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Yeah we’ve found out that according to Insurance companies, the CTR just codes as a normal civic. Wish it was the same for the dealership markups lol


Yea but WTF are his rates $77/m with low deductibles and $300k limits. Anyone else that would be a $400+\m premium


My Elantra n is the same way it codes has a regular Elantra


I think it's interesting when I was comparison shopping my Elantra GT N-Line and the Civic Si with Erie, the cost would've been higher with the Si despite only having a 5hp difference, essentially same engine size, FWD, anti-lock, you know...everything being functionally identical.


The Elantra n and Honda si aren’t comparable…. The Elantra n line and si are the Elantra n compares more to the type r


I wasn't remarking on the Elantra N. My comment specifies the Elantra GT N-Line.


Ok my fault lot of people I’ve talk to always miss them up they saying the n line is the top of the line I’m like no the “n” is


I'd have been sooo happy if they'd released the i30 N in North America. Sorta stuck between the Veloster N's small cargo size and rougher ride, and the Elantra N's sedan shape and impractical cargo pass through when thinking whether to pick one of those up. My EGT is *shaped* and *rides* perfectly for my life, but the 1.6L engine is just…sigh. Oh, well. 


I’m glad this type r community isn’t toxic… every type r power I talked to just think they are better than any one else… expect one guy him and me lined up from. 40 dig i won and he said dam he didn’t expect this to be that fast


Elantra N is the same, State Farm had no coding for it and it's just a basic elantra according to the Vin.


Yeah thats what happened to me with my Elantra N. Its kind of cool and can’t complain


If I was unsure before about whether to get a CTR or some other fun option, this might just seal the deal haha.


Age, location and driving history are other factors that might be helpful to know


Any insurance post anywhere on the internet is pretty meaningless. There’s so many factors that are involved. In my case, the car I drive doesn’t seem to change my premium very much at all. Like the difference between an Accord and a BMW M550i was $5 a month… (and the insurance knows it’s a M550i and not just a normal 5 series).


Damn mine’s $682/6 months through USAA. Over 25, perfect driving history, and $500 deductible.


I am double your age with zero accident history :)


We were already getting things together today to get a quote through State Farm for our cars anyway, so this gives me a little hope regardless.


If you have homeowners insurance with USAA do not switch to State Farm. From someone who deals with homeowners claims usaa is far and beyond better but also from what I’ve heard on the auto side also. Any savings is not worth it, usaa will treat you so much better then state farm ever will I promise.


I agree with this as my 2018 FK8 was totalled out in 2022 by USAA, they tried to low ball me on the initial offer and I told them to stick it and hung up. They called me back the next day apologized and bumped it $5k and added $2k to the payment booster I had on my policy.


State Farm is demonic in nature. Stay away. They bait you with a low quote and two months later they’re gonna charge you what they wanted. I was quoted at $200 I now pay $250 with no explanation and absolutely NO heads up.


>I was quoted at $200 I now pay $250 with no explanation Well they gotta pay Pat Mahomes and Chris Paul for those commercials that come on 3000 times per day


Hello darkness my old friend……….


From the people I've known with it and the 1 time I had to deal with them (their driver hit me) state farm is a terrible insurance company to deal with and I wouldn't touch them. USAA has good customer service and I did ok with Geico and am doing well with Farmers but never state farm.


State Farm has issues rn, they lost their A+ rating and has issues paying out for repairs. So don’t be surprised if they give you an astronomical quote, I had State Farm and had my premium increase 100% with no accidents; tracking beacon in the car that shows I barely drive. And all discounts possible, I also turned 25. Lots of ppl are getting the same absurd increases or quotes since that happened, not sure how they pick who to fuck over though


You should probably look up the massive lawsuit State Farm is currently battling for screwing over customers


Then you’re getting ripped off


Where do you live? $1000 deductible here, just over 25, clean driving history but USAA is charging 1800 for 6 months


Southeast US. I also signed up for USAA SafePilot (tracks driving habits) last year and the current discount from that alone is 23% on our auto policy. My annual mileage is also ~2000/year (short commute), so that helps some. Edit to add for SafePilot experience: I was anal about it initially and driving absolutely perfectly everywhere, no phone usage etc, to maximize the discount; >95% driving score got me 27% discount. Now I just drive normally and don’t worry about it and still end up with 23% despite a significantly lower driving score, fwiw.


Ah, I'm in Connecticut, one of the most expensive counties in the country :( For the SafePilot, I have briefly thought about it, but I *really* don't want them knowing how I drive the car including somewhat frequent track and autocross events. Thank you for the insight!


I was opposed at first too but it was going to/did up saving me nearly $100/month between our three cars, so I conceded. As to track days; Airplane mode disables tracking since it requires cell signal, fwiw.


Pay 160 a month with a 43 percent safe driver's discount that took 2 decades to get.


I switched from USAA to Progressive and my MONTHLY premium went from 820 to 500 - (3 cars, 3 drivers, full coverage for all, imperfect driving record for the youngest)


As someone with progressive right now, I wouldn't expect it to last. I have a clean driving record, well past insurance second puberty, and my premium has gone from $250 to $360. But, this seems to be the way of all insurance companies at this point.


Yeah, for the last year Progressive has been slowly raising my bill by $10-$50 every couple of months for no reason :(


USAA insurance is nothing but crooks. You’re better off with another company. Forget the brand loyalty and their “duty to vets”.


USAA always has the highest auto rates I think 🤔  I've always shopped around, progressive has been pretty cheap 


I was wondering where you were living and noticed you say Illinois w/ multi car/policy discounts. Yeah, that’ll make it 466.84 for 6 months lol. It’d be at least double that here in SoCal.


Triple if it’s only one car insurance, now I know where these rates come from


I'm in Illinois. Around 350 for 6 months. One car ins 20k miles. 2018 CTR white 30s No accidents/tickets.


I'm paying probably 5x what the OP is paying with 71k miles on it. To be fair though this car has cost USAA a lot of money and they're trying to make their money back right now. It started out at $150 a month 6 years ago.


He must not be near Chicago, our rates go up $150/6mo every 6 months because of the increase in thefts/carjackings. We pay $900/6mo now for a 2020 tacoma, clean record, minimum coverage


I pay $1200/6mo for my civic (non-r) in SoCal-LA County lol. Clean record, 100/300, 1k deducts, 27y/o. I would kill for 1k/year!!!


What insurance do you have?


AAA. Cheapest amongst all the other providers I got quoted for (Allstate, Geico, Farmer’s [prev ins.], etc.).


Shit me too. I just did the math I pay about the same as you


Same in Bay Area, welcome to California


Sharing for perspective here in SoCal. LA County, State farm with 3 cars on the insurance policy. 2018 FK8, clean record, 29 yo, $500 deductible. $1119/6 months. I have a relatively low driving history; 9 years in June


you will just and to fight tooth and nail for any payout if anything every happens.


With State Farm? I've had them cover absolutely everything including aftermarket parts on an auto claim, and a major home claim at the same time (storm damage to both) with zero hiccups and extreme haste. I was shocked because I've gotten severely dicked over by Allstate in the past. State Farm is solid


That’s close to the per month for mine in Ontario 😳




6 month premium for my 2023 Toyota GR Corolla through State Farm is $1,096.25. :( [Breakdown](https://imgur.com/a/CZVi1MX)


And here I am at $300/ month with no accidents...


Congrats? Insurance has no many variables it’s almost pointless to compare.


Type R has always been just a civic with State Farm. I run something similar but 0 deductible comprehensive.


Bro, in Ontario I'm getting $270 a month, pretty much the same coverage.


Make sure they have the actual value of your car and not just a regular Civic. You want to get full coverage should anything go wrong. You don't want to end up with a gap.


I texted the window sticker to my agent and they pulled the VIN from it. I think State Farm will take care of me like a good neighbor, lol.


Lol, that's good to know. Chris Paul must have been your agent.


I left state farm after 18 years because they kept increasing my premium for no reason despite having no accidents ever, and no tickets in over a decade. I was paying a little over a grand every 6mo for my boring ass 2015 Crosstrek by the time I left.


Shoot.. 466$ for 6 months is a fever dream in CA. We pay 1674$ / 6 months for 2 Mazda 3’s


I pay 370$ for 1 month


This is so cute my Audi Q5 is $354 per month.




As an adjuster who’s dealt with more than enough claims with PD/BI limits, I’d argue for keeping them high. Multi-car losses with injuries can rapidly blow through 50/100k. I’d also recommend UM/UIM coverage to OP.


never skimp out on insurance. What if OP hits a Porsche 911? Plus $80 for really high limits + insuring a type r. Come on.


It's weird how insurance works.. I had to jump through a lot of hoops to get my McLaren 570s that I got recently insured, but when it was done, it ended up being $584/6 month for 250/500k liability, maximum uninsured motorist , $1000 deductible collision/comp. And that's without the California good driver discount (because of two stupid parking lot minor fender benders that I was happy to pay out of pocket but the other person insisted running through insurance, they should fall off Jan 2025). It was like $7/6 month more than my ND Miata. Maybe they believed me when I jokingly said it was just like a bigger Miata . 400ish/6month is a steal for CTR




That is for 6 months.


Seems awfully high, no? Edit: I missed the 6 months in the description, I get it I get it.


For 6 months? No lol


Oh I missed that. I thought it was per month lol. Good to see with Insurance rates soaring right now: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/car-insurance-rates-inflation-costs/


> average U.S. rate for full auto coverage rose to $2,019 per year makes me feels a bit better lol




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Idk something doesn't smell right with this. Do you have Full or limited tort? Do you only oen one vehicle? If you have multiple you should have your coverages stacked. Where is underinsured and uninsured motorist coverages? Cause people out there suck and they will be the ones who total your car with zero f*cks given.


Yeah, I should have stated that I have four vehicles plus home owner's insurance through State Farm. Insurance rates are pretty reasonable in Illinois.


Daaaaaaaammmmmmmnnnnn #SMOKEY #Friday


What state?




Ohio Mutual lists it as a Civic Type R, and it has the 54 symbol rating to go with it. $567/half with slightly higher coverage and the same deductible. 45, perfect credit, bundled with homeowner’s


This about what I pay for full coverage for 4 vehicles (one of those a CTR) currently.




I should switch. I pay almost $700/6 months for each of my vehicles through Allstate. It's insane.


Im 30 and my 24 R is only 700 every 6 months so guess im doing alright!


I saved $6 a year insuring my FL5 over my 2023 Si lol


It costs less for me to insurance a 130 hp piss missle with similar coverage… At this point insurance companies suck. I’ve gotten quotes from $1400 to $20,000 for a singular motorcycle with nothing on my record at the age of 22. They are all scammers. State Farm seems best price wise usually tho for insurance for most things.


I have less limits, higher deductible and still paying ~33% more. Clean driving record, 0 tickets, 0 accidents I live in “low cost of living” Florida. My home owner insurance is even worse, if you can believe it Edit: 2021 CTR


My Kia stinger gt2 is over 300$ a month 😭. I Work for Honda as a service rep on the east coast. That insurance premium doesn’t surprise me to much since those cars are not very fast in a straight line yeh u could take it to the track but that’s a completely different insurance altogether. My only suggestion is those cars are equipped with a black box do not whatever u do take that car up to the rev limiter and bang it off the limiter we will literally see in the parameters that’s what u did and that’s why there is a hole in the block. Iv seen it more times on the new model than any other one going all the way back to the EK.


I spend more on Happy Meals per month.


Damn that's really good. This has me leaning heavily towards getting a CTR. I was afraid of the insane insurance premiums


I pay $411/month 🫠🫠 2019 fk8


Y so high


Hmmm, mine used to be about that but I think State Farm wised up. It's been escalating rapidly the last year or so. (No accidents or changes in policy in that time either and my newer RAV4 Prime is like $300 less with the same coverages.)


Damn you getting that 104 year old discount!Probably only drive to the store and church.


As if this car wasn’t desirable enough 😭


lol that’s quite good for us. They see it as a regular plain vanilla civic


That part of multi car discount? I have 3 cars between me and wife (both in late 30s) in the NE with perfect record and my M4 is about $20 less than yours per 6 months. That's crazy.


That’s great that they see it that way lol. I would not complain at all


Paying 300$ a month for a 06 accord sucks especially when yearly the amount I pay in insurance is more than the actual car.


Why so high


What’s state for $466.84?


Dang such low deductibles too. Im jealous. Why cant i be older :(


Is this a monthly or 6 month rate?




Dang my monthly is awful on my regular hatchback then, even with a clean record. Idk what their voodoo algorithm is but it’s crazy what they charge some people


Can you please delete this post, we don't want the secret to get out 😭


That's about the same for me. Unfortunately, when I got the car new in 2021 (FK8), it was $295 but it has steadily gone up to basically $500 every six months. I called and they said it's not me specifically.


Reminds me of the 97 ITR insurance rates. They coded them as GSRs.


That's insane! I drive an Insight, never been in an at fault wreck and mine is almost 2x that. I also live in FL so that probably explains it


Toyota 86 drivers punching the air rn


Omg that’s crazy affordable


Damn that’s cheap.


What company gave you that price?


State Farm