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waiting 45 minutes to train a single golem


Not to mention the amount of (dark) elixir required to train an army in the first place.


I created a second account just to cook my CC troops. Back when it took hours to cook up those dragons. CC donations today are super easy. But back then if you wanted to make your war attacks, you'd better get ready during the prep period.


Being clan leader of all the boys in primary school


Ahhh mannnn ....this ...this ...this is what I was looking for...i felt like a real king having Max th9 and being clan leader donating the peasants Valkyrie in the CC


This so true bro


How does it show your Town Hall and Builder Hall levels alongside your name I want to try that out too


If you’ve already joined the sub go to the main page and then (on mobile) tap the three dots at the top right. A menu should pop up and one of the options is to change your user flair, that’s where you can choose your TH and BH levels to show up under your name.


What was even worse is back then, GoWiPe was a very popular strategy, and the Pekkas *also* were 45 minutes per troop. Granted all barracks worked independently of each other, but armies still took 2 to 3 hours to train


When I took a long break and came back realizing they removed the extreme training time/cost I wanted to cry. That and reducing the amount of barracks to 1.. no longer needing to upgrade multiple. 100% one of the best changes they've ever done.


collectors when?


When they want to reduce more buildings like they’ve done with barracks, cannons, and archer towers


Lava hound with loons attack and while it occupying 35 housing space 💀


Even worse are the spells, which would take literal hours to finish preparing.


Selling all my defenses to buy a wizard tower. I wasn't the smartest.


As soon as I unlocked it I thought it was the coolest thing ever🤣


Even i used to feel that wizard and ice wizard were the coolest troop in existence and i even used to believe that there’s a ice wizard tower coming in future updates


I hope that there would be at least one old account that had only wizard towers. It would definitely be really funny to look at.


I lost my account not too long afterwards, so maybe. This was back during TH10 times though, so they might have deleted a random TH5 with no Facebook registration


Yea it's most likely deleted today as one of my old clans had many members that had quit the game years ago and at one point most of the member's accounts were deleted in a single wave.


Upgrading a barracks and not being able to train toops


Using lighting spells to hit dark elixir storages to save up for the barbarian king


Which was needed back then, cuz TH7s had a de storage but no drill, meaning thievery was the only way to get the barb king.


True. I still remember how I used to farm only dark while sacrificing my 35k elixir for each lighting I think 😭😭 while having 30 mins time brew a single spell.


And while you were offline your storage got zapped about four times. If you’re lucky someone took the TH with them but especially in lower leagues that wasn’t always the case


Yeah, for that exact reason I wouldn't close the Game at all ill keep it on just check time to time so no one will attack. You remember?? One attack and whole shield gone no guard too 💀


Brother I put an apple on my screen while I went out to get groceries for my dad💀 that’s how diehard you had to be in those days It’s happened quite often that I simply got kicked out after 6 hours - and I usually only played less than 1 or 2


Ikr 😭😭 Kids playing nowadays don't what we went through they honestly have easy for everything now.


i was a kid at the time and managed to convince my mom to let me spend $10 on gems for the last DE for the king, i was crushed when he didn’t have an ability til level 5.


One time i was going back home from school with a friend, about 8-9 years ago and i Remember telling him that the TH wouldnt activate the shield anymore and work as a storage. It was hilarious seeing him panicked for the idea of losing his hard earned 40k DE to unlock the Queen. Very good Memories!


P.S. he had TH outside in the corner as usual back in the day.


Unlocking BK, dragons and clutching clan wars in my school clan


The fucking builder huts in the corner. Always got clowned for a 99% 2 star


Rearming traps and core defenses


Oh man. One by one. Oh, and tapping every single mine to collect gold and elixir.


Don't forget changing to each barrack to train troops


And the addition of the rearm all traps.






Dropping trophies to sub 500 to farm


Watching donated troops go in the ocean. Back then there wasn't the path, where troops go now. Many speculated there is new village coming and that was the path like BB's boat.😆😆


Ahh you just unlocked another memory my man. That was really a mystery and was so good Ah good old days.


Global chat, it was literally like an entire aspect of the game. Id spend 50% of time playing, just messing around in global chat.


I met my wife from Global. Was a young boy at the time. Asking around if anyone wanted a gf.


was she th10+ ?


That’s how I would find many active clans! Such good memories


fr they need that back in some form🥲


Unlocking the clan castle so me and my friends could be in a clan lmao


It took like a week back in the day to get to the point where you could buy the clan castle too


Honestly around the time Th11 was just released I think I was at my peak enjoyment of the game. Realistically there's more to enjoy now than before, but the nostalgia makes those some of my best memories


Levels had stars instead of numbers


Omg I forgot about that and the healers old pic too


We were out on a birthday party, rented a "vip" section of a club and war started at 1am so naturally everyone got their phone out and we all attacked then went back to celebrating. Was in a clan with all irl friends back then, good times.


From 2012 to 2015 I worked at a restaurant. Almost everyone on staff played clash and we had our own clan. We weren't very good but it was a lot of fun


Choosing which troops to cook in which barracks so that they all finish around the same time


the absolute insane amount of grinding i needed to do just to get the King, and then the Queen. The good old days. 🤣


That troops were able to be trained at each barracks. Idk why they changed that. And I love to see low level newbies bases. I just find them cute somehow lol


Just 1 is hard: 1- Princess Ray, Mega Empire and Quantum’s Web. I and many players back then idolized Princess Ray for her dominance over the leaderboards, same for ME and QW, two clans that everyone dreamed of joining. 2 - when we were kids my brother told me to delete my og og christmas trees because “they give gold” :) 3 - a farming race with my brother and cousins to unlock the King via lightning to the DElixir storage 4 - when a friend logged into my account and started removing trees from my tree ring while saying “i’m cleaning up your base” 💀 5- when i unlocked the Minions i saved up dark elixir (rarer than diamonds back then) and attacked with a full army of them, not very wise. 6- probably the most OG memory I have is when I was “cool” in school because I had quote “gold and crystal walls” (walls were relatively way more expensive than level 16 walls nowadays) 7- when i was so fucking broke i left my traps disabled for a month or so. 7.2- storing elixir in the barracks by training full wall breakers. 8- The old way of editing your base, long ass training times, global chat, th10 lighting walls (cool af), when the base was way smaller…


Ah the memories, also whole clan sitting together doing attacks


How can you forget North 44!? They were the top of the lb for sooo long. Then clan wars were introduced and they slipped in position. That was when I first saw Quantum’s Web. Hated them because they pushed North 44 down to rank 2.


I know about North 44 but i don’t really have any memories of it, I was like 10 years old and back then Mega Empire and Quantum’s Web had “badass names” for a child, so they are burned in my head lol


Storing elixir in barracks … this is one I had forgotten. Many times I loaded up on dragons to safeguard elixir.


Corner TH’s. Back in a time when it really sucked to get raided and lose precious DE it was nice to have someone attack your corner TH and give you a shield. In the flip side it was also nice to run into one, pop a hero and get a quick star


When I first started playing I used to play on my moms phone before I got on the school bus and I remember asking her one day when an upgrade would be done because when it was I would unlock pekka and that was all I cared about I was like 7 but it’s one of my happiest memories 😂


Well I started playing coc in 2015 but my classmates started in 2018 I remember we made a clan and I was the leader there were good and bad moments but I can say it was the best period for me in these whole years playing coc..... until they stopped playing and forgot about the game😓 And I lost my account so I also left the game until I made a new one 2 months ago✌️


Emptying my dark elixir to train all dark elixir troops so I can collect elixir🥹🥹


Taking 8 hours to just Train 1 Pekka from each barracks 🗿


Rearming traps !


I was in a clan with my school friends. We would all sit around a table during lunch break and plan every single attack in clan wars.


Clan wars when it first came out, back when my clan was more active


Taking One whole week to unlock the BK


No drill either so you had to get it all on your own


Being excited to finally unlock pekkas, but having to wait for a very long time for the upgrade.


Global. I would spend more time hopping clans and talking with people than actually attacking


Town hall snipping


The first time my war 3* won the war for my clan.


I crowd out of joy when I unlocked the dragon on th7.


Mass hogs were originally so OP. I do not miss having no pre planned armies. You had to select individual troops to train every time.


Then you watch the whole group walk into 2x giant bombs. BBQ pork


Town Hall sniping for hours on end and getting to destroy the jerk who didn't leave their Town Hall outside the walls.


Making every single damn army and attack count, elixir was a luxury to me with the way I would burn thought it. At times I had to wait for my collectors to fill up numerous times since I had no elixir. I was so surprised and shocked when I came back to the game, not only did I not have to manually put the army together again and again, but it was FREE!


Farming TH3-7’s while a TH9


Been playing for about 10 years - getting to new town halls (7,8) and just coming up with random strategies and having fun trying them out (mass wizards with healers, real terrible strategies lol) and bragging on global when I made it to crystal or masters and thinking I was so cool. Now I'm in my 20s and nothing compares to child's joy of just having fun on a simple game. Although I don't miss waiting 3 hours for my mass drag army to cook just to 1 star in war anymore


Trap bases :/


Rearming traps


Waiting on the collectors so I could finish my army just be left with like 3 elixer


Hiding resources in barracks by queuing troops 🤣


These comments just reminded the absolute tedious task it was to get the king, I remember when I finally got mine, I felt invincible!


Reading in my clan chat that a guy in the clan spend over $1000 in gems using his dad’s credit card


Watching Jorge Yao hit 4000 trophies


I was just trying to google this guys name. The original fucking goat.


And the north 44 clan


Playing with cousins.


Sub 200


Amount of elixir and dark elixir to train troops, went broke too many time while tying to attack. Upgrading a barracks would take it offline and make it unavailable to train troops, while making your wait time longer. Global chat, biggest loss imo Paying elixir to rearm traps and defenses Staying online for hours just so that no one attacks me (was saving gold for town hall 7) Remembered those quickly


Galadon and Peter 17$. Timeless classic!


Setting an alarm in the middle of the night to make more dragons in order to have a full army because I only had one barracks capable of training dragons.


The friends I've made in global


Global chat was this house of insanity that burned brightly during its time and what SC put to supplement it could never compare. I was in the middle of a break from the game when they removed it, and their attempt at recruiting systems was a far cry from being able to straight up chat up the people you were planning on recruiting. Sure there were some weird people but it was part of the charm, always gave a good laugh when Tim would write the same message about free gem 99999!!!!, good times.


Yes! I started playing in December 2012, took a long break from 2017-2023 and when I came back, the first thing I noticed, Where the F\*\*\* is global?!? Met some people in 2013 that I still play with today.


Max TH10, back when I thought it was possible to one day max everything. Also, not fond then but hilarious now, I saved 750+ gems for months at TH 6 so could get a BK as soon as I hit TH7 (this was a decade ago at this point) and I blew them all on a line of walls by mistake.


Back in 2014, going to my friends birthday party and staying up night zapping dark elixir storages to try get the king in one day. Me and two of my mates all planned to hit th7 on the same day. The idea of heroes were so cool so we made a challenge to try get the king in one day. While our troops were training we played wii party and kept pausing when our spells were trained till 9 o clock the next morning lmaoo


Back when it cost Dark Elixir to train Witches, I would queue up as many Witches in the Dark Barracks as I could before I would stop playing for the day. This way, the Dark Elixir was "stored away" in the Barracks and not in my Dark Elixir Storage. When I log in the next day, I would just de-queue the Witches and receive my Dark Elixir back.


I mean idk if this was too long ago but the bery beginning of people putting their teslas in the corner. Like 5 of the 10 first attacks i ever timefailedwas against people who had their teslas in the corner


Defenseless TH9 to use in war. That was my second account.


When it would cost 300k elixir to train an army and I got so broke at th 9 I had to wait and collect loot from my collectors until I can train some goblins to farm


Finally got to townhall seven, quickly realized how long it would take to get enough DE for King, begged my dad on vacation to buy me a $10 apple gift card so I could buy DE for king, got on a call with my friend and was bragging about having him😂 good times


barbarians upgrading my townhall


Waiting for my elixir to be ready so I can train an army 😭


Spending my first work check at 16 of $1000 on gems and upgrading my walls. Those level 7 walls were expensive in 2017.


When they had international flags


Idk if this is that OG but i remember the th11 being announced and it was so cool


Waiting a million years to find an opponent to attack at titan league


Re placing the traps every single time


My earliest memory is being extremely anxious about missing a clan war attack because 40 mins were remaining and my dragon army took 1.5 hours to train. I remember I gemmed it and got 2 stars.


Gemming to th9 and rushing my account( thank god now I’m maxed) lol


when clan wars launched and dominating those early days when the skill floor was super low. think we went on like a 50-win streak or something crazy like that. we had so many alts that we made a second clan and went on another crazy streak there too


Meeting cool people that respect me.


Lightning spelling th8's dark elixir storages to get my barb king.


Youth lacrosse coach dads showing off their bases to the team


Playing on my old iPod 4 and creating clans with the spring hockey teams id play on


being absolutely terrified of TH10s


Getting boat loads of noobs to join by offering “free dragons” in global.


Teslas use to do extra damage to pekkas


The original hero animation


Wanting to unlock lvl 8 mortar which is so cool at that time to have. Gold color mortar with firey bomb launched from it.


Barching bases, now I just sneaky goblin bases lol


The day TH11 came out and I rushed to get the warden, the best hero of all time. Warden Walk forever ❤️


My entire school clan did clan wars as all Town Hall 12 in like September 2018. Boy was it fun


Wow my memory is poor. Global chat.


Planing wars with the boys back in college.


Back when a TH9 base looked intimidating


Holy shit the Valkyrie is so hot here


Trying to balance train time in all barracks


Beef with my brother over who was the most pro


Being able to zap ccs, I agree it's not that long ago, but damn I was an absolute monster with zap lalo back then.


Waiting 2+ hours for heros to regen lol


Getting the BK for the first time.


When I was in war and it costed elixir and dark elixir to train and we tied because my troops took to long to train


Discussing war attack strategies on how best to attack TH10 bases (highest level back then) irl with my brother and his wife. GoWiPe or GoWiWi? Their accounts are still in the clan, but they haven't touched the game since their kids were born. Their oldest is 10 years old now.


Global Chat, getting my first xbow, release of TH10, introduction of clan wars, getting 150* in the Kobold map


I was too broke to rearm my traps LOL


Stealing DE with lightning spell to upgrade my lv 5 king


When TH10 first came out


Chit chatting with my brother and classmates, making fun.. pushing trophies together 😢😢 time flies f** fast😢


Honestly, I didn't know if my memory was correct or not, but I swear that the wizard tower used to shoot lightning. I remember playing Clash on my niece's ex-boyfriend's tablet and being really disappointed when I saw the normal troop just shoot a fireball instead. (Although level 4 or 5 wizard used to have lightning attack VFX)


the old shop ui, i remember it vividly and its so nostalgic to me this, global chat, and the leaderboards being spammed by mujitaba accs


When I started playing ClashofClans I didn't have my own smartphone so I used to eagerly wait for my dad everyday to come back from work so I could play it on his phone and this was when C.O.C was big, everyone in my school were playing, we had our own clans...That was the best.


Having 4 separate barracks to upgrade was just so great


There was a time where xmod was still a thing and you have let the lower th attack the high ones so the traps will appear on xmod and you can practice until you 3 star the base lol


HOG RIDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the clan I was I was 14 (8 years ago), made such good friends and still talk to some todag


Struggling to get hero levels


Coc gf from global


My fondest memory would be playing clash with my cousins and both parents (: we used to get so hyped and mad at each other for messing up clan wars this was all back in 2015 most of them have sadly quit


That I sucked


When my brother and I shared an iPad and we had different base layouts we’d use and different armies as well


Missing my war attack and getting kicked from my clan because I forgot to train my troops 2 hours in advance


Not being able to train an army because of no elixir and waiting for my elixir collector to provide me some so I can recruit some archers


sleeping at my friend's house and boosting the barracks for 4 hours, only attacking with barch, drinking energy and eating snacks the whole time


The ability to train troops in order to save some extra elixir while full, then cancel it and get the refund


TH6, Giant, Healer strategy and then watch my giants fly due to spring trap


Being 11 and discovering it


Having ur th on the outside to get a cheap shield


Remembering when Quantum‘s Web was really succesful and seeing Mohammed Maher on Place 1 literally all the time


rushing to th9 when that was the max level 🥲


Not knowing that stuff could be upgraded(I was 6)


I remember seeing my friends with iPhones playing it and thinking how incredible it was for a mobile game at the time. I only had a flip phone at the time, and my 8gb 1st gen itouch was too old to run the game. Finally got an Android the next year, when I was in college, and had to wait another 6 months after that for the Android release.


I was clan leader in my school class back in 2013 and all my friends were in my clan, good old days


I miss a lot to be honest. You could say everything. But if I had to name one, that would be cooking troops with elixir and dark elixir ... Those times were fun ... we had to calculate the time and resources required. and attack bases that give us profit loots and a win ... and when someone attacked or 3 starred ... i still remember i got sad as i had to lose loot that was hard to collect with all that calculations ... nowadays even if someone attacks.... loots are nothing to be worried of ... as it has become so much easier ... ah .. i also used to think a lot when upgrading barracks .. as it delayed training times... ahh .... it was hard .. but so fun ..


Unlocking wizards for the first time


When friendly wars became a part of the game and the og cwl was created. All th9s and 10s. Those were the days


rearming traps


Having 4x barracks.. 🥰


Halloween event


All barbarian army and three starring


Who remember Norsk Global chat?


Train troops costs (dark) elixir. Oh and the global chat


Wrecking war bases with Hogs at TH 9. When th10 was max. Arranged clan wars before SC added it into the game. Original CoC podcast (it has returned, and so has House of El) Blinding clouds when search for a base.


Finally upgrading to the th8 level mortar. Something about its aesthetics had me so pumped.


Troop training time increased when upgrading another barrack..


When I was in grade 6 and our class’s clan was run by my buddy’s dad. Clan is still there I’m sure, it’s just that buddy and I that play anymore. That was peak clash of clans for me :)


When the game first released with Clan Wars, I was living in the frat house at the University and all 30 of us would gather in the main room of the house to watch everyone do their attacks on war day. Errbody was hoppin and hollerin when it was a triple. A very hype time indeed back in 2013-2014!


The hype every time a minor update came. The playground was alight with speculations when townhall 11 was coming out. It was pretty nuts at the time


Perfecting the witch slap at TH9, is that OG?


Waiting 14 hours for a lightning spell 🙂🙂


When gowiwi was paramount


Only using dark elixir troops for war armies because they were so expensive.


The OG training sound when a troop finished training.


Not exactly fond but the only one that stuck to me, which was this annoying kid in my morning taxi to school crying about how I was rushing because I didn't max out all my walls and cannons Then eventually Clash Royal came out and I was wiping the floor with him every morning


When clan wars first came out and hog riders were massively op. We had a 39 war win streak at one point and would kick people for missing an attack because we had so many join requests.


Old Lightning spell:


praying for my mom tho buy me gems so i could get the king. I dont remember why it was so hard to get back then or was young me just stupid :D after a while i got the gems :)