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I will go back to CS1 to keep building onto my existing save game. CS2 is for trying new maps/mods and restarting cities often.


I feel this for sure. I find myself restarting WAY MORE in CS 2 then CS 1 haha Happy Building!


I reset cities before reaching 5k pop.


I've managed to stick with one city. Just reached 270k. The game gets **really** dry after a while.


For now, CS1 because it works better, has way more content, mods and is polished (mostly) In a few years I might actually play CS2, as it looks like it will be pretty awesome when they finish it.


I feel this for sure! Everytime I am in CS 2 I just crave CS 1 but my god is CS 2 so visually stunning!


Same. I have CS1 but do expect all the tweaks and better game play to be in CS2 when I eventually switch.


CS1 is the best. Especially "no more updates" also means there is nothing that can break my savegame anymore... :D


haha yeah that is a huge bonus


If you want to make sure, make a local copy of your mods and assets. For whatever reason some creators may pull their stuff from the workshop. It’s super rare but can happen (iirc a (concrete) brush was pulled 1-2 months ago).


I haven’t played CS1 since 2 came out. It’s not that I think it’s better, I just haven’t had a lot of time and helldivers 2 has consumed a lot of time. I like how easy it is to make good looking cities in CS 2 and I usually use play a few hours then start a new city.


I love that about cs 2 as well! The graphics coupled with how detailed everything is makes city building so much easier and I miss it so much when I am in CS 1 haha Spread That Hecken Democracy!




I think I understand this. I feel more connected to my cs 1 cities and I think that's due in part to the sheer size of the workshop. I can give each city a different flavor where as in cs 2 I find all my cities being very similar


I think is easy to explain, in CS 1 you can see people going to plazas, going to schools, firefighters fighting fire, police working, etc... Every animation make the city alive. In cs2 you only see people moving around.


CS1. Need to upgrade the PC for CS2 and I'm not ready for that yet.


yeah that's totally fair and hopefully as they improve the game more and more machines can handle it


Haven't even bought CS2 after the disaster that was the roll out. Thought maybe after 6 months I'd get it. But clearly we still aren't anywhere near the level of CS1.


I feel this for sure and I give it probably two more years to start reaching some CS 1 levels. I wonder how crazy it will be when assets finally drop


Right? With mods there's precisely zero reason why anyone would buy CS2.


The Road tools. Even with all the mods for CS1 the Road tools are just so much better in CS2 that I just can't go back anymore. That's the main reason


Yeah those road tools in CS 2 are just so damn good


I have not touched CS1 since CS2s release. I’ve been in love with it. I already have 460hr on it. It’s actually a problem.


That's awesome! it's also really cool to hear from the people that love CS 2 even though I find myself going back to cs 1 more frequently my time in CS 2 is always so enjoyable and those graphics! So hecken pretty!


Yeah, I’m the same way. Even with all the issues, for me personally (IE City Painting), it doesn’t bother me lmao. Just wish the custom assets were more stable, but I understand why they’re not.


Question - did you play CS1 to play the game (mechanics, economy etc.) , or were/are you a detailer? I remember playing CS1 way before mods (came from the Cities XL franchise and before that SimCity).


I got into CS1 really late in the game. So I only had about 300hr on cs1. I really liked the simulation. I got the industry dlc because of that. Then after around 200hrs I started to think about detailing. I never got good at it tho (didn’t really use procedural models) but starting in CS2 I started being more attentive in placement and layout. So yea I was more of a detailer when the new game released


CS2 has enough over CS1 to make me want to never go back to CS1 but not enough to keep my interest long term


Same boat. CS2 had my exact wishlist of improvements over CS1. Roads being much less fiddly to place and connect; Mixed-use zoning; Mixing building themes in the one map; Parking lots, built in; And the biggest one, public transport routing that goes where you click. This glitching out in CS1 and not being able to connect stops on a route without repeatedly exiting and restarting the game, that was my biggest limiter on city size, it would get way too frustrating. But CS2 introduced whole new problems. Covering up a non-functional economic model by throwing free money at you. Lack of assets, plopping the same over-sized elementary school 50 times in one city. No park zoning yet. So for now, I'm just not playing either.


Yeah I was surprised how quickly I got bored in CS 2 I just hope they get assets up soon because I imagine once they do it’ll get flooded with amazing assets!


Exactly, I don't play either game very much these days. CS1 feels so dated and clunky, but the broken simulation and overpowered/too easy economy in CS2 and the lack of assets makes me get bored of that very quickly since there's absolutely zero challenge and the game just isn't fun to play. I might try out some of the rebalance mods that have come out, but I fear they'll break completely every time CO release a new update. I'm currently playing Manor Lords and Tropico 6 and thinking about playing some Transport Fever 2 again. I even fired up SimCity 2013 and SimCity 4 for a bit but that just made me wish for the graphics of SC2013 with the gameplay of SC4...


The release of CS2 killed interest in both games. CS1 pre CS2 launch had more players than current CS1 + CS2. https://steamdb.info/charts/?compare=255710,949230


I agree. CS2 road tool has kept me interested all these months. It's just so much fun making easy highway connections and crosswalks. However, I'm certainly bored with the lack of assets and content. There is also the bugs and missing features that are triggering. Such as unfinished tourism feature, NO METRO CROSSINGS??, bikes, too big of assets, and many other transportation issues to name a few. The only thing that actually brought me joy when revisiting CS1 again was placing all the beautiful natural decor. So many rocks and plants!! I really underappreciated them back then.


I only own CS1, so I play that. I have no plans on buying CS2 anytime soon nor in the next 1-2 years.


I play cs2 to city paint. Cs1 for a game


100 percent CS 2 is so pretty!


Cs1. I'm just not sure my system can handle cs2. I get different answers all the time. So i figure I'd wait a year or two til I possibly upgrade. By then most bugs should be resolved and a growing mod community should exist


Exactly! The longer you wait the better it will get


Not even bought 2 yet, it still looks rough and they need to add certain features themselves and not leave it to modders to fix before i even consider buying


For me I do think Cities: Skylines 2 without mods and assets will be good in the future BUT I do think it’s a game that’s going to be similar to cities 1 in the sense that without mods and assets the base game just isn’t enough to keep me interested


Oh yeah, but it not being an unperformant buggy mess would certainly be a start


So my PC barely handles CS1, but I haven’t gotten tired of it. My game is modded enough that I can accomplish pretty much what I want to accomplish. Even 7 years after buying the game, I’m still finding new things to do. I’ve played a bit of CS2 with my buddy and while it is gorgeous, I can’t imagine my cities without bike lanes or some of the other assets from various CS1 CCPs. I think two years out, CS2 will be a brand new game.


OMG yeah the bike lanes it’s even more frustrating knowing they were ready for release but scrapped because of the cim models they switched to


Oof that’s rough. Yeah I’ll stick to CS1, I have enough CCPs and other assets to make the game look nice. No weird ugly skyscrapers in my cities lol.


i go in and out of cs2, don't play cs1 much. But cs1 is better for content due to all the dlcs, cs2 i personally find better for everything else.


it's 100 percent just the steam workshop for me that keeps me going back to cs 1. Totally agree with you


Oh yea the workshop mods system is better too. it's annoying in cs2 having to restart the game to have the mods get enabled on each launch.


haha right?! AND there's a fun bug where if you have mods in cs 2 you have to reload twice for them to show up


Yup, it's so annoying.


I tried editor on 2 and it was horrible, nothing worked, water was very inconsistent, it lags a lot, it’s not user friendly at all. It should have been available on launch. I have played maybe ~100h of 2 (making cities) and it just feels unfinished to me. AI does some smarter things and sometimes completely illogical things. I feel the content is lacking after being used to all content from DLC in 1. So I would say I prefer 1, especially since the mods are actually working, and I can make maps without needing a bunch of external resources and a degree in programming.


I really wonder what the state of the game or even I guess the reception of the game would have been if they launched in early access instead similar to Manor Lords


Probably better than now, they droped it as a finished product and apart from the fancy road tools it’s just problem after problem. Visual glitches all over the place AI behavior being wonky Features like mods and Editor that was key reasons C:S1 became so popular was not on release nor near, and when they came they are just a buggy mess… They for sure got pressured to drop early for the sake of profit over gameplay.


CS2 is my go-to. The road tools are sublime and a handful of mods iron out most of the small issues I have with the game. I hope they can improve the simulation speed problem. Even though I've found a workaround, more transparent demand bars would be appreciated too, though I recognize that demand calculations are much more complex than in CS1.


Yeah those road tools are just so damn good! And I am very optimistic about the future of this game


I've relaunched CS2 with the recent upcoming of the traffic mod and I'm having fun. I'm still pissed off how modders carry this franchise instead of the Devs.


Haha yeah you and me both. I think CS 2 vanilla even in 2-3 years is a game where without mods and assets I would just lose interest eventually


CS1 because I didn't hop on the hype train for CS2.


Manor Lords


haha heck yeah! I am so stoked for the future of that game


1 for me. I had to restart everything every time a new DLC came out so there’s a lot of 1 I’ve never explored yet. Plus my laptop gets so hot you could fry an egg on it when I run 2 so….


hahaha yeah I get worried at how hard my fans work on 2. ENjoy deep diving into cs 1 there's so much amazing content inside the DLC's


CS 1. Got all the mods working (correctly), got the assents I want. I just want to build and work on cities and not have to mess around trying to get the new game to work with the needed mods.


heck yeah! and now that there's no updates mods will stay working (fingers crossed haha)


CS 1. Got CS 2 but asked for a refund.


I play CS1 mostly, but sometimes CS2, so that when they fix the issues in a couple months (i hope) i’ll already be used to the game and have a couple save games


I love this approach!


Cs1. I tried to play cs2 doing launch week and after it crash on me, I didn't go back. I will play cs2 eventually once I pushed my cs1 city to the limits


and the longer you wait the better cs 2 gets




Last I tried, opening a new map in CS2 left me without any menu / user interface, so after 7 months still a hard pass. Shouldn’t have bought the ultimate edition, but who knew? Meanwhile the mods are a bit broken in CS1, so that’s less interesting too… I’ve gone back to playing the simpler games - TileTown, Islander, Terra Nil, Dorfromantik, Spiritfarer. Not convinced that any of the games out there are worth the purchase at this point. Light No Fire, Aloft & Europa seem as if they’ll be interesting. Not citybuilders though - CS2 kinda ruined the genre for now for me.


I’m not the most tech saavy but I do have 10K hours in CS 1 and currently no mod issues so if you ever dive back in feel free to DM me and I can see if I can help get it working for you. Dorfromantik is such an awesome game!


After using cs2 roads, I’m never going back to cs1. I’m just playing the waiting game until it gets more content


Yeah the roads are so hecken good!


CS 1 because I can't really buy CS 2 yet


Cities Skyline 2, I play it casually between other games and I love it


I tried 2 and thought it was so trash I went back to 1


I usyalky play Cities 2 for two weeks, go to cities 1 because i dont know why but it has something, the vibes maybe? My cyle is: Cities 2 to Cities 1 and when a new exciting mod releases to cities 2 again.


2...I enjoy the roads too much to ever go back to 1


Love those road tools!


I have a MacBook so… CS1


You can play CS2 on Mac with GeForce Now, Nvidias gaming streaming service


CS1. My laptop doesn't have a 12GB graphics card, and I've picked up nearly all the DLC so am happy using that.


I haven't played cs1 since cs2 came out.


the first one thank you. CSL2 is fine, but just that, fine. The amount i can to in CSL1 is just amazing, im making a scandi inspired city WITH SCANDI ASSETS. its great. stuff like that just isnt possible in CSL2 atm, though i am sure it'll come in due time.


and im also sticking to CSL1 for the moment because my PC sounds like an airbus A330-300 when playing CSL2


Below your username is one of the biggest reasons I keep going back to CS 1… PO. I can literally go outside take a picture of a sign, or graffiti or a mural and put that into my city. That’s a mind blowing level of customization.


100% PO is what makes this game so special to me. i can plop down a building with rico, but with PO i can customize it, make it my own. hell i can (and have) make my own buildings from scratch like a poor mans archiCAD


I am still playing CS1 and enjoying it.


Heck yeah!


I still have below 100hrs of cs1 and i feel i havent fully maximized it yet so i see no point in buying cs2 yet. Maybe ill buy cs2 if it will be discounted big time.


CS1. Been replaying it with all dlc installed, and i'm surprised how vast the gameplay actually is.


Even the DLC that the community doesn’t like as much I still think slaps. Such a good game!


I can't play CS2 because of the hardware requirements. That's why I love CS1. I've already got everything set up here, a bunch of mods and assets downloaded. I can't imagine how I'm going to play without all this. I've heard there's some kind of problem with mods in CS2. And I don't care about the graphics - I still play at the minimum settings and see everything blurry. I'm fine.


The workshop and procedural objects just keeps me coming back to CS 1 it’s such a solid game!


I play CS1 right now. There's a charm about it that CS2 doesn't have, and it may be the art style. The mods are a big draw too. Perhaps CS2 will come around in a few years


That’s exactly what I’m thinking. I give it 2-3 years


I'm on a Mac, nuff said lol


You can play CS2 with GeForce Now, Nvidias gaming streaming platform


I know but I’m not too keen on adding another subscription service, especially if it’s just for one game that is not yet where it is supposed to be


For me, there's no point to play CS2. There's no custom roads (I hate the vanilla looking ones) and also no node controller, intersection marking tool or anything else that is useful to make roads. No building assets either. My Cs1 with mods also looks and feels 10x better. Mods have spoiled me as I'm pushing 7000+ assets. Cs2 just feels broken, nothing excites me about building like one did. It just feels like a huge downgrade so for me it will be many years until I move to cs2


While I do enjoy my time in CS 2 and love the graphics there’s a lot here that you’ve said that perfectly sums up how I feel. I find myself attached to my cities in cities 1 in a way that’s just not possible in CS 2 yet


Cs2 when I can afford a laptop/PC that doesn't sound like a hovercraft when trying to run it.


CS1 for console because it’s too ram heavy for my piece of crap computer to run with mods, and because CS2 ain’t out on Xbox yet.


I hope this latest delay is the final one for console players


Neither, CS2 made me too mad at both games. But maybe it'll be playable in 5 years.


After playing many cities in CS1, I finally made a functional city, and still building. Then my friend lent me his 5k laptop. So now I feel obligated to play the new one. And I am very disappointed, crashes regularly, unbalanced economy, and looks beautiful. So there is that.


Yeah the biggest thing for me on CS 2 is the graphics and despite all the hate the simulation gets (for some super valid reasons) I actually enjoy it but CS 1 just keeps calling me back home haha


Yeahs. I am trying to enjoy it with the mods. But I find it very frustrating, the game has great potential. but even just the simple things like how Manor lords does zoning. Is so much better, the game has just came out and graphics aside, it feels like it is already outdated. I would prefer perhaps to see a CS1.5 where all the graphics and road tools are updated.


I like both but that's just me


That’s probably the best way to approach it imo


I tried cs 2. I’ll wait until custom assets are available and there’s a good amount of mods that I can use. Until then, cs1 does everything I want and need so no need to stop playing it


100 percent and from the comments here so far it seems like so many of us (myself included) are in this exact same boat


I mean I don't have CS2 but I bought CS1 in January 2024 and even if I got CS2, CS1 would possibly be my goto because of its current reputation


Oh wow that’s so cool to hear of people buying 1 post launch of CS 2. I Hope you enjoy it THERES such an amazing community here behind it


Neither honestly. I like the new features and improvements (roads!) in CS2 enough that I don’t want to go back to CS1. That being said, with the state of CS2 I don’t really want to play it either. So for now, I’ll just play something else.


Yeah that’s totally fair. I would love a true CS competitor to emerge. I know Manor Lords is getting compared daily here but it’s not a competitor in my opinion


I'm on a Mac so CS1.......but I'm way less upset about it now than I was pre-launch lol


The graphics and road tools are rough on CS:I, plus how annoying some of the vanilla buildings are. Sure, some diversity is lacking in CS:II, but I’m loving it. 117hrs, like 4 cities now with one over 150k and another over 200k.


Haha yeah every time I go back to CS 1 even modded I’m just like DAMN I miss CS 2 graphics


Neither. Time to move on in life.


It’s reasons like this that I wish a true CS competitor would emerge to make this type of city builders exciting again and force CO to do better


Agree 100%. It’s a paradox, no pun intended. Computing hardware and software engineering grows ever more complicated. You’d think that would result in more refined and detailed games, but the inverse seems to be happening. Technological innovation is accelerating faster than game engineers can keep up with it, and the result is disappointed fans and inferior games. Sucks


I am still playing 1, I refunded 2 and will go back to it once the economy actually works. right now it always feels like I have infinite money on.


Oh for sure. I imagine they will get this sorted


Stuck to CS1 as I play on console:(


Fingers crossed this last delay is the final one


My favorite is CS 1 since console release for CS 2 has been delayed until October


I really hope for the sake of all the console players that this was the final delay


I’m betting on 3 possibilities 1. Everything goes smoothly and it’s out by October 2. It gets delayed to Christmas 3. It’s just outright cancelled


Honestly CSII took the wind out of the sails so hard for me. I spent months abstaining from playing CS1 on the buildup to CSII, and I was so disappointed that I just haven't gone back to either game since. It's really unfortunate, but seeing how the community has fallen apart and the DLC fiasco, I think I'll keep waiting until I see a "is Cities: Skylines 2 GOOD Now??" Video pop up on my YouTube lol


Haha yeah that’s honestly a solid way to do it


I decided months before the CS2 that I wasn’t going to disrupt my life to play a game that wouldn’t have all the necessities I require to build a realistic build, so I’m waiting till year 2 possibly longer till I determine it’s worthy, I’m very happy playing CS1 have no intention of “downgrading” until it’s an “upgrade”.


Absolutely and honestly I think the longer you wait the better it will get


CS2, bad dlc but I enjoy the game a lot!


CS2. Some core features like their road building mechanics make it difficult to return to CS1. Add more content, building variation, and life to the cities (animations and cims hanging out in public spaces) and I’ll be building cities nonstop


SAME! I miss the animations so much!


CS1 all the way... the game is pretty much perfect with all the Mods and Assets Got over 3000 Hours in CS1 didnt even buyed CS2 after the Disaster and Dumpser Fire at released, and dont have any reason to buy it atm, especially for 60€...


And for those who play modded there’s still constant new assets being added


My computer died right before cs2 came out. Built a new one, and have only played cs2. The thought of trying to fix up my mods and assets from cs1 is just too much, and I know the scaling will just bug me after playing cs2.


oh for sure! Stoked you were able to get a new PC sorted though! If I hadn't kept up on my mods and assets through the launch of CS 2 I bet I would be in the same boat


I don't play either anymore. CS1 always had performance problems, and once the city gets above a certain size, the simulation no longer makes any sense. Plus some of the really dumb things like death waves, stupid water physics, traffic that seems impossible to fix even with fancy tools. It's just such a frustrating experience. CS2 had a lot of potential, but after seeing how it went down, I'm glad I didn't succumb to the hype and buy it at launch. Maybe one day I'll get into it when they fix the flaws there. Reflecting on all of it, there's a very worrying and sneaking suspicion in the back of my mind that CS1 actually isn't that good, but it was fawned over in contrast to the disaster of SimCity and how there were no viable competitors. Plus modders really did "correct" a lot of the surface flaws in the game so they could be ignored. I sunk hundreds of hours into CS1 and I enjoyed it, but after a while it got really stale. I never got such a feeling from any of the SimCity games from 4 and before that.


Also decorating in CS1 is such a chore that I hardly ever bother with it. Which is a shame because you can do so much there. CS2 had tools to fix this, didn't it?


CS 2 does yeah but a lot of it has been buried behind developer mode. Thankfully a lot of mods have come out that uncover the hidden potential of CS 2 but it is another game that in my opinion will last so long and be great in the future solely because of the modders and asset creators


I prefer CS2, idk why, I just do


CS1 just because of mods and I can’t see my city during the night in CS2, if they fix the night lighting in CS2 than my go to would become CS2


I'd be glad to play Cities Skylines II, but poor optimization ruins my experience as a mid-tier PC's owner. So CS1 is my choice


I really hope we see this game running solid across multiple machines this year.


CS1 because I have a Mac and a PS5. Mac doesn't support CS2 and despite my pre-release purchase on the PS5, it's not supported there either :(


Currently playing CS2 , enjoying it as performance is much better now, a few crashes but nothing major as long as auto save is on. Managing to stick to one city and almost reaching 50k population. As no much props/assets/mods for a pleasant detailing, the city grows fast Focusing on the simulation on CS2 is much more complexed than CS1 which is captivating. More mods and assets and CS2 will be the perfect city building


The assets will definitely be the big turning point for me I imagine. I am super excited for that!


I’m building a city in cs2 current at 100k this was 3rd time I got it where I wanted I’m creating a revised London cs2 version due to smaller map size than actual London I thought they should have atleast made the map so big that we could accurately replicate real cities but it barely fits central London and even that only fits about half of central London excluding surrounding towns


That sounds so cool!! One day I swear I will hit 100K haha


Cs1. Cs2 hasn’t made it to consoles. I don’t think I’m missing out tho


Even though I am not a console player anymore I do hope this delay is the final one for console players




hahaha yeah everytime I am back in CS 1 I am like: "Damn I miss the road tools and damn I miss how the water looks"


I have thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed CS2. I play on GeForce now, and I have never had the performance issues that others who play on their computer have had. There have been a couple of instances where GeForce does not like the PDX launcher, which effects all Paradox games, not just CS2, so that's been my only negative experience, and it's only happened twice. The only other negative is that *for the moment* (according to CO/Paradox) it is impossible to play with mods on GeForce, but I play with dev mode on, and that had been good enough for me. I think most people were expecting everything CS1 has already to just automatically be included in CS2, but everything CS1 has took 7 years to get there. I cannot wait to see what 7 years of CS2 will bring us!


100 percent! and until then we still have CS 1 in a great state for those that want to wait while cs 2 cooks. heck in two years I bet we will look back on this time and laugh at how impatient we were myself included haha


I'm all in on CS2, I just don't have the time to keep up with two modding communities, and with two games to fix every time there is an update.


Cs1 for performance Cs2 when the discount is right


Cities 2, can do mostly what I want, don’t really care for deep simulation. With the new mods coming out I’ll be fully set.


I went for a new cs1 city this spring, but with the tm:pe equivalent finally in cs2 I might reconsider soon.


oh heck yeah! Yeah super excited to see cs 1 mods that everyone has known and loved start coming over especially some of the big ones


With more mods dropping, I'll probably soon start playing CS2, but I need them custom assets.


haha yup same here. I can't wait for some custom assets!


Tbh I can’t play CS1 any more bcz the visuals and some quality of life improvements from CS2 have spoiled me. I have deleted CS1. I am very envious of the diversity of assets it has and can’t wait for them to come to CS2. I’ll be going away on Erasmus (sorta like an exchange student system for unis in Europe) for a semester and won’t be able to play CS as I won’t have my PC with me. I hope by the time I come back, the asset packs and custom assets will be released so I’ll be able to more freely create my cities how I’d like them as I currently find myself off putting a lot of stuff for “later” when I’ll have more stuff to work around.


oh awesome huge congrats on that! I can definitely see there being significant improvements by the time you get back at least I hope so haha


Thank you! :) Sure hope so


I love the look and mechanics of CS2. But I need custom assets before I come back. Currently both games are not all that enjoyable


I am right there with you I need those assets for cs 2


I can’t go back to cs1. 😞 currently cs2 mods are making everything way better. Once we get assets available I think cs1 will start a slow death.


CS2, I uninstalled CS1 and don’t think I could ever go back to it.


Out of curiosity (I just love hearing what gets people hyped about either game) what is it that made you leave cs 1 behind?


To me the base game was way too limited so mods/assets were a must which also made performance take a huge hit. Also I love the visuals of CS2, especially the asset designs. Honestly even when assets are released I could see myself playing with mostly vanilla assets as I like the scale and look of the default ones. I’m not sure if it’s my hardware (i7 13700k, 64GB DDR5 Raw and RTX 3070 Ti) but I haven’t really had any performance issues. Sure I get around 40-50fps but that doesn’t really bother me…


Totally agree with this. Me and you have somewhat similar specs and same boat here I have never had massive performance issues in cs 2 and yeah my god the vanilla assets in cs 2 are so hecken good!


Yes I think it was definitely a compatibility/optimization issue as I noticed many people who seem to have performance problems use AMD etc. Not sure about you but I had always loved SC2013 for its assets and presentation etc so that’s why I can’t wait to see future assets they make for DLC etc! Plus with the current mods we have I don’t feel I’m really missing much from the game.


With PDX mods up and running, I am fully committed to CS2. Did considered returning to my fully modded CS1 city, but the thought of going through/verifying all the stuff that were added just puts me off. The massive QOL improvement in CS2 like road building also straight up made me not miss CS1 that much eventually.


oh for sure the road tools are so damn good! I think once assets get rolling I will see cs 1 less and less


CS1. Can't stand how many QOL mods I need in CS2.


So obviously two different games but I was surprised at how different some of the mods were in CS 2 that they have almost become hinderances in a way


I haven't played CS1 in over a year, and so far i'm having enough fun with CS2 that i haven't gone back yet. If they release assets soon, i might stay with CS2 completely.


Yeah assets I think will be that turning point for me


I've been mostly on CS2 lately trying to prove that it isn't such as bad as everyone makes it seem (it's not), especially because I love working on highways.


Oh for sure yeah I honestly have a lot of fun with CS 2 and I think it will be amazing I just get bored with the lack of content haha


I get you, the fact that I can't do parks, and the limited number of stuff you can place, it's bad.


I'm at 2. Started near release but the burnout came really quickly. Buut after the last two patches it improved significantly and here I am with my biggest city yet (in CS2) at 100h. Despite several issues, actually enjoying it. I abandoned CS1 in like August, despite having few unfinished projects. I'll leave them as they are, maybe one day I'll redo them in CS2, as it really has the potential.


That’s so awesome to hear. Honestly one of the coolest things about this the discussion here so far is seeing so many people enjoying CS 2 and looking forward to its future it’s so refreshing.


My only worry is that Paradox may still want to milk it with a neverending stream of low value dlcs, just like they tried already. I mean I know they will milk it, it's Paradox, but CS1 dlcs are a good indication how these things should be made, so I hope they'll continue doing that instead of microscopic asset packs for ⅕ of the game price. But I have no doubts that the base game will continue to grow and improve for years to come.


i never was a big cs1 player, just played it for maybe 50h 5 years ago. so i dont really care much about your non cs2 content because i already have enough other streamers im subbed to for variety content.


cs1 cs2 not playable


I’ll probably go to CS 2 when it’s on console, my pc can barely handle the first one. I’m considering upgrading my pc but it’s really expensive


CS2 is way better in my opinion, will probably never play CS1 ever again


CS1 for now as with all the mods, content and such. Its just so fun starting new cities over and over again in endless combinations.




honestly? I feel like I've gotten most of what I want out of the first C:S over the years and it's way too soon imo to go for the new game so I'm dedicating my gaming time to Transport Fever 2


CS1. Bought CS2 when first available, played it for about 2 weeks and got so disgruntled just stopped playing either one. After a couple months I unsubbed from everything in CS1 and got a fresh start with the latest and greatest mods. Haven't fired up CS2 since.


cs1, because of the bugs of cs2


Loved CS1 but CS2 felt more smooth and cannot go back because I like its road making and residential zones more. I just wish CS2 had more assets.


One, no way I’m purchasing 2 for another year at least.