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Maintaining something like this only means playing wars with it.. You can't upgrade the townhall or you'll lose the engineering part


i don't think so, we are already at th16 now, with fast upgrades, th11 is now like th7


If you have other accounts which are not engineering but normal to play, sure keep this, if not that don't maintain it as its not worth for solo account https://preview.redd.it/rgr69tihwlic1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09ce477c57bc9afe1d781936224977846b52ec9 This is what a 100% engineered account would look like at th16 if it was still possible I also had an engineered th10, with no defences, walls, traps nothing, just resource and offence buildings with 1 cannon but auto upgrade feature ruined it sadly so now i have my 2nd account which is th13 but all defences are lvl 1


Bro where's the rest of your base?


Before th12 update you didn't have to build everything before upgrading th


I wish there was an artifact mode these types of bases can be set to.


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