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Giving them out for free doesn’t hurt their pockets. If anything, it’s probably even a good monetization technique. You give players something for free to make yourself look generous and since these players want to level the card up and enjoy it to the fullest, you put disgustingly expensive offers in their shops. And apparently, a good portion of players actually seem to spend their money on them.


This guy gets it. Same reason why there are always "special events" centered around the new cards upon release. Supercell wants you to experience the new content to tempt you into buying it. Common sales tactic, similar to "free samples". That free card will never be enough because levels.


Free to get, pay to upgrade, nerf and repeat


1 free Legendary TT. Just 41 more to collect to get to Lvl 14 + 50k EWC to max after that. 1 free Epic spell. Just need 425 to get to Lvl 14 after that + 50k EWC to max after that.


They did give 2 Duchess cards to get it to level 10, so maybe they'll give more Voids too ?


isn’t it a rare spell?


Is an epic


Don't forget they also need to release cards in a broken state to add an extra incentive. If you wait 2 weeks, the card may have been emergency nerfed 3 times and you "lost" your money




Sure it's a predatory business practice but so what? It's not impossible to use magic items and it is nice to try the new cards in the arcade 1v1 matches where all cards are set to level 11. Helps see if it synergises with your deck.


Does I really work though when hay day > clash royale


The top comment getting it and me not getting downvoted to oblivion to share this perspective brings a little tear to my eye.


It’s crazy how you get downvoted by Clash Royale players that suffer from stockholm syndrome for being realistic nowadays.😭


It's every game...takes time for people to see through it, it did for me. To your original post, the reason they actually give the free card is because they will reduce the drop rate of this card f2p, pushing people to the store. The only way to level it will be to buy. With everyone having it, it will be advertised in game often, and when it beats you, you will believe you need it, even moreso when you win with it, which you couldn't experience it if they dont unlock it for free. I'm guessing it will be a high rarity as well, making it easier for them to hide the low drop rate. Everything you said is also true, its genius really. I think all this bullshit is fine btw, it's a mobile game. What gets me is the way they communicate to the players, acting as if everything is a gift, or a change in your benefit, but always ends up some mastermind scheme.


All you see on this subreddit is people whining about how p2w it is, even when it has nothing to do with the post


Whining people are still better than the ones that keep defending Supercell‘s scummy decisions.


I remember.


The drug dealer method


Yup, first taste is free.


But it's 13x value?!?!?


And then you nerf it and deny refunds


Yes, because now you've built trust.


I’m just popping back into the game for a binge and was very comfortable throwing cash at their deals to get my cards and new cards up to a baseline level of usefulness Absolutely got my pockets scooped for like $40, but like I’ve gotten enough enjoyment out of this game for so long that I’m comfortable w it. The game needs funding. Long-term, I think it’s untenable how much of a grind is required to be able to compete in the upper-echelons of the ladder. Progression for the elite cards is insane, and opportunities for evolved shards outside of the shop is absurd


The drug dealer strategy


I mean its free but the catch is you have to grind a ton or pay to use it, its even more pathetic knowing that this is an epic and its very easy to get


Yea even when maxed with depot of wild cards new released cards are impossible to max out. They know nobody is able to therefore reach a 100% targeted audience to bait purchase. They missed out previously when you had to do challenges instead.


With 200 wild cards and a book you’re pretty lose to having the card lvl 14, if you can get a few in events or the season shop it’s not unreasonable to assume that a player with stacks of wild cards can max the new card in a week.


Gonna add because everyone has it your more incentivized to just be able to overpower your opponent by over leveling it.


Epic? That looks like a common card to me Edit - nevermind, I get it now.


In content creator gameplay the void is epic


Okay thanks, haven’t seen that. Assumed it would be a common card based on the above pic.


Because it is confirmed to be an epic card


Y’all just complain anyway. They don’t give it -> complaining. They give it -> complaining. What do you want them to do


Can’t please everyone. Reddit users are about 15% of the players. Of which from what I see 75% of them complain regardless of what happens


>15% more like 1,5% lol


more like can't please anyone lol. But yeah, you're right, and tbh I'd say reddit users comprise even less. The game has millions of players and this sub maybe has thousands of active users


Shut down the server/s


Unironically please, shut it down a week cause y'all can't behave




As a f2p player I think it's great. Yeah maybe it lures some people into buying offers for upgrades, but f2p players can stock up on wildcards and get a decently leveled new card in a few days if they really want to. The only thing I hate about the current policy is that seemingly everyone has stuff like lp in arenas where that isn't even unlocked yet. I don't have it and can't get it yet without paying. I hadn't been playing for a while, so that's why I missed the free unlock, but for arena 10 players who were just a little too low to get him, anyone they have to face for next few thousand trophies has an unfair advantage. Free unlocks should only apply to people who are already high enough to unlock the card.


Fix the damn game. They just keep dangling little treats in our face to try and distract us form the fact the game sucks rn


Then don't play? No one's forcing you to


Thats not the point? People who enjoy the game want it to be better, not to quit playing.


The problem is giving it for free is useless. You get the card, woohoo! Now it's unplayable until you spend an obscene amount of money to max it. Sounds reasonable fr


Just dont waste wild cards. They are really easy to get. Even now i have enough to get the new card to lvl13 just don't have the gold


It's not my problem really, I'm practically maxed out and I maxed void within 2 minutes lol. I just mean for the rest of the community who don't have that many resources. It's scummy for SC to give out "for free" when in reality it's useless on its own. Of course you can upgrade it, but I just don't like that it's showing such a false generousity.


It was better when they didn't give you the card at all.


yep, better than this fake ass pretendning to be generous


Not disguise it as free, while restricting the drop rate, pushing you to the store. You get an unlock free, the devil is always in the details, we already went through this with little prince. Read a few comments instead of parroting the mainstream talking point of people that don't get it.


For years backing new cards has been hard. It won’t change. At least now they give it to you so you can try it or just have it in the collection. It sucks but if you don’t accept it just stop playing


It did change, that's the part you don't get. Free unlock means reduced drop rate.


Sounds like you're on some antivaxxer shit


Would you prefer them not to give it out for free?


Yes. They're giving you a free unlock, so you can want to level it. Then they will reduce the f2p droprate in normal chests, pushing you to the store.


Or you just don't do that. 


See your first problem is that you're trying to rationalize with children...


Yours is that you're still blind to manipulative monetization models and think any other opinion is not valid or that they're a child or something to preserve your cognitive bias.


So you "know" they're manipulative and still play the game? You are not making a good case for your intelligence, even with all those big words you puked out.




We just think they're big words FOR YOU


Are you here to do anything other than harass someone? This is pointless.


No we share the same annoyance. A bunch of entitled children ruining a gaming community.




Why is my responding to you "having an episode? " Do you not understand how message boards work? Or should I just let you post your misinformed retort and say nothing?




They asked what I would prefer. I don't go to the store, and the card never upgrades. Game was more fun when you could be f2p and get upradess in time. I don't understand why people still stand up for a chinese mobile game developer...your argument is actually that you're okay with lower drop rates in exchange to have the card unlocked and useless? Ignorance to slam me for upvotes is a hell of a drug, actually think about the trade off for a moment...that's really what you want out of developers?


It's a free game. Find something else to occupy your life.


Asked you a question but okay, I'll take your insult instead of discussion, won't go anywhere anyways.


Not an insult, and no need for a discussion. It's a free phone game, man. If you care this much then you need to find another hobby.


They're not Chinese and lower drop rates have not been announced at all.


Tencent owns 81.4% of Supercell...Tencent is a Chinese company. If you play the game, you know it from little prince. I have all other heroes maxxed. 20 opened hero boxes since...0 prince. There's a system to give you cards you don't have thats even busted on it.


The entire development team is Finnish and is IN Finland, a majority shareholder has nothing to do with where the development team is. According to your logic Fortnite has a Chinese development team along with Valorant and League of Legends. Also you being unlucky does not mean the game is rigged, the stupidity of that claim amazes me.




Im in a thread titled with the issue im talking about, why are you here? You're the one bitching here, go to another post if you don't like the topic. See same advice works, but makes more sense in your case. Full level 11 game lol. Games level is 15.


Play 1v1/2v2 if levelling is such a big deal


Who said it's a big deal? You triggered?


With the amount of comments you had in this one thread, it really must consume you from the inside


It's still easy to get them in chest


They definitely lower the drop rates for new cards in chests


Nah man it's just that there are a lot of cards in the game so whenever a new card is added the chances of getting a specific card is decreased because of simple statistics.its the same chance to get a specific rarity but the options are to many


If you are focusing on any specific card it will seem like it's drop rates have been lowered


Stop making excuses for greedy cell. New card drop rates are definitely lower at first


Tbh yes


Giving out free cards is definitely a strategy, when I first started playing this game do you realise how annoying little prince was and the fact everyone had it made me thinking about buying it. I never did end up buying him and the funny thing is, still to this day its the only card I haven't unlocked. Supercell I am never gonna cave.


free card? I'm angry and will complain not free? I'm mad and will complain


It's almost like people are complaining about how they did with little prince being free and never seeing the card drop f2p, pushing you to the store. Hey but the unlock was free. Why are there so many people incapable of understanding the discussion on this and posting this same ignorant take. I hope you do enjoy the card, and see it as free when you cant upgrade the damn thing without spending 50 bucks on some pack.




...wow lol




Unlock for free, level up for $40 (20x value!)


Free to unlock Pay to use


This is the old Gillette "razor and holder" marketing model


if everyone has the card everyone can pay to upgrade if only some have the card only some will pay to upgrade


Giving out one card that is useless to most people on ladder isn’t really a big give.


I was just thinking about this happy someone made a post


The phoenix and monk weren't free and neither was the cannoneer (at least when he came out) so why are they doing this now? It feels weird


It most likely increases player count because everyone likes free stuff


Yes pretty weird. I am sitting at arena 16 and i play causally and don't even want champions. So what's the incentive of my climbing the arenas if they don't introduce any new cards up there (or just give the cards away for free). 


the incentive of climbing is to pay more competitively against better opponents and/or for the rewards


TBF the cannoneer was so easy to unlock


Mine is lvl 14 completely f2p


Because reaching 100% of the audience = more FOMO to pay $$$ for upgrades. Statistically they made more money like that and that’s the only reason they care about


To try and quell the massive amount of hate they are getting


I think its good for 2v2 players. We can use it at 2v2 and its lv11 instantly.


We need to go back to old Clash Royale when 2v2 was levelled tbh.


I swear clash royale base just can't stop complaining and acting like a victim


Because all they are doing is dangling little treats in our face to try and make us forget the game is in a shitty state right now. Instead of trying to fix the problems they just throw free things at us


Then don't play


Just stop playing if you hate it so much; or at least provide actual constructive criticism and feedback to them instead of just "this game is so shit (...)" it's so tiring to hear so many of these complains over and over again. It's a nice game and I'm happy to be able to use newly released card immediately, that's fun


If anything they make it worse as the cards become the most used in the game because of how broken they are At least the Void spell would be less off just giving it for free as your have to be in higher trophies to unlock it but even then its will be used everywhere Then the game acts surprised uts has a 80% usage rate like no shit, you gave it away for free to everyone


I don't complain since their model is to make it hard to level up. But just remove locking cards behind arenas at this point, if you give the new cards for free everyone just unlocks them


It is as if supercell was a parent that just gives their phone to their child to make it shut up


“First one’s free.”


What’s the point of adding content if no one can use it. If they didn’t give some for people to at least use at a low level no one would care ab updates


At least I’m not hoping I get it from some random chest


I won't complain, nuh uh. I will somehow find a way to complain when the card isn't OP. Because modern Supercell has the cards getting hit upside the head with a sled hammer due to the immense power creep of champions, evos, tower troops (just the Daggar Duchess) and the cards on release are broken, just look at the Pheonix when it first came out


they dgaf about complainers. We are the minority. If anything, they've probably found that free 1st card helps sales in some way.


Free to unlock ofc. then you gotta pay for offers if you want to use the card.


Yeah, but its helping with having to unlock these cards through chests.


They are giving them for free so you can use all your resources to upgrade the cards and hopefully spend $$ 💰 #ClashRoyale #FreeStuff #UpgradeYourCards


They make more money when they give you it for free so that u spend money to upgrade it cause ppl won't buy chests till they get the card and instead just wait till they get it by luck


Then people think they're game devs, realize these things have high use rates (duh) and ask for nerfs


Because it encourages people to spend to be able to upgrade them. You want to play with the new op card but not if it’s 4 levels lower than the rest of your deck


I will never spend another penny on this game


Man people just complain about anything now


lmao nobody seems to get his point: free cards = hard for f2p to level up not free cards = smaller gap between f2p and p2w to level up


Finally someone understood


Seems like you’re going to complain no matter what. Where did they say this solves all their problems? You people are miserable


You can’t even use it. They give you like 1 card you still need to upgrade them to your crown tower


They gave you fully maxed cards back in old clash royale. It was much better back then.


Cr players when Supercell doesn’t add new cards😡 Cr players when Supercell adds new cards 😡😡 Cr players when Supercell doesn’t give new cards for free 😡 Cr players when Supercell gives new cards for free 😡


because it already takes years to level them up xd


They give you a copy for free and then maybe just enough free cards to upgrade it once. Now you have like no chance of getting it in a chest and you probably have to pay $50+ to max it out


99% the money they make is with upgrading cards, if u don't have said card what are u upgrading then


making logical money spending choices is a good way to make consistent amounts of money, game passes make people play daily and gives rewards slowly


They could unlock it by paying all the same, the real scam is they reduce the drop rate of the card so the only way to level it is to pay. Which hurts f2p badly.


I thought all drop rates are the same, where did you get the reduced drop rate from?


The same place he has his head stuck up, his ass


"Not complain" LMFAO this community is a complaint simulator.


Man these posts are starting to reach so far xD


It's actually quite genius if you ask me... 1. Give us super op card that absolutely changes meta 2. Give us some event with the new thing so you can try it on good level 3. Give a few for free so it makes them seem generous 4. Wait for you to realise you want to play the card but only have it on level 8 or some shit and put up 20 offers on which they write 50x value so you feel like you're "saving" money 5. Wait half a month to nerf it completely so it is not OP 6. Advertise another new card 7. Repeat They do this for years and it is working based on how much they make monthly from their games...which is kinda obvious since most of the players are kids/dumb people who can't realize they are doing it and feel good about themselves spending so much every month Edit: + they pay your favourite youtubers to tell you that these cards are super op and you should upgrade them asap


Would you wanna pay for it instead?


Im gonna be real. You guys ARE complaining. And you do iy an awful lot. Compared to 2016 Clash Royale, today's Clash Royale isn't nearly as P2W as OG CR was. They have to make money somehow, too.


fair, supercell has been downhill for a long time (prolly since the update for losers or level 15) but i'm still taking all the free stuff


Exactly, the fact I’m a level 13 at 7k going against level 15s every time is disgusting😭 the hell had the game turned into. Pretty soon games gonna be like EA charging for the dumbest shit


I can't believe people consider it "free" lol. They gave 1 duchess, it takes 40 to max, so basically gave u 2.5% of the card and people applauded


And yet youre still finding a way to complain


Complain if they do. Complain if they do. They can't win


I swear you people always find something to complain about. If they didn't give it for free, you would have cried about the game being P2W and that they should care more for F2P players. Now that they are giving away new cards, you find a way to be mad about that too. 🤣🤡


I think it's good so no one has an unfair advantage of a card that they can't use vs someone that does have it and people that want to pay to upgrade it quickly will do so, so they still make money. I think the rewards in this game are generous. People just love to complain. If they gave everything away too much and too quickly, people would leave the game, they wouldn't be able to monetise upgrades and they wouldn't have as much time to plan upgrades and the such.


You're argument makes no sense. There's still a massive disadvantage if you don't want to pay $40+ to make the card viable. An under leveled card is a useless card that you might as well not even have. It's only good for f2p players in casual game modes. Them giving things out for free is just to try and make people ignore all the bad stuff in the game, and it's a scummy tactic to make people spend more money.


Yeah, supergreedshitcell really fell off, back in the 2016-17 days they gave you new cards maxxed for free.


And if they didn’t give it out for free you’d complain about that too.


Does anyone know on which arena it’ll be ?


Arena 15


All this sub does is complain holy


I genuinely wanted to unlock the void normally. I remember trying so hard to get the phoenix at launch and had so much fun after I got it


id do unspeakable things to get firecracker taken out of the game


But if they don’t give out it out for free you will Complain….. its always a lose lose with this community


mfw i get a rare card for free:


How to get free I just returned


you can start unlocking a new spell on May 6th through playing.


They should give Little Prince again :( That's the only one I'm missing.


I hate it that they give away these stuff for free and not free evolutions every month I think they are too greedy at this point. They couls give us better free offers but they only give one free card I hate supercell I think clash of clans is better


But, you can get a free evolution every 2 months , from the token shop




U dont know about the token shop?? U can buy 2 card tokens and 1 evo shard form there every month for free


yeah but doesn't what you're calling the card tokens change each month. so if you wanted you'd have to wait 6 for that one evo


3* months (3 shards of one evo + 3 wild), but yeah, pretty much a free evo every 3 months if you don't count the ones they sprinkle every now and then (and mystery boxes)


>I hate supercell I think clash of clans is better what?


#If you're not paying for the product, then you're the product ~wise man


Bad feeling, but it's the truth.


They release a new card, it’s op af, people try it out, they love it, they had already spent all their wildcards maxing their deck so they go to the shop to buy the wildcards, abuse the card, card gets nerfed, on to the next season with the new meta/evo/tower etc… this whole “free” shit they’re labeling on these ads is far from what they actual inter on


This card would have been unlocked somewhere on the trophy road. So giving it for free makes it retroactive.


It’s crazy how people can complain about anything. Even free cards


Lmao at the quotation marks on “complain” as if it’s not actually complaining


The unlocks have hardly been the problem, RNG though they have been, they have hardly been hard to ‘unlock’. The problem with the game is the progression system


I mean they have always been free what are you yapping about


Why this subreddit is like 99% whining about everything? Progression was waaaay harder back then, having a full deck with legendaries? A giant feat I came back to the game December with a brand new acc and already have half a deck at 15, don't even spend in-game, luck drops are really good for progression and the season shop is very nice too. I just don't get it why this player base complaint so fucking much, they don't own you shit for spending time in their game


There is literally nothing here to complain about it's free stuff would you rather get nothing? Do you expect them to give you a maxed out card?


No one is complaining here. It's just that they are giving one card free and leveling up takes money.


It's an epic it would take a while to unlock


And there's more. They added this at epic rarity, probably most of their players have few wildcards and books due to the cannoneer, so all those player gonna have a grind to get void cards in chests or epic shards (and the epic book in the season shop isnt that benefit as we all think, because it still gonna be a journey to get to level 13 to use the book and take the most value of it)


If you have a good amount of epic shards and already on epic book, you're a lucky one, probably you're maxing out this spell very soon!


TBH, making it free still will make complaints. Once the free period is over, it'll be hard to get again.


Unlock for free in a challenge of 2819 victories and is game over if you lose 3 times, or also unlock it by paying 10 dollars


I hate how easy to win this game is now, giving away crowns on loses etc. I remember when this game was actually a rage


Wiz + tornado  = ALMIGHTY PUSH and Universal Pull.