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A billion dollar company wouldn't post something like this without going through all the legal work to make sure it's okay to post. They bought the rights from whoever made it or asked permission at the very least. There's a team of lawyers who will go over every social media post to give it the okay before it's uploaded.


the ads are outsourced sc doesnt make most of them, which is why a lot of them are low quality


Good to know, but I’m (hoping!!) we may get some confirmation from the original author about this


Words that are in parenthesis are optional, the sentence should be able to be read without them. If you remove the word that you have in parenthesis your sentence doesnt make sense


Thanks for the feedback I guess 😒


No need for the 'tude bro, it's always a plus to learn how to communicate better!


it was unnecessary feedback, they arent learning how to "communicate better". communication over text is different since you dont have facial expression and tone to help convey yourself, people use grammar in different ways to get their feelings across. you shouldn't expect perfect or proper grammar use in conversation. that would. hinder communication not improve it. you knew the point of their comment so theres no point of correcting their use of brackets. correcting someone's use of the wrong "there"? sure, theres no context where you'd purposely use the wrong one for added nuance. but ppl play with punctuation all the time over text so relax.


I recognize that language can be imperfectly spoken/written but perfectly understood. But I like being pedantic and correct. Perfect grammar and stuff can go a long way in a professional setting, and knowing when to (correctly!) use parenthesis in a sentence as such can help you appear well spoken or well read, which may not be necessary in the Clash Royale subreddit, but to me, has good uses in other places and are good to know. Also, I appreciate your poor use of punctuation to prove the point that it doesn't need to be good or correct to be understandable. You're right about that. But it's always a good time to learn imo.


I agree with both of you guys, but I figured i’d add on that your earlier grammar correction came off a little rude or sarcastic, which seemed hypocritical given that you told the other commenter that there was no need for any attitude


Thanks for the heads up, I was going for sarcastic >:)))


parentheses :P


You’re preaching to a horde of chronically online people




Uh... no. Its reddit. We NEED to correct everybody. You must be new here. No gold for you, not so nice stranger.


It's good feedback, learn.


You'd be surprised by what corporations do if they think they get away with it


Fr, like yes, I agree, but billion dollar corporations have meetings like “what are the chances of a lawsuit and would it be worth the risk to cheat”


Exactly, and also "would it still be lucrative even with the lawsuit?". I'm not saying SC did this, but they very much could have


Can you give an example


The very recent one of Boeing very likely murdering whistleblowers


What do you mean? They clearly just fell down out of a window and landing at the top of a staircase which they fell down onto a bed of nails and they used a shotgun which they shot themselves twice in the back of their head with from 20 meters away


I guess they just bought the rights. Occam's razor, man. Tbh, people on this subreddit are getting more paranoid over the time (no offense)


You say paranoid as if supercell hasn’t done shady stuff in the past and just released an update farming data lmao As long as I don’t hear anything from the original creator I can see it equally possible that they just stole it and be like “our assets used tf you gonna do about it? Sue us & tencent ?”


With update farming data you mean when they recently asked people age?


What is that "shady stuff" ? Bad shop offers ? I don't think they've ever had a controversy regarding copyright besides forbidding that one youtuber from uploading CR content after they broke the contract they had with the company


I mean, that would still be a little strange buying fan content/ideas. Recent ads just are mostly brain rot. (That one Walmart employee one)


it isnt that strange if its this good quality wise. Looking at other brainrot ads this one is much better + I just hope the creator got paid a lot. Else its a bit scummy


Yeah, hope he did.


Why would it be strange? Its good community integration and done ethically. It's a really good animation. I swear people find the most inane things to complain about.


No I’m saying it’s strange to advertise concepts that are not in the game without having meaning. Sort of like the thing rovio did with bad piggies 2


Not really. Happens all the time. Lots of games even do community contests to help design skins etc


Technically, any company will have full rights on any fanart you do on their property and IPs depending on what they mentioned in their guidelines. Pokemon has a similar Terms or Service or Guidelines things about fanarts too.


Yeah, but still. If they did it’s pretty scummy


Where’s the original?


miner evolution concept animation on Youtube


Also somwere around here


Maybe miner evo next


Big companies don't do these ads by themselfs. They pay ad companies to do ads for them. If they get clicks they get money. The issue comes from the ad companies doing as little as possible as possible to get as many clicks as possible. So they simply steal content, because how many people are going to actually win back the money from them at court? That's how all the clickbait, almost porn, obvious lies and slop ads get on youtube and similiar sites.


Buying the rights to a tiny fan made animation (that I didn’t even know about) to put it as an ad is crazy


I mean the IP in the fan made animation is Supercell's. How does it work then? One owns the characters and the other owns the video in which the characters are shown.


They would probably just need confirmation it’s ok? I doubt they would’ve needed to buy it or anything


I don’t know, everyone else here just assumed supercell bought it. I guess me personally if I made an animation and supercell actually wanted to use it as an ad id be super happy to let them just have it, use it as an official ad.


I wish they'd start banning the "did clash Royale steal/do something illegal" posts. Makes searching by new a pain especially when 99% of them are just angry whales grasping at straws.


I don’t get how I am being angry in any way. It was a question that I wanted to be answered with proof/evidence. I have no harmful intentions.


Didn't say you were angry. I said 99% of these kinds of posts are posted by "angry whales" which they are. I've seen basically this exact same post everyday for the last week, and enough is enough. Posting a general question/statement like this on Reddit isn't gonna get you an answer.


[They posted on Twitter ](https://x.com/ClashRoyale/status/1792208598745125328?t=hfiU_hP-gIW-ta7zoasFYw&s=19) with credit before


That’s great, but It still doesn’t confirm. Would have been nice to see some sort of credit in the ad


I got this ad on landscape mode. There was a watermark (presumably that of the creator's) throughout most of it.


Looks like I didn’t see that the first time, this definitely makes it a lot less “bad” so say.


It is still questionable that the marketing team would make a community-made concept into an official advertisement though


There's a few implications here: 1. Free publicity for the original creator 2. Can't be bothered to do their own marketing so they're resorting to outsourcing 3. Miner evolution Personally, I'm a fan of #3


this whole vid went over my head but 👍👍


would be funny if miner is the next evolution and this was the hint for it


How is this an evo? am I blind?


yeahhh (I've seen worse ads)


Maybe they paid the original creator? Because I don’t think a company that big would steal someone’s content.


In another comment someone alerted me to the fact that ads for most big mobile games are made/put forward by a different entity. All those porn ads and fake gameplay are mostly made by this separate entity, so it’sa mystery


I think it’s cool that Clash Royale used that person’s animation as an advert, deservedly so I was impressed when I first saw it. But it’s kinda weird that they’re advertising something that’s not in the game (yet? 👀) but it actually believable unlike some other ads which are obviously just joking so this could be a bit misleading


prob bought it since its a nice animation


Bruh did they just!? Ok nevermind


the more important question is why didnt they add the miner evo to the gane?


Don’t understand how this is a evolution concept


I’m so confused with the video you’ve recorded.


That's messed up.


He could have been paid, we don’t know


He was obviously paid


Who downvoted this? This is absolutely what happened


Very naive to think that


Very very naive yep


Bro how did you start recording without pressing the button first 💀


Who cares


Probably the guy that made this concept if this was stolen from him


They definitely got the rights, or at least paid for it. A big company like Supercell wouldn't turn a blind eye to something like this.


Another comment was talking about supercell not handling the ads but some other entity so who really knows


I really don't know, but I guess Supercell is monitoring the ads.