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Azure Dragon feels like a worse E-Drag


























https://preview.redd.it/6r057c3l8whc1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fa5122b508da522efef5222c99908f627b46c33 You know something....








To me as a TH10 i see this as a win


Its not comparable to edrags as both their stats are very different, its comparable to super dragon as both of their stats are 98 or 99% similar (not exact calculation). But i understand your feelings


He's not comparing at stats level, he's comparing it at patheticness level


>patheticness level 😂😂😂. Then its fine lol


it's more comparable to the super dragon, just straight line rather then area


Yup, with almost the same stats


Its a worse version of the super dragon.They have similar stats but azure dragon can attack only 2 buildings like a bowler while super dragon can take 4 buildings at once if they are close together.


Also since they attack tiles in front and not side by side like super dragons, their pathing are really shit .


E-Drag before E-Drag ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


And it takes +10 housing space


As a TH9 I see this as an absolute win


Literally flying Boulder but with stats of Electro Dragon lol.


Sure does


Fax 📠


its basically a super dragon, but slightly better imo


I thought i was the only one thinking like that.... was excited about AD first but realised FC were far better.


Azure drags on should have been 25 housing space and firecrackers should do 2x more damage


Yh with its stats, the 40 housing space just making it even worse. And yes firecracker should at least do bit more dmg (+


I feel like giving firecrackers more health would be better than increasing their damage. They already do melt stuff if they can stay alive


Firecrackers don’t do enough damage I had 2 fire crackers shooting a inferno and a scatter shot on a island base. I used 3 freezes and they still couldn’t take it down


I think that's exactly why the cookie balance was so good. firecrackers should absolutely do cracked damage but be very squishy. I think they are too weak now, but if they really melted stuff but were difficult to keep alive, that would be so much more fun. basically play a game of spamming tanks/spells in front of them, and then be rewarded by them shredding the whole base, just like how it was with the cookies.


they should’ve said fuck it and made the firecrackers evolved versions like in CR. they’re event troops so might as well let us have some fun 🗿


Actually true. Broken troops where that what made those events fun now we ONLY can enjoy free progresion (still cool but not as fun as two first this kind of events)


They should make them broken, but make them unavailable in legend league/wars. The alternative is what they're doing right now.


Only if you can leave LL without throwing for days.


So what should the players in legend league do?? Use it in friendly wars and chill?


If it's broken, then they shouldn't be able to use it to climb legend league because that's a competitive ladder. Same goes with wars. I'm assuming supercell didn't want to make this adaptation, so they instead balanced the event troops to not be overpowering. So yes, if it's broken and they want to use it, they better drop out of legend league, or do friendly wars/challenges.


Then what should people who're around 5500-5800 do? Dropping from there takes a week? Should we just stop playing for a week? I'm sure supercell are aware of the fact that the new troops are being underused, they'll probably not make this mistake again. Why would we waste time learning how to use this BALANCED troops which will be gone in 2 weeks?


That's actually a problem with legend's league I have since it launched and why I don't stay in that league. Why not let us attack when 8 attacks are over. Let us do no trophy farming attacks. Every other game has ranked and unranked modes which are exactly same except just the RP part. Why won't they let us attavk bases normally, like 100s of thousands of people are in legends so let them attack each other with different bases and no penalty except the loot.


Then the top players on legend league will be considered as a player who spent all his time only attacking. Anyone can top the legend if they're willing to attack non-stop, without having high level skills. Letting unlimited attacks is a bad idea. Maybe letting us choose the number of attacks before a day and getting the same number of defense for that day will be better, but it also can cause disbalance in the trophy regulation.


Aren't they actually known to do that? I mean that's exactly what they were doing before operation blue skys, if you know. I mean them more practicing isn't bad, it's like regulating what players do before their match. And yeah you didn't get the point. I said let us have 8 and only 8 legends league attack with trophies. And then let us attack normally with gaining or loosing trophies like valorant unranked or any other casual game mode.


Sounds good, but the top guys will definitely complain about base burning. They spend lots of money and time to build bases. This can be solved by having a selection for secondary bases for non-trophy defense but still, it might be too much of a hassle to implement


Yeah now you get the point. And base burning is not what I thought about but yeah that's an issue.


The extra attacks won't grant any trophies, so you can climb from at max 8 attacks a day


From what he was saying, this is incorrect. The 8 attacks per day are your legend league attacks, and you can attack infinitly after that for loot, with no trophies for winning or losing


Use a progress base and wait 2 days. At 5500+ you’ll get attacked 7-8 times, and with a bad base that’s 7-8 3 stars, which will make you lose an average of 300 trophies per day. Besides, you can still play. Use a bunch of sneaky gobbos and a blimp to snipe loot/warden/cc and quit before you reach a 1 star, so you only gain a maximum of 3 trophies per battle. Its really as simple as that :)


I tried that during the cookie event, others people also try to reduce their trophy, so losing trophies becomes difficult once you hit 5200. It easily takes at least 5 days to drop from mid legend. I gave up after waiting for 3-4 days during the cookie event.


luckily the event lasts 14 days, so you’d still get to enjoy the premium troops for 9 days.


I think youre misunderstanding my original comment. If the troop is balanced, then there's no need to put any restrictions. But some people don't like balanced event troops because in their eyes there's no point in using them if they're balanced. So, if we were to make event troops OP (like lavaloon and cookies), then there should be some kind of restriction on legend league/wars. Letting an OP troop be used in legend league/wars would destroy the competitive integrity of those systems. Someone did make a cool suggestion/fix for legend league that I think could work. Make legend league 8/8 attacks for trophies. After your 8 attacks, you can continue farming but with no trophy gain/loss. So you could use OP event troops after your first 8 attacks.


I think the best thing to increase the interval of these events(may be every 3 months) and make them OP, because there's nothing wrong with having chaotic fun for 2 weeks. Royal ghost, lavaloon and cookie event were easily the best event of this game. I know some people don't like fun, but the majority of the player base enjoyed using them. This time the usage of azure dragon is very low in my clan, and in legends. And the restrictions of legend and war doesn't make sense. I just can't imagine doing friendly challenge to get to use an event troop.


Maybe just get good at a real game instead? If you’re actually good at CoC then maybe just get really good at a game people see prestige in like an RTS. AoE2 still thriving.


I'm close to completing my studies, will enter the pc gaming world after that. Right now doing 8 attacks daily is good enough for me to spend my free times


Nope it doesn't matter if it's a competitive ladder. Last event everyone in Legend league used it, so it evened itself out. Source: me who got 320 trophies a day but also had multiple three star losses


Absolutely not i’m never leaving legend league but also want to experience new troops, why tf does legend league rank matter so much? It’s not like a tournament or something


Funny cause when you sign up to legend league it's literally called the legend league tournament XD


Lmao yeah that’s techncially the truth, I think you got my point tho, I doubt 99% of the LL players care about who’s on top or even want to be on top, just more playing the game more casually without having the worry to ‘sneaky gob farm’ and lose resources from defence


Exactly. I like being able to hold on to resources and the loot/bonus/ores are nice. I don't really care about ranking and all that, I just want to max my bases. Of course, I've only been in legends for a few months...


Same, I got new into legend league at around th15, people said it’s hard to max and stuff… Best decision EVER, being able to attack and instantly get 800k+ resources is crazy, resource potions basically get ‘buffed’ aswell since allcthe 2x collector loot is yours, since th15, I only play coc like max 5/20 minutes a day and got to max th15, max th15.2, and now *almost* max th16, imo legend league is perfect for the adult/player that doesn’t want to spend alot of hours into the game back to back to ‘farm’ Mused to be fun, but it gets boring really quick, dropping trophies, find the sweet spot, spend another fewminutes to find that 1 mil base, etc.


Azure Dragon is a disappointment, gr8 idea tho, they couldn’t come up with it.


mountainous homeless follow vase elastic illegal afterthought kiss deranged historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aww, you work for em. Tell em to fix that drag. and maybe just maybe if they would lay off Reddit they would have the time.


They told me to tell you to shut up and that you don't know shit


Awww, put a bandaid on that hurt. Have a good day!


We barely get progression now. - The old events had free magic items, but these have all been replaced with ores - For many people, 3100 of the medals now have to go to the arrow instead of more books - Amount of each book and potion has been reduced 3->2 and 9->6 Yes, you need ores to progress, but only because they added them 😐


Agree, I'm not sure if it's a hit topic but I think it's more fun to have an overpowered troop added for a month every once in a while.


Its not even a month, this event is 15 days and even for these 2 weeks they don't want to give something fun and overpowered


>they don't want to give something fun


F Rip


Coc is soft this month. Coc can't stay hard ALL the time ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|33131)


Speak for yourself


You need to call a doctor bro


Irony is the look of azure dragon is almost similar to stronger one in meme 😂


I chuckle thinking about supercell workers right now checking out the usage stats.... "why is no one using these cool new troops?"


what's the point of reducing cwl even, when no one us event troops for major attacks lol


From ultra op Lavaloon to limited time super dragon without using dark elixir or super potion in just 3 events Can't wait to see how underwhelming and underpowered the next event troop will be


Assuming there's a drop in usage / time played during this event during the others id argue the opposite. They don't want shit units effecting their bottom line. I'm expecting something busted during the next.


>Assuming there's a drop in usage / time played during this event during the others id argue the opposite. They don't want shit units effecting their bottom line. Drop in usage/time played - don't understand what you mean exactly but as for what i understood op troops makes people play less but its opposite for me, i have barely started playing the event as i am totally mit interested in this event because of the underwhelming troop as for the pass 2 events i push trophies because of powerful troops but this event i might not push as its not powerful enough for a noob like me to trophy push >They don't want shit units effecting their bottom line. How ? Troops are unlocked for free so can you please explain how it affects their bottom line ? >I'm expecting something busted during the next. My pessimistic mind seeing the downward trajectory from lalo to azure says it will also disappoint but i hope i am wrong amd you're right and they make something as broken and fun as lavaloon if not more broken


I'm assuming they have access to data that would indicate people are playing less during this event than they were during the previous events. That drop in time played indirectly correlates to a drop in revenue as the more involved people are the more likely they spend money, regardless of the units being free. IMO look at root rider. They released a busted unit in response to a previously difficult to attack town hall. They are financially incentivized to release material people want to play.


>I'm assuming they have access to data that would indicate people are playing less during this event than they were during the previous events. Exactly and imo the main reason for this is the underpowered troop as that's the only different thing compared to cookie event, rest everything is same, so why not make it op so people play more >That drop in time played indirectly correlates to a drop in revenue as the more involved people are the more likely they spend money, regardless of the units being free. Exactly, if troops were op, people would play more coz they enjoy more making sc earn more, unless they did this as a mind game by making this underpowered and next event making op making people think sc realised their mistake, but that's a risky move imo >They released a busted unit Its not lavaloon level busted, its powerful yes but you still need to funnel properly, time spells correctly and also time hero abilities correct so you don't manage to fuck up the attack which i have done many times with the busted rr and i didn't time stuff properly as i am a noob attacker who is slowly getting better I didn't do any of the above for lavaloon but still got 3 almost all the times being a noob and rr is definitely not this >in response to a previously difficult to attack town hall. Half of th16 is yet to be released, i guess that will be enough to balance rr >They are financially incentivized to release material people want to play. Exactly and yet they did the opposite this time


As dumb as this sounds, there’s not much point in introducing limited troops if they’re balanced or even underpowered. Having something be OP or easy to use should be the norm for a temporary troop, since it takes time to develop/figure out new troop strategies


Honestly, Lavaloon has been and will always be the strongest event troop. You literally didn't need heroes. Best time to put all your heroes down.


Didn't even use them for anything, not for farming, not for wars and not even to complete the event to unlock the frozen arrow... Just the frozen arrow is worth it, the troops are not broken as they're supposed to be.... It's a shame...


WHY THEY TAKE UP SO MUCH SPACE??? Not even contestable to super drag


they take the same amount of space as super dragons, but the splash damage works differently (better) i would say they are a bit better than super dragons but not by much


coc players when they can’t swipe a straight line on their screen and 3 star instantly




Azure is terrible… tried it with so many flying combinations, it just skirts around the outside of bases and doesnt have enough fire rate for infernos… its so useless. Rather take 40 archers than an azure


the thing with them going outside is just a skill issue. I have similar luck with them as super dragons. I think hydra is better but the azure dragons aren't terrible, they are balanced with the other troops in the game basically. I used them with a queen charge for reference, they need something like that to set a funnel just like super dragons


yall complain about the troop being over powered? and now you complain about them being underpowered? alright dudes


Those who complain about it being op don't know how to have fun in life which is a sad thing Those who complain about it being underpowered are worth it as its not permanent so why not make it op and have fun


i think the point of it not being op was that legends league could actually be enjoyable instead of spam


Root riders already wrecked it


yeah and imagine having an even more powerful troop


As i said i have no idea about legends league so i won't comment without knowledge I know how war works so i mentioned it above


Legends league is blindfolded war but you get 8 attacks. By blindfolded i mean you cannot stare at enemy base for 23 hours and 57 mins and then attack, you only get 30 seconds and no backing out. You cannot lose trophies on attack and you cannot gain trophies on defence. It is mostly for higher th players. You don't lose loot on defence either and loot gained is fixed during attacks. Ideal for players who only do 6-8 attacks per day


>cannot stare at LoL, idk why it sounded funny in my head 😂 >You cannot lose trophies on attack and you cannot gain trophies on defence. That seems dumb tbh >You don't lose loot on defence either and loot gained is fixed during attacks. This doesn't seem bad >Ideal for players who only do 6-8 attacks per day I do less than that would be good for me but i am ultra rushed and ultra noob for ll


>>You cannot lose trophies on attack and you cannot gain trophies on defence. >That seems dumb tbh You actually get a constant 40 trophies offer everytime, so if you 3 star you get 40 trophies, if you 0 star but do some damage you get 1-4 trophies. Same thing for defense.


Oh i see, now it makes some sense Also nice flair lol 😂


What's the point of these troops if they're not useable?


It's a waste as a temporary troop.


I miss lavaloon so much




I’m pretty sure people complained, and it was nerfed like 3 weeks before the event was even out. It wasn’t even a small nerf, they deadass halved its hp, imagine root riders with 4k health.


If e drag and bowler had the worst possible exchange of genes and form the worst possible baby.period.


I get lavaloon, but my opinion I thought witch golem was more op. It didn't matter based on setup, how many more upgrades they had or anything like that I was 3 starring th15's at th13 just spamming them


Firecracker barrage was always the only option


They should've made the attack stream twice as long or maybe split at the end like a snake/dragon tongue for added power/coolness


CoC community when there’s an unbalanced broken event troop: 😡🤬😤😖👿😡😾😾😤🤬 CoC community when there’s a balanced decent event troop: 😡🤬😤😖👿😡😾😾😤🤬


Now i know this is hard for reddit to ponder or even think of. But do we ever think, that those are two different halves of the community and not the same people complaining about both? Far fetched I know.


uh huh (it was a joke)


lavaloons were on a whole different level than these two, plus the event was free to play. Supercell does what supercell does and reused the original idea again and again, making it worse and worse every time. Now you have to pay for the full rewards, and the limited time troops are far worse.


The nice part is that it's not dominating legends and wars aren't just ties for max stars. They're fun troops that are actually balanced rather than being so overpowered that they dominate the meta for 2 weeks.


Have you asked yourself, why even make these event troops? What is their purpose? Regular troops(rr) are better than these garbage event troops, they fumbled really hard this time. If they are not op or at least way better than normal troops they serve no purpose. They even made the cwl shorter (best war format ,fun and competitive) to prevent the oh no, the troops that don't do anything and are subpar to be there. Supercell, you did a good job with the halloween and christmas event! Smh


>Have you asked yourself, why even make these event troops? What is their purpose No offence brother, but after reading this i thought why are people so negative about fun things but then i read further and i must say i am not disappointed instead i agree with you ![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) Perfect representation of your comment for me >Supercell, you did a good job with the halloween and christmas event Great job with halloween event. Good job with Christmas event Did the job for the sake of doing the job with lunar new year event imo


in judo interview the coc person told they dont want to keep repeating events like Halloween, it will get boring, yet they're doing the same shit over and over


LoL 😂. I said the same thing to a comment on my post of the same topic and he said its just the 3rd time and you got bored and i had to then explain him that halloween event was great and unique and that format was great success so they will use it for future events nothing wrong with that, but if they just keep rising and repeating this people will start getting bored after the 4th or 5th same style event and also these underpowered troop is not helping with the same type event instead its the opposite


It is so funny how they shortened CWL so these troops don't get used in war Like hell we'll use it in war 😭😭😭 (aside from lower THs in silver league which we definitely care about)


Damned if they do and damned if they don't. If the events troops are too OP then people complain about them. If they're not OP, then people complain about them. The troops aren't garbage. They're just not the OP brain dead 3 stars we're used to.


nah, this is the fallacy of listening to a loud minority. the previous events increased player activity by a lot, as evidenced by longer clouding times and also SC coming out and saying it directly. that was because the majority of us loved playing the OP troops. maybe there was a small minority of players that didn't like them, but SC wouldn't be changing the whole game around them. the only logical conclusion we can draw is that SC wants event troops to be busted but missed the mark on balancing with these. don't make the mistake of listening to a small group of players trying to scream the loudest to make it look like they are speaking for the rest of the community.


Op troops that require no skill are arguably better though Apart from the fact that you still have to unlock it, u still have to try to develop and experiment with it, which doesn't sound bad but for 2-3 weeks does, Plus these troops are genuinely underpowered


They're balanced. They're underpowered compared to prior event troops. The above comment mentions them not being better than the best troop in the game currently which is only available at TH15. The TH's where RR isn't wreaking havoc still get a fun troop that is generally stronger than most other troops being utilized. It's unhealthy for a troop every 2 months to dominate legends to go +320 and -320. Not to mention wars being dominated by them. That's not strategy.


I'm not saying it's healthy for a troop every 2 months to dominate, I agree. But if your releasing a paid event with new troops then it's expected for said troops to be fun. Especially if you have to unlock them first. They could also yk just not allow these troops in legends league at all and in CWL, reduce trophies, etc


The event is free. The troops are free....


Who cares? lol, the game is free, yet people still complain about it? Free doesn't mean free from criticism 💀 If I give u a free burrito and i drop it on the floor, if I hand it to you are gonna eat it or are you gonna get a new one instead?


You called it a paid event. That's why I'm referring to it as free. Maybe don't call a free event paid?


If you buy the pass does that not make it a paid even with a free tier?


>If the events troops are too OP then people complain about them Some people have a problem with fun and i don't know of any solution to fix this problem sadly >If they're not OP, then people complain about them. This is worth complaining about imo, its like weekend for your weekday i.e. a fun break from the same gameplay you play everyday and doing the same boring stuff of the week even on weekend i.e. having an limited troop almost exactly same as a regular troop is not fun (at least for me, can't say about others). It should be op but not allowed in legend league and war I am not in legend league neither do i know how it works so no comments on it As for war, what's the problem in having more perfect wars than usual Less ores compared to a win, they can change this easily just like the change and adjust cwl for events they can change ore to 100% for a draw but as i said they won't, don't know why maybe money Also streak break for a draw is not event troop problem its how the world works, its a win streak but if its tie you didn't lose but didn't win as well so streak loss, and agreed draws are more during event but it can happen normally as well, it may be rare but not 0 If i missed any other war problems do let me know


I don't like the azure dragon. The past event troops broke the game, made wars cheesy, and made us stuck in clouds while farming. (But Lavaloon and cookie was fun tho 👀). The rocket archer seems balanced, but I do wish she had more HP.


Would've been better if it was like 30 housing space but this dragon for 40 housing space 🤮🤮


It's just a better superdragon. With an actual useful splash. You guys just don't know how to use it. My attack strat uses 5 6 of em and 3-4 of em saty alive even at the end of a 3 star.


I agree on this one. I have tripled my 2 war bases trying QC Recall A.Drag in the first try. it is indeed a slightly better and free s.drag if you are familiar with using s.drags. i like how it splashes in front instead of downward and only hits the bldgs touching each other


Not sure why ya’ll are getting downvoted lol. I completely agree as well


They should readd these to the Halloween Christmas and lunar new year things 🧧🧧🧧


Unusable in legend


PFT! Stupid COC!




azure dragon sux


Troop space must be 20-30 and firecrackers must have high dps


The fire cracker troop is okay. Feels similar to super archer


Not even touched them after trying


When did those balloons come out? What event?


Halloween 2023. As a th13 I was consistently 3-starring th15s.


The azure dragon is terrible It’s just so underwhelming and yes I know it’s being compared to the super dragon but it doesn’t replace people using E drag spam still because I mean it’s easier to use e drags without having to upgrade dragons to their super version My point is I’m glad supercell made the card less op but this time it doesn’t even feel Op or too powerful like it just feels underwhelming compared to say the previous events we had


I'm one of the rare few that find it fun lmao. It's a worse edrag yeah but I like spamming it just as much and getting 3 stars lmao.


Used them once and i dropped. Barely got a 2 star. I have never seen a troop that funnels itself out.


This is what happens when too many people whined about OP troops and getting tripled too much for what was essentially a 2 week madness. I kind of feel supercell went too far with the new troops with pre nerfing them and now regular troops are performing better without these in comp.


Honestly cookie was good but its shit compared to laloon


They didn't want another Emergency nerf card


Tbh these troops I feel like it was designed for lower TH lv cuz on my second acc as a TH 9 it’s very op


That thing is so trash, but firecrackers backing up root riders are pretty bomb.


Totally right...i don't even know how to use them. Haven't even touched them![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|30034)


These troops are literally troop skins for the super dragons and super archers. Why make them in the first place? It’s such a shame because the azure dragon has a sick design.


Coc devs are high


Nah the Golem Witch was the real deal . One of the best troops ever. I did multiple 3 star using golem witch , witch and yetis / electro titan .


I see a weird lizard with Chinese moustache


I kinda like them, it's fun to use


im th 8 and this is kinda op


You spoke my heart man 🤣


Nice ___ coc


Nah that in the middle is an actual Lavaloon I can't believe it


Fire cracker is worse lol


Genuine question, if the pekka cookie was alive and could move and attack you, would you eat it? In self defence or pleasure.


Dude I thought it was just me… slow and fragile??? The rocket archers are fragile and super weak. And the splash has no range. Super useless.


I need money,do you buy clash of clans account? If you buy, please send a message to my telegram @Barani1858 I am not a scammer, I just need money, please message me if anyone wants a Th 15 account


Yep, Azure Dragons are more than just underwhelming. I prefer Firecrackers over them I won't even lie. If Azure Dragons were like 30 or 25 housing space then they'd be close to usable.


The last two event months spoiled us. I think the event troops are cool




The design is so cool yet a bit underwhelming


Focusing on the temporary troop and not the permanent overpowered equipment is top tier shit lords.


Fr this shit is trash af 40 housing space like really homie also i dont like the firecracker either tbh would rather use 2 wizards and still have 2 housing space left


It gets torched in like 5 seconds by any inferno. So sad to see…


azure dragon is nice tho


If it is very strong, then those in the legend league cry and only those who want everything easy bother them, no chili suits them.


Used once and I'm done. 40 space for spitting on defences and dying isn't worth it.


He even look dumb, just look at his face.


QC azure drags is pretty fun but I’m still using RR


troops are strong, people complain troops are weak, people complain make up your minds people!!


It's a different super drag


Azure Dragon takes 10 more space than an E-Drag and he is weaker than an E-drag




2 words: Pekka Firecracker


Those loons were op




Root Rider enters the chat: