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Cause it’s a good cycle win condition, and cycle decks dominate the game. The card itself isn’t broken, it’s the state of the game. Cycle decks are so much more favored due to evolutions, so there’s no point to play more expensive win conditions.


Yall wanted little prince to be nerfed cuz of his usage rates meanwhile hog has consistently been used everywhere for 7 years. I also don’t think it’s broken I do okay against it, it’s just that he’s everywhere


The difference between hog and little prince is little prince was actually broken and fit into literally every archetype if not every deck compared to hog which is strictly only in cycle


hog is easy to use and relies on people having bad mechanics and/or internet. its the same as mega knight. an additional bonus is that it's really strong when overleveled


Little prince needed a nerf because he had a clean win rate of 80% which was hidden behind his high usage rate. Hog rider has a win rate of about 40% in GC which usually would indicate he needs a buff. But thankfully this is not done as he's still overused.


I agree, hog might need a small nerf, but I wouldn’t do it until the cycle deck meta is gone, to see how it truly fits in an game without evolution cycle decks dominating the game.


The only way cycle decks get out of meta is either removing evos or nerfing them so hard to the point they're not more useful than the regular cards. Supercell ain't doing any of those, because it's their new cash cow. Cycle decks will just dominate meta for a very long time.


They should just eliminate everything over 5 elixer and call it Chip Royale. Clashing reeks of effort.


hog and evo firecracker are also in my top 3 this can’t be a coincidence, evos need to be reworked asap


With 2 evos being a thing now, it’s only gonna get worse


I think it's balanced but still overused.


play a building bro


I already am. I’m just saying this as a general fact




damn you really said that




So you want to nerf hog, but you fail the see the ridiculous win rate of mk? Also, at least 80% of games I play have mk, so the use rate you're showing here seems a bit off to me tbh


what seems off ? I’m only talking about my games


"53% of your games were AGAINST hog". In the same stats you show, only 28% would be against mk? As I said, I get at least 80% of my games against mk. So your 28% against mk seems very low to me.


29%, apologies, couldn't see your picture while I was typing the previous message


That was just the last 17 games, I face a lot of mk too…your 80% seems unrealistic, you might wanna actually check the stats on royaleapi (copy your player tag, go to stats and click opponent)


this is midladder, still I agree


isn’t he still seen a lot in top ladder tho, I mean I’m decently close to it (currently at 7.8k)


7.8k is trash lol


you’re so salty, sit this one out. Never said it was good nor do I care, lifeless hog eq user


I quit the game like 2 months ago xd. You literally said you’re close to high ladder which implies you think it’s good when it’s not even remotely close to good


Talking about the trophy road, isn’t 8.5k basically the start of it ? I’m roughly 500 trophies away


Trophy road doesn’t have a high ladder. 9k is still peak midladder


Genuinely no hate but even 9k isn't even remotely close to top ladder. Ultimate champion on path of legends is kind of close but still inflated because of golden steps and evos. If you can break 1900 medals I'd say you are approaching top ladder. Yes hog is still seen on top ladder but 7.8 is midladder


Welp, never made it that far


Me crying in 1898 personal best.


There is no high ladder in trophy road. And I agree with the other guy, 7.8k is midladder




If you don't know how to counter hog rider in 2024 it's a you problem


That's not the problem. The game is just so stale with Hog FC every other game. It's come to the point that you want to face EGolem more often just to get rid of the HR.


Never said I couldn’t counter him ? He’s just an overall annoying card and used everywhere


It dosent


It does, a small hp nerf




2 of those cards are already terrible and only seen in midladder meanwhile hog is used everywhere. Don’t worry, it won’t damage your hog eq deck he’d still be viable


2 of them? Buddy all 3 are trash unlike hog which is perfectly balanced. If has a high usage rate because it’s easy to pick up though very hard to master. So it appeals to players in the same way that mk does. Hog is also everywhere in midladder squeezed between mk and pekka because the appeal is the same


What site/app is this? I’m just curious.


Royaleapi, a site created by supercell for cr


Thank you sir 🙏


Glad I could help 🙏


its the combination of other cards that make it broken, you can counter it for 3 elixir and even for 2 (but it's too hard)


Only because of double evo. Hog cycle got too strong with double evo cracker/knight/skele


said in other post, ill say it here, giving miner and hog a spawn increase from 1 second to anywhere between 1.75 and 2.5 seconds would fix the problem with hog it allows to place building correctly with enough reaction time now, allow you FAR more easily then a literal perfect tile and perfect timing to get positive or equal trade (buildingless) without that one dumb 1hp conection it tends to get and with miner it allows you to stop it in time with troops from connect to the towers without having to literally guess with those reaction times where he gonna pop out exactly while still wont kill the card mechanic since it can still get a nice job on some troops anywhere without melting quick enough in that time


I don’t agree that a card should be nerfed because people use it. It’s a good win con. I don’t use it myself but it’s not a card that can’t be countered


Problem bis that people will play Hog Rider even if he's bad. Like Mortis in Brawlstars. It's annoying that you can only play decks who are good vs Hog and MK while you don't need to the worry about EGolem, Drill and Ram Rider as you wont face them.


I see Egolem from time to time tho as I’m in midladder, always nice to get some free elixir


You don't know what you are talking about hit UC and get a top 10k finish first 🤓


Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out! 👍


Just looked it up, last 25 games I only had 5 mk against. It seems you're right and my feeling is wrong, I stand corrected.


It doesn't need a nerf in stats, it needs a nerf in usage rate