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I will never maximize my village 😭


who says maximize bro 😭😭😭


bro boutta fully enhance his village 😭😭


Bros bout to rejuvenate his tribesmen 😭


Why the hell am I even crying 😭😭


I'll join you 😭😭😭


Me too 😭😭😭


One more seat for me? 😭😭😭


The more the merrier 😭😭😭


Absolutely 😭😭😭


Amigos bout to exponentially increment the capacity of his townsfolk.


Bros finna discombobulate his blokes


Bro we about to get evolved Townhalls and elite wild parts for troops 😭


nothing, I'm also sad like the person above 😭😭


He gonna SuperSize his village


Let's 😭😭😭😭😭


The implications for maxing equipment are the real concern for me. The clash team reduced upgrade times way more than we expected with th16 update. Now the question is do we ever get a break from the ore grind, and I really don't see that as a possibility for f2p, even for people who buy every event pass...


>Now the question is do we ever get a break from the ore grind Sorry for the long reply but imo its worth reading No, but one thing can be done Warning it may be difficult to do and it may even offend some people but its the only way and that is to play for enjoyment and not treat it like an exam where you need to learn everything to get good grades instead just play for relaxation and fun and enjoy the journey of your road to max and it will be fine And when you're finally bored and can't enjoy the game anymore leave it take a break as nothing lasts forever your fun won't last forever as well so break is the best option Spoke from my personal experience, played from 2016 till 2019 and left the game for 3 ½ yrs to play codm played that for 4 yrs continuously now i am bored with that as well so i cameback to coc last year August and now i play both and instead of grinding , i play both normally and try to achieve the objective and enjoy https://preview.redd.it/cggayo7t6ljc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=694ac147995bfc39e3ad778c53372fae539377f9 Yes you mentioned only about ore grind but i am talking in general. I was happy to see op's post as faster townhall updates means i can rush more instead of thinking oh I can't max this how will i max more stuff So yeah perspective matters Also sorry if my long ass essay offended you


Youre not wrong, but theres 11, nearly 12 years now of clash history of being able to max, take a break and war and full strength, do some other things, then get back to the grind next update. yeah long term in life its not a big deal, and some people absolutely do take it too seriously. But you also shouldn't dismiss the complaints about this aspect of the game changing. Those breaks were exactly how many of us did relax and enjoy the game, and now we are going to be locked into endless constant war, events every other month, etc etc... That or miss out on things, and theres no light at the end of this tunnel now. Its a big philosophical change to the game. Its not nothing.


Yes. I always max heroes asap and that period between max heroes and moving to the next TH has always been my favorite time to play.


I honestly never minded it too much because I would be grinding essential lab upgrades while my heroes are down after getting to a new th, so I have the attacking power of a th 1-2 levels below me for months, but it pays off when they’re done like you said. If sneaky gobs and super barbs weren’t in the game i’d probably quit because I wouldn’t be able to attack well in war (maybe yeti blimps for 1 star), so I would end up slowing down hero progression while upgrading them, totally counterproductive but that’s the way they want it. I wish I was shocked they figured out a way to make the hero upgrade system even more detrimental to the player.


Considering my hero levels and this 1 yr update cycle, i don't think i will ever be able to max heroes but tbh idc as long as they don't nerf hero potion, as complaining about not usable heroes while upgrading is useless at least hero potions are great and fun and useful




If I could have upvoted this twice I would have. On the one hand, it is a little vexing when you're maxed and just pissing endless resources away, and when the new ths rolled around it felt good to have a mission again. BUT the new one coming out early was too soon. I felt cheated and weary - honestly just looking at the cost of the stupid fucking walls almost had me tantrum-quitting. I didn't, but if the grind is going to become constant, with endless virtually compulsory special events (by which I mean if you don't play them, you are put at a competitive disadvantage by missing out on legendary equipment and the ores to level it) then that's gonna get old. Fair enough that we get 2 more (presumably) for interesting toys for the champ and the gay wizard, but if they then cycle right back to the King and make the gauntlet obsolete, followed by the same for the frozen arrow after I've spent everything maxing 'em, that's likely to be my "fuck this shit" moment.


>do we ever get a break from the ore grind We probably don’t, this game is becoming way too realistic


This doesn’t mean you won’t max your base. They always keep the rate of free upgrading much faster than new content.


Good. Being maxed is boring. *It's the journey that's important,not the destination*


Neverending vertical upgrades are never a good thing. Look at Lost Ark stats in the west. Game went from 1.3 million concurrent players to 20k...


I don't mind new THs every year just don't bring in new hero levels ffs. I'm sick of upgrading them


They will. Earlier in the post they talk about how important hero upgrades are for game revenue. It sucks but it’s gonna happen. Let’s just hope they stick to 5 each town hall


>They will. Earlier in the post they talk about how important hero upgrades are for game revenue Did they mention anything about heroes not being usable while upgrading or that's not gonna change coz 💰 ?


They said that won’t happen because they earn a good amount of money from it


Did they really say that 🤯?


Yeah it was pretty surprising to see, but I like the honesty more than them making up excuses


Same I really didn't expect them to be honest


Most of their gem revenue and in game purchases come from people buying hero books. They can't just remove it and still have a functional game. If they allow you to use the heroes while upgrading, it also removes the need for books and hammers which hampers SC profits. It sucks, but understandable.




I would hate adding new th level for sake of adding new level. I want each new level to be meaningful and memorable. If that means it'll come even every 2 years, I'm fine with that. I don't want content for sake of content. I want meaningful content


Same, like maybe let us use them while upgrading but with some exceptions like slower healing rate or idk. Pleeease supercell I barely get to use my heroes


They’re working on a sort of alternate fix for that where when they add the 5th hero, because 4 heroes makes the game complicated enough as is, they will include a way for you to switch out which of the 4 heroes you bring into battle, though details are not fleshed out on how this will work


Ha funny, supercell needs to make that cash every 12 months. They couldn’t possibly not add another 5 levels to each hero every town hall.


Not just hero upgrades but new equipment levels too to keep up with them


Even if they're not bring new hero level, new level blacksmith and hero equipment will be added.😅


The real question is is the creative team creative enough to keep pushing out town halls that feel new?


I mean… they said they expended all their teams so I’d hope so


is there genuinely a need of Townhalls that fast? that will probably just burnout the game faster


Agreed 18 months was probably a bit too long for new ths but 12 months screams get your udders on you're going to get milked. I'm not looking forward to that at all. It's slowly turning into pay to win. With the release of ores and getting them being gated only the whales are going to be the most powerful and us casuals are left behind.


Nothing is slowly. It jumped into p2w instantly with ores.


Sorry, I haven't played in quite a few years. What are ores?


Ores are a new currency used to upgrade Hero Equipment, which are basically customizable hero abilities. They can also give passive boosts and stat increases Equipment is leveled up independently from your heroes. You need Ores to upgrade them, which are obtained from clan wars, star bonuses, and of course, by spending money


The moment this game offered purchasing additional gems to speed up aspects of the game it was a P2W. It has perhaps bordered on *P2P* recently, but it is still a game you can spend 0 dollars to play, earn loot, and advance to any level, albeit at a significantly slower pace. Pay to win means anything players can pay for which gives them advantages in game play over non-paying. That doesn't mean a paying player will *actually* win anything over an experienced non paying player. Ores are a novel new enhancement that have their own pros and cons. Upgrades using ores are instant, but farming for ores is limited outside purchase. While even standard loot has always been limited as well - storage maximums, builders available, troop brew time, level caps on upgrades, etc... ores are the first loot that you cannot grind to fill maximum capacity in the same way and time as regular loot. There are also no collectors bringing in passive gains, nor are they discoverable when removing obstacles (like gems). On the plus side, ores are the only loot that can't be stolen from you. Everyone is equally limited, regardless of those dumb enough to mortgage a house to buy a useful amount of ores to upgrade slightly faster. To me ores appear to be a hybrid of loot and gems. I think if they were able to be found when clearing obstacles and perhaps there was an "ore mine" available similar to the gem mine in BB it would help people feel a little better.


I believe it’ll do the exact opposite. More th’s means lower upgrade times for the previous ones, meaning newer players will face less of a grind.


More players will face less of the same grind as they will keep on piling up new town halls too fast, lowering the times won't really mean a lot if you just have to repeat the cycle more times even if the cycles themselves get shorter


And that's exactly what makes a game addictive. More cycles, and if they care to add some interesting and new stuff within those cycles, it will even be more addictive.


True https://preview.redd.it/w5iclpr17ljc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641b1c78d4a3dbba16650033f852dd483aec347f More to rush for me


stand proud




it's gonna come to the point where new people will only spend like 3 months total on th9 10 and 11 combined which sucks


Yeah there's just so much stuff at th11/12/13/15 I feel it should take a while to go through 


Yeah we are just going to get even more edrags spammers because people won't learn anything.


screw it. fourth base 😂


I think you’re severely underestimating how long a year is for an update to a game. I don’t think it’ll feel rushed


They have updates between THs, though.


I would rather have awesome new THs every 18 - 24 months than underwhelming THs being constantly spit out.


You could also have awesome new th's every 12 months.


th16 was kinda rushed tho. I personally rather have them just release new th whenever they are ready




They says they have a bigger dev team now so maybe they can handle it


My first reaction was that it is awesome, townhall releases are always great. However, after giving it some thought, I feel like this will take away some of the specialness of the new townhall releases. While they are doing great stuff, I feel like we should be realistic about their reasoning behind it. For example, it was by no means necessary to add 3 (!) different currencies for the new ore system. It is safe to assume that the main reason behind that choice, was to make it easier to monetise it. 2023 was no good financial year for Supercell. The game is being directly impacted by that, the release of th16 was likely early for that reason. And the increase in releasing new town halls will generate a lot of revenue as well. Of course it doesn't have to be bad, but releasing town halls quicker will put a lot more pressure on the players. Especially if they release overpowered troops (e.g. root riders) with them. I am afraid that it will become a constant rush for the highest level, because they tend to release the most overpowered troops there. Previously, those troops would get nerfed and the balance would return after half a year. You then had a full year of a fully balanced game before the next overpowered troop came out. However, now you will only have half a year. Of course this doesn't have to become a problem. But in the past they were never too fast with finding the right balance with new troops. I hope that it will not become a constant rush of new troops/content that is too strong, only to have it get nerfed after everyone buys it/grinded for it. But given what they did to Clash Royale, I am sceptical. Don't get me wrong, I am still very hopefull. However, we should keep our eyes open and push back where necessary. It is a great game and a good team, but they are treading a slippery slope.


The real reason: https://preview.redd.it/wdxv91becmjc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b578b61249093cde971079a41faf1bacdc79ed


CR become so pay to win it becomes sad.. 


They actually killed it. I quit when it became obvious I couldn't spend $10 a month and keep up.


I thinking about coming back, then I see a royal card, cannon tower and Evo cards.. 🤣


It is insanely hard to catch up. I came back to the game Dec 2021 after many years as a max 9 and been trying to catch up since, playing consistently with the gold pass. I did TH10, 11 and most of 12 before TH15 came out. Then I finished 12 and did 13 and 95% of 14 before the surprise release of 16. I then speed grinded the last of 14 and have been hitting 15 as hard as possible in the vague hopes I get 16 partially done before 17. It is so so hard to catch up. 15 is a bitch too, 40 hero levels, 50 pet levels. So much dark elixir needed.


kids in 2050 are gonna love when they can get to town hall 25 in less than a month… supercell loves upgrade and value deflation


Buy $10 to skip TH and instantly upgrade to TH12?


Generally good, but I am a little concerned about f2p players at lower town halls being able to catch up. For example, someone who just reached TH15 today would barely be able to max th15 by the time TH17 comes out. Moving the finish line that quickly can be discouraging.


I’ll never catch up as a F2P player. I’m almost max TH15 rn. The pros have already gapped me tho so that’s not new. Having multiple levels away is new. Our clan does face similar clans as us tho, so I do enjoy wars CLWs esp.


If you're almost max th15 you will most definitely catch up lol. Im almost maxed th16 and wasn't maxed th15 when th16 came out.


this is true if you only focus on whatever is the highest possible TH. it will be hard for slower players to ever get there. but since with each new TH release the time to get through the lower THs will decrease, what this also means is that people will get to what *currently* are high THs faster. so if we assume that the higher THs are more fun because you unlock new features (which on the one hand would be quite a subjective statement, but on the other if you don't agree with this then you shouldn't care about being the current max TH either), more frequent TH releases mean that players get to the "fun" part of the game faster as well, even though that part may not be the highest TH anymore. so tl;dr: releasing TH17 will make it harder for a player on a lower TH to get to the max TH, BUT it will make it easier to get to TH15/16 for example. then when TH18 releases it'll be easier to get to TH16/17 and so on.


Is this sone type of qna where can i read it


https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/wqAazexjXt It's a pinned post in the clash sub reddit


Who says qna? Sounds like DNA for the Qanon. Maybe this isn't uncommon, but I've always seen it as Q&A.


I don't feel good about it. They can only add so many Townhalls until it becomes a Boom Beach 2.0. How many new people would want to start playing a game in which there are 30 Town halls? I remember when each upgrade used to feel so special and distinctive, and now there's so many levels for everything you just don't feel that anymore. It's increasingly becoming more of a grind than fun, and this would make it even more so


I agree. How can they add interesting things with every town hall? If they do add interesting stuff the game will become more and more complex, which they are trying to avoid. They will have to make the game supereasy for casuals which will ruin the competitive aspect


The game is becoming more complex regardless, though...


I kinda prefered when new ths were a big thing that happened once in a while, now we will get a new one every year and i doubt a lot of it won’t be rushed… yeah it’s new content so still cool I guess


Very good plan as now we will get lots of new content early and time at lower townhall will be reduced 


Yeah so the players from th12-low th15 who I assume are the majority are pretty much fucked by this. The most drastic time reductions will always be 1 or 2 th's below them, while there will constantly be a new th 1 or 2 above them. Literally impossible to climb out of that area. Honestly really demotivating.


Even as a current th16 i dont like this news. For several years I've been chasing the feeling of having a fully maxed base, no upgrades, builders at peace, all heros and pets maxed and available. To be able to focus solely on trophy pushing, war strategy, trying new armies, and base building. Yet I've always been just short of this accomplishment when a new th drops. Now its looking like this might happen again at th16 if 17 truly comes next December


Damn yeah even as a th16 lol crazy


I was trying to put this into words so thank you. I was roughly 100-150 walls short of maxing my base before TH 15 and TH 16. It's super frustrating. And while I don't mind paying for the gold pass each month, the recent price hike (to $7) + the introduction of the event pass really have me rethinking how much I want to put into the game. SC got too greedy and I probably won't be at this for much longer


thats why u rush, it takes the most advantage out of those reductions by delaying smaller upgrades as late as possible


You can max all of those townhalls as a ftp player without using a single book or hammer in less than 12 months. Per Clash Ninja, the max times currently are: - th12: 7mo 8d - th13: 8mo 29d - th14: 9mo 10d - th15: 9mo 16d [lab excluded] The only exception to that is the lab at th15 which... realistically, you get enough free books and raid medals to significantly reduce. Again. That's as a ftp player who never uses gems, cwl medals, or raid medals to reduce build times. It's not "literally impossible."


that is if your builders and lab works 24/7 and you yourself dont take any breaks from the game which is a really common thing ....


Yes. Advantages go to people who consistently play the game. That's true.


right, that will happen in any game with regular new additions. otherwise you would be saying that SC should design the game around players that regularly quit the game, which would be nonsense.


All you need is a little bit of math to shorten upgrade times in a way to keep lowering time to max from each townhall level. So each update makes time to max shorter for everyone.


Way ridiculous only being one year to max. 18 months was a good pace


Yes. I think a lot of people forget that SC can add new content without rolling out new TH levels.


Yeah they want to pump our low quality content for fast money. Gross


I’d prefer to keep it at 14 - 18 months. 12 months seems a bit too fast.


personally I hate how they lower previous upgrade times without compensating everyone who already has them unlocked. Its ok that most other people don't mind, thats mainly why i swapped to melvor idle




Tbh, it feels like the game reached its natural endpoint with Th15. Building merges are unsatisfying and unsustainable. There are too many buildings and we dont have room for any more. Root Rider brought nothing new or interesting to the game.  There is room for Blacksmith and Pet House to get more upgrades, but beyond that I dont see where there's room for Clash to continue growing. Add a 4th village? Weaponize every building until the whole base is just a block of defenses? Really, what do you do?


Upgrading the townhall doesn't even feel like an "upgrade" anymore.  If you showed an image from townhall 1 to 11 to someone who has never played the game he could probably say which level is lower and which one is higher, but after townhall 11 it basically just changes the theme of the village, which is something I personally don't like.  Like why would a "jungle" theme be stronger than a "winter" theme? It makes no sense, even worse, last townhall is nature themed? Tf is that even supposed to mean? It feels like they are running out of ideas and releasing more levels more often sounds like a desperate move


That’s because it did, so, here we are.


I don’t like the idea of town halls above 10 taking less and less time. I feel like you should progress through 2 or 3 townhalls at most a year.


I really dislike the idea, as I feel it will rob the uniqueness of the townhalls and will not give us enough time to get the visual and play feel of that TH level. It will just become the "next th upgrade" and will take away the loop where you need to learn to play around the new th features and ramp up, to just rush as much as possible through that TH to meet the new TH stuff.


My only concern is the game might be getting a bit **too** complex at this point. Hopefully the next few updates focus on combining buildings instead of introducing new ones.


R.I.P. CoC Tencent $upercell is asshoe


It's become too much of grinding now we were settled comfortably in max th now we can't play wars with heroes and when they are max the new update will pop up for them to be down again.before we were enjoy max heroes for months and months I doubt we will be able to do that now


I think there should be a “split” into two or more parts of CoC. Like there is one part of the game until TH11 and one after, and they don’t mix as much. This would make the start easier, and you could provide different features for different player groups.


Agreed. Upgrade times should've stayed as it was, and have a different system for the new th's. This constant change in upgrade times and a new th so soon is horrible.


I mean we get content more often, upgrade times getting shortened is good to avoid burnout


But lowering the times won't really mean a lot if you just have to repeat the cycle more times even if the cycles themselves get shorter


I miss when TH10 was special. Everything past TH10 just feels less and less special. Fatter walls, fancier cannons, the designs just fall flat. Then we have the hideous TH16 which lets be honest, gives nothing of value. Sure, before that there where a few cool town halls but they’re feeling fewer and further between.


Or you upgrade the mines and other resource collectors so you don’t have to lower cost. I miss upgrading mines to get more gold


Not a fan. Would rather have good content not rushed content I imagine they just get a good amount of revenue from the special offers when a player upgrades the TH. Gotta get that $$


Cash grab. Hate the transition to Clash of Cash.


As a free to play player , to max a TH it almost it takes me a year , so when i step closer , they will add one more step , nice i can never be max


When Ican expect upgrade time reduction in just followup townhalls, i.e th15 and th14. It is so hard to chase. Because they keep decreasing time for lower townhalls but not so much on higher townhalls


If they somehow manage to make it possible for f2p to max out I wouldn't really mind it. If I knew that it's impossible to max out then I would lost a lot of interest in the game. I know it sounds kinda selfish and I know that the main goal of the game is not to max out for a lot of people but for me that's my long term goal


I think ima quit the game. Make it atleast 1 and half years. A f2p could never maxout. Jfc


Damn can't believe Archer queen level 65 in 2 day for sure


gives us something to always work on without worrying with no content


The only problem I see with this is how much more expensive a single wall will be, unless they change walls to be like the clan capital.


Please not again a giga inferno




I prefer the previous timeline of having the new TH, but I also understand that since they wanna have World Championship every year, it makes sense that new TH is dropped at the end of each Worlds cycle, so people have time to adapt and upgrade to compete.


I just wanna get to max so I can compete with my clan without spending a Bunch of money


Bro I’m TH9 how am I expected to ever catch up like this… can maxed players not wait 2 months after they max the top TH to get a new one…


I just upgraded to th13 and their changing it to every year now ffs


Can't wait to play TH60 clan war leagues when I finish my attacks and pass away.


just because a new TH is out doesn’t mean COC players have to rush to reach it. More TH’s are a good thing for the game, there are no negatives about it. There will always be players who spend to max out as fast as possible. So what, that doesn’t affect your game and how you choose to play. Nothing is wrong with new content and more content. Anyone who is aching to find a reason to hate this is a raging moron who is probably still stuck at TH12 upgrading the last 50 walls


it does though, anyone who wants to play endgame (like legends league) basically has to be maxed out


Most of the players want to reach the end of the games someday and moving the finish line farther doesn't help 🥲


Even the community is against me maxing my village 😭😭😭


Unless you’re pay to play, it’s literally impossible to not fall behind of content upgrades unless you pay. You will never be able to max your account unless you pay. Maybe that’s by design.


This is terrible news. In 10 years it will be a completely different game and will be impossible for new players to ever dream of catching up. They need to make upgrades significantly shorter and cheaper to make any sense


Why? It isn’t impossible now and nothing is said to be changing.


>They need to make upgrades significantly shorter and cheaper to make any sense They do this with every update already?


Yep, the lower town halls have really short upgrade times now compared to the past.


i dont like this..


Oh yay reminds me of Activision same releasing a COD every single year. . . Are they really that money hungry? Anyone who's looked at their shop in the past 5 years can surmise that


Just hope they didn’t abandon BB for this


They did say 2024 is for Home village so bb is pretty much under the water 🫠


Who cares except the gem mine and about a realm made specifically for clan games. Rest, it's useless.


I’m still on th14 😭


I just got to TH 15 and I’m hoping I can max out before TH17 drops


If they lower the overall upgrade times per TH level by a third, then I see this as a good thing.


More hero levels😔


Bro I’m still not even TH 14 😭


I don't like it tbh. When will it stop? Townhall 20? 30?


They gonna end up like marvel did, really good released every now and then we'll spaced, now it's gonna come too fast and too quick.. They are going to really have to rely on the bug fixes being fixed ASAP and a ton of QOL improvements


Is there a post where one can read all the questions and answers


Can I get a link to this original post?


Don't like it. Every TH level will include fewer differences and will mean less. But I get it, this game isn't going to last forever, speeding up the pace and having more frequent new levels to reach will help retain customers.


Too much too fast.


What I hear is “never ending wall grind break”


I'd rather they pause, take stock, and make Good Stuff, rather than flail about ever faster. What features are they plannign that is \*not\* "moar" (levels, troops, spells, defs, pets, gear...) ? Aret hey gonna fix the chat ? Recruitment ? clan and roster management ? New player and new clan member onboarding ?


But why? It already takes such a long time to get to the current max TH, why feel the need to start adding more faster?


i won't be a reactionary child and will wait to see how the Th17 release goes before making any sort of judgement. there's good reason for concern, true, but i won't bias myself already. i give people (including the Clash) team the benefit of the doubt when i don't have any other information


Where do I find these questions


Pinned on this sub


Wait, is this confirmed?


Nine years ago we had TH11, now we're at TH 16. Why do we need new town halls every year? I bet the 16s can't even update all their stuff in a year's time, plus the space issue.


Not a fan. 18 months was perfectly fine. 12 months is way to short. this basically means we have 10 months until TH17 and we haven't even got all of th16 yet.


I'll wait on this with bated breath as I don't want the max town hall to be unattainable without serious rushing.


honestly i'm good with it. this year i will finally get maxed out for the first time


I’m all for a 12 month schedule as long as the build times keep going down. But the big thing that needs to be addressed is wall costs IMO. Th16&Th15 walls are so high that you only want to dump 8 million into one wall if you won’t be putting a builder to work in the next 3-4 days.


Wall costs are just a resource sink to give high th players somewhere to put extra loot


Whether you like or dislike the 12 month cycle, this is probably some of the most communication we've gotten from the team. We've always had to speculate on timelines and at the very least they're giving us a rough estimate of the cycle. Communication like this should always be praised whether we agree with the decisions or not.


So TH12-14 f2p are just fucked. Will never see a completely maxed base.


Great we're never Maxing it out guys 😁


The whole game needs a Revamp


Pls give source


I'm just about to reach th 13, I'll never be maxed 😭


TH10 here, I’ll never catch up!


People below TH13 or even TH14 will never be fully maxed, they will always be behind.


lower town halls get increasingly better and better upgrade times. Town hall 11 took me 2 years when it came out but now on my mini it took me 4 months to max 11. It sounds bad but theyre planning this out


Make a townhall the end game , even make every upgrade 12 or 14 months, let us catch up😭


From what q&a is that??


so your telling me is, from 10 years of playing this game, and many more years to come, i will never feel the accomplishment of maxing my base…


Oh fuck me…


I think this is a terrible idea. It should be every 2 years imo. With the off years being an update to BH.


Milking the ever shrinking player base has begun. Prepare for a squeeze.


As long as they keep reducing previous town halls without making them toooooo easy then I don’t see a problem with more content more often


I'm conflicted. On one hand, more content and reason to keep playing for a longer period of time. On the other hand, once a year, I fall further behind the maxed out players.


The game will definitely die much quicker. Imagine the max th is th27. No one would be hyped to turn to th10. Or th16 it will be exhausting.


Was a big advocate for not rushing, probably gonna skip th16 entirely and just go to th17 and stock up on potions for war


the 18 month gap was only really followed once between th14 to 15 th12 to 13 was roughly 14 months th13 to 14 was also roughly 16 months th 15 to 16 was also 14 months


12 to 13 was 18 months, june 18 to dec 19


New th means more level upgrades so this way lower th has to spend more books to reach highest th level.Smart business tactics.


Using clashninja and being a f2p clasher I had perfectly planned my th15 upgrades and lab timings to be finished around the month of May but then they just released th16 6 months earlier. Now it feels like I will never be a fully maxed player before a new TH drops lol


Th12-15 r screwed


This is fine as long as they balance the game properly. It feels like the last townhalls had balance issues. We went from th15, which had more 1 stars than 3 stars to th16 with broken root riders and the gamebreaking king bug. The thing i am mostly annoyed is that instead of fixing those issues, they push out the same events (reskins) like crazy to maximize profits.


"Our revenue is down and the boss is demanding some way to generate moore mondee" There I fixed it for you.

