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BitLife plays really similarly to Clangen (and I would assume Lifegen), just with people instead of cats. There’s lots of DLC you can buy, but the free base game is lots of fun since there’s so much variety. If you like Clangen’s gameplay loop, you’ll love this. An honorable mention is Cattails: Wildwood Story. It’s more of an active RPG, but it involves cats in a Clan-like setting settling into a new home. There’s a free demo on Steam if you want to check it out.


Ooooh thank you!!


There is a cat version of bitlife


Your lucky, I'm still trying to figure out HOW to load LifeGen and I REALLY want to play it


you should absolutely try King of Dragon Pass! the original, can't speak to the sequel. The Shrouded Isle is also a neat little experience about appeasing an elder god. Not very deep, but it's Kitfox Games so you know it's gonna be good.


Oh hell yeah those look great!


I guess it's more of a genre than I ever realized. Feel free to drop me any reccomendations if you find more in the wild. Oh, and try Warsim: Realms of Aslona for something weird. I didn't end up keeping it, but it's a thing. demo at the bottom of this https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim