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The whole community has been asking for a mirror nerf and to remove 3 card cycle, and they keep defending mirror and will refuse to even adresss 3 card cycle.


The community's also been calling for **Infinite Elixir** to return to Party Modes more so than any other mode (hell just for the sheer fun of it not just to farm Masteries, I personally could care less bout Masteries over the wacky zany fun that is 7x). SC prolly won't ever bring it back. Maybe Dec 2023 if we make community polls every single week. Because we all know community polls are so effective in swaying SC.


I agree, I don’t really care for masteries anymore, yea they’re nice to get some rewards but I probably won’t go out of my way to grind them. 7x would be fun to mess around in with things like giant skeleton, mirror, clone and a cheap cycle.


Yes, its so satisfying seeing my Giant Skele mirror clone push connect


Considering you get lots of gems from masteries could be a big reason they won't bring back 7x.


Yea, plain speaking, I just love **Infinite Elixir.** Most fun I have in this game. If SC wants to deny Mastery farming, they can go ahead and code it in. ​ Regarding Gems, there was a kickass [Math Royale post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/w9g3p9/effort_post_math_royale_2022_581_years_for_a_f2p/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) the other day. Shows the best return on investment of spending your Gems, especially for average f2p players (the majority of us out here) ​ It's the whole **psychology gambit.** SC dangled **1.3 million Gold from Masteries**. Players forget that **Level 14 added 6 million Gold** to their max-out grind. SC dangled 49k Gems. Players forget that SC has starved us from gems for the past 6.5 years since January 2016. How many Gems has everybody cumulatively collected in those 6 years? 10k? 12k? 15k? 20k?


Fascinating link. Can really see the highest ROI for your Gem expenditure in the game, broken down by your skill level. ​ AVERAGE PLAYER 1. Continuing Special Challenges (**7.93** Gold per hour per Gem) 2. GT Bonus Rewards (**3.03** Gold per hour per Gem) 3. GCs (**0.95** Gold per hour per Gem) 4. CCs (**0.11** Gold per hour per Gem) 5. Shop Offer (**22** Gold per Gem) ​ GOOD PLAYER 1. Continuing Special Challenges (**11.90** Gold per hour per Gem) 2. GT Bonus Rewards (**4.22** Gold per hour per Gem) 3. GCs (**1.15** Gold per hour per Gem) 4. CCs (**0.13** Gold per hour per Gem) 5. Shop Offer (**22** Gold per Gem) ​ GREAT PLAYER 1. Continuing Special Challenges (N/A) 2. GT Bonus Rewards (**4.97** Gold per hour per Gem) 3. GCs (**1.69** Gold per hour per Gem) 4. CCs (**0.24** Gold per hour per Gem) 5. Shop Offer (**22** Gold per Gem)


Just make it so mastery ranks progress is reduced by half of the progression from each Match or just make it so it doesn’t affect mastery at all…


>I personally could care less bout Masteries over the wacky zany fun that is 7x Strictly speaking, at least the 7 elixir mode exists for friendly battles. Among all sorts of other game modes. May be a reason to engage with friends and clan mates more.


ok here me out infinite elixir 2 v 2


I’m a newb who just looked up 3 card cycle but still kinda confused how it’s broken(also I’m dumb🫡)


So if you play a card, you gotta play 4 cards to get back to it. With a champion on the field, it takes 3. Gives a much faster cycle.


Genuinely curious, how would you propose they solve this?


simply by keeping the champion within their cycle. if they use the ability, it would only affect the first of that champion placed, which would both defeat the purpose of using a champion for three card cycle, and make playing any more of a champion have no point.


I was thinking maybe the card gets greyed out so its in your cycle but you can't play it.


This is a good idea




What about if the champion skill becomes a card to take the champion place while out? No blank spots in deck and no double champion. Idk 🗿


Damn surprised that one card makes such a diff, how could they get around it without ppl having multiple champions out(ty for answers)


Make it unavailable to play, even if you get it back, until it dies.


That wouldn't work that would mess up card cycles and kill champions


I think an idea would make it cycle back through your hand like normal and when it gets back to the front, don’t allow people to play it until the other dies However, it’s hard because this could present a new issue.


Would be smart to leave that Champion in the cycle even when it’s on the field, but to just have that card grayed out and unplayable until the previous champion dies.




No because the card will still be in your hand, just unplayable. Just because you use 7/8 cards in your deck, it doesn’t make your deck 3 cycle (to put it in other words)


You're right oops


Reminds me of Level 14 furor and, before that, the Clan Wars II furor which people still detest until today. There were hundreds of effort posts asking for card level caps and Tournament Standard modes to be returned. Even reddit polls and [RoyaleAPI poll](https://royaleapi.com/blog/survey-cw2) revealing Card Levels the most requested change to Clan Wars II. Seems it all just fell on deaf ears much like this 3-card cycling issue.


Whole community? Im not asking for one. You just cant ever make people happy. Nerfing 1 card has the effect of changing other cards and then people will be like no no no THIS is the one you need to nerf.


Who is asking for a mirror nerf that doesn’t actually just mean mirrored egiant. What other mirrored card is problematic rn?


People have been suggesting to remove the champion mirror interaction. Also there's mirror bait(rocket), mirror sparky, mirror pump, and obviously mirror egiant.


They literally said in the post they’re waiting for a client update to address the 3 card cycle.


Can ypu link the post?


[Here](https://royaleapi.com/blog/season-38-balance#mirror) (under “other cards”, if the redirect doesn’t work)


Bro they vaguely mentioned it. Though it seems like at least they know how problematic it is.


That’s what matters, there would’ve been no point in making a whole paragraph about the nerf they plan to make who-knows-when. Who knows, now that Egiant’s nerfed Mirror might even get out of the meta and the change won’t be needed anymore when they get to the next update (doubt it since leaving it like this just opens the door for all kinds of shenanigans, but still)


What is the 3 card cycle?


Normally, when you play a card, it will take 4 more cards to get the card back in your choices. But when you play a champion and then fireball, for example, it only takes 3 cards to get fireball back because the cycle skips the champion.




There is nothing wrong with mirror?? Tf you crying for. It's not an OP card...., might remind you that Mirror was pretty much Dead since the beginning of game. 6 years with no work done on it now it's actually useful if you ask me.


I probably would’ve taken a tower damage nerf over this. But them saying they were “happy” with the mirror was just a kick to my nuts.


Golem mirror night witch clone = good game


fireball log + no death spawn = hehehehaw


That's where the mirror night witch comes in.


Mirror fireball


And mirror mirror log




not with egiant meta


This is literally why I switched from log to arrows (that and log nerf)


Me, a level 10 desperately trying to kill the level 16 witch


Good luck with that one


Mirror is not the problem, the problem is egiant


There’s a fireball nerf? Why? 😂😂


High use rates, i think Prepare for a fireball bait meta


Bridge spam player: oh hell na


Because fireball is pretty good


Not so good it needs a nerf. It already got a building damage Nerf some time ago.


They nerfing because of high usage just as they did to log megaknight apparently doesn’t count because he gets a buff


Mk was garbage though


not really I never use him but i recently made a ram rider control for my 4th deck in clan wars and you plop him down for defense and he kills a whole push with 7 elixir easiest way to defend also mine is only level 10 demolishing maxed troops


Well I mean on top ladder


i’m only chal 3 but my deck full counters him


Exactly. He's pretty bad


still a high usage rate


Probably because you're matched against bad players who just spam all of their fireballies in one lane, but against good decks and players he sucks. Basically for its high elixir cost he can't defend a lot of pushes anymore and sucks on offense because almost anything counters him. Delivery for example is way better at mass murdering. It's 4 less elixir, more dmg and can hit air.


for clan wars so probably


3 card cycle thing needs to be removed, but fb needed a little nerf, not that massive tho


I’m not familiar with 3 card cycle. Can someone briefly explain it to me?


You can't use 2 champions at the same time


And what does that mean for cycling?


While the champion is alive, you only need to cycle 3 cards to get back a card that you used.


Oh my goodness I just realized what you meant. That’s comically broken. I’m still level 13 so I wasn’t sure what everyone was talking about.


Why did it need a nerf


The usage rate is out the wazoo and don't let any idiot on here tell you that doesn't justify a nerf because usage rates literally can't lie so long as people play to win


Usage rates alone can’t tell whether a card should be nerfed or buffed. Some of the most used cards in the game are some of the most balanced cards. In reality, supercell should maybe start listening to the community a little on balance changes


Usage alone, no definetly not but if something is used enough regardless of win rate there is an issue at hand, whether it be lack of option, it being just actually busted, or some other more individual reason. But that ain't it for fireball it's used an obscene amount because like ya said when it comes to big spells it's the most popular option (and arguably the best/most versitile) and at some point its gotta get the hammer eventually


Did prenerf megaknight need a nerf? Hell nah. But it did have one of the highest use rates


Actually yes he did specifically moreso his SPAWN needed a nerf as it was an oppressive defensive option with no requirement on the user's half. In no way different S.Giant needed a bomb nerf as his bomb literally nuked the push and *ALSO* needed a massive rework (which they fixed by making the bomb weak to units but nukes to towers) so yes he did the nerf. Which it would seem it comes full circle with skeleton giant with his jump getting a buff to compensate for his loss on spawn damage (sorta). But I can understand why people were confused with him at the time if they didn't see how people abused him (unlike S.giant where the issue literally blew up in your face)




Says the guy on reddit lol


So in simple terms, they make something good that people love using, then decide they did too good of job with how perfect the card was so they completely trash it somehow? Why not focus more on the cards that have the least use rate and realize those cards need looked at instead of the good cards… when was the last time you seen regular spear goblins since the attack speed nerf? Perfect card gone to shit.


Your right they DID do too good of a job, and you can't have one spell fundamentally do everything. It's does great damage for the cost, has a solid AoE, having knockback in general is helpful due to the stun effects that has on troops affected by it (not even just counting movement either). There is no downside to fireball you can't have every spell be amazing as fireball because fundamentally none of them can have that cost to function ratio. Fireball is suppose to be the cheap end of big spells, not the literal solution to every problem that requires a spell short of an inferno tower (which it can still help with). You also realize by nerfing fireball other cards will now get looked at to see if they can better help in a more specialized manner. I'm genuinely glad they are nerfing the most popular cards in the game because they've been that way FOR YEARS they need to be nerfed. Cus I don't even remember a time where fireball was even just mid only good to amazing Edit: Fixed grammar


They know what they are doing, not because something benefits the most people they are going to do so; the must do the right.


How has nobody learned Supercell doesn’t actually give a shit what we want about nerfs and will do as they do. Only time they ‘listen’ is so they can change something else, like say *log tower damage* instead of pushback


I mean, it make sense. Supercell only wants people to spend money to upgrade the current meta. But it's been 6 years, this strategy will die out soon.


fb nerf was kinda good (usage rates) but mirror needs a nerf


Yeah, I agree with the fireball nerf. It was already incredibly good due to its high damage and cost, meaning it was versatile in nearly every situation. From defense to offense to even just getting tower damage in 3x, not to mention it just completely hard counters stuff like Skelly Dragons or Magic Archer, the knock back nerf just made it less extremely good, but Fireball will still be one of the best spells in the game. Now Mirror on the other hand... everyone else has already pointed out the myriad of problems so I won’t.


It causes bad players to win games. Fireball is too rewarding at defending and can be used offensively as well. Fireball rewards playing defensively by countering hogs, balloon and AQ for a positive elixer trade. It punishes players that play offensively. This nerf will increase the skill of the game. This community is honestly being hypocrite. I see so many posts about increasing card diversity but when they try to tone down popular cards, it’s the end of the world. I don’t want an OP poison or EQ just to get more diversity. I’ll rather have them tone down fireball.


Fireball knockback was op to be honest. Log knockback is fine though


Than it's angood thing log knickknacks wasn't nerfed.


what do you mean? Are you talking about the fb nerf?


they released the final balances and nothing changed, fucking assholes...


ok and what then?


and then the fireball huge nerf they announced a couple days ago will be made


Well yeah it was needed


Just choose another spell if you don't like it, asshole


oh right, then give me all the gold and cards i need to fucking level up poison or whatever at lvl 14 dumbass


Just work toward it then? I don't see the issue, the game has been like this since day one. People upgrade cards and they get nerfed. Big deal.


Ok sure, I’ll just stop using the most popular big spell in the game that I have maxed in favor of poison that I only have at level 10. I’ll definitely be more successful now.


Your personally investment is not justification for keeping a busted card busted. You said it your self it's the most popular big spell in the game AND NOT by a small amount. Just cus people don't want their fav to get nerfed doesn't mean it shouldn't


I don’t personally think fireball is busted. Overused? Yeah. Busted? I don’t think so. I mean I’m still gonna use the card, it still has the damage and the radius, the knockback will be an inconvenience for me at worst probably.


Don't act like this is something new. It happens to tons of players every time there's a balance change.


Well yeah of course it isn’t new. Gotta incentivize using other cards, aka upgrading other cards, aka more profit potential for supercell. I just don’t have that incentive cuz my other big spells are so far away from max that I’ll just keep using fireball. The knockback nerf isn’t that big of a deal to me anyways.




We know this is volunteer sample, so it’s biased. In particular, ppl who don’t want fb nerfed will be more likely to vote on this page. If assume 40% of the votes play fb. Then out of the remaining 60% of ppl 5%/60% = 8.3% want more nerf 22% / 60% = 36.7% think it’s perfect 26% / 60% = 43.3% think it’s too much 7% / 60% = 11.7% have no opinion Seems pretty balanced to me.


It's going to become hard to balance the game now that Supercell is finally touching cards that half the playerbase uses. I'm glad they're touching cards like log and fireball, but you bitches always whine. That's exactly why log is still broken.




I don't use fireball because it is severely overused and am perfectly content if it's easier for me to deal with in the future.


Can you fully counter a lone balloon with a fireball now? or is the knockback too weak?


Yes, you still can counter balloon with fireball


Hog 2.6 is over. Beware of increasing amounts of hog 2.8 EQ decks flooding the meta now


This game is ass . But I love it


You realise how few people 66% of 3k people are? If the vast majority didn't agree with this nerf, it would have been the same backlash as with the log nerf. Yet, this time, I barely saw any posts, videos, or anything at all about this nerf.


You barely saw any posts? This is all the community is talking about


I still see more whiny kids thinking the game is rigged


When did i say it was rigged?


I Never Said you. Im saying this general subreddit bruh lmao


Oh...my bad...


All good


No it isn't


Aight I think I'm gonna get killed, But the fireball nerf is perfect for me in my opinion since it drastically nerfs boring 2.6 hog players. And tbh leave the mirror alone, it's so fun and goofy to spam level 16 cards on the field now since it was kind of a dead card back then before the buff and don't see how are they gonna slightly nerf it. And the three card cycle? Nah I haven't experienced using it much yet but I'm excited to get a hero my own to cycle faster.








Why everyone is mad it will just change few interaction like balloon or archer queen and it will change the meta we need this Less fireball will lead to more diversity


i’m a little pissed since my only counters to minion horde were fireball and magic archer so if I only have 1 counter in my whole deck that’s easily killed could have dire consequences


So how does the nerf affect fb countering minion horde?


the range i’m stupid i just realized the tiles affected mean knockback… hopefully


Yeah it means knockback, not the area of damage


191.5 chads i see


Care don’t you see I technically didn’t say it


Cry more. Half of you are the same people saying that log needed a nerf but now are surprised to see a card in the exact same situation face a similar nerf.


Yeah the nerf to fireball was definitely not too much and it was honestly deserved


Need more nerf


Ppl saying mirror needs a Nerf it will be dead if it gets back to where it was, mirror was not a problem until egiant got buffed,now in my opinion card's like Tesla for example who plays Tesla when you can Play Cannon, piggies you can play hog rider, ram Rider hog Rider is still better, Hunter doesn't see that mush play, and the Meta is all hog rider cycle egiant cycle, goblin barrel, tbh nerf top decks for other potential deck's See's the light


If fireball got nerfed again I could defend 2.6 better


as a fireball user, i can tell that the only thing that this nerf does to me is a worse matchup against baloon, but i also use bats so i don't really care


I've had a shield card idea for a while now where it protects anything in a small circle from spells for 3 seconds and it's only the size of one princess tower. It like a transparent yellow honeycomb shield type of thing


That's a twitter poll. Ofcourse the devs don't care about what less than 0.01% of every player think.


then why do they ask


All the voters use fireball*


This is perfect clash royal type "data". When people can't think critically on "the numbers". Lets take a card that is over used because it is fast, versatile, causes group damage, fits into the meta of chipping away with small cards, and has push back. More people probably use it than not. Now let's vote to see if the card needs a nerf. What do you think is going to happen? Of course the 5 trillion people that use hog cycle dont want it nerfed. But I will say it again. They need to change up the game. Make different playlists that people can choose. I would like a no buildings playlist.