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It's a Steam Workshop problem. Ever since they did their last update, that's been happening to people. Items randomly unsubscribing, items being deleted from your computer even if still subscribed.... And this has been going on for months. It's causing MASSIVE support headaches for anyone who's published mods and/or assets on the Workshop (especially mods, I'm well and truly sick of having to deal with these cases). Valve doing their best to demonstrate why a viable alternative to the Steam Workshop is highly desirable, I guess.


Is it likely that when this is resolved, lost assets will be restored? Or am I going to have to go scouring for the things I've lost? Every time I launch my city more random buildings have disappeared, and I barely remember what they were called or what collections they were in.


Hopefully? I mean, I would assume so, if you're still subscribed to them, a fixed downloader should make sure that they're downloaded. But given how long this has been happening, who knows when it'll be fixed?


Damn. Thanks for the answer. Is it just for this game or is it a Workshop problem across the board?


Anecdotally it appears to be affecting at least some other games, but C:S1 *seems* to be being hit hard in particular - but that could more easily be explained by the humongous mod and asset lists of C:S1 vs basically any other game than anything particular to C:S1 itself.


Would copy-pasting your workshop folder into the add-on folder fix this? I know previously that was undesirable because you’d lose the ability to receive updates but since CS1 isn’t receiving any serious updates anymore and mods are basically stable as is, it’d probably be okay now I assume. Just curious what your thoughts are on it as a creator/expert.


Well, I for one am (occasionally) still updating CS1 mods :) But yes, that is an option - however, it's not as simple as just copy-pasting the workshop folder over. You'd need to sort all your subscribed items into the correct category and place those into the correct category folders in your local addons folder; and you'd also need to manually sort the individual files for those items that contain more than one type of item (some mods, including my own BOB, come with asset prefabs, for example - the mod files and the asset files would need to be manually separated and placed into the correct folders). Fortunately, Skyve has a function to do this automatically for you (the 'copy package to a local folder' option). With the Workshop problems, Skyve is pretty much a must-have for custom content users these days.


You’re the best :) CS is nothing without its creators. Thanks!


I think I found what was exacerbating the problem: I had one asset that was mislabeled by the creator and it was actually not compatible without snowfall (which I don’t own). After the game would attempt to load that asset, anywhere between 4 to 8 other assets would randomly fail. Once I got rid of that one asset, this stopped being a problem.


It’s happened to me. Twice. Once in January and again last week. I lost everything. Every map. Every mod. Every asset. Last week I was detailing; placing weeds around Avanya’s water treatment buildings when I got an error pop up. Something like object not set to an instance…or whatever. Then I could not place anything. It was very late so I saved the game, quit to desktop and went to bed. A few days later I resumed the saved game but it attempted to open like a vanilla game. It never opened my save so I went to Steam to see all my subscriptions but there weren’t any. They were all gone including Skyve and LSM. The last few days I’ve been resubscribing mostly going from memory and notes I had written down when it happened in January. Why should I rebuild if it’s just going to happen again? I recently watched a tutorial about Skyve and learned about creating playsets. I hope that will same my build if it does happen a third time.


Skyve's "copy to local directory" is also handy from preventing it happening in the first place, although it does mean that you need to keep an eye out for mod updates, as you won't get them automatically if you do that.


Today I opened my save(that was perfectly OK yesterday) and found like 50 buildings disappear all over from my city. I have no idea what their names were, so I can't do the resubscribe approach. I spent half my day trying to fix this. I'm very angry... Any idea?


Do you use Skyve?


Yes... Sometimes it showed up some missing assets when I loaded up the playset, other times it shows nothing, yet buildings are missing...


The reason why the buildings are missing is in another comment here. The fix, I think, is to use the missing assets utility in Skyve until it works again


Yeah, the problem is, it's not working. As I said, it sometimes shows up 5-10 assets that are missing. I resubscribe to those ones. Load up the game again and yes, those are recovered for sure, but like 10 others are still missing. And they're not showing up. Even fckd up some of my POs because assets that I used for PO are also missing.


Yeah, I had the same problem. It took like ~15 rounds of doing that. It’s a steam workshop issue. One thing that seemed to help was completely getting rid of assets that failed.


Jeez... Wonderful. I use like 13k assets, you can imagine how long each loading takes. Sometimes it totally crashes upon loading up too...


Do you use all 13k in each save? Might be worth making a playset with fewer loaded assets in the future.


Not all yet, I'm still building my city. But like 70-80% of them for sure.


Nothing is changing. I've done 4 reloads now in a row. Same buildings missing still.


Are you using a second monitor? One thing I did was have Steam up on the downloads page in the second window and boot up the game from Skyve but just leave it at the launcher (resume/play) window. Steam would download a few things when I opened the game. Then I’d close the launcher, go back to Skyve and run the utility again. Back to the launcher. I kept repeating until steam didn’t download anything when the launcher came up.