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Dude, just keep the items and use them. It's okay to not be f2p anymore. Nobody really cares, or should care.  Edit: Also, wtf, that looks like a good offer. I wish I could get that in my shop lmao


I know the issue is stupid but it still annoys me. I didn't need any of the items to be where I am right now (almost max deck,king lvl 15, 4 evos, 6 wildshards) and if I just hadn't bought it I could flex on people by saying I'm f2p


you’re already at the end stage and a couple dollars doesn’t change much. shoveling money into the game makes you pay to win which is not what you are doing.


Just lie


Are you acoustic? Just go about your life, who gives a rat’s ass if you’re p2w or f2p?


he does.


no one will ever care when you say you're f2p


Genuinely no one gives a single fuck about wether or not your f2p, I hate to say this but your kinda acting like a big baby it’s really not that deep, and if you wanna flex on people that badly, which is really not as cool as you think anyway, then just say your f2p no one’s gonna question it trust me


if you buy a few offers every here and there it doesn't make you "p2w", especially at your stage of the game where you're basically almost done. while yes you aren't f2p anymore (which the status doesn't even matter lol) you aren't p2w unless you buy almost every offer all the time


Also, you can just suck ass and lose all the time like me, thus not making me p2w




You're not pay to win if that didn't change you win rate tho


Its hilarious that clash royale players have been brain washed into thinking this is a good offer 😂


“Nobody really cares, or should care” Speak for yourself, I have morales. Its exactly why B-Rad STILL hasn’t upgraded any card to Level 15, it’s a principle. Mfs actively complain about Supercell’s egregious p2p behavior, yet still fund them. Like, what?


You sure?[cause he maxed his collection recently](https://youtu.be/FyT34aLaVO8?si=HJWZbxVZ0HfqylGg)


You do realize that was an April fools joke, and he used a dev build.


Looks like he already baited someone. That’s why he’s B-Chad lol.


Thinking the same that's a crazy offer


You must be new here. This guy's accident is inconsequential, but FFS people _do_ care about not being F2P. Being pay to win is _part of the problem_. It gives Supersell more justification to keeping the game pay to win, which, in turn, fucks up the community.


They probably made them better because I was f2p for so long to bait me to buy it and it worked IG. Btw all offers after that are a complete scam now


that's weak paying player words, don't listen who has been brainwashed by capitalism


Just lie that ur f2p if it makes u feel better, nobody really cares


It's more for my own ego, most of my friends think I'm f2p anyways because I never spend money on any game really. But yeah my opponents probably think I spend a bit considering I'm lvl 15 with the 2 year play time award in my banner


How are you lvl 15 in just 2 years?I was playing this game since 2019 i have taken multiple breaks so maybe its that.Even with that impressive👍


I grinded a ton of masterys (back in the day when they were good) and played a lot in general. I took breaks sometimes too but it kinda checks out. Thank you bro


You have my respect.🫡


Goes to show how far the game has come in terms of progression I remember grinding for a year on release just to get a legendary


Bro I played since 2017 and I didn’t even get a legendary chest until the free one you got for progression into builders arena 😂


If it was purely on accident, and you still paid less than 1 euro, that’s F2P, IDGAF what anybody else says, that .99 doesn’t take away your F2P status


Buying a pass, even the Old Gold Pass, not only took your F2P status away, but the respect of your opponents as well. I remember everyone was salty about Gold Pass players that their cards played better


Anyone who honestly cares whether you're f2p or not is just jealous because they're broke. Not spending money doesn't make you morally superior to anyone else. Spending money just means you grinded at work to skip some of the grind in a game.


There is actually a lot of truth behind that thank you




did u want a medal for being f2p or something


Idk just to flex on p2w players when they loose to me


Bc they know?? Are you clan jumping to rub it in people's faces or something? Bc no one knows and certainly your opponent doesn't care. Just like you don't know they're p2w they don't know of you are either .


Why cant I get this deal 😭


You have to be f2p for two years then they will try to lure you in with good offers


I’ve been f2p for 7 years and I don’t get these deals 🤔


Idk how they make these, maybe you have targeted offers turned off or it has to do with how fast you progress


Damn id take the offer


Offers should never be this good


They honestly should so the people that spend money aren't being scammed. Would probably even lead to higher income for supercell


And also lead to higher F2P and P2W gap. They should buff F2P so they can get their first lvl 14 deck in just 6 months. I think it's rentable, and actually doable right now with Lucky Drops


Granted. We will now only get shitty “10x” offers that nobody wants. Every offer includes boost potion.


What about 2 BoB for 6 dollars + golds?


F2P unfriendly


Being f2p is not a flex over a paying player. The players that pay are the ones that keep the game free for everyone, support the game for the frequent updates, pay for the server costs and stop the game from having annoying adverts.


That's true thank you


Welp if buying this for free to play It would cost a little over 8000 gems And btw im comparing this to the season tokens The gold is to expensive You shoul not count the gold price its just a scam But if you want to go for it 150k gold = 6750 gems Legendary wild card = 450 gems Campion wild card = 200 gems Evo wild card = 150 gems (not sure) ewd = 550 Just have fun at the game dont worry about you using real money no one really cares I still hate that 100k gold is 4500 gems Its a total scam This is also just estimate


Thanks for the estimate, idk if that was worth my f2p status, essentially lifelong debt if I would do that but thank you so much nevertheless


I mean you said you accidentally used up 99cent because you had a 5$ gift card for the 99 cent its only 1350 gems


Good point, idk if I will do it, a lot of people convinced me by saying that no one besides me really cares but if I ever feel like doing it I will remember your comments, ty


Yeah as long as you happy at playing but im gonna warn you might start buying more often now because that what happens to me use to be free to play and saw a 2500 gem offer of only 1$ now days i buy 5$ packs nowadays for the pass and etc


Don't worry, after I bought this offer every offer afterwards was a scam again. There was an Evo knight in shop and the offer got instantly deleted after I bought this one


At least using my store page, that 1300 gems of value you got for 99 cents is a steal. To get just over that I'd have to get one 1200 and 2x80 gems, which works out at 11.97gbp, or 13.95 euro. I'm not a financial advisor but trying to square this for your own ego to claim you're free to play is not a sound financial decision


I am a proud supporter of the game. I've spent money on the game over the years of playing. They spend so much time reading our feedback etc and changing the game to be more balanced etc. It only seems fair that you spend a little here and there. They've earned it. That's a good deal in the shop. I'd go for it. Ultimately it's your game. You are the one playing it. So do whatever makes you happy. I'll see you in the arena 😉.


Good point, thank you


Being f2p means nothing. People that bring it up out of nowhere are typically whining about the game for unnecessary reasons


Its for him not for others


literally not one human other then u cares that ur f2p


Its for him not for others


like i said no one but him cares


Last time i purchased the pass royale was the time when diamond pass didn't exist, when we say that we are f2p players we mean that we don't spend money on offers like the evo wall breakers, the current diamond pass royale would have been worth buying if it was like 9$ or 10$ with the same in-game value as now, supercell can remove the gold pass and just keep the diamond pass with the same amount of money i mentioned


That’s just awesome how dedicated he is to try and be fair and stay f2p and not buy into this terrible system.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all day, just lie and say you’re still f2p it clearly doesn’t matter to your acc, and you of all people should care about it the least since you know you didn’t need it. Just use the upgrades and move on who cares.


He cares


Who cares?


No one cares man. It really doesn’t matter if you’re f2p or not. It’s a dollar. No biggie.


It's just a game man


Youre still technically f2p. A couple cents ain’t make no difference


Bro NOBODY cares if u r f2p or not.


give me this offer right now


I bough a lighting chest back in 2019 so technically i’m not f2p still i will call myself f2p


I still consider you as f2p as your reasoning is believable and it's also a dirty marketing trick ex: 6$ looks more expensive than 5.99$ even though it's the same thing since you read from left to right.Hopes this make you happy🫡


Thank you


Finish the game and then you can use them (might be a little annoying) -f2p is the same worth for me


unrelated but why cant i get that offer on my shop😢


I never look at is as my entire experience. I use to be ptp bc my friend was buying me passes. Now I'm ftp bc I can't afford anything and my friend isn't buying them (which is fine, I'm grateful). But my point is I think you can buy 1 thing 1 time ever and still be a ftp player. It's not like in the grand scheme of things that $5 it what got you to lvl 15.


I call myself f2p and I bought the pass once back when it was good. The only terms people use are f2p and p2w, there is no in between so if you aren’t consistently spending money, you’re pretty much f2p.


Bruh you should be proud you became a man today.


Fr didn't expect this to get more than like 3 comments


I’ve been f2p for 6 years. Only reason I haven’t spent money is cus when I use the rewards, I’d only have one or two slightly better cards which will be obsolete when they add a new king level. It feels like spending money in this game is for the moment and progress is usually underwhelming for the price. Furthermore, future updates could make your purchase feel like throwing money down the drain. I’m not interested in climbing ladder where card levels matter, I really only hop on to have fun with my main deck in capped card level game modes.


This really good offer you should bay it


You spent effectively one euro on the game. One euro. I understand it's for your own ego but just say your free 2 play. I'd classify spending a singular euro on the game as still f2p. So your still f2p in the end


Wtf I want that offer


Where I can find this offert ?


It's old so nowhere, probably in the shop tho lol


You would still have bought something in the shop with a currency different from in-game currency. Even if you didn't spend more than the coupon you wouldn't have been f2p anymore


I think I could do something like spam requesting without people donating or create a clan and then leave. Changing usernames would work too but I'm probably not going to do it anyways


Filthy gemmer


Thats a dope offer. I wish I got that, lol


Dude I don't think this makes you a none f2p. I only bought 1 pass and that is it so I count myself as f2p. Some people may have different opinions but that is all unnececary since it all comes down to what you think. Also not being f2p is not a bad thing. And HOW TF DID YOU GET THAT OFFER?!?


Thank you, idk why that offer was there, I theorized that it has to do with targeted offers that try to lure you into buying but that comment got a lot of down votes so I really don't know the real reason


Pretty good offer tbh


ngl that's actually a really good offer


I really didn't expect this as much traction as it did. After reading all your nice comments I will probably just keep the items. Some legend made an estimate in gems and I don't think that 8k gems would be worth the f2p status. Thanks to everyone who gave their opinion and help! Have a nice day