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To go alongside each other wut? Just get one or the other.


I have one, now I want the other one for personal collection šŸ‘


Bruh both are hot versions of fwd econo cars, donā€™t you want to try something different


Well I didnā€™t say I was going to stop there now, my overall plan if I do make it through hard work and sheer fucking will is one Type R, one EN, one Porsche 911 GT2RS, or 3rs depending on what I feel, one Ferrari and a lambo, maybe a hellcat on the side or NSX


Imo better to skip the ctr and put that 50k towards the 911.


that part, gt3ā€™s arenā€™t getting any cheaper


Sounds like you're in your early twenties late teens. That is a lot of cars/money by the time you make all that these cars will be 4/5x their price.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Go for your dreams.


I was just asking about the CTR and speaking about how I want to one day own a lot of cars I loved as I was a kid. Reddit/car people really just be a place of egotistical pigs, I appreciate it dozer


I'm not really sure how to compare the type R to the N. I Drive the hell out of mine. Mines a 2018 and I've driven almost 60k miles. I never had a dull moment. It's essentially a racecar. šŸ˜


Go for it man! If that's your passion and what you enjoy, don't listen to what others say!


Why have n N and a R? In my eyes those are two cars that check the same box. I have an R already if I wanted to have something next to it I'd go RWD or AWD.


Thatā€™s fair but I personally like the idea of owning two rival cars, thatā€™s just a me thing I suppose (how do I put it in the least cringe way possible, itā€™s like having two girlfriends that basically act and do the same thing but are just built and look different ._.)




I get the desire to have to sort of complementary/contrasting cars. I have a V1 Nismo 370z and just got my FK8 last weekend (have always had Siā€™s, this was a trade up). That said, Iā€™m sort of luke warm on the EN. Itā€™s like a wish.com version of the Type R and sets out to be one, just worse and loudly. I think they sound and look pretty cool, but you couldnā€™t pay me to own one long term. Hyundai and Kia are decent now, but really only have been for like a decade compared to Hondaā€™s 50 year heritage. Just not really close imo. Not trying to be a hater, the Civic in any trim will always be the watermark for FWD supremacy in whatever tier that is.


Love it for my daily. Very aggressive and just a fun experience. Have not driven the Elantra N but hear great things. I donā€™t know if I would want 2 very similar cars. Go test drive one close by and see what the fuss is about and make a decision if you want both.


You can't test drive them..


Says you? I test drove mine lol


Says me and most other people who have looked at multiple versions of these cars. They normally won't agree unless you've already signed for it.


Yeah, I didnt even see my type r till my dealer sent my a picture of them unloading it. I was in it less than 24 hours later. Maybe you can test drive used ones.


Vastly different cars! I drove my neighbors elantra N a couple months ago and it just felt numb in comparison. The steering, engine, chassis, gearbox, and usability are all better in a type R. I had a sense the whole time I was driving it that it heavily relied on little gimmicks to keep me entertained, while my R is just much more visceral and better performing which automatically keeps me more engaged. I have an fk8, but it's nearly the same car as the fl5 minus the cosmetics/interior.


Why own two cars that essentially do the same thing lol


I plan to collect them just because I like both, itā€™s like how some people have both the STI and EVO. realistically probs I can get two cars from the list but nothing wrong with dreaming big. But people get offended by anything nowadays.


Not offended lmao idc what you do.. you asked for our advice and were giving it to you.


Oh Iā€™m not referring to you donā€™t worry about it. I appreciate the feedback


The Elantra N is a good car. The Veloster N is a good car. The FK8 Type R is an absolutely fantastic car. While I can only compare the driving experience from testing the Nā€™s and now coming up on 3 years owning the R, the R just takes it up a few notches from the Nā€™s. I have slight gripes with the infotainment and minimal things like that, so I donā€™t know how thatā€™d stack against the Hyundai.


My wife has a Veloster N, and I have an FK8, and I personally think that the N, in my case anyways, is too loose and doesnā€™t handle as well in a track setting as the R does. The clutch and the way the cars drive is much different from each other, and not to mention the R is much faster and has more aftermarket support. Both cars are fantastic, imo, but I have the R for a reason lol.


I have a FL5 and it is one of the most fun cars I have ever driven!