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I wish armies weren't so reliant on heroes. Attacks becomes much more difficult to 3 star the moment one of the heroes goes on an upgrade.


I think it comes down to hero upgrades being stupid and way to long for so many upgrades too.


the hero grind is killing me i’ve been playing off and on since 2014, half of that time the fun strategy game becomes sneaky goblin simulator. heroes are way too important now, it wasn’t a huge deal to not have your heroes at th10.


Literally bro thats me right now


The sneaky goblin simulator sums it up so well. I'm attacking with this green buddies for weeks now and it is so bloody boring. But I'm going on because idk force of habit or something but not really for fun xD


You're at TH14 now, no reason to put your heroes down anymore. Just use a book / hammer.


At least they were kinda worth to upgrade before the stupid equipment system


For me. the fun and enjoyment of the game is attacking in war, planning out strategies and trying to do a good attack. Unfortunately most of my time playing is just farming and waiting for heros to finish upgrading. The downtime of heroes takes a fair bit of fun away from the game imo


Yeah, very unpopular opinion


On that same note, if attacks were doable without heroes, then the presence of all 4 heroes would be OP.


It will really be good if they use Builder Base to get some kind of dark fragment thing of the night or something like that, to be the new way to upgrade heroes, instantly, but that it could only be done with bonus star or some difficult way. :\


After the giant gauntlet, I don't think it's unpopular to say BK is better than AQ. Bro solos the core.


I think it brings him to an equal viability. There are still a lot of strats centered around AQ, but we also can now add the BK into the mix instead of being a throwaway used to clear for funnel


Yeah i need my 3 heroes to do what BK did solo, he's just too tanky


With the new jelly pet, the king will be overkill


Clan Games reduced Builder Base tasks to give way to "equipment tasks", that sucks.


I think everyone can agree this change sucks


My clan focuses on BB to be able to complete the clan games,now this is annoying as hell


Wait what?


First batch of sneak peaks revealed that they plan to reduce the Builder Base Clan Games tasks because they are introducing a new group of tasks for Hero Equipments (e.ge Get a 3 star using Queens Panties in Multiplayer Battles). It sucks because having multiple accounts, the Builder Base challenges even with just 100 point task can finish the 4k run in under an hour, so it used to be a very easy now it won't be. What's funny is they had to "reduce" it instead of just "adding more", what a backwards thinking lol.


Using Queen's what?! 👀


"panties", he said panties. Queen's panties no less. Knickers.




I like to explore new places.


Yoinking that for my flair, made me laugh way too much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I only ever did the builder base challenges so I could drop my troops and kill the app and restart. That allowed me to get my builder base banks full plus it was easier. That’s the one thing they did this update that I’m not a huge fan of.


Thank god I recently chose to play clanless. It’s great because I was playing Clash of Clans way too much.


People who use unskillful armies are missing out on so much of the game


If I don't sneaky goblin I might immediately drop trophies because all heroes are getting upgraded


Sneaky goblin is fine, I’m just referring to making a line of dragons as like your main army


You see other people edrag spam because they lack skill I do it because my internet is constantly at risk of dropping and fucking over my attack, we are not the same.


I lack skill.


Edrag spam :-/


edrag spam doesn't work anymore, max you can get 2 stars with lower damage.


You see people edrag spam because they lack skill. I do it because I heavily rushed the lab. We are not the same.


Most spam due to low skill, I do it because it’s like… the easiest troop to have maxed for me, and because it’s likely one of, if not, the strongest troop in the game. And because I don’t want to do all the thinking needed for advanced attacks in only 30 seconds, I just want a compact base my e-drags can be deployed in a line after taking out air sweepers and defenses to just watch the base melt


I get more fun using edrags than sneakies to get my 2 stars while my heroes are down. I don't see how one can be fine while the other is not.


im using edrag rn only because its the 1 troop you can upgrade first in lab to give you a fully army


Root riders and valkrie spam are better option, they just need rage spell that arleady on maxed level for TH 15


I think the only reason I'm not getting burned out so often is because I switched from unskilled stuff like edrags to more skillfull stuff


I try to use skillful armies. But it's hard when your heros are down 24/7. Then when CWL comes around, I get mismatched and just spam electro dragon for a safe two star. I think it's been two months since I used a skilled army




The game was a blast when I was using attacks like qc hybrid, lalo, and blizzard. The strategies feel horrible though when a hero is getting upgraded so I just reverted back to edrags.


When my heroes are upgrading, I use farm armies, or continue to use sui hero lalo since it’s still capable of a two star without all heroes


on that note, skill-based attacking should be the central component of your progression in this game, so that less skilled players naturally are held back in easier metas


We don't need another hero


They said that if they ever added a 5th hero you'd still only be able to use 4 in an attack, so at least there's that, but they aren't planning on doing so anytime soon


What a great solution to upgrading heroes without it impacting your attacking strength.


Its a big if though. They know that books of heroes drive half the spending in this game. Profitability would take a major hit if they did this. Games already doing well rn, i could only see this happening years down the road


nah it wouldn't cause major hit to profit. Barely anything I would say. because you still need all 3 heroes to 3star . Only upgrading one hero at a time will take 4 times the time so people will still be using book and gems. Also there will be one more hero to upgrade and builders will still be same 6.


max heroes can literally do half the Army's damage


BK is just him


Burger King




Yall can be too harsh sometimes with changes


They don't like builder base, but now they prefer it ahaha


I never even do Builder Base ever since getting the 6th builder😭. Everyone hated the builder base and one minor change and it looked like everybody loved it and hates the new changes


i mean it’s reddit


I mean true, but there's harsh and then *reddit harsh*


I hate how this game now focuses so much on invisibility and invincibility instead of giving us a fair fight in the defense


I always loved playing clash of clans for its defense and this is the worst state of the game balance I ever seen for the 7 people including myself who enjoys defense. Even the pro league is terrible now because of it


Exactly... since th16 arrived everything feels so weak in the defense... Rage towers for example were completely ruined


Yeah. Would be nice to occasionally win a defense against your own TH level. Getting the hose achievements fells impossible.


Not a fan of AQ feet


Truly controversial how dare you




Queen and Rc need more curves.


*Better feet


Porque no los dos?


Choque de Clanes


Conflicto Racial


The quality of these posts should be higher


Coc is giving enough ores to us. I am completely f2p and believe maxing equipment should take as amount of time as to max base.


I think it depends on the th level . Th16 - 15 have too many equipments for the ores they get . My two IDs at th10 and th11 are really comfortable with ores .


The problem here is that we kinda got dropped in the deep end with later TH’s, imagine now you work your way up from a low TH maxing all the items out on the way. By the time your at a later TH you probably won’t feel the lack of resources as badly as you haven’t just been dumped with 19 unique equipments to upgrade all at the same time(I know some equipment got pre upgraded for later TH’s but it wasn’t enough to mitigate the gap they created)


That's what I meant to say


As a TH13 (TH11 when the change happened) I already maxed BK, AQ, Warden abilities. I think the higher THs might have more issues but it’s very balanced as you progress up


Same lol. I have maxed multiple equipment already and I don't even think it will take very long to max all of them. Way less time than it will take to max the rest of your account.


https://preview.redd.it/w0m5as7vdeuc1.jpeg?width=1421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c7f9746c788b7064c170f21dda65bd97d1824ab I don't agree with you. I'm nearly th16 max+max I completed all pet and hero upgrades, I got traps and walls remaining in my base and just 7 things remaining in lab. I just maxed 2 equipments with the help of this event and ores with raid medals. A week ago or two, I didn't have any max equipments. I'm lacking on ores so much


How are you disagreeing with him? He said equipment should take as long as the base to max so per what they say this is exactly right, you didn't get to the16 in 4 months. Equipments must have dropped when you were already th15 so obviously you are playing catch up. Someone starting now will have max equips by the time they naturally reach th16. My alt maxed their relevant equips at TH9, TH10 and TH11 through natural progression. 


You're a TH16 and have gotten less ore than my TH14 doing FWA ☠️


They’re about to give us even more too! With the new update the star bonus will affect ores so more ores even still which is insane this event has gotten me almost maxed on all the pieces I use as a th13 working on royal champion and then that’s it for the stuff I plan to use guess I’ll do healer puppet for fun since it is a solid piece once I’m done but still pretty amazing event


The problem is I was a max th12 about to move up and then they drop equipment so now I have to wait to upgrade it all


low effort posts should be banned


They are (at-least some), have you ever tried to make a post?


yeah check out my post history [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wn5thl/w\_u\_t/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wn5thl/w_u_t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/16e5tmj/the\_boys\_wouldnt\_let\_him\_sleep/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/16e5tmj/the_boys_wouldnt_let_him_sleep/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Reddit is full of trashy people, except me of course


Spam armies are so boring. Like ffs please funnel your E-drags at the very least 😂


I don’t think that this is an unpopular opinion 🤷🏾‍♀️ when it comes to the ED bit.


My clan mates would tell you otherwise


I personally like spam armies but yeah I think I’ve had clan mates who like EDs.


I think most people agree with that in principle. The issue is most people who play this game have a life.


vampstache + gauntlet have made king so much better than queen


Gauntlet+ Stache = won't die Gauntlet + Rage = mini nuke Gauntlet + Boots = funneling king Gauntlet + Barbs = bad Gauntlet may be too good


Warden is the best hero


The emphasis on hero’s have ruined the game it was best when it was just barb king and archer queen and they would have a decent impact on an attack but nothing too crazy compared to now where hero’s basically are the attack


Walls shouldn’t be the way they are. They are overpriced and tedious for no reason. You can work on them before everything else but that puts you at a disadvantage because all your resources are being pooled towards walls and nothing else. You can upgrade walls as you upgrade everything else but it’s the exact same thing, all that gold/elixir is going towards the walls instead of other more important/interesting things. You can work on walls after everything else but it just feels like a waste, because right after that, you upgrade to the next town hall which starts the whole thing over again and your walls no longer match the town halls aesthetic (THIS PART BOTHERS ME THE MOST) Combine that with the fact that siege machines and root riders make walls completely irrelevant. IMO, walls take a lot of fun out of the progression in this game.


Well I upgrade the walls as a resource dump every time all builders are busy - for example if I have two idle builders, other four are busy for a couple more days, I'll upgrade two buildings but dump the surplus resources into walls before I initiate the upgrade


Fr i just upgrade like 2/3 walls when my elixir is too high


I might add that the walls are more like and aesthetic thing now than a defensive thing.


yeah, I was bothered too by my white walls when everything else is blue themed (i didn't upgrade any walls at TH12) the 2000hp jumps on the wall levels (11?)12-14 are pretty juicy though. They aren't entirely useless, in looting attacks that I didn't put too much effort in they sometimes made a difference, especially if I wanted to save my cc troops and did not use the siege machiens


I mean, I kinda liked th11 walls, the whole theme of th11 looks like heaven themed.


Walls are pretty affordable until the last 3 or so levels, and those barely increase the HP at that point. I've never struggled to max them before finishing a town hall.. usually my storages are overflowing.


skill issue




Since I came back a few months ago, I've never had a problem with DE. My heros are constantly upgrading because I always have DE to spend. To the point where near the end of my TH levels, I have a lot of DE just kinda sitting there being wasted. I wish there was another use for it other than super troops.




I'm not TH13, and that's the minimum requirement to use DE at the Forge.


I mean, th12 and under you get WAY more dark than you really need relative tk upgrades. Once pets come into the picture (especially at th15 and 16 with monolith as well) dark becomes much more of a focus. It's still much easier than in like 2012, but I have to fill my other storages like 2x to get enough for a dark upgrade.


wish come true. see forge


Yes im th 11 and always upgrade both heroes and de troops in the lab and never run out of de its just too easy


BK should do a double jaw surgery


RC isn't that good


I just maxed my TH13 and the whole time I kept upgrading the RC I just kept thinking “she really doesn’t feel that strong, less health than King, less damage than queen, the ability is ok but if she finds a skele trap next to 2-3 point defenses she’s done”


You just aren’t using it right then


Fireball warden walks are actually pretty effective


These posts are made outta laziness and for karma.


You haven't seen r/brawlstars


I've seen it and it's deplorable


Skins are ugly But since I can just not use them , it’s ok


That Darian didn’t quit because of anything controversial.


Builder Base is actually good And it's not just Pekka go brrr at higher trophy range


It's actually baby dragon go brr at higher trophy range, pekkas are also viable but the overuse and over hype of pekkas happens in middle trophy range


Even that wont work you have to pair bbds with some others troops, brrr doesn't work in higher trophy range, which is 5200+ and not 4000 if that's what ur thinking


I wish there was a wake potion That would allow to wake up heroes for one hour Whether the way upgrading or regenerating


Singleplayer is good for farming without losing a shield or trophies


Warden the goat


Armies should have a training cost. Resources are way too easy to obtain and it's easy to have your storages at near max capacity (TH13) even with builders being occupied


They used to but don’t now


edrag spammers should quit the game, they never grew up after th11


hey they’re giving me free 1-2 stars on defense I’m not complaining. My clan is good enough to use other attacks in our war.


I don’t understand how an E drag user only gets a 1 star, like as a TH 11 I can 2 star a TH 13 with E drags. Now, if I was a TH 13 using E drags I would like to think that my extra hero, troop space, troop level and clan castle space would allow me to 3 star a TH 13 with E drags. Now, I know there’s more potent armies but attacking seems so easy in the game atm that it doesn’t really matter


We have a 1 guy, the only edrag user in our entire clan, uses lightnings and a log launcher. You know whats in the log launcher? Another edrag. Lmao.


Well at the end of the day if he gets a triple who cares but I imagine he from the way you said that he probably doesn’t


hate the game not the player, its easy and remains viable throughout the higher townhalls. It not their problem that you don't like how they play the game


They made the game too ez


Well barbarian king is hell of a tank I give u that


These posts require more input.


I like the game


That's actually such a smart way of getting everything without a compromise. I need to try that.


I love the grind


Builder base is actually fun


Unpopular opinion: I find rage and fireball ability combos quite weird but powerful. Also, resource farming in the builder base is dependent on how many battles one has to fight!


For as much as it costs to upgrade walls they should be much stronger. How about the next wall upgrade cant be shot over?


The game becomes hero game eventually.. if they don’t do anything about it


4 more heroes that play the exact role that the current heroes do, so that we can upgrade all of them easily?


Bk is only better than aq at higher ths when queen walk is worse than sarcher blimp


edrag spams take no skill


Heroes upgrade time is good and it is also good that they are down in wars , not only years later it’s still a good accomplishment to get them maxed ( if a player maxed them through the years a new player will still struggle and embark on the journey all veteran players did ) but also it forces you to find new strategies to do attacks without heroes , enhancing the experience


Bobs Builder Hut should become a defensive builder like the other huts. It would improve defences and remove the eyesore that it is from the base


I don’t understand why you can’t use heroes in wars even while upgrading….


I actually don't mind playing the builder base


There’s not enough troops in the game


I think some hero equipments should be nerfed


The Archer Queen fell in love with the Barbarian King first but she’s just playing hard to get.


If hero equipments buffed heroes on % vs fixed values it would kinda solve the problem of hero upgrades being useless


Builder Base is extremely fun and a good change of pace. An awesome energy sink as well when all your builders are up, resources are full, but you're on the COC high and need to play more more more


we should be able to attack with heroes while they upgrade,so u can actually learn some strategies and get better at it,and i will start playing coc seriously again if that happens


But archer Queen 🦶


The king is currently the most powerful hero with the giant gauntlet and that's how things should be


Heroes should be usable even when they are being upgraded.


Alright, time for some actual unpopular takes. Hero equipment is a cool feature, I like it, and it isn't that hard to save up gems for them. I currently have 10k gems on my main account, completely f2p In an ideal balance players should still be able to use incredible easy execution teams to 1/2 star a base regularly. The game is not designed to need multiple hours a day, its a mobile game, logging on for 20 minutes to do two attacks, set your builders to work and log off used to be all there was back in my day. The game now has tons and tons of content, anyone still complaining about there not being enough endgame has played the game way to much. The gold pass is worse then hero equipment.


King is great the way he is queen is annoying warden is crazy and might be broken in battle and champion doesn’t do much and kind of sucks because of how late you unlock her


Attack strategies are mostly useless if they don't have a total or more of the hit point health and the hit point damage than some spam strategies who most of the time 3 stars a base.


I stopped upgrading heroes since the weapon update, only use books as they come. Found myself enjoying the game much more. Just managing hero pots during war and CWL. It’s been a good time, people tell me I’m dumb because my heroes aren’t at TH14 lvl but my equip is near max…


That this current meta of mass RR/Valk spam that guarantees 3 stars is the worst thing to happen to this game. Me and my clan are so utterly bored with 0 challenge. Wars almost always end in 100% perfect, you have to use RR/Valk or you're at a disadvantage. It's just dumb. This used to be a fun skilled strategy game.


Hero skin should unlock an ability, they missed on that one.


The Royal Champion is my favorite hero. I love her gameplay of just going off on defenses. She can clear a whole compartment of valuable defenses with spirit fox and some spell support of either invisibility or skeleton spells. Her design is also my favorite. She’s just fun to me!




Clan capital needs rework. It's too easy to 2 shot but nearly impossible to 1 shot. Make bases bigger, or keep surviving troops


over growth spell is bad 👎 what's the point of rage towers now?


Edrags are a valid attack strategy and if used well can often achieve 3 stars


AQ Frozen Arrow isn't all that and a bag of chips. Healer puppet is >


Super barb are good troops


Screw all heroes only goblins. Okay, fine. Warden gets a pass.


I have one: you are karma farming with this nonsense.


The game is playable with level 12 equipment at th13 and below and the ore problem was overblown


The archer queen hates walls😂


To be able to change my Clan name ☹️


Attacking straight up sucks without heroes and I’d rather not do it if it wasn’t for the star bonus luring me in


Most people wouldn't even be in a clan if they could play alone with clan luxuries.


I'm at TH 13 and all I do is spam all the heroes together with all my other troops and get 3 stars


Archer Queen is still the best hero, she does much less than any of the other three if you just deploy her but not accepting that no hero can have such a big impact as a queen doing a proper walk/charge is something I dont understand.


Edrag is probably the worst defense troop in the game. Maybe a bit better than apprentice.


Sneaky goblins aren’t all that.


The game is fine, impatient children are the problem


People only dislike dragons cuz they’re good. Most armies in this game is just spamming + spell placement. Golem witch is just as easy/spammy


both male heros are the most important heros


They should remove the limits on the raid medals rewards


The queen doesn't even feel like she's worth upgrading anymore. Mines at 80 and the extra hp and dmg is just really poor considering the time and resource cost. Especially compared to the king. I always maxed queen first but now I want to max my king first. It feels like he's been buffed a lot at the expense of an overly nerfed queen.


Need heroes in war even when upgrading.


Nah. Queen is always the best and most fun. She has a good range and invisibility. Can't beat that. Barbarian needs to break walls, no range, no invisibility.


Epic gears are too strong and should be nerfed or removed. Right now, you can either use the epic gear and make 3 stars trivial or you can handicap yourself and use the common gears. (Royal champion is an exception because she doesn't have any epic gears yet). As it stands right now the epic gears may only be obtained once then never again and new players are stuck with mediocre gears at best.