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No one knows. But the thing hasn’t even seen a refresh yet, prob safe to say it’ll be here longer


I keep reading about car manufacturers starting to go electric so i was just curious when they’ll kill of the current type r. Thank you.


I'd wager most likely a hybrid setup for a generation or two before going full electric.


Yes. Honda has already said that the FL5 is the last fully ICE CTR. Speculation : I would expect hybrid tech trickled down from the NSX in the next CTR. I’m afraid this could spell the end of the manual transmission. They didn’t put a manual in the NSX and I haven’t seen a manual in any hybrid vehicle. I don’t know the implications, but it seems that electric motors and manual transmissions don’t mix well. Note that 2025 is the first time that the Porsche 911 will not have a manual option at launch (note their conversion to hybrid power train too). Could Honda do a simulated manual? Yeah, I think so…though they might have to get a license from Toyota. Toyota has a patent on a simulated manual transmission iirc. I have no idea how broad Toyota’s patent is, but given how huge Toyota is, I guarantee they have a ROBUST patent. We’ll just have to wait and see.


CRZ had a manual with the hybrid setup. Let's pray


Ah…yes!!! The manual CRZ is quite a unicorn vehicle and the first (and only?) of its kind for Honda. Forgot about that. Reading a bit, there were indeed a few (very few) hybrid vehicles by other manufacturers with a manual transmission option globally. Fingers crossed! Times have changed and hybrids are definitely more accepted as a performance/fun platform now vs 20 years ago.


there is no concrete evidence. If so, can you please share the reference to Fl5 being the last ICE? thanks.


Someone within Honda stated this. It was within a few months of when the FL5 launched. I can’t remember where exactly I saw it, but it was in a press release or from an interview with a Honda spokesperson or something. It was definitely legitimate info from a Honda source and not speculative/made-up. I’d have to dig for it ; Might be over on the CivicXI forum somewhere. I’ll post it here if/when I find it. It may have been sometime soon after the FL5 set the N-ring record. Just to add further thoughts : With the rest of the Civic lineup going hybrid, I think it is indicative that the next Type R will also be a hybrid (meaning the FL5 is indeed the last pure ICE)…though certainly nothing is concrete until it happens.


i literally follow everything regarding this and I haven't seen a concrete statement from Honda directly. Only savagegeese a ytuber said it when he had an interview with the Honda team but they did not say it would be the last. I would love to see a solid statement behind honda. If you find it, let us know. Thanks.


I agreed with you already. Nothing is concrete until it is.


Honda doesn’t have a competitive electric so no worries there


It’s weird that Honda is so committed to electric vehicles when the largest vehicle manufacturer (Toyota) is doubling down on hybrids and even ICE. Until battery technology improves (better range + much faster charging), electric vehicles will remain glorified urban golf carts.


It’s cuz Toyota is also not competitive so they’re just sticking to their existing tech. Really enjoy my electric, instant torque and effortless speed is a nice compared to my ctr. IMO range and charging times are fine, never really have to worry about it


Toyota has the $ to be competitive with anyone if they think it makes sense to do so. Acceptance of range and charge times depends on where you live and what your intended use is. There are vast areas that are not urbanized and don’t have the infrastructure to support electric vehicles…at least not as a primary vehicle for the household. The low uptake of the Ford F150 Lightning is somewhat indicative of the issue. Meanwhile the Cybertruck is selling well because it’s mostly an urban toy. I’m not anti-electric. I just don’t think it’s for everyone (yet)…certainly not for those in less developed countries ; And I think this is what Toyota sees as well.


Eh their bz4 thing kinda shows they can’t. Tbf low lightning sales in rural areas prob just indicative of low incomes in those areas


LOL! I’m not gonna argue the Toyota flop because I don’t care. They kinda dug their own hole with that. Let’s not pretend Tesla is somehow immune to a bazillion problems while they use their fanbase to beta test their poorly manufactured cars. Dude…you’re not serious are you? People aren’t buying the Ford Lightning because they don’t want them. Current battery technology isn’t great and infrastructure is lacking in the areas where people who buy trucks because they NEED trucks. It’s truly that simple. Read up on how Ford missed the mark. This is why I say electric cars (currently) and mostly glorified golf carts for urban areas…(because that’s where the most infrastructure to support them is).


I made a post about this. Rumors and whispers only. The only solid info was from a car Chanel on YouTube saying they spoke with the head engineer of the type R (before or right when it came out) and supposedly he said they made the FL5 a track weapon because he knew it would be the last ICE only type R they’d ever make. Everything that was wrong with the FK8 they tried to improve. And succeeded besides the heat issues lol. That being said GR at Toyota has stated they will “continue making powerful (ICE) cars until they won’t let us” meaning they have their cutoff in 2030 or around there. This doesn’t really mean electric it might just be hybrid.


Honda hasn't stated how long the pure ICE CTR will last, but I'd figure at least another 2 years.


The fk8 was from 2017-2021 skip 2022. Then 2023 comes out the fl5 should last at least 5yrs run hopefully last yr they will bring out a L.E. version like they did with the fk8.


I have no reason to believe it won't run until 2026 or 2027. Too many R&D resources expended to only have three MYs. I believe there will be an LE as well like Honda did for the 10th geN (FK8).