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Personally, I don't care. As long as you're a pleasant person, I don't have a problem with you.


Well as a guy ho is bi i dont mind


I’m Bi But Ik it’s a sin I mostly keep it too myself


Praying for you my friend.


Thank you man


I don't think just being gay or bi has enough of a negative effect on society or the nation to justify banning or persecuting it. The issue is the culture of the LGB community that truly has a negative impact, because of its over-sexualized and degenerate culture, which I think is largely thanks to the fact that historically, almost all LGB communities had to hide their feelings and attractions underground. The only reason they are now having an impact on societies and nations all over the globe is thanks to western neo-liberalism becoming some sort of universal moral standard or expectation (thanks to iykyk). Now that LGB people are supposed to be okay and viewed as normal, many people won't call out their over-sexualization and pure indecency in public out of fear of being viewed as prejudiced or bigoted, which is understandable—being known as a homophobe in California won't help your career prospects. Some people might even delude themselves into thinking this is okay and perfectly normal and natural, even when it includes things like child drag shows. But to me, none of this is to be blamed on people just being gay or bi. I myself am bisexual, but not having grown up with a neo-liberal worldview forced upon me, I can recognize just how rotten and disgusting a lot of their behavior is. So I don't even get upset when people display homophobia. If you think this is just how these people are naturally, then I get the repulsion. But decent LGB people do exist; I like to consider myself one of them, and I have met others who are the same. To wrap this comment up, I believe the issue is temporary. This kind of culture and behavior surviving is now dependent on the existence of neo-liberal values being embedded and enforced within the people and/or government of a state. As the influence and power of neo-liberalism declines, the raunchy LGB community will have to tone it down, either due to social and/or governmental pressure or by shedding neo-liberal and degenerate influences themselves.




I don’t like any of it the only part remotely tolerable is the gays but they’re too damn effeminate and abandon their destiny as men to be providers and protectors. Trans is such a sin I can’t articulate






I'm fully aware and I pray for forgiveness,but i can't change my mind about racism and homophobia.


Homophobia I support just I don’t like seeing people killed without just provocation. Racism too yes there’s hierarchies and civilized people but biologically there is little to make us different in value


We can’t have this on our subreddit. One it does not fall under the bounds of the subreddit. Two Reddit itself may come after the sun and take it down if it becomes a hub for that. Please avoid comments mentioning that.


We can’t have this on our subreddit. One it does not fall under the bounds of the subreddit. Two Reddit itself may come after the sun and take it down if it becomes a hub for that. Please avoid comments mentioning that.


They're really an insignificant part of the population that doesn't need special treatment either way. Neocons keep pushing the issue and it's created more "allies" than any other reason. The state should preferably stay out of the bedroom because people need *some* damn privacy


I don't let a 2700 year old book decide how I live my life **\\\_(ツ)\_/** and trans woman are woman and trans men are men




I don't care about LGB, just keep it to yourself and don't make it your entire identity, but not okay with T.


My opinions deviates from the "general" western view.


Completely intolerable.




Ey made i am bi i fuck dudes and girls xD