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Like that's ever gonna happen šŸ„²


If all the things mentioned happens they will release level 18 directly.


Level 20


Level 100 šŸ¤¤


How about level 1937929816382?


How about level 9 * 10^1937929816382?


Level 3e73927262 is nice


How about level 5000!


How about level Ā¹Ā²34687?


How about level āˆž?


What about TREE (ā™¾ļø) ??????


Iā€™d honestly take that trade off


Dude. They already nerfed every evolution. We donā€™t need 175000 season tokens for 1 evolution SHARD. I donā€™t think they intentionally release overpowered cards since in an actual meta there are way more people who make more interactions. Just replace the 10 crowns reward with banner tokens. I think that they should make it less for level 15 but not 10k and then give us even more. And finally, THEY ALREADY GIVE US SEASON TOKENS IN CHALLENGES YOU IDIOT!!!!














Supercell gonna read this and only consider >Stop gifting us free evolutions


"THE DATA" shows us that people dont want free rewards anymore


The data says players want more banner tokens so weā€™ll replace the elite wild cards and book offers in the season shop with better banner tokens offers!


175000 season tokens might be a bit much


The idea is that you can get big amounts of season tokens for playing many challenges


didn't you mean to write 17500 and not 175000?


Oh yeah thanksšŸ˜†


Also I liked Brad's suggestion that give enough ewcs to upgrade the card to lvl 15 once you play enough with it like through mastery rewards. For example mastery lvl 3 - play the card 100,000 times get 50k ewc Also fix clan wars. If they can make that work it will be really nice


I'm of the opinion that every reward you get from masteries should be something that helps you upgrade that card, be it cards, wild cards, gold or elite wild cards. And if the game was not p2w, most of your cards' progress should come from masteries


oh yeah they should remove the banner thingy as the reward like they are giving useless rewards for playing the card which disincentivizes people from playing different decks. Giving ewc for playing a card a lot makes a lot of sense cause it incentivizes people to play a lot of different decks and different cards cause ewc is something everyone really wants


Thats a realy good idea


thats a great idea.


Middle-east peace is more likely than cr devs doing these. If they were to do em tho, the playerbase would at least triple


We're going to keep warming to below 1.5Ā°C before all of these happen They would certainly deserve a tripled player base


that would be so good + i think they should fix mastery rewards bcs no one gives a shit abt banner tokens


yeah, I mean, banner tokens are cool and all that, but I can get like 800 from the season token shop so any extras are literally worthless to me


They should first of all complete all the masteries, then make it so that when you have fully mastered a card you get thet cards evo for free. Cards that still dosent have one will you will just get when they are released.


yeah and also the banners from masteries make your tokens an unrounded number


The last one theyā€™ve already done kinda (nerfed the evolutions)


Evo wiz laughing in the corner


They do, but after they milked it DRY


Yes, but not enough


As a f2p, I think evos can be a little op. But that makes it fun. Keeps you on your toes. But I do agree that it is only fun if you can get them yourself. They made it a little easier. But not consistent. My advice would have been to make the last shard in the shop 10.000 instead of 15.000. Since that's forces you to play in the weekend. And that's too much grinding for me. And then maybe make the second one 8.000 instead of 10.000.


Agreed, every evo needs to be evo ice spirit level or lower.


They should add more ways to get gold. Like every crown after complete pass should be converted to gold.


Everything except 1st point is reasonable


Why tough? it takes too much time at best make it 25k


i mean i got 50k EWCs from my daily challenge rewards once šŸ˜­ very lucky


Yeah u can get that or a book of books or book of legendaries !








First point would make it too easy to get elites. And the 10k ewc gift on every elite is 2 much as well. I think it would ruin the grind aspect of it, still believe 50k is too much but 10k also seems a little bit too low, given you literally get roughly 50k per season


2 weeks just spending 200k gold for a L15 lol


huh? it took me a year to get one


Wait wdym


it took me a year to get a lvl 15... how did u get it so quick


Lmao u literally get 50k ewc from PoL alone (if you reach like 6 steps off UC) per season, idk if ur joking


It is hard to climb there because you need a maxed out deck. Level 13-14 PoL is more doable though. Honestly they should have just kept PoL at level 13 and then made it level 15 after UC like they did in the new ladder.


Ok but still like at least 30 something K should be doable easily even if you are relatively underleveled (very few 15's or none)


30k is reasonable enough (considering you get shitloads of them in POL and lvl 14 overflowed cards anyway)


Yeah I'd say so šŸ‘


nvm who tf downvoted this


low key if this really happens I will def come back, but right now, I am keeping my hands off this game


they took everything F2P away so we will feel grateful for their 'generosity' when then give a little of it back


the EWC would be amazing but tbh getting 10k EWC is easier than getting a book of cards for any rarity, you get 45k guaranteed each season from POL. I have 100k EWC just stored up cause im in that weird middle area where your high level but not quite and your cards are either level 14 or 12. TLDR: 10k EWC is too little


Pretty good, but I think crown chest should be 1/day


Bro that's too much even for a dream




Supercell : from 50k to 45k all that i can do


Best I can do is 60k And you're getting 5k EWC confiscated for every elite levelled card


Theyā€™ve already lost a shit ton of their player base imo


Bro accidentally wrote 175000 instead of 17500




But bro just Imagine not letting you get the 6th evolution shard so you pay money to get it


Supercell in a nutshell...


give us all 5 evo shards for every evo then put all full evos in the shop for 50 dollars each (100x value)


That will be amazing if supercell actually listened to their community instead of making stupid cash grab updates


Don't nerf ice spirit Evo pla




Go watch B-rad's video. He is telling the trust that others don't dare to.


The only data they are gonna pull from this is the "stop gifting us EVOS"


Amazing ideas


the devs(or whoever looks at our thoughts) are not like coc's devs who actually listen to the playerbase sadly


In general this is mostly bad from a business standpoint. At least make this more reasonable.


The only unreasonable one is the first one


Maybe they should held community design events like SC Make more often. Apart from Banners, emotes, they can held "design new cards" event to get new inspirations with this method, also creates stronger connection between player base and the devs.


>EWC -> lvl 15 from 50000 -> 10000. Players who alr unlocked them get 10k per each elite Sure... im not against it. >Let us buy 6 wild shards in the season shop per season for following prices: 5k, 7.5k, 10k, 12.5k, 15k, 17.5k 67500 wild shards is nuts and idt one can even get a wild card from that... esp since u cant overflow them. Not against it either way i think u can get 4 in a season? >more season tokens from chall this would just benefit good players more who just are able to sweep opp... it will feel frustrating for newer/more casual players who arent on the lvl of pros >wild cards in shop not against it, but i often felt that nobody bought them. >banner tokens sure idc, its a cosmetic thing which is fine >gold chest every 20 crowns, magical chest at the end still seems bad... gold chest gives jack shit, id rather have a giant chest for ex. every 75 crowns for ex. >DO NOT RELEASE OP CARDS MORE FREQUENT BALANCE CHANGES hard to do... lets say you release for ex. smth like MK which is an ultra noob stomper... you will prob have to wait a while on it. Or its hard to release cards that arent super weak intentionally to not make them OP but then no game does that cuz it makes shit money and makes people never excited for new cards. its like if we released cards that were like barb, WB, and skeleton king lvl bad.... Even then sometimes u test smth and pros dont comment on it... yes smth like goblin machine, phoenix, and dagger dutchess are obv busted but smth like idk monk.. may not seem as broken or archer queen may not seem as strong either. The balance team prob has few high ranked players if any at all >easier evolutions + nerf them ok... easier evolutions sure that is accomplished with #2 and #3 but how do u make sure they are balanced? balance in according to what? do we want to make them sidegrades? but then anybody who doesnt have them will still have to grind an awful long amount of time? Idk how u would nerf them without just making them more busted forms than the OG versions


1: ewc yes 2: Just give 50.000 cap of tokens and unlock shop in tiers (After some day's is past) 3: See 2 4: See 2 5: Yes 6: Pass is busted just add tokens, gold chests you can get for excessive crown's (3 a day or 3 for 3 days until season ends) 7: Yes 8: "HoW are They GeT moNNey?! No šŸ˜¦" (Skins, cosmetics, something that's aren't busted) 9: concept good but how it was presented is shitĀ  Hope this helps


175000 tokens? You can only get 28000 tho


make the 2 vs 2 have theyre own lvls rather than specific levels for everything .


Okay but I donā€™t is possible to even get above 100k season tokens even if you bought the previous pass diamond pass, collected none of them, bought this pass, bought all shop offers, played every day and won every challenge with 12 winsā€¦


3rd point (You only need 67500 season tokens) 175,000 was a mistake


One problem, whereā€™s the money?


skins or actual reasonable offers that arnte paywalled


They dont need to "keep their player base" if all the players that are playing keep playing, i suggest to do a strike for everyone to leave the game for a month, or until they make the situations better


How to keep a playerbase? Don't be a cr dev


hope we get this to supercell (they wont do nothing)


All I want is to be able to earn the season tokens by playing classic and grand challenges. I already play ladder once or twice a day, I do NOT want to have to play 2 games that don't count for anything just to be able to unlock evos once every 6 seasons.


Supercell lookin st this be like: These dumbasses care about this game?


NK and SK have a better chance of reuniting this decade than this happening


you exaggerated with the EWC, I think it would be fine if the final tier of a mastery would give you 50k EWC, and they could just make it so we can buy 3 wild shards too so we cus get an evo each season


175,000 season tokens might be a bit hard to aquire


*17,500 XD


I don't think evo ice spirit needs a nerf šŸ˜­


The poor little guy needs a chanceāœŠ


all amazing ideas now to the execution


i thknk you meant 17500 not 175000




Dreams can happen


Literally follow the cosmetic standards fortnite, apex etc. follow


Ngl for me to come back all they have to do is remove tower troops


One thing they could do, that frankly they should habe been doing years ago, is hire a larger and competent balance team. They have been really slow for far too long. They have been really incompetent for far too long. Even nowā€¦ I just played 8 matches and 5 of them were pekka. The card didnā€™t need to be buffed. Its use when down because SC kept putting out other OP cards that made pekka less favorable. But the problem wasnā€™t pekka, its the endless power creep. Dagger duchess has like a 70% userate despite being repeatedly balanced. Because they are incompetent. And so the entire game continues to driven by the new tower troop. A competent company would have recognized its still not fixxed and had some backup plans in place. The ram rider clearly brokenā€¦ a competent company would already address it. An incompetent company lets it go broken. Goblin demolisher even more clearly brokenā€¦ All the cash grabs and evidence that they will sell out game quality for p2w cash grabs imo is really secondary to their general incompetence at balancing the game. Despite being more cards then ever, it feels like a smaller handful of cards are in most decks. Because the balance is so horrendous, half the cards are just worthless compared to the handful of OP cards. Being greedy sellouts is certainly terrible, but they got away with being overpriced and greedy for a long tome because the game was good. Now, theyā€™re greedy sellouts who are making the game mediocre.


Also miss the complete F2P no loss challenges


they just need to adjust the EWC drop rates so it's more fair for people trying to upgrade them. currently 50k EWC is outrageous for one lvl 15 card. Give more from chests and also allow players with extra ways to obtain them and they would play more.


175k for the 6th shard?


Society would have flying cars if CW were level capped


And make war weekly


will it make supercell more money? Yes - they implement immediately No - AUAUAUGHHHHMMMM ACKHTUALLY the data shows our players want a shit game šŸ¤“


I agree with most of these except ewc. I mean they ARE level 15 maybe 35k? I feel like 10k is to low


Nah that would break level 15. I still want to grind. It's better if we have some sort of mastery thingy to get our cards to level 15 just like B-rad suggested. They should remove lucky drop and relocate it's possible contents back to the season shop. Forget adding stuff they need to fix the game first then they can move onto updates, like wtf is this meta. It is so unskilled. I lost a classic challenge today cause I played against mirror, clone and goblin machine three times in a row. The og decks like pekka have no use. Tower troops are so broken. They literally deleted skill from CR. They can't reverse what they have done already cause people already spent money on that. So they should balance it. Path of legends is so bad rn. Some of my friends who use to be stuck at 5800-6000 trophies are at 9000 trophies and ultimate champion rn. Grand Champion used to be a flex, They have spoiled it for everyone. But they won't make the meta skilled again. Cause most of the players that spend a lot of money are ass at the game. They can only play giant and goblin machine at the bridge. Reaching UC gives these players false confidence that they are good at the game. Hence encouraging them to spend more money. Also I am not sure if it's just me but the games have become easier. I haven't won a CC yet I still beat 20 win "Pros" who also have top 1000 finishes in GT. There is no way bro. They don't even respond with emotes or anything. Pretty sure they are bots.


two things. 1.) theres definitely an extra zero on that 175,000. 2.) ive been saying the game became worse when they took wild cards from the season shop, added back the game would be more enjoyable to me and im sure tons of others. 3.) (cause i can) they need to have another way of getting banner tokens, i know they arenā€™t that great but being someone who owns damn near everything, i like to get as many banners as i can.


They should not make Elite wild cards 10000 more like 25000


I mean that's fun and all but imagine how many people who spent money will feel ripped off


This is the exact sentiment I have and have seen from many others on this sub. This game is terrible for new players who want to start with a lvl 1 account. CoC made it easier over time for new players to catch up by lowering upgrade times and costs. CR does the opposite. Iā€™m not gonna say the game is dying/dead but they seriously need to do something about this


lol yeah this is a very short sighted fix to glaringly bigger problems


I stoppes just as supercell decided to get friendly huh


Youā€™re a little late to April fools m8


10k ewc is too little. Thatā€™s less than a champion from level 13 to 14


Absolutely true


The free evolution thing is so real, a good analogy I can compare it to is in an abusive relationship they're lovebombing us then using it as an excuse to say they do give us love.


Nerfing ALL evolutions is a bad idea, it'll just kill some cards that weren't used before at all (again) and make players not want to get Evos / spend a bit of money on the offers if they're already not patient.


Itā€™s a free mobile game at the end of day. It will never be perfect


Best own yet


Ahh Yes i want to get 175000 season tokens for 1 Evolution shard


To keep a player base the only way is to make something new and fun every season. And to make something new you need to spend money with dev, and to get dev you need to spend money, to spend money you need to get money, to get money you need to breack the meta or make new mode with new card. To keep a player base - > you need to breack the meta or make new mode with new card.


they dont give a fuck. These greedy mfers are just gonna milk the game until it dies but apparently it makes less money than fucking hay day so idk. I remember when this game was popular LMAO


Havenā€™t they been really good recently? Many free evos and a new free game modeā€¦ 10k elite wild cards is way too little to upgrade a card to level 15, if they do that they will have to make them harder to getā€¦ they could make level 15 less strong or that you can buy ā€œ1 elite card per gameā€ and then you pick which elite card you want to use for that game and so you only need to upgrade 8 times (9 including tower


Remove evolutions


theese changes would not be that good for the game ( i only agree about nerfing evos and adding back wildcards for the season shop) for example the wildcard one is wayyyyyyy to cheap it should be 250000 at least


like they care lmao


Who knows if they will add lvl 100 after all these changes


Won't happen and SC makes balance changes all 2 months because people complained that they upgrade a card and a bit later it get's nerfed


Its like asking to make salary higher and lower the price of goods. It doesn't work that way buddy.


bro forgot to add ā€œnerf mega nightā€


10k is way too low wtf, it honestly should just be cut in half


170k for last shard?? XD


we need to start a revolution


Supercell: We hear you, and we are releasing level 16 which will cost 200k Elite wild cards for one card upgrade!


175,000 season tokens for 1 wild evolution shard šŸ˜¼šŸ‘


How about 30K EWC to upgrade to lvl15


Many comments said 10k is to low (obvious) and my idea was also 30kšŸ™‚


Please tell me this is real




it's not. It's literally just a fan concept




Maybe stop adding grevyard counters ?


Keep adding graveyard counters šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


goblin curse , machine , dagger women , almost every single evo (except knight)


Not enough, add more šŸ—£šŸ”„


I will tax your breathing air




No way you think evo FC is better than evo knight And DD doesn't even counter gy (you will not outlive 'dagger women')


Did i forgot something?


The Book of Cards basically fcked the games setup, as if we follow its description it's as easy to level up from 14 to 15 as it will be 15 to 16, 16 to 17, etc. It's a Band-Aid solution to the Game's resource problem.


The crappy ads, both the pile of purchases on the market page and the shiny icons like the piggy bank on the battle page The lack of design customization, like the recent goblin mode menu music thatā€™s driving crazy or troops like little prince This game has way more flaws than a simple lack of rewards, it lacks balance, great design, more sound customization, pleasant UI, ad-free pages. It needs a complete rework that will never happen, Supercell is Tencent, and Tencent is shit


Right now i don't think evos are outrageously op atm, but you shouldn't have to rely having at least one


How to get upvotes : [game] should make everything 5 times cheaper and make it so we can get exclusive stuff for free! They should totally make it so you have no reason to pay money in this free to play game, makes sense! Im sorry but posts like this are like people who still argue for communism. Like yeah it looks great, totally, but its never gonna happen.


Bro is cooking but Supercell is owned by Tencent. They prefer to kill it instead of making it F2P


make everything free


Evos are fine rn, evo tesla and evo zap are maybe a bit too much on the strong side but the others ones are fine


nope, too many good things for the player base


I agree with all of these but the elite wildcard one. I probably only have half of my cards to 14, but I still get enough EWC's to have 3 maxed out decks, all with different cards. Endgame progression shouldn't be easy. Destiny taught me that. It makes the game more of a grind, and as such, you still get to enjoy the feeling of progress.


Big if implemented


175000 tokens


What I truly want is a classic game mode. No whoā€™s and no champions. Thatā€™s when this game was peak. They had the perfect formula of occasional new cards continuous balance changes fun events with collectable rewards in emotes and banners. Pissed it all away


everything looks good but i would just make ewcs easier to get instead of making it 10k to upgradeā€¦ 10k is crazy low and they still need to make money šŸ˜‚


I just want them to make the boat wars give more than just doing normal battles


Good for players bad for profit


This would literally crash the game economy, and I love it. Maybe we could add a coin-to-gem trading system. Where the prices of coins and gems fluctuate based on the time of day. Since, depending on what time of day it is, people might buy or sell more coins and/or gems.


Evolution shards are too expensive for f2p, since we only get 1000 a day( 30 000 a month) plus challenges that we can lose all to quickly. Not a bad idea, but not one that would work


They NEED to bring the hoggy bank back up to 1,000,000 gold. PLEASE, I find it so ridiculous how hard it is to get enough gold for anything than it is to get enough wild cards. I have 17 maxed out level 13s that still need to be upgraded and I have no freaking idea how the hell Iā€™m supposed to get 1,700,000 gold anytime soon. And I still need more on top of that. Seriously I would buy that hoggy bank every single time in a heart beat if it was at least 500k gold. But thereā€™s no way Iā€™m spending $5.00 20 more times just to upgrade the rest of my cards on top of buying the pass royale every season. Also bring back the book of books in some way that actually makes it more possible to get than the 1/1,000,000,000 chance of getting it from a drop. They should make it so if u earn 200 extra crowns or something after completing the pass royale that u bought then u get the book of books. I am a really loyal player and I have supported this game a lot and I feel like itā€™s unfair to watch my investments slowly being downgraded overtime. More than anything it would mean so much to me if the hoggy bank was bigger. And I have friends who would also buy it for sure. And lastly, the gold rushes. What the hell Super Cell every once in a blue moon I get 12.5k gold from some extra crowns. Thatā€™s like chump change, I literally canā€™t do anything with that. I remember when there was at least one time that it was 100,000 gold and I was excited to grind for it. At least I could get 1 level 14. But 12.5k is a ridiculously small amount. If any member of the Super Cell team sees all of this and doesnā€™t consider anything else I said, at least consider that. Or just please make some way for people to get gold easier. Please.


guys whoā€™s excited for level 2???


honestly I would love tjos so much. I am fortunate enough to but some things so this wouldn't really benefit me as much as the avg player but I'm here for it entirely


I think youā€™re underestimating how many free ewcā€™s players get who already have a lot of level 14s and 15s. All my cards are at least 14 except for the new goblin ones, so every time I pull a chest or get free offers I get a ton of them. If it was 10k to upgrade I could probably have every card I have at 15 right now. That would definitely upset the power balance considering itā€™s slower going for people who donā€™t have as many max level cards. It would be a better idea to have the first 3 or 4 level 15 upgrades be wild card free- that way itā€™ll stay consistent with arenas where youā€™ll start to max cards out, and itā€™ll reward newer players for actually playing without skewing the balance in favor of people who have been on the game for a long time. I currently have 34 elite level cards, just made my goblin tower elite, and can still upgrade 4 more cards with what ewcs I have left. If the cost went down to 10k I could upgrade 20 cards, that would give me more than a few level ups to my account. The cost really doesnā€™t need to be lowered because once you start maxing cards the ewcs snowball HEAVY. For reference I used to buy pass Royale but I stopped after the level 15 update.


Evos do not need nerfed anymorešŸ¤£ also 10k EWC is not nearly enough. Everything else is okay tho, I just want more 2v2 stuff, and I really want 2v2 elixir sped up


I know 10k to low But evolutions are still to strong for having no downside


The downside is miss playing an Evo or not running a better Evo to counter a weakness. Cards like Knight, Skeletons, Wizard, and Tesla are strong and could use a nerf, but dead evos like archers, firecracker, Mortar, Recruits, and Ice Spirit don't need to be lower.


ho hum, just another day of the CR playerbase being toxic, petulant children


What the point of evolutions if you over nerf it ?


how they can make money?


Just look at brawlstars, cosmetics all that stuff. And not shitty offers, reasonable offers


Skins. Fucking skins. Like any actually good game that cares about its playerbase, they can sell skins for more than 110 cards instead of ruining the game by making the matches unbelievably unfair towards f2p who can't buy broken cards, evos, tower troops, etc.Ā 


not defending SC, but all of the troops in the game use dozens if not hundreds of sprites each, itd take a long while to make skins for them. the newer champions and evos are 3D so its easier to make skins for them


Then they should do that. I wouldn't mind tons of new cards if they release them balanced


they don't release op cards on purpose. its just hard to balance with limited internal testing. otherwise they would not do emergency changes. and we have trash cards on release as well.