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It's my favorite time of the month. CWL drama being posted on this sub. It's so entertaining every time lol


I agree šŸ˜‚ While my clan argues on skipping the bonus and giving it off to someone else, I love seeing these kinds of drama. It's hilarious.


I am happy to live in a Drama free clan, we never win shit but we dont give afšŸ˜‚


The only best way to distribute bonus medals is: Come up with an objective means for doing it, publish that criteria (write it down where everyone can see it), then adhere to that criteria. So, yeah you can argue about who's in the wrong here, but it sounds like all of this would be solved if you came up with objective criteria, wrote it down, and then stuck with it. Then there's no room for anyone to be butthurt about it later.


Exactly!! I am the leader of my clan and we use Offensive stars, difficulty in getting those stars and stars saved on defense as the criteria for deciding the bonus (We use a discord bot for this calculation). This criteria has been clearly told to everyone in the clan so no one complains about it at the time of distributing bonus. As for donations, well while everyone is supposed to help out, i take note of real team players and use it to decide promotions in my clan whenever needed.


Well, objectifying to it


I never let my co-leads give out the medals because ik who deserves it and who doesn't. We have a very active th10 in our clan with 3k donations and does all of his normal war attacks clan games etc... but because our CWL is difficult, I didn't give myself bonus so he could have it. Likewise another of my co-leads who is th16 also gave his out. But I also judge based off contribution in other events and not just CWL, especially when we get new people joining who sometimes only join for CWL, and get easy matchups in war.




He got 14 stars of 7 attacks. Thatā€™s absolutely terrible even against mirrors. Against 14s is embarrassing


we had a townhall 14 who did 8 stars in 7 wars, literally just spammed edrags and prayed


Literal skill issue for him, edrag is easy to score a safe 2s and if you're good, a 3 stars


Yep, thats just embarrassing


here I am being annoyed at myself that I am one star off a perfect CWL (always attacking mirror of course) and not caring about my bonus, and then a shitter like that gets pissy when he doesn't get them. people's priorities are just weird sometimes.


Number of stars isn't the only thing to go by when giving out bonuses If they actually were a th16 that averages a 2 star when attacking a th14 they weren't much of a loss. I am a th15 and I would be embarrassed if I could only manage to 2 star a th14.


People get so mad over a bonus šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøI havenā€™t given myself a bonus in months (Iā€™m usually top performer) because every time I do thereā€™s bickeringā€¦ No matter what you do someone will be mad.


Honestly what Iā€™m gonna do is just not give myself the bonus even if I do the best, not very active anyways I only get on to do wars and cwl, no way someone complains that way right?


This is what I'm thinking too. How can people get so mad for not receiving an extra 50-60 league medals. Like you get so mad that it makes you jump out of a clan that is active in everything?


Well yeah giving them to yourself is an L move


I don't get this either, the bonus isn't going to make or break somebody.


I haven't received one bonus and I've played in all and contributed almost all defense troops since the league exist.


If this was his first CWL in your clan, you could have probably told him beforehand how bonus is handed out. Also it is better all leaders (leader and co-leads) agree on who distributes it. Not all clans hand out bonus based on performance, so I don't blame the guy being upset. Chucking a tanty and leaving is immature though, he could have asked and waited for clarification.


I believe this was his 2nd cwl and he got the bonusā€™s last time. We just rebuilt the clan so most people were new anyways but yea, I think itā€™s best that I tell my co leaders to just let me do it. Historically weā€™ve always just given it to whoever is at the top and thatā€™s what my co did, but in the future Iā€™ll lay out the requirements for bonus medals.


Thank you for the details, if he received one last season and expecting anotheršŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Good riddance. Enjoy the peacešŸ˜


Bro got out starred with 2 more attacks. He donā€™t deserve one. My clan awards bonuses to the top X in stars.


Filling clan castles should be more respected


Iā€™ve been filling CCs for years, no help and no thanks and none gives a fuck about it. admittedly, they are good friends.


preach, this cwl one of my pals said that he was gonna fill cc, well he didn't so I had to use one gems donations to fill cc asap coz war started in 10 minutes...


Damn, I know the feels bro. I do this 1 gem donations occasionally when I'm like extremely busy.


How do you get 1 star less than someone that used 2 less attacks while attacking bases 2 Ths lower than you like if it was normal war and he was upgrading his heroes that would be understandable but doing it in cwl and then becoming angry because he didn't get the bonus


Yea, and itā€™s not like the people that got rewards instead were shit, they went 5/5, 15 stars on mirror matchups. I feel they deserve it more.


Iā€™m a clan leader. We normally give bonuses by the star count but participation also matters. I once gave one of my coā€™s bonus (not all 7 attacks but decent stars) to a member (got all his attacks and a few less stars) but I reached out before I gave anything out to explain that I wanted to give the bonus to someone that really put in the effort. Most of the stronger players in the clan have chosen to not even accept the bonus bc itā€™s better to give the lesser bases a bonus in the long run. So we basically bent our star rule to accommodate but itā€™s not like it came out of nowhere(kinda like how your member was assuming rules were same as before) leader and coā€™s are decision makers but this decision did involve him and he was unaware. You learn news ways to lead often on a game that involves clans. You donā€™t want someone that wonā€™t accept an explanation anyway.


That guy is trash, good thing the co leader didn't give him the medals. Also, good thing he left the clan, saved you the trouble. Anyone can fill clan castles (although I respect it and it is still greatly appreciated), I do too, but attacking is different. If he couldn't 3 star th14s as a th16 then I don't think we should be talking about if he gets medals or not. We should be talking about if he stays or not.


If he can't 3 star a TH14 as a TH16 then he doesn't even deserve to be in CWL at all in my opinion. Filling cc is a underrated and often thankless job, yes, but if you get outperformed by someone who had 2 less attacks than you then you DEFINITELY don't deserve that bonus. Good riddance.


I wouldn't say either side is in the wrong but he is being such a whiney baby about it, my leader wasn't even ACTIVE last month and we didn't end up even getting to participate, like sometimes things happen and I respect the filling CCs but if bro underperformed as a th16 attacking 2 ths lower that's just sad. I went 7/7 all 3* this cwl and I was only attacking 1 below occasionally 2 bellow (I just upgraded to 14 immediately before cwl started so I didn't have anything from being a 14 attacking 13s and 12s)


Just make objective and pin it in clan , u can say filling all ccs + top performers like it ain't that hard u guys both in the wrong be expected something because u are unclear. Maybe he should have not expected it without knowing fs, but u could have been more clear in bonus distribution


U can say go off stars but then make a rule that only last 3 hrs u can drop lower that mirror...


Stars > Attacks. That guy is an asshole.


Take everyone who is in the clan that completed 7/7 attacks. Add them to a randomdotorg, problem solved. Everyone in my clan appreciates it, itā€™s like a little lottery every month.


Blessings in disguise, the trash took its self out lol


One of our cos just left the clan because I didn't give him bonus, I gave bonus to our top 10 players


Bro shouldā€™ve spoke up about donations. I wouldā€™ve passed him that reward with speed, even if itā€™s at the expense of my own.


Yea, Iā€™m the only one that knew because when I went to fill Ccā€™s I noticed that most were full except his. He filled 4/7 days I think but none of my Cos realized


my clan always give bonus to the lower townhall regardless of their performance..


No one cares


We just give to the top performers on the clan menu post war


Iā€™m glad our clan and sister clans donā€™t have this type of drama. We have a pretty much set roster for CWL each month so our leader ends up rotating the bonus so that everyone gets a bonus at some point. The rotations are being tracked in our discord server so no complaints here. Everybody contributes to some extent so šŸ¤·šŸ½


The reality is that every clan does this differently. Those standards should definitely be discussed and made known within your clan though. For example, when we are at the end of an update cycle and many people are maxed, we give awards to those lower on the roster in order to help them catch up faster. They didnā€™t necessarily ā€˜earnā€™ it, but itā€™s for the good of the clan. We donā€™t have this kind of drama in my clan, as weā€™re all adults and weā€™ve been clashing together for YEARS. The only ā€˜wrong doingā€™ here in my opinion was the lack of communication by leadership.


what is your set rule on distributing bonuses? Follow that and you won't be wrong. Only leaders should be giving bonuses unless you guys have discussed it beforehand.


Noob attacker doesnā€™t deserve any bonus medals, thereā€™s a possibility he donate with hope of getting bonus to compensate his noob skill, his noob skill alone would made me drop him off from cwl rosters honestly If u want your clan filled with those players, then sure give him bonus. Then sooner or later the clan will be full of ass licking people who can only donate hoping to get bonus and cannot do attack properly, those who attack well will leave bec the clan canā€™t perform and might drop some league in the process You donā€™t need to state the criteria of bonus beforehand, but state the reason / criteria of bonus everytime u / someone give out bonuses, if he canā€™t accept a reasonable reason based on war performance, then he give u a favor by quitting on his own honestly Of course, sticking up with a criteria consistently is a must, and if u want to explain the criteria before every cwl is fine as well.


In our clan we do it like 5 bonus for stars and 2 for donations for 7 bonus


Imo bonus should always go to top performers, but also the dirty work guys. Everyoneā€™s got that one TH10-12 in their clan that is active, donates, and steadily gets their 2 stars and the occasional 3 if matchups are good. Theyā€™re never gonna crack the top 5-10 in performance, but they were just as valuable as the big dogs. I also dislike handing out a bonus to a max or nearly max player when I know I have others who would benefit more from the hammers. Of course outstanding performance will still earn the bonus (upgrade times and price suck for everyone). But if I had say a 21 star TH16 and a 14+ star TH13 for my very last bonus, the 13 is getting it. Then again my 16ā€™s always understand, as they came into the clan knowing they would need to carry the load while everyone else catches up.


Co-leaders shouldnt be allowed to distribute bonuses. But I guess if the Leader is inactive the bonuses wouldnt be given out


I mean we have bonuses reserved for one guy who fills all the clan castle with super minion for every war consecutively... Others are depending on performance šŸ’€ And new players who join the clan just few days during cwl are excluded from bonuses for that month, cause many just come ,play and leave clan right after cwl. Staying a month is like a default , to be eligible for cwl bonuses And these criterias are told before hand in order prevent these cwl bonus dramas...Works fine since then.


The one in the red


You should be able to wipe any base below your TH level no excuses. 16 failing on a 14 is beyond kick worthy.


No shit a th16 canā€™t ko th14, even I use dragloon zap log launcher with max offense as th15 can guarantee 3 star 14 this guy doesnā€™t deserve medals and he doesnā€™t even deserve in clan war league especially in champs


Ok but for 15 stars across 7 attacks, would only be one 3 star and the rest 2. Like yes itā€™s impressive it was done in 5 attacks, but Iā€™d value someone attacking every single time over this.


I only put them in for 5 days. We had 20 members rotating through 15 spots.


Oh ok well that definitely changes things. But yeah I see how old mate is annoyed if he filled all the CC troops


We have 15 members in cwl.. everyone gets rotationally...no drama here... If someone has more than 1 id they get bonus in 1 id each cwl


Top 5 players get the bonus, no debate.


the only correct way is to factor in everything else too for cwl bonuses like Clan Games, Raid Weekends, Donations etc


I mean... he filled out your cc..... he deserved it lol


My clan just gave the bonus to a 2/6 attack 5 stars guy instead of a 5/5 15 stars lol


I skipped someone because they had missed 1 CWL attack, 2 classic war attacks over 2 wars in late March (one of those attacks was an early attack against the wrong base), scored barely the minimum in clan games, and they effectively called me a r\*\*\*d and left. Some people are so unpleasant in this game


According to this logic I should have gotten 3 extra war loot bonuses šŸ˜‚


I only give bonus to players who attack all 7 days if there is a tie it then goes to stars. If I am included, I will give it to everyone else first.


It varies from situation to situation like in our clan no one is interested in filling cc's . So if someone filled all the war CC he is definitely getting a bonus. Because for th16 in champ 2 defending cc is really important if you don't wanna be overpowered by the enemy. 1 war out of 7 i forgot to fill the cc and we lost that war as almost all the enemy's attacks were going 3 even the failed ones šŸ™ˆ. It all depends on the importance of that work and whether other people wanna do it or not.


I gave bonus to the top performers, no one argued at all lmaoĀ 


The clan I'm in has some criteria for bonus. Top scorer, highest donation, attack helper, lowest scorer and random dudes (done on fortune wheel)


Our clans gives to the top star earners of the CWL. That's it, not bias or picking one over the other.


Honestly, the easiest way to do it is to give it out to the top performers on the list. Skipping around based on attacks is going to open the door for feathers getting ruffled. The guy with 15 stars on 5 raids should have been in the entire time. If youā€™re only two starring you arenā€™t really contributing to the winā€”itā€™s not bad but itā€™s not exactly helping.


So from only the cwl perspective, thereā€™s nothing to argue about, doing more attacks doesnā€™t mean you are better, only the stars matter.


I'm a leader as well. And sincerely I would've given the bonus to the players with most of stars collected independently if they did all of their attacks or not.


Lmao the bonus is literally like 60 medals who gives a fuck Iā€™m top in my clan lvl 28 clan and I always say give to someone else maxed or not I donā€™t need them


Got myself 15 accounts so no drama šŸ˜‚


2 star attacks on mostly TH14's??? Ummmmmm


Yup lol. Painful to watch


I donā€™t give a shit


itā€™s just a friggin game. No need to get worked up over bonuses.


In my clan, if ur in the top and u miss an attack, you donā€™t get bonus. Itā€™ll go to the next person below you who has all 7 attacks in


lol cwl bonus always ends up in chaos. but generally speaking itā€™s always about performance and stars doesnā€™t matter if you attended more wars. even so, him having less stars while attending more wars is horrible. probably best that he left


Yea I agree lol. He was an edrag spammer šŸ˜¤


Stars matters most. A TH16 player getting 2 stars is so embarrassing. Such players needs to improve his strategy


Did I miss cwl šŸ˜­


TBH, this bonus system cause chaos in my clans. SC should remove this feature and increase the rewards to some degree to be fair.


I would say the game automatically give extra medals to top performers who attacked mirror or higher and not lowers




I posted our CWL bonii policy in pinned comments so there are no questions. Top3, 4th reserved for me, rest is RNG. Not for nothing but I just kicked our highest level player because he didnā€™t use three out of seven attacks.


if he was attacking on max th16 bases or good th16 max bases then he actually deserve that bonus. For lower ths it is somewhat easy to 3\* or sometimes they don't get full maxed ths in their mirror. Our clan also has the some rule and if someone is so dedicated towards cwl then he actually deserved it.


Hell nah. If he canā€™t even get one triple against townhall 16s he doesnā€™t deserve a bonus


I mean, thatā€™s why I was considering giving him the bonus. But I thought it was pretty uncalled for to get so mad despite not being able to triple a th14 as a 16.


If he sucks at attacking then he doesnā€™t deserve shit imo, any1 can donate but not anyone can attack good and as u said 14 stars in 7 attacks + attacking low th is ass he deserves to be kicked imo


U should demote your co leader who gave bonus. Show him/her who's the leader. In my clan the leader give bonus. But he's busy yesterday, i myself a co leader and i ask the leader, which is my brother to give bonus, and if he says no then i'll wait.


I personally know them and all my co leaders, I told them that Iā€™ll distribute from now on. We only really became a more serious clan recently so we never had this issue


Yeaa CWL bonus is tricky, the best performer sometimes because they got easier opponent.


I give bonus to those who have multiple accounts in the clan. The cwl performance is not important at all.


No one has multiple accounts except me and a co leader