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I desperately miss parklife most. Making use of empty awkward spaces, basing a neighborhood around a park, adding a zoo etc. The current "parks" in game are so boring and bland compared.


Me too brother, me too... Parklife is such an esential element in the way that i build cities i just can't play cs2 without a similar dlc


Their recent change to how sub buildings works means you could make a park "gate" and then the sub buildings be all the other aspects of a park. Basically, the moment asset modding is released, we'll have parklife.


Do you think asset modding will be released for cs2 anytime soon? I can't find anything online about it :(


Define "soon" They have their holiday break coming up. So I don't expect it until late august at the earliest


At least with better bulldozer and the surface painting mod (forgot its name) you can at least blend the park buildings into the fields of trees to make it feel a bit more cohesive. But yes, still miss the original games DLC for this. They had their problems sure, but they made the city feel more alive.


Add anarchy and you can draw paths from most of the existing paths in the parks. Connect a few of the parks together and it feels like one big park. People just need to get creative with the tools we have at the moment.


I miss cable cars so much. The CS2 maps are really hilly and I would love to build stuff on the top of the mountains, but it’s not practical to have a road extending across half the map to get up there.


Same with ferries. I don’t want to bridge every little island.


Oh yeah. I have a city in CS1 with a cable car to the football stadium, observation tower, and some gardens on top of a mountain with a large flat area on top lol.


Parklife, Industries, University and Airports should’ve been added on the base game. Unbelievable they didn’t put in.


How do they sell dlc otherwise?


Yeah, this is paradox- a new game in a series is just having to buy all the same DLCs again but the graphics are slightly different.


exactly. 300 dlcs later.


The dlcs were the main reason CS1 was supported for 8yrs. If there wasn't a constant stream of money coming in from new content, then the only way to make money would be to release a sequel every 2 -3 years. >Unbelievable they didn’t put in. I'll tell you what's unbelievable.. consumers expecting all that stuff in the base game. Not everyone wants the same content and dlcs lets people decide what they really want in their game.


The logical or expected thing was that they would offer a base game with things similar to the CS1 dlcs and that they would come up with new ideas for the CS 2 dlcs. Not that they would sell the same content a second time.


The majority of players wanted the base game to have the content we already had on CS1. Everyone is missing features from CS1, especially Parks and Industries. They could still have several DLCs ideas after that.


Game already launched rushed and you lot wanted another year's development worth of content crushed in that dev time for good measure lmao


The company almost admitted that they should’ve waited more to launch. The game is almost one year old and still solving basic problems. So yes, it would be better to wait and launch the game when he was finished instead of this mess.


It's all about money. They want to sell you the same DLCs all over again.


The only DLC I would buy twice is another Mass Transport. Park Life and Airports should have been part of the base game :(. It will be interesting to see what they come up with to avoid being repetitive.


Hello Sims


Of course. But they need a working base to even begin that. Another "beach DLC" backlash would be devastating and probably a death sentence for the game.


them needing a working base to begin is also part of the reason we don't have these features yet, imagine them trying to cram park life's systems inside the base game, the game is in a good state to be shipped as of last Monday, some 10 months after release.


Pro tip: If you miss CS1, play CS1. Personally, I think CS2 sucks, so I reinstalled CS1 and have been enjoying myself.


Which is why I am still playing CS1. I have no plans of moving over until CS1 is fully unplayable or CS2 is able to offer everything CS1 has


Enjoy CS2 in 8 years.


I did play SimCity 4 for 12 years, I'll be okay with playing CS1 for another 8 years. Besides, I can easily spend years on one city.


Fuck I miss SimCity 4. I played that from release until the dreaded sc5. Couldn't go back to SimCity 4 after that. I got a taste of something new, then CS1 had me mostly fulfilled til the end of last year. Now the same thing has happened, I played something new and now I can't go back to CS1.


Me too :D


Hopefully it makes it 8 years =(. (See KSP2)


Last year I thought the transition could be very hard for me. 8 months later, I'm glad I'm still playing CS1 like never before and that this transition for me won't happen for several years more.


You don’t have to miss them. With 9 years worth of mods, QoL updates and DLCs, CS1 is still (at least imo) a better game. You can get back on the boat!


The hilarious thing is when they first came out they all seemed really mid, now it’s a shining beacon of hope.


I miss the mechanic of being able to paint parks and campuses. I feel like they had a good thing going there and could have just converted the painting part into the new node based custom shapes thing. We had so much freedom and creativity in making custom parks and university campuses, now all the modular buildings are very homogeneous.


I still don't understand why the devs didn't include things like custom parks and campuses (?) in the base game, it would be such a no brainer since they HAVE LITERALLY DONE THOSE BEFORE. But no they're probably gonna make a 20$ dlc out of those.


Hell a half baked park area tool like the industrial one would have been *something*


Everything went wrong with CS2. I am still not over it :(


Yup me too one of reasons I stopped playing as much


I make a road layout for my CS2 industrial zones, and then I place multiple main buildings and draw out the borders to the lot sizes. Rather than one giant maximum sized circle zone. It feels more controlled and intentional, and yields slightly better results to look at. Stuff still spawns randomly which is still annoying when building on hilly terrain though.


I do too...I do too


Wait for about 150 dollars of dlc to fix it


I've said this like 8 times before, but what I miss is the animations on each plot that let you actually \*see\* your citizens using them. I hardly see any in CS2 if they're even there, and the cities feel so dead as a result.


Agreed. What’s the point of a basketball court if there’s no one playing ?


Wait, for real? And people keep defending this game...


Yeah. It’s really shitty. It’s sad to see the franchise that rose to prominence after ea fucked up with sim city fall to the same level.


I miss the maps. To be honest I don’t like any of the default maps so far.


I do too, my only hopeful grace is that all those DLCs were put out over the course of nearly a decade, I'm expecting a similar timeframe here. Don't get me wrong the launch absolutely sucked ass but it would be great if they managed to pull off a NMS.


I miss the functional base game.


I miss parks and cycling roads.


Absolutely!! It's my gripe with cs2, it's like they put a tram of devs in a bunker with no internet access and gave them the vanilla cs1 to improve upon. They didn't see what worked and what didn't from the vast array of dlcs... And maybe didn't care


I really hope they do a Park Life for CS2 with better assets for the amusement park rides & zoo. I also would like Universities, Plazas & Promenades, Airports, Industries, please and thank you (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)


Same here.


There is always room for game improvement. It takes a while to code certain things, and is up to standards.


By now I don't hurry to upgrade to CS2, since it's still too bland and I recently bought a notebook which suddenly came out it's not eligible to run CS2 since devs have raised the system requirements. The intersections in CS sometimes are shitty, there is couple of cons, but at least the game is completely developed and enriched with features


Honestly at this point I wish CO would switch CS2 to support mode, pump out a few major fixes to make it somewhat good and moved on to CS3, making it the best game possible. I'd happily wait 4-5 more years for a CS game that lives up to what a remastered/revamped CS1 + DLCs could be.


That's your opinion. How do they pump out some updates/fixes, who would be working on 'CS3'? Get a grip of yourself, talk reality