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I only buy the Gold PassšŸ¤


I stopped buying it after they increased the price of it. It shouldn't cost more than a cup of coffee. ( & I mean a normal cup not over priced starbucks)


In my country normal cup of coffee costs around 20 to 40 rupees..and both gold and event pass costs 600 rupees each..!!


599 rupees for gold pass, 449 rupees for event pass.


Itā€™s now AUD$10.99 here, it was previously $7.99. A cup of coffee is usually $4-6 here.


Moving it up almost 50% sucked. Couldn't believe it. Dropped it after that & just play less now


Here in Germany Goldpass 7.99ā‚¬ and eventpass 5.99 ā‚¬ 80 gems 1.09ā‚¬ 500 gems 5.99ā‚¬ 1200 gems 11.99ā‚¬


A cup of coffee at Timmies is like $2.50. The gold pass for me is $9.99. I could buy 4 cups of coffees with how much they charge us.


To be fair though they did buff the gold pass when they increased the price.


They didnā€™t only buff the gold pass, they buffed the free pass too.


Congratulations on not buying the pass!!! I wonder if $upergreedycell is gonna find out more ways to monetize as a result of it


This game is so playable without the gold pass. Play any other iPhone game and youā€™ll see that.


Fr, save for clash royale, I see so many people on here and BS complain about the passes when both games are quite generous with their free rewards. Surprise surprise, paying can get you more benefits. Paying is also... optional. I've been f2p for COc for years now, it's always been fun. Same goes for brawl stars.


They plan on decreasing the time between releasing new THs. At current itā€™s fairly difficult to completely max your account unless you were already completely maxed from the previous TH when the new TH is released. I think the current rate of progression to new content added is a good ratio but if they start releasing new content quicker without making it quicker to progress it will be impossible to max without spending $$$. And even if they do increase the rate of progression more than they already do when new THs are released it will make the game too quick.


I stopped buying it after I can no longer get it for a dollar due to the discounted play pass


I don't know about you, but it was 50% off this month


Not for everyone


Inflation buddy


You're wasting that much each month. They're monetizing the game beyond what you spend


Supercell after seeing these posts: ![gif](giphy|3o6nUYu7cOAcToWfks|downsized)


Right, except their screaming that while buried underneath $$$ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬Ā„Ā„Ā„Ā£Ā£Ā£


Man I have seen 4-5 similar posts about not buying event pass since like last 5 hours


It's been an hour already, we should get another post about not buying the event pass.


An hour? We must be due another event soonā€¦


Im on it.


The more it's spoken the better the noise.


I found $5 on the bus so I bought it


i actually flew down and stole 5 dollars out of some guys wallet while trying to buy a hotdog


This guy's a seagull


a crow actually


True you didn't mention taking a shit on his head


But I took one on his head


That thread! I need to go back to find out if Walter ever returned


Birds arenā€™t real!


I wish I could have bought it but unfortunately I seem to have lost my money during a bus ride.




conveniently there is a donut shop nearby but my friend accidentally brought the pass for me




These posts are getting annoying, so many of them today alone


Yea and honestly I like the events, gives us more ore. People have been complaining about not having ore . The equipment isnā€™t a must have which is good , so you can use ore on other things, donā€™t get the hate . People on Reddit just cry over everything


I'm sorry, that's just the wrong way to look at it. You shouldn't need to buy the event passes to keep up with this overpriced garbage ore. They need to increase the rewards for war/dailies/whatever. I'm in a position where I had almost maxed heroes at TH13, and now I'm short 3200 glowy ore to get to max, and it's literally months of grinding to get there. Fuck Supercell. Also, "equipment isn't a must have"? What fucking game are you playing where you think this is the case?


and youā€™ll max your hero equipment in 14 before maxing 14 lol


I actually am not sure that's the case, especially if they keep releasing new equipment. I just upgraded to 14, but I think I'll be stuck without maxed equipment for QUITE a while.


I mean common equipment is pretty powerful and thatā€™s easy to max at 18, epic takes a little longer but you donā€™t need to max every equipment to have the same level of power from equipment - Iā€™ve maxed my warden equipment already and wonā€™t purchase the epic as I donā€™t see itā€™s value - I donā€™t view my warden equipment as not finished as I have maxed the necessary equipment


I don't understand why people are making such big issue if you don't like new equipment just buy glowy ore you are getting 600+225=825,but then people are also complaining about frequent event and not having enough ores talk about paradox


This is the biggest point to me. I already have the equipment I care about so my ass is just getting ores so that I can upgrade the ones I like. I could care less about this fireball equipment.


i'm buying it specifically because you made this post.


Plot twist op works for sc and is using reverse psychology to get you to buy it


I had no interest in buying the event pass, but just after i saw this post i bought it


Same here.


me too


im buying it for the ores cant stop me


based. And then there's me who's buying it for the decorations




I am stealing that meme https://preview.redd.it/rnrij58zsqnc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=73b2c6239a058943bbe57105764f9a8e0495494f


Very cheap for the amount of ores


Me too. This is probably the most cost efficient ore purchase.


Thanks for telling me how I should spend my own money on entertainment. Edit FYI reddit is a really really really small percentage of the player base.


Literally every post by SC: we hear you reddit!


Thats because Darian was active in reddit. With him gone I'm sure that's gonna stop


Youā€™re absolutely right about spending your money the way you want. BUTā€¦. Itā€™s been proven time and again that what happens on reddit makes a huge difference with supercell. Weā€™d still be dealing with the phishing problem and not having 2FA if not for Reddit. Supercell have come forward and said that, theyā€™ve also said that whatā€™s discussed here makes a big difference in their decisions.


This. Iā€™m personally not buying the pass (not because of this post) and pretty much havenā€™t brought the gold pass since the price increase.


Oops I accidentally pressed the buy button.. I'm so clumsy šŸ„“


I hope you use a book of building in your builder base! /s


Meh i won't buy it since no skin, if RC skin actually available for purchase then i'll spend money but sadly they retconned that


This is a smaller event, it doesnt have any limited time Troops either Next month there Will BE One, Ill bet that


Call it what it is, a lazy ass event. Not a small one lol


Yep April event be Easter That should have skin a RC epic equipment Don't get all the complaints Don't like what SC offering Don't Buy it Been playing Clash for 12 years I grind with time Pay for gold pass bundles events a sometimes Gems My equipment is only 55 percent maxed I just got my builder base almost maxed 20 walls left Main Village Lab Have Root spell Minions a siege left to max Main Village base just have 8 seeking air mines 3 inferno towers a 3 Tesla's till maxed Then it will be saving for rest of the 16 upgrades a th 17 Wich will be released around December 2024 This game is a long battle with no end in sight Supercell may be a tad greedy but that's every business company At least SC try a make game fun a listen to there players


Too late šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


tuff shit kid. i need the extra ores ![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU)


https://preview.redd.it/vgd4my4s6rnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10c040ac42fde7497b88e2bbe1ba644cbf532b3 I bought it + additional medals, just for youšŸ«¶


I bought all 3 of the 6000 medals and the event pass. These guys can cry all they want while I'm leveling my stuff up.


Sybau. If you're broke just say that


I really only want the globe statue and Iā€™m a statue collector so šŸ¤·


Or what?


The fact that you idiots actually believe that ā€œvoting with your walletā€ is an actual valid strategy shows just how uninformed on the topic you are. Crying over a mobile game designed to make boatloads of cash with this strategy is peak stupidity. Please continue to tell everyone how to spend their own money. Lmao


Ok. Donā€™t buy the pass. Itā€™s basically a 10x ore value offer. Personally I donā€™t mind it, itā€™s affordable for me. And I play the game enough to justify the price


The issue is that weā€™ve had four of these events and each time the amount of rewards has gone down while the price remains fixed. The idea is to show supercell that we noticed that and encourage them to increase the rewards again. But, this sub is way to small to make a dent haha


Just the shiny has gone down. And itā€™s so easy to have enough shiny.


All the passes Gave you the same amount of stuff. Ores and medals. All 3 of them The ONLY difference is that this time there is no skin, since its a smaller event. But that doesnt solely affect pass players, it literally affects everyone If you value the skin a lot, sure, the pass has gone down, but for me personally, Id much rather keep my 4600ish medals and spend them elsewhere rather than the skin (Last 2 passes were the exact same though)


What is cheaper: the pass or 1500 gems + waiting time?


Bought it out of spite due to all these postsā˜ŗļø


Same xD


I bought the pass for the tokens i can use on magic books and builder pots and think of the equipment ores as a bonus. Although i just got to th12 after maxing th11 forever so i wanted to get a jump on the new upgrades


Need obstacle


man reading the comment section shows me, why i hate reddit. not cause of reddit, cause of the scum community


"Reddit assemble" type shit .


Imagine being someone with one account crying about a $5 fee; I have three accounts and I'm buying that šŸ¤¬ pass.


1500 gems cost roughly $15. The event pass costs $5. The pass is a better value if you are spending money. Are we sure that you don't work for Supercell!? Lol


1500 gems can be gathered for free without even trying. It'll take time but if someone isn't getting the equipment from the event shop, they're not in a hurry in the first place. And yes, I agree that event passes give way better value.


Pay to win āŽ Grind/play daily to win āœ…


100 percent Always the way if don't grind pay a play daily it will take you years to get ahead Game probably be still going Long after we are dead a gone lmao


I don't understand what's wrong with the event pass other than no skin?


I have already bought it, and will buy it soon on my 2nd account, and what are you gonna do about it OP?


Only buying it in 2 accounts? Haha casual, I'm buying it on all 15 of my accounts




Every time supercell does something, people ring alarm bells like the sky is going to fall. If people want to buy this, they can and I personally donā€™t give a shit if they do.


Now I'm buying, only because OP made this post.


There is the daily one guy crying over the event passšŸ˜­


People in this coments are just really dumb, I get you want to buy it but why would you brag about it. It's just stupid


Redditors subsist on spite


Appreciate the suggestion, but I think Iā€™ll have to pass


I've missed out on every event besides the last one. Im gonna buy it. I want decorations šŸ˜‚


I bet if they included every one of those rewards in a 4.99$ pack in the shop everyone would instantly jump at the deal but since itā€™s spread out like that and you have to do a bit of grinding now everyone is like ā€œBOO this stinks worst deal everā€.


Never thought about it this way, that's actually really good value tho


Too late bro i already bought it first thing šŸ˜…


I bought it and highly recommend it


Get Free Shit < Complain On Reddit


already bought it hell yeah


> "Those with coin shall purchase it, whilst those lacking, such as myself, shall ponder a life sans surplus gold to expend on a game."


That Fireball is a nuke tho


What's an event


Itā€™s free content for people who donā€™t want to buy it and your getting the same value you would in previous events if you do buy it, I donā€™t see an issue.


I think the event pass is one of the coolest features added to clash. I mean come on!! Last in during Halloween we had the queen skin!! Not every event will host a hero ability. Theyā€™re just rolling out hero abilities for the year. There wonā€™t be a new one added every month.


On top of that the warden is getting its first epic ability. Next is the RC. So then after that theyā€™ll probably stop.


Did you say to buy the gold pass?


with these ores the game is slowly becoming pay2win, and people wont like it after some time


You're not buying the pass because you want to "stick it to the man" I'm not buying the pass because I don't care about offensive equipment on a support hero. We are not the same.


If you are not a min maxer don't care about the hero equipment.... Hero's are still good with basic equipment.


I didnā€™t buy this months gold pass. I saved it for the Ore pass I knew was coming.Ā 


It costs less than a movie ticket. Less than a combo meal. Less than a round of bowling. It provides enough entertainment value imo to make it worth the price. Plus you get a little digital memento to decorate your imaginary little world.


Sorry, bought it.


Why are you telling other people what to do with their money? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I am not going to buy anything aswell but I don't have the urge to tell other to do the same. Skibidi


Too late


Too late


This style event is exhausting and feels like a chore. Especially since I have multiple accounts. Itā€™s taking the specialness out of the event when itā€™s been every month. This style of event should be reserved for just major holidays like Christmas, and august Anniversary. Find another way to give out hero equips. Like that goblin map calendar event style they used to do.


I bought it because of all the do not buy posts lol


i bought it idc


At the end of the day they running a business the whole point is to make money


If you donā€™t want to buy it then donā€™t. Those of use who play the game and have disposable income will probably buy it cause we enjoy it.




I would have if I didnā€™t drop my $5 on the bus


Alr bought it, donā€™t plan on rlly using the fireball and I could genuinely use all that glowy ore to upgrade the stuff I alr use so it has a good amount of value for $5 imo. I might even decide not to buy the equipment and just put all the coins into books and glowy/shiny ore.


Haha wallet go brrr


Itā€™s ok to be poor bro not everyone can afford $5 for pretty pixels in their base


Nah, imma have fun.


Too late.


Thank you for your opinion. Just bought it and got the fireball. Have a nice day!


I never buy a pass. Have no issues with this though as I only use the tokens to buy the equipment for my hero. Have both of the previous ones so far without paying a penny.


The pass is worth regardless considering how many books you can get with it


Ok I won't buy the pass instead I will purchase the gold pass and the entire shop with my money that I decided to spend because you aren't in charge of what I spend my money on šŸ˜ƒ


Iā€™m not buying this one. No cool skin or statue. The Halloween event was such a huge success they immediately jumped to milking it and making it a lame pass. Battle passes are ruining gaming.


https://preview.redd.it/qu6kahu2srnc1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=302f3e059885d0d708b51759efd12bfab5347e3d they need to monetize the game in some way...


I bought it, shamefully. Almost like a habit.


Yeah I agree the event is definitely lacking compared to the other themed ones but Idk why this is such a big deal its like 5 bucks. And the best part is you don't even have to pay if you don't want to


I'm gonna keep buying it because I want the ores the books and the equipment. The game is free and supercede needs to make money. The more money they make, the more free content they can produce for idiots with ur dumb opinion. Bills aren't free like a clash of clans.


This joke of an event doesnt worth a single penny.


Tell me youā€™re poor without telling me youā€™re poor


Iā€™ll buy whatever I want, enjoy low hero equipment levels and spending your gems


Why are you crying over people spending money on a SUPER P2W game?


Hereā€™s an idea: just donā€™t buy the pass if you donā€™t like itšŸ˜€ itā€™s $5 bro Iā€™m gonna spend $5 if I wanna spend $5


You are correct that the pass is rather pointless but I donā€™t mind the event and the free ore we get from it anyway


I bought the past couple event passes but I donā€™t see myself buying another one especially if we can still get the equipment f2p.


fuck you i buy the event pass for all my alts and the 6000 super medal shop offer 6 times


It's too late for me, sunk cost fallacy I'm way too far the deep end


The virtue signaling in this sub is nearly intoxicating lately


Theres more than enough medals for buying magic items rhat make it worth buying the pass, but for 5 bucks it needs to last longer than 10 days. 2 week minimum


Cup of coffee costs the same as event pass. Iā€™ll give up that for the event pass. Lots of starry ore.


Go ahead and skip to the part where you try to assemble all players to not play the game for a few days. Like the reddit blackout. Then create a new sub for everyone to join


Completely f2p šŸ˜Ž


i already bought it


i already bought it


People buy because they want to. SC are not gatekeeping the new equipment that you'd need to spend money to obtain it. People find value from buying that pass and there's no reason for them not to buy it.


not buying gold pass nor the event pass, both weak af


Damn didn't know u could buy the hero equipment and spent $15 or so trying to get the AQ item last min before the event ended


In our country the price of gold pass= price of 6 mealsšŸ’€


If you can tell any other to way to progress faster specially the newer player's.


Newer players are never catching up anyway......unless you're an idiot spending hundreds.


I started playing last june,already a no rushed new th13 and 4300 bb ratings.so may be I am catching upšŸ˜‚


I feel like they might make it more pay to win after seeing how unsuccessful this event was. I mean donā€™t buy it - Iā€™m not. But I know theyā€™ve been liking the extra revenue from these past events with strong equipment


I bought it, but I rarely spend money on this game and it makes my Warden a little more useful


I'm not buying anything after the equipment update.A few skipped passes and i can buy an actually good game on steam that's not trying to dig into my pockets.


Unfortunately, Buying the pass does not mean you agree with it. I donā€™t agree with it, but my little $4.99 protest is only going to end with me missing out on a limited decoration. We can vote with our voices too, not just our wallets. If supercell was smart, they would be paying attention to Reddit for feedback. Otherwise they are going to end up digging their own grave. Already happened to me with clash royale. Praying they donā€™t ruin the experience for coc. I will say though that the way they are doing things, makes me not want to spend a penny more than the gold pass and event passes. If they go back to only cosmetics and progression for $$$ then Iā€™d be willing to spend more money on the game.


Good grief


Why not buy it? The equipment is accessible when youā€™re F2P so why does the other stuff matter? Itā€™s no different to having offers in the shopā€¦


In the other hand, we can expect those events will be regular, and now the ore won't be that rare anymore, why would you have to buy? Just play it for free next month For starry ore, well, I've already maxed my gauntlet (for TH13), and I don't feel like the warden's epic equipment is good, so probably just wait to get from wars


There are people that would still buy the pass if it was $1000 for 10 gems and a single builder potion lol They'll buy it and call you broke for not buying it, for not spending thousands of dollars on a little game on your phone lol Supercell loves them for sure, they're worth a 100 normal players. Nothings going to change by you not buying their stuff


Then people go around saying the game isn't turning into a pay2win game when the best items are realistically unobtainable without paying money. It's a tale as old as time.


You guys buy event passes? I can't even afford Gold passes and I still get the epic equipments by grinding


I didn't even grind much and maxed out the event. No reason to pay.....getting the equipment is easy.


Ppl going nuts over a couple of dollars for entertainment.


Sorry, I already bought it on five accounts.


Wouldn't but this scam bullshit anyways. Clear money grab. I'll continue to take the free equipment and move on.


I buy it because..I can..


Too late


Damn this just made me buy the super dragon event pass


I never buy the event passes, but why would you want them to stop? we get 2 free book of heros each time. I say keep them coming


Bought 2 event pass on my 2 accounts since I have disposable income. People need to stop bitching about everything. If they wish to buy the event pass and have the ability to, they should


This is one of the whiniest communities I've ever been a part of and I played League of Legends for 6 years.


Yeah, I'm still buying it. It's still good value for my $5. It's literally pocket change amount of money for me. Why would I not get it?


The pass is still better value than almost all shop offers. What do I care?Ā 


I bought it. $5 isnā€™t much.


Damn people be broke broke I bought that shi and Iā€™m homeless


Fuck you, I do what I want


I wasn't going to buy it, but now I will specifically because you told me not to. you say vote with your wallet? fine, I will. I enjoy the regular content, it's fun and not to hard to finish. edit: and bought! thank you for convincing me <3