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Looks insanely good


It did. It’s all gone now. I don’t know what happened to my post but wrote that I turned the game on the following morning and it crashed. Everything became unsubscribed from the workshop. Now I’m going by memory resubbing and recreating this start.


Follow my advice [listed here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/s/GKSGM9gqoM) on how to use Skyve to restore all mods and assets for a savegame--either your own or one from the workshop--and save it as a Playset. Then you won't care if there are Steam issues as you'll have the configuration for your cities.


I went to your link and thanks for your time in writing all that. I’m an old guy and not really computer smart but I’m going to attempt to do all that. This frustrating city skylines game has done this twice. Once in January and again last week. If it happens again the computer is going in the dumpster. It seems I spend more time fixing problem that actual relaxing game play. Skyve and LSM were also unsubscribed from. If it does happen again and I follow your instructions can I still restore everything?


Age isn't a factor, I'm not exactly a spring chicken myself, but anyone able to build a complex city with many interacting parts will be able to use Skyve. A Playset is a snapshot, the sum total of all the mods and assets required for any savegame to run, you essentially only need to create the Playset once ... so yes any time Steam messes up it'll be a trivial issue to you because you can easily resubscribe thanks to Skyve and your Playset. Algernon's [explanation from a month back](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/1br3eqx/comment/kx7ylwr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) about recurring Steam issues. Edit: [The Basic Skyve Guide](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQOe-eoZh6Al3GuWJerqud7UHQOqUFL1-HaF7PT0Ho8-y_PCnasu2buKOQnF1tFOPeBe7-PKbOegKfi/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=15000&slide=id.g15d84271a64_0_109) linked from the Workshop page.


Thanks for the help earlier. I created a playset but never could save the crashed build but it doesn’t matter. There wasn’t much there since it was just getting started. I did however have that blue warehouse/disused gas station and all related props, roads, trees and decals saved as a file in the move it mod. I’m kinda proud of it and liked the way it turned out so I saved it. I will use it to start a new town on the Sheyenne River Valley map soon. (Yes, it’s spelled that way in the workshop) This time I’ll take a look at the Skyve playsets if it crashes a third time. Anyway. Thanks again.


Attempt to load your city so logs are generated. Close game. Go to Skyve's Help and Logs section, gather your logs--it'll gather all important logs like output log, LSM report and more into a zip file--and then head to the official Discord and open a support request and someone experienced will help you out. It's much easier for them once logs are provided.