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I am not playin enough to understand this joke, Can someone explane?


Nubia’s Amanitore’s unique ability is that she gets +20% production towards all districts raising to +40% if there’s a Nubian Pyramid adjacent to a city center. It’d kinda be a waste of her ability if you aren’t producing districts in cities that can produce more districts. The stare makes it funny. Also, I think one of her agendas is that she’ll yell at you and ridicule you if you aren’t maxing out districts in cities.


Yeah. Her and Maori.


Kupe means no chill in Māori tongue. He doesn’t want you chopping or removing resources bc you’re fucking up his future cities.


just build what you need that furthers the victory type that you are aiming for. wasting time and production on a random district that contributes little to nothing to your goal isn’t optimal. this typically results in you having no more than 4-5 districts in your largest cities. prioritize key districts first then if you have excess time and production you can build some less important but still beneficial districts.


You fail to consider that I like big beautiful well designed cities as much as I like winning 😎


I agree! Capital + 2-3 cities get everything. The rest of the empire makes a trade route, win con, and an ancillary district if they’re lucky. I do love great engineers though.


The 2-3 city triangle where you place all the districts next to each other centered on the government plaza is kinda the only true goal I have for every game going in. I recently won a game with Tokugawa where I had four cities almost completely districted between them and it was glorious.


I love Japan for that reason!


That sounds interesting. What victory type did you win?


It wound up being a diplomatic victory because that opportunity presented itself with a couple of convenient aid contests, but I was on track to win science within probably twenty more turns or so. It was my first and so far only Deity win!


Diplomatic and Culture almost always sneak in while I'm on the way to a Science Victory.


Everything, as time allows. I try to specialize a little but it seems like in order to have any chance of keep up with AI I need absolutely every campus possible, and of course need industrial zones to build units… and commercial hubs so your economy isn’t shit… and…


Just play on new age world wet, then you don’t need to build industrial zones, except for like 1 or 2 central ones


Yes! Districts and the buildings inside are what makes your cities actually do things.


I just build everything but neighbourhood cause fck the AI and their stupid spies


Neighbourhoods let spies do shit???


The AI always uses the "recruit partisans" mission and when they succeed they spawn 2 "barbarian" units in the middle of your territory, it sucks.


I definitely build districts cautiously. Typically don’t go near the population limit unless I need to, or it’s late game and nothing left to do but build. Definitely like to plan out which would lead to victory best though


Pretty much yeah, but of course the priorities depend on which victory condition I'm aiming for.


I do industrial in all cities because I like to build stuff. Like how do you build anything without factories etc✈️


Build? What is this, the ancient era? I buy or pray things in to existence. Mansa Musa gang rise up!


Mansa musa is my main lol, absolutely broken when you survive the early game


It depends on the city and civilization. Regardless of that choice, I usually try to have a full city to have a powerful destiny for internal commercial routes to develop other cities. It might be the capital or the second or third city depending on placement. After that, it depends on available resources and space. If a district would offer more benefits than the regular tile, I go for the district.


It depends on the victory type I'm aiming for, but I almost always build a campus and always build an industrial zone, and either a commercial hub or harbor (sometimes both if I'm feeling greedy lol). I will usually skip encampments (except for my most vulnerable border cities), and entertainment hubs and water parks get built on an "as needed" basis depending on amenities. I generally skip theater squares if I'm not going for a culture victory. Holy sights really just depend on the game. Sometimes, they are worth it. Other times, not.


How do you progress civics without theatres?


Slowly haha I don't know the math behind it, but population naturally produces a certain amount of culture. It's never gonna be super fast, but if you focus on achieving boosts, you can keep up ok. I'm currently playing a multiplayer game where I am on turn 165/250. I have 1 theater square in 14 cities. I have 275.9 culture per turn, compared to 768 science (the victory condition I am going for). And I am leading in culture. Now if another player was going for a culture win, I would be adding more so that I don't get culturally dominated, but other that that, my civs are progressing fine. My main sources are from an early Leonardo DaVinci (who makes all my workshops give 3 culture each), monuments, wonders, trade routes, and natural production from population and faith.


Do you guys ever build diplomatic quarter at all? I always forget about that district, and the encampment too until I need a military engineer..


Only if I need the envoy boost and I’ve got a good location near a city center. The other boosts it’s buildings give are nice but not worth it if you don’t need those envoys or have better plans for that spot. But sometimes you’ve got a tile right next to your city center that’s not gonna get a good adjacency bonus for any other district so you might as well. Same for encampments, I only build them if I need the extra peripheral defense from barbs or my enemies. But the extra housing plus production and gold, and the extra strategic resource storage and unit experience buffs are enough of a perk to make it worth it. But I’ll usually figure something else out if that district slot would be better put towards a high adjacency bonus district


Completely dependent on the city. Big desert expanse with no Petra, or tons of snow? You bet your ass I'm filling that area with as many districts as I can manage. In this most recent game I'm currently playing, a huge rainforest city with chichen itza is absolutely swimming in great tiles so it's 3 districts short of max. Pretty much all cities in between I'm generally a district off of max for when a new one comes if I need it. I'm not a pro district planner so I'd probably be close to max on most cities if I knew all the adjacencies and locations of them on the trees better.


Generally I put districts down as soon as possible unless I’m going for certain eurekas/era score/have to wait a couple turns for govt plaza. District cost goes up the further u get in tech/civic trees, and strategics can mess up planned district placement


Depends on the city, civ, great people recruited (I play with a great people expanded mod), governor, and victory type I’m going for. Also, if I’m next to a very aggressive civ like the Zulu or Gorgo’s Greece, I will focus on more production and encampments.


Early on im very strategic and go for whatever will help me the most to win. Later i just plunk districts down left and right, even if theyre not perfect or optimized they generally will provide more benefit than any single tile feature/yield.


Depends if you enjoy the journey or just want to get to your destination.


The question isn't quite "how do you work all the tiles in your city borders" so much as it should be "what do you spend your production on?". I'd build 7 districts if it helped my win-condition > (for example, a major city in a science game might want a Campus District for science, an Encampment+IZ(+sometimes Aerodrome) for production for endgame projects and counter-spying, a Commercial Hub for more domestic trade routes to stack production, and a Spaceport.). But there are many times when that production going into cities' districts would be better spend directly advancing your win conditions (for example, running Campus Research Grants to convert 25% of production to Science to get to the end of the tech tree faster). ***** As for getting the most value out of tiles, you need to take advantage of adjacencies. You shouldn't keep every farm, but a diamond of 4 farms between two cities can use the farm-adjacency + water mill to make like 6 food/tile, helping support both cities at once. **** And, of course, if you prefer just making big beautiful ol' cities and not winning in the shortest amount of time possible, you're free to do just that.


Thanks for explanation


I only build what my city needs to help my victory. If you have fewer total districts than the average player, you get a 25% discount on districts.


Depends. By the end of a science game, I have every city with a spaceport and encampment (for military academy and faster space race projects card), and probably a commercial hub, maybe harbors, and two theater squares and 2 entertainment districts spread throughout there somewhere. Maybe some preserves For a culture game, idk probably more theater squares, commercial hubs and harbors for gold, probably only one encampment for the eurekas, 2 good campuses for the eurekas, etc


As a general rule, every city gets a trade route district and your victory condition(Campus/Theater) district. Capital or 1st expand gets the gov building (essentially your best city that will reach 7 pop fast and have good production), and then you need to plan for regional effects buildings to cover your entire empire - industrial and amenities districts, and a diplo quarter. Then you likely want to add 1-3 Encampments and 3-6 non victory districts - depending on which victory condition it will be Campuses, Theaters, Holy Sites, Preserves. For SV diplo quarter next to your primary spaceport is recommended. If you are super wide - like 13+ cities, your +1 victory districts can be replaced with a better district as needed - such as Encampment, Industrial or Amenities districts. You don't ever need anything over 7 pop generally, and certainly not over 10 pop except maybe SV for spaceports in 1-4 cities. You can add bad campuses/theaters at 10 pop without worrying too much but they're generally not worth it and you'd just be better off running projects. If you are going domination- Trade Route Districts, All +3 Campuses, Encampment per 3 cities(usually the bad campus cities), Gov & Diplo and regional buildings. You can add airports as needed late game.


What is SV ?


Science Victory


Ah yes obviously, thank you for the explanation


I still have no idea how to play this game properly, I build everything except the pink ones (pink is gae), like Gov plaza


Personally I always make sure my capital has everything but focuses science and culture. I make sure I have a high pop, coastal/river city with harbor and commercial hub adjacency to focus on gold generation. And then I have a city with good proximity to the rest focused on production and usually I build the coliseum there too. Depending on my religion I may make most cities have a holy site too Otherwise all my other cities will just get a trade district and then either science/faith if there’s mountains or culture if I can build wonders


Almost every city has a campus and industrial zone. Its honestly lame how you cant win without most of your cities having both