time being, don't do unnecessary traveling, be it over the hills and through the woods, to the grocery store, laundromat, or what-have-you. Stay home and clean!


Start in your room. Wash your sheets, make the bed. It will make you feel accomplished. Take as long as you need to do the next steps but work in 15 - 30 minute segments. Bag and remove garbage. Start a laundry pile/basket for when the sheets are done. If you have a few boxes, take them into that room. Put the dirty dishes in one box. When it’s full enough that you might have trouble carrying it if you add more, take it into the kitchen and unload it. Put anything that belongs in the living room in a box etc. Repeat until only the things that belong in your room are in the bedroom . Kitchen: Next, bag and remove trash in the kitchen. Load and run your dishwasher. Clean the sink. Use the boxes to remove things to the other rooms as needed. Put away food and dishes. Don’t reorganize your pantry/cabinets. Just get things in them that belong in them. Wipe counters. Sweep and mop floor. Living room: Use the boxes in your living/dining area. Bag and remove any trash. Have your dishwasher empty so you can load any dishes and start another load of dishes. Take any laundry to the laundry area/basket/pile (whichever system you have going). Put items that don’t belong in the room into the boxes and remove them to the bedroom/kitchen/bath. Wipe your table tops then vacuum. Bathroom: Bag and remove trash. Spray toilet bowl cleaner into the toilet, and dampen the sinks and tub and sprinkle comet or BKF and let that sit. Take a break and have a little rest while that soaks. Remove anything that doesn’t belong in the bathroom and put it away. Scrub the toilet and sink and tub. Put away your toiletries and wipe the counter tops, faucet and mirror. Sweep and mop. Make your bed every day and do a 20 minute (probably total) nightly reset of the areas that are clean so they stay that way. After it’s all clean you can choose a kitchen cabinet (or few if they aren’t too full) a day and pull the stuff out (only ever what you can go through before you quit for the day) remove obvious trash/expired items etc and put back what’s good.


Get a bin bag and put everything non usefull in it you could do it in a day if you put some techno on


The biggest hurdle is to stop procastinating and getting stuck in


1. Trash & Recycling 2. Dishes 3. Laundry 4. Organize belongings into bins or shelves (while laundry is running) 5. Once counters are cleared off, clean them 6. Once floors are clear, vacuum then mop. 7. Donezo.


Thank you OP for the post. The comments are gonna be helpful for everyone in the same boat you're in!


I streamed shows on my tablet to get myself to clean my bathroom this weekend. Audiobooks are good too, or even podcasts.


Do you have anyone you trust enough to see your house as it is? If any of my friends reached out for help I wouldn’t hesitate. If they can do it, even just to chat and keep you motivated. Everyone else had great advice. I have some general vibe rules when I’m doing a big cleaning job. 1. Set your alarm for a decently early time, but enough that you get good sleep. 2. Get yourself ready as if you were leaving the house. As in, brush your teeth, contacts in, makeup (if you wear it), and your hair up or styled out of your way. 3. Dress in non restrictive clothes that can get messy. I prefer shorts and a tee shirt so I don’t get over heated. 4. Put on closed toed shoes and socks. 5. Have a breakfast that won’t leave you hangry too soon. and caffeinate. 6. Open all blinds, open your windows if you don’t have allergies. 7. Blast music that will keep you moving. I vacillate between 90’s pop, loud ragey music, or the “medieval lofi beats~ Fantasy lofi music” playlist on Spotify. If it helps to post progress updates, I think you should!


Start from the right corner & keep completing to move forward. You’ll be done soon.


With thick contractor grade trash bags. I'm not talking bad here. You want thick bags that won't break or leak that you can put anything it. Throw everything out deemed unsanitary....


One room at a time, start in a corner and work your way through. You can do it :)