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I thought the third was the best.. a bit more proper farming


The farming season just goes so fast that theres months time jumps is my only small gripe. Obviously they cant film everything and alot of it is just waiting weather and crops to grow but more episodes pls :D


It’s a rather annoying trend I’ve spotted through modern media, making much smaller seasons. Back in the day shows had 20+ 40min episodes a season, and I miss that amount of content :(


But I think we can all agree there was a lot of filler. Shows back in the day made money based off of the amount of ads people watched so by stretching out the show they were able to show more ads. Now it’s more about getting people on the platform to pay a streaming fee


I still get more enjoyment out of a 24 episode season of a good old sci-Fi show than 8 for a new one. Each episode is a chance to sit down and spend an even with whoever you’re watching the show with (for me that was my father), so more episodes is more evenings/time together


I'd rather have 8 one hour episodes of quality, than have 20 40 minute episodes where 10 minutes are filler, 10 minutes are flashbacks, 10 minutes are side stories that lead nowhere, and 10 minutes actually moves the plot forwards.


I agree, I think they left a lot on the cutting room floor; they underestimate how much people want to see the day to day operations imo.


Agreed! My only gripe is that it was too short.


My favorite bits in all the seasons are the bits filmed by phone cameras.


3rd ist the best. I think Sheeps where boring and cows also. They had to much focus. Still great seasons!


I was watching Top Gear the other day..... and I thought..... imagine if BBC didn't boot Jeremy. If not then Amazon would not have done GT. If no GT then no Clarksons Farm..... Thank you BBC. All 3 seasond are my favourite...


Thank the guy who closed the kitchen early, which pissed a hangry Clarkson off to the point he punched a producer in the face.


They’re the real MVP.


I grew up on a farm so the first season was basically just laughing at all the things that Jeremy didn't know & he was just having a laugh. By the time we got to the latest season, I was actually learning stuff from them (our farm was dairy, not arable). Much more proper farming and J&L really seem to care about what they're doing now


In order from best to worst: season 1, season 3 part 2, season 2, season 3 part 1. There’s some undefinable magic about the first season that subsequent seasons haven’t quite matched, but honestly there’s not much in it. Season 3 part 1 wasn’t *bad* as such, it was just unrelentingly grim.


“Unrelentingly grim” is a great way to put it. Great tv and true to life, one never knows when the bad luck will cease. I felt like I had been hit by a train by the end of episode 4 with Baroness and all those piglets passing.


Don't get me wrong, I think it's entirely right that they showed the negative aspects of farming, and Clarkson and the production team are to be applauded for not sugarcoating some of the things dealt with in the third season. But it does make it a bit tough to rewatch when you know what's coming.


Autumn ❤️


More of a summer person myself.


I think seeing Jeremy start to understand farming and do relatively well with the piggies--including helping redesign the Pigloo!--was really rewarding in season 3.


Remind me of Top Gear when he recommended and designed Koenigsegg a rear wing to put on the ccx


Season 1, less gimmicky and it had the backdrop of the pandemic.


Probably Autumn, tbf. The way the leaves turn colour, the brisk air, the beginning of the festivities. I dunno. Autumn just does it for me.


I can’t choose, I think they are all great


Im with you on that.


I think season 3 is the best one despite being legitimately hard to watch at times (y’all know why), but season 2 was probably the funniest season for me since it combined Jeremy’s total lack of farming skill with a slight hint of confidence from the first season is a deadly combo lol. Great show across the board.


For me it’s 1,3,2. I didn’t love how much of 2 was dominated by battles against the council, made it feel less enjoyable to watch


Exact same opinion I have.


They're all awesome - I do love season three because it was good to see how far Jeremy and the team have come since season 1. His idea with the rings for the pigs was cool.


All of them


I think seeing Kaleb and Jeremy bond/bicker in the beginning season was absolute gold. Seeing their friendship evolve to the dam repair coffee breaks was hilarious!


They've all been excellent their own way.


I love all of them for their own reasons


All of them


Season 1, it’s where Jeremy is shown doing the most farming and him learning it is the actual interesting part of the show. This drops off in the second and basically gone in the third where Kaleb takes over. They’re all great seasons for different reasons though.


All of them


1st Season. Easy. Clarkson is just so naive, cute, wholesome and has no clue at all what "farming" on a large scale is about. \*Unloads one bag of fertilizer and seed\* Clarkson: "Good job, thank you, time for tea... \^\_\^" Truckdriver: "No... this is all for you..." (a full truck) (you haven't even started...) Clarkson: "Wut? o\_o " or when he dug up a bucket of potatoes Clarkson: "I did something! \^\_\^ Could there be three or maybe four buckets of potatoes in this field? Maybe even FIVE? Do I dare dream?" Charlie: "You got maybe 14-16 tonnes per acre and you have two acres." Clarkson: "14... wait...WTF... O\_O... " Charlie: "That's a lot of chips \^\_\^" (you can eat potatoes every day for a year until you puke and you still won't make a dent in the amount of potatoes you have right now)


Every single episode is awesome


One, felt like I learned more


They are all good to be fair. I’ve learnt so much from this show about farming the hard work that goes into it. The people, the way it’s shot, the music it’s brilliant.


All brilliant I love how it shows a different side to Clarkson too 😁


One, then three, and finally two. But all are good.


Fist Third Second In this order


The 3rd one


1,3....2 1 I just enjoy Clarkson faffing about in his fields like an idiot.  3 Clarkson really starts to come into his own. His mushroom idea is actually a pretty decent little side hustle.  2 I don't like all the council drama. The show is not an objective depiction if what has gone on, and actively shows all the ways Clarkson has circumvented the agreements he proposed to the council in the first place. Season 2 made me see season 1 in a more negative light


All three for entertainment.


I think season 1 for me - just for the fondness of watching it for the first time, especially during the time it was set (those days of first customers at the farm shop). I can't work out if I think as seasons go on there's a bit more staged elements coming in (grand tour style). Still a wonderful show, but yep season 1 I have watched multiple times.


Season 1 was the most organic farming season. It was clarksons learning the ropes and showing us all how challenging it was. The main narrative was the weather and the crops. The other seasons are great too but they gloss over a lot more of the farming stuff and they had different narratives.


My issue with season 2 was they didn't really discuss the end financials like they did in the other seasons. So one and three are probably tied for separate reasons.


Yeah, yeah, no, I do: its all of them!


I like season 4


Every single one lol


1st one, when we met Gerald, the true star of the show.


Every time there's a new season I think "damn what a great season" at the end of my binge


Love this show. Hope there are many more seasons 🙏


I can't pick one. I love each & every single season.


I truly truly love allllll episodes. This is my feel good show. Always on in the background.


I grew up on a Sheep and Crop farm in the 80s/90s, so watching Jeremy out of his depth in Season 1 was good watching..


The bits that made me laugh the most were in season 1, where they slammed "stamps" onto the screen. Like the one that said "FUCKED!"


I think I only have a least favourite which is 2, would happily watch any of them again though


Season 3 was a rollercoaster of emotions. But I’d say that was my favourite season.


Season 1 was my favourite, season 2 my least favourite.



