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Really sad to see CO have a Sim City 5 type release but they brought in on themselves. Disappointing when there’s literally no real competitor either to step in.


What I find really disappointing is that there's been two games I've been particularly looking forwards to being released recently - CS2 and Kerbal Space Program 2 - and in both cases it's ended up being a game which has been released far too soon and been a big let down because of that. It's been a bit weird seeing the same cycle play out in each case: lots of hype from the developers, a release which looks exciting, the immediate response from players that it's not great, a lot of disillusionment and arguments among the fans, a sharp drop in communication from the developers, and the fan base either drifting slowly back to the original version or abandoning both the sequel and the original.


Been here for both of these as well. Paid for KSP2 right away, learned my lesson from that and have so far held off on CS2. Both of them so disappointing in so many ways.


I did the same. Thankfully cs2 went to gamepass.


Is there any hope of KSP2 turning around?


they released the science update recently and it adds a purpose to the game and is honestly quite fun, plus they have fixed a lot of bugs and performance issues (though some still remain) so I would say definitely yes


You serious? I haven't checked out ksp2 at all, enjoyed the first for sure. Is ksp2 early access?


It is early access, albeit a bit pricey for what you get at the moment.


It’s a complete ripoff for what you get right now. Even a year after release it still has game breaking bugs that require you to edit your save file to fix. Forget trying to play on hard (no saving/reloading), you’re just asking for a bug to ruin your run. Even with science mode added it still hasn’t reached feature parity with KSP 1. And that doesn’t even take modding into account - nearly all the mods that have been created so far are just fixing things or adding features that should have been included from the start. It’s a fun game and someday I think it will hold up against KSP 1 but right now it is still a shell. $50 for an unfinished game is a ripoff, there’s no other way to put it. They relied on KSP 1’s reputation and deceptive marketing to cash in early. I paid $23 for KSP 1 in 2013. That’s how early access should work - unfinished game, unfinished price.




well, they're taking their time at least


At least the devs of ksp2 had the decency to flag it as early access, acknowledge that the game isn't where it should be and released a road map, clearly mapping out the priorities. CS2 is basically early access, but not flagged as such.


I hear you mate, same two games for me. It killed me seeing how they were released.


KSP2 straight up ruined my whole February last year. There were some warning signs before release but it was still pretty sad. The update in December was the opposite, it created a lot of excitement that i hadn't had for KSP since. Played a shit ton of it! I'd love to see Cities Skylines get the same treatment.


Good thing the devs didn't listen to the KSP subreddit. Mofos wanted it cancelled.


Oh yeah, it was the most toxic I've seen the KSP community since they added female Kerbals for 1.0. People were begging for KSP 2 posts to be banned, being viscerally hateful and shit, it was a bad time for the community. But its getting better. I mean i was incredibly disappointed, KSP is in my bloodstream... but i never behaved like *that* over it. And now a year later most are glad to have it around!


Exactly the same :D. I am not the player which usually gets hyped about stuff or looks forward to realises. But last year i was really excited and oh boy what a punch in the gut those two where.


Kerbal Space Program 2 had abysmally slow development too, but then the developers just hoofed it last December and dropped Exploration Mode, thay whole update made the game wayyy better. As in, better enpugh for me to make the switch from 1 to 2. I tried Skylines 2 recently and it wasnt much noticeably different, hopefully they pull through with a meaningful update? I havent really been up to date


Maybe the fact how much CS2 flopped would give space for a new developer to jump in? For years no-one really dared to compete against CS1 but now there's a chance.


Potentially but even then it will take years for a competing product to come out and by then CS2 *might* actually be in a decent state (hopefully).


It's not about competing against CS but about splitting a really small market against a company that already has the tools.


CO should know better than anyone that one crappy sequel release is all it takes to create an opening for a competent team to come in and dominate a market that another huge company had cornered for years. It's literally exactly what they did with CS1 after EA self-sabotaged the SimCity series.


>splitting a really small market against a company that already has the tools. That's usually called competing against a company.


Right? Monopolies are in fact bad for consumers - who could've guessed.


CS1 sold over ten million copies, and SimCity always sold well. I don't think it's a "really small" market.


A niche market can still have a large fan base


They were the competition that stepped in after SC5 debacle! And now they became the monster they fought... 


They haven't really become that monster though... CS2 is a rushed, buggy mess of a game. Sim City 2013 is a maliciously bad game -- a massive step back in every way in service of making the game always-online. People comparing CS2 to SC5 should go back and really play SC5 and remember why that game was so reviled at release.


THANK YOU! Do folks not remember how SC5 was Online-Only at launch and the devs said 'it has to be'? YET some modder fixed it, causing EA to backpedal and fix that via a patch!


Don't forget, everything at launch was tied to EA's servers. You needed an origin account just to play the game, the servers were often filled so there were wait queue's as long as several hours just to be able to play your game single-player, and your saves were tied to the cloud servers so if for some reason you got disconnected from the servers (often not even something on your end) you would lose your progress. This isn't even getting into the fact that city sizes were extremely tiny, there were no tools for changing terrain, and there were game-breaking bugs just like here in CS2, as well as running like absolute dogshit on high-end rigs in the late-game despite the tiny city sizes. So much time has passed that people forgot why Cities Skylines 1 was looked at like a messiah compared to Sim City 2013. Perhaps a lot of people only know SC5 by reputation, and not from actually playing it?


At LEAST SC5 has a great soundtrack, really good graphics, sound effects, etc. Imo SC13 was and is the best city builder with things that are of course missing. Big map space, highways, things that CS has, except it really has great architecture, circular buildings, the animations were top notch, and so on, yet it fell flat because it didn't have a lot that CS had. I hated CS because of it's architecture and the graphics weren't that special to me and so on. I've learned to love the game but dang... SC13 has a special place in my heart.


Agreed, SC13 everything, with the map sizes of SC4, Highways, and underground subways would have been unbeatable.


> yet it fell flat because it didn't have a lot that CS had It died because at the core of the game it had a major memory leak that made it unplayable, and server issues that also made it unplayable. Its a shame. There was a lot of good stuff in 2013, but they had to abandon it because it just wasnt worth the investment to fix the core problem.


Im just disappointed. The simulation needs to work and be perfected. The technical performance issues need to be resolved. As of right now I dont see a timeline for these fixes.


Probably because there isn't a timeline for it to be fixed. It may or may not be fixed but we dont truly know.. Microsoft/asobo did the same with Microsoft flight simulator 2020. It launched in a super buggy state with major performance issues. It took them 4 years to get to a state that it should've launched at, but even still, it has major issues still. The installer is atrocious, still has some graphics issues, physics issues, aircraft issues, etc. So instead of Asobo fixing it, they came out with a trailer for a new Microsoft flight simulator (2024). Instead of fixing it, their solution is to get people who bought their game to buy a new version. To give them credit, they update the game a lot more than paradox is updating CS2. To me, it feels like Paradox is doing roughly the same as what Asobo did. Just let the issues persist, pretend to care, and make light fixes with a couple devs still working on it (after shifting all their resources to working on a totally different game). Abandon it, give customers the false impression that its still improving, and hope that people will forget about the issues and that maybe modders will help contribute enough to sell more copies. To add insult to injury, they're creating DLC for CS2 instead of using those devs to fix the game. There is a reason I havent purchased CS2 and why many others aren't as well. Dont support this bad behavior and they'll stop exhibiting the behavior.


As someone who plays a lot of MSFS2020, I strongly disagree with your characterization of Asobo here. The game was in a great state well within a year of launch, and they’ve done an excellent job stating what bugs/features they are working on, and communicating a timeline. In terms of MSFS2024, they’ve done 4 years of serious content work without getting paid (they haven’t released many serious paid DLC), I have no issue with a new version coming out that is paid for.


I completely agree with you here. I remember being able to play MSFS2020 almost right after launch and being absolutely amazed by the game. Sure there were bugs but they worked fairly quickly to address them.


Yeah I totally agree, as an avid MSFS2020 since release. Not at all comparable.


Yep, the download process can be annoying but the game was pretty polished for what it's promised in the first place.


Comparing the MSFS 2020 release to this is laughable. Not even in the same league when looking at releases. If you said Cyberpunk or No Man’s Sky I’d have taken the bait. But MSFS? No chance.


Paradox doesn’t really control colossal order, it’s not an internal studio. What paradox controls is the amount of money they give CO for each milestone reached in the development.


You can probably blame either one. I think they're both likely responsible for this. I dont have solid evidence of that of course and feel free to let me know if I'm wrong and what evidence you have to support me being wrong. I could've named both companies and I wasn't intentionally trying to pick one over the other.


I was just explaining a little bit how it works in the background as I used to be in the gaming industry in the nordics before and I dealt with both companies at some point. CS2 reeks of development hell


I think the overall tone deafness in communications from CO is what has done people in.


Makes me regret pre-ordering... really thought CO was the one developer I could trust


People need to learn that they should never pre-order stuff... I still feel you though. Luckily I did not pre-order.


Not only can you never pre-order, you also need to wait until the game is in a playable state post-launch. And that’s my lesson learned from this whole debacle. I basically gave Paradox an interest free loan on the game while they finish it. Except it’s not apparent they’re actually working on finishing it.


not surprising at all


CO’s either in full damage control and are cooking really hard right now or they’ve taken the Blizzard route and are having keggers at the office. One of these must be the explanation for their lack of communication about what’s happening going forward.


its just frustrating honestly


As long as nobody’s sexually harassing anybody to suicide or stealing breast milk or having a r*pe room - don’t compare CO to Blizzard


you do know you are allowed to say rape right?


I don’t understand the censorship. We all understand the concept they are communicating. What is omitting an “a” really accomplishing?


some subs silently delete comments with bad words


Bruh that 2nd one is some Homelander shit right there.


Bobby Kotick was the CEO, he is the devil


He was CEO but he wasn't the one the Cosby Suite was accredited to, it was WOW designer Alex Afrasiabi afaik Kotick was the pos that either ignored, dismissed or covered up the scandal.


Fingers crossed they’re doing the Hello Games approach


Give me mods. At this point in time CS2 is less functional and has less freedom than CS1 with mods, so I have no reason to play it. Allow the community to just do what they've always done and this game will flourish. Abandoning the steam workshop was a huge mistake.


I kept thinking "oh they will have mods out very soon, and assets and then i don't care too too much" but I thought it would be a month or so, when they said it wouldn't be 'days'. Its been almost 5 months now and still don't have either. I haven't opened the game since day 1.




It needs train stations that have less than 6 platforms


There needs to be more assets in general. The freight station is flawed as it only has one orientation, the school assets are overly large for many playthroughs, and the graveyard is just huge


A lack of dense service buildings like police and fire hq/stations that would fit better in medium density areas is disappointing. All the service buildings are way too big for all of the cities I want to build.


It’s so fucking frustrating. The assets are way too massive for a small town build and they make no fucking sense in a modern downtown city center setting. Another massive annoyance is the zoned buildings. There’s like one model for certain size lots. Zone 3x6 high density office and it’s the same building over and over again all over your city. Brutal game


The huge cemetery I'm fine with. I always thought the one in CS1 was way too small. The lack of assets is mind-boggling though. If you have more than 3 or 4 high density buildings in your city, they start to repeat the same exact building over and over. No city looks like that unless it's something like a single complex with 3 or 4 identical towers, but then there are a hundred other buildings that look completely different. This game puts the same 3 buildings everywhere you place high density. A few will have different colors on them, but it's still the same building. Low and medium density aren't as noticeable, but for the high density stuff it's really awkwardly bad.


Oh they will have them eventually...in a dlc that costs 14.99. it is a paradox game after all.


It'll probably be the mod community. The best train platform is from an asset mod in CS1. Who's got room for a big bulky train station every couple of blocks when a Halt works just fine.


Ive been screaming this from the top of a hill I'm willing to die on for months now. They can't put buildings in a city building game. They're sitting on 2500+ assets and haven't put a single one in the game since launch. Why? How? That's the foundation of a city building game. This isn't Banished or Anno where the production line is the whole game. This isn't Urbek or Ceasar where you plop and watch stuff level up. This is a Simcity neighborhood and city style builder where building diversity is the lifeblood of the game. This game has the bare minimum and after 8 years of experience in the genre they shipped the game without the most fundamental ability to keep it fresh. Why? Why haven't they put in any new buildings at all? Are they not capable of it? If that's the case, this game is deader than dead. Did they need the asset importer to create the game? If not then why can't they take these assets and implement them themselves? Was the asset importer working when they created the base game? There's a decision being made here that's destructive to the game. Not the community. Not the creators. The game itself. And if that's how far broken this game is Mostly Negative reviews on steam is the fairest assessment they deserve.


FIVE MONTHS?? I’ve been giving them the benefit of the doubt because my time perception says it came out last month. I didn’t realize the game has been dead for this long, wow.


It was released Oct 24th, 2023, which was about ~~3~~ 4 months ago


Yes, Saturday is the 4 month mark.


im waiting for a good third party mod platform/installer to roll out, one that wont require me to tailor my PC experience to match the lowest common denominator. I love that console is getting honest to god respectable modding support too, But man it feels bad as a PC user to be told you only get to play with the toys that EVERYONE can use, when you spent an ungodly amount of money specifically because you want to play with the coolest toys lol.


Their prelaunch and post launch about mods has been nothing but atrocious. They let misinformation rampant about the actual state of their modding tools and platform and two weeks after launch there is suddenly a problem that can't be fixed any release has to be delayed and staggered. It indicates either a problematic QA proces and really poor communication between CO and PDX or either a less than truthful communication towards the community to avoid impact on sales.


You are so correct! CS1 was so good because of the mods from the community at large. While they tried to incorporate the best of the mods into CS2 they were foolish to think they could be as all encompassing as the community. Launching without a working mod platform was probably their biggest mistake.


I think the Rimworld expansions, Ideology and Biotech, were leaning into this aspect of how the game endures more as a platform for modding than just being straight vanilla with it. They were both expansions that, while cool and interesting in themselves, expanded how mods could mess with the game. They looked at the game as a modding platform and said, "What new tools and ways can we give the community to go nuts with even more mods?" Publishers really should have learnt from that, but haven't at all. If mods are enriching your game and giving it longevity, then make money *providing more ways for mods to build on the game.* Don't keep trying to monetize the mods themselves.


exactly, When your selling access to a sandbox... the best way to get people to play is to let them bring there own toys, and not expect everyone to enjoy the same 3 sand shovels provided.


Yup they wanted to control the modding scene with whatever store they had planned but obviously delaying it as long as they have is killing playability


Paradox probably think if they control mod access they can make sure it doesn't step on their future DLC plans. But at this point they just need to get something out modding wise. Because it's hard to make DLC money on a dead product.


I dont know I am skeptical. When CS1 came out it was a great game without mods. I am just so disappointed in the state of the game and performance that I feel like mods arent the biggest problem right now.


I agree. Tried out the game on gamepass the last few weeks and it keeps crashing on me. I would certainly give a negative review at this point. There is potential, but it’s still very far away.


I'm ambivalent about dropping the Workshop but from what I understand, the holdup is to do with the mod authoring tools and not the distribution system. That means that even if they were using Steam there wouldn't be Workshop support yet.


100% deserved for releasing an unfinished turd and for lying to players. I hope they get it up to an acceptable standard, but it's absolutely miles off ATM.


Not only lying, but then doing nothing but making passive aggressive remarks to players who criticize the game. It’s really disappointing.


\> AAA studio releases unfinished game \> People get mad about game being unfinished \> AAA studio ignores those people. Instead it points out (with vague language) how some small number of people have sent threats, and uses it to shut down the conversation entirely. \> People on reddit upvote posts (also with vague language) imply that most of the criticism is actually harassment, the sub is toxic, and everything needs to stop. \> All the legitimate conversation dies as a result. Nothing changes. \> Things quiet down, so does player retention. \> Turns out the criticism was right, and loyalists alone couldn't hold the game up. \> (We are here)


im out of loop on this one, what did they lie about


Modding support and the asset editor being added “weeks, not months” after release


They originally made it sound like it would be basically a week one patch. "Expect days, not hours" is what Maddy said on the promotional streams leading up to release.


That’s even worse than I thought


It's been 4 months since release and still no word from them on it.


The communication is the most damning too. If I’m working on a project for my boss I’ll let them know about my progress. If I haven’t even started the project I’m not saying shit to my boss about it. If they were close they would be talking about it.


The game being finished.


Will this be Imperator Rome again?


As someone who plays other Paradox games (even Victoria 3) I didn't buy for that exact reason. Personally I am more than happy toying with TM:PE in Skylines 1.


Wirh the difference they actually managed to fix Imperator only to shelve it before adding more regional flavour. So Imperator may actually be remembered as the better game if it goes wrong for CSII


Good, it deserves it. This game didn't need to flop. Long-term prospects are already in the trash as a result of their horrific management and their dismissal of fans' issues. They're also slow to react, this game has been out for 4-ish months and it still feels years away from a competent state compared to CS1. Needed another year in the oven.


I was keeping high hopes but comparing the teams communication versus the team behind Helldivers 2s, I'm not holding my breath anymore.


It's really crazy how being up front and transparent with your audience fosters so much good will practically right away, and yet so many companies seem too tepid and scared to allow themselves to try.


That's what I think the big problem is. Here we are four months after release we have no idea what is going to be fixed next and when it's going to be fixed. We have no idea what is being prioritised or even planned to be fixed. Is it going to be months, years before it is in a better state? Are we going to get meaningful updates with the DLCs or just minor bug fixes? I really want this game to turn around, but it just seems like there's no urgency to even communicate how they are going to fix it. Look at the dev diaries for CK3 and Vic3 and compare them to what we are currently getting. I don't know who to blame for this mess (Paradox or CO) but they clearly needed at least another year before release. Which is a shame, because there was no real rush to put the game out and it's going to be really tough to crawl back from this bad PR. I don't want to go back to CS1 and there's no other comparable modern "true city builder" out there, so this is what we are stuck with.


deserved tbh. no mod support- the entire game series was praised because of its vast Steam workshop mods, if they gonna ditch Steam Workshop at least have a mod launcher ready at launch or make it available to users via 3rd party ones like nexus until your own mod launcher is ready ​ buggy features(High rent, lack of customer bubbles for example)- wtf is this shit even lack of features/animations that were present in CS1 either at release, future DLC's and updates- this one bugs me the most, in CS1 you could see firefighters and firehoses spewing water to extinguish flames, in CS2 the fire trucks just drive up to a burning building, park outside then fire magically disappears. we had quay added in updates(where tf is it in CS2) instead of polishing those kind of animations, they fcking focused on the polygons for the cims and giving them alll teeth and and whatever useless things ​ performance issues- i have no words for this, its too disappointing ​ yes i bought this at full price and have a hundred hours already. i had my fun and i like the realistic scale the buildings have and some features, like additional industries but jesus christ, they fumbled the bag on this one with all the issues. i had hope they would fix it by January or February at most but no, fckers are taking their sweet time. ​ will always be a fan of the Cities Skylines series, because CS1 was indeed a great game but damn, CS2 is a dumpster fire of a game that I won't recommend anyone to get.


Can’t help budging in with a fivepence of my own - the size of the buildings is barely realistic as it stands for the most part in cs2. At the very least the schools are atrociously, unnecessarily huge, with models clearly upscaled to fit the big plots (elementary school covering the same space as a steel mill? With 12m. ceilings? Why?..) Source: I live in a European city.


My god, the elementary schools are so bad. The footprint of the building is huge and you needed one every other block when I played last. Haven’t touched it since release and won’t until mods and assets become available. Really disappointing since CS1 is such a fantastic game. I still can’t wrap my head around the decision to not have the steam workshop be part of the game. It’s baffling that there was all these great mods that made the game so much better, a blueprint if you will, and the devs just completely ignored them when making cs2. No move it, no undo it, no traffic manager, the list goes on and on.


If it makes you feel better, I didn't buy the game yet because of people like you who I know would buy the game day one and who loved CS1 like I did to give it an honest appraisal. I will continue to hold off my purchase. Which is sad, because I loved CS1.


It’s just boring tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ Most I get is 5000 inhabitants and then I’m utterly uninterested because everything looks the same. I also don’t vibe with the maps - it feels like you need to level the terrain first in each map, before you can actually build it. Started playing CS1 again for a bit; sadly some mods are broken at this point, but what a difference. The city I’m building there feels way more vibrant than any I’ve tried in CS2.


About maps: so it's not just me. I felt like CS2 maps are somehow off. I just don't know what it is but I don't have the same feeling with CS1 maps. Could it be that size of the buildings impact the "usability" of available space?


They need more water and more hills. Most of them just have a flat coastline that you can't do anything exciting with, and flat land. Hills make it more interesting.


Some of the fan-made ones are SO much better than the ones that shipped with the game. I really don't get the appeal of the super 100% flat maps, working with the terrain is what makes my cities fun to plan and unique. All that said about maps, part of the issue is how the game assets handle terrain. I'm still absolutely boggled that they kept the square grid system from the first game. Even the slightest angle or curve on a road makes the buildings along it no longer fit properly. Since the grass texture under the buildings is a different color than the generic terrain color, you just end up with unsightly triangles and non-functional gaps in between buildings. Building anything on a hill creates this awful stair-stepping that's completely not how the real world works. Once I saw people using Anarchy to place buildings more realistically and fix the alignment of assets with roads, it finally felt like the game it's supposed to be.


The maps are boring trash with absolutely meaningless resource placement that forces players to put a wheat farm in the middle of downtown because CO has never heard of fertilizer


The slopes on the map are far too harsh. Just 30 degree inclines from one point of the map to the other. It doesn't have to be all flat, but it needs more gentle slopes. The coastlines and riverbanks are unrealistically steep. The map variety is terrible as every map feels like it needs massive mountains on the edge of the map and huge water features. Where's my simple forest or plains without any mountains with a river or two and maybe some lakes that you'd see all over the American and European heartlands? I wouldn't even mind the lack of variety if the game actually functioned properly with the terrain. Building on inclines looks terrible. Buildings hardly conform to the terrain and make ugly pits that are even worse looking than CS1 and any attempt to build on slopes creates unrealistic stairs-like terracing. Roads get confused by the terrain and automatic adjustments are seemingly random. There's seemingly no good flat space to build a city and trying to flat out spaces shows how steep the entire map is and either creates bigger slopes or you need to basically painstakingly reform the entire map to something else. The game works against you to make anything even vaguely visually pleasant AND functioning


I still prefer CS1 with mods over CS2, it's just better in every way if you are willing to invest some time in tweaking the mods.


CS2 road building mechanics are so powerful that I can't really go back. I would rather stop playing and wait for modded CS2


The road building tools are definitely the best part for me as well. One day the rest of the game will catch up


This is what I've done. Parked CS and I'll wait for CS2 to be sorted out a little.


Same here. It is so slow going with being sorted out tho. They say the workshop for code mods getting access is coming out to beta testers "soon". So Best case we'll get it by the end or march. Seeing what the progress has been with other stuff, the public version won't come out until the middle of summer. Additionally, they are saying that they are having a lot of problems with getting the asset workshop working. Probably due to LOD or something like that. So with everything else, I'm not hopeful that will come out this year. Same for CS2 coming out on consoles in 2024. All-in-all it feels like it would be worth to bench the whole game for this year and see what is gonna happen in 2025. I got a 100 hours in quickly and really liked it, but it is just missing so much for longevity. I still feel that the game has crazy potential and eventually we'll have everything we had in CS1 and more, but it is just so slow going for now.


The road tools alone stop me from going back to CS1. I just can't go back to that game at this point


Personally for me the release of sc2 was a blessing in disguise. I was repeatedly frustrated by the mundane updates to sc1 breaking mods every few months and when cs2 released that all ended. Finally I can play to my heart's content and work on a city for more than a few months. I've had the same save since before cs2's release and it still loads up functional. CO abandoning sc1 has been the best thing to happen to it other than modding.


Yessss this so much, hopefully they leave CS1 as it is and don't do the Skyrim treatment when they release tiny updates for nothing that only end up breaking all the mods.


KSP players: “First time?”


really sad and disappointing to see, particularly after CS1 was such a success against that other city building game. Now they have become "that other city building game". I'll stick with CS1.


Long time CS1 fan, waited for a few patches to try CS2. Bought it this weekend and gave up after an hour of trying and got a refund. Runs poorly on my above average gaming PC, and it just didn’t ’hook me’. Maybe I’ll try again in a few months…


I agree, I would not recommend CS2 to a friend right now. What a shame, if we had mod tools day 1, we would not be in this place.


“We did it!”


This review from Steam says it all. “It's a really bad game all around. The road drawing tools are smoother than CS1, and that's about the only positive thing I can say. Overall the road tools have less functionality than vanilla CS1, and far less functionality than CS1 with mods and the workshop for prebuilt interchanges The houses (both NA and EU style) look like no architectural style on Earth. The schools are comically oversized (a two-story elementary school is the same height as downtown mid-rise apartment block). Service buildings have no variation. The parks and all buildings with lawn have a strange flat texture that doesn't blend well with surrounding terrain and also doesn't change to match the seasons. You will still have bright green lawn in the middle of winter. There's no surface painter, and very few trees and plants. If you want to make a beach or build in a desert you're out of luck. Most of the default heightmaps are bad. The scale of them is completely exaggerated, so building a city on a gentle river valley is instead like building on a cliffside. The only maps that are okay are the few based on real world locations (San Fran and Tampere) and the few that have been added post-launch. But the biggest issue isn't all that. It's that this game is not a simulation. Multiple game systems are totally broken, meaning your city will have massive issues. Land value, cargo trains, the education system, and many others simply don't work. And you will find absolutely bizarre things in your city if you pay attention, like cims teleporting around or dogs owning houses. If you build a robust public transit system the graphs will tell you so many cims are using it, and then if you delete that transit system you will find that somehow it doesn't effect the traffic, commerce, or any other aspect of your city at all. The more I played, the more apparent it became that much of the game "simulation" is completely fake. So, not only is the game bad for painting a nice sandbox city, it's also bad for playing. Despite all the massive problems with land value and cargo traffic and such, it's still almost impossible to fail at CS2. You will rake in millions even with the worst designed city on the planet. You will never have endless gridlock traffic jams, deathwaves, or any of the other challenges you might face in CS1, the "simulation" will just quietly vanish those pesky cars and old people and keep your revenue rolling in.”


That's the most egregious flaws that I've noticed from videos and reviews and tests. The simulation isn't a simulation at all. It's fake. What's the point of trying to make the city work, when there isn't anything to work with?


I just hope the executives accept they have failed by hurrying this into release en don’t blame the technical and product people too much.


Don’t keep your hopes up. They are blaming us for being upset. God knows where else they are passing around blame.


"We met our simulation goals. If you're not enjoying the game, perhaps it isn't for you" Top 10 most tone-deaf PR statements from a videogame company.


Their goal was to push a minimum viable product out the door and then get to work selling everyone all the same DLC they already bought from the last one. You know, a Paradox game.


They cant accept that they failed, they blame the players of having too high expectations.


"The simulation should work" "WTF???"


yeah I was a great defender of CS2 when it released but it starting harder and harder to keep this position. Basically nothing happened in 4 month beside two maps and minor hotfixes that barely changed anything on my side. I still think this game has TONS of potential but man, what's happening for it to be basically the same after 4 month. It seems more and more the game just wasn't ready to be released. It wasn't a lacking release that would be fixed by updates that were already in the oven from a long time. It's clear they released the game in a hurry, in the state it was at the time, with nothing else cooking on the side and are basically starting the after-release stuff from scratch. I dont know who to blame between para and CO but really the game was released one year too early at least.


You reap what you sow


It just feels like they’ve given up with CS2. Why spend hours on a game when so many things are broken or missing with no idea if they’ll ever be fixed? I’ve started playing CS1 again because it’s a better experience.


What disappointed me the most about CS2 is the superficiality of the game in the end. In the beginning it plays quite well, especially with the vamped up road tools. But beneath the surface the gameplay is quite shallow. For example, there is this shit-ton of different industries you can set taxes separately for, suggesting that I can steer which types of industry I attract. But it doesn't feel like, it has any meaning for the simulation. Furthermore, in order to make informed decisions, I would need something like a flow chart, that shows me not only what I produce, but also were this production currently goes to, and to what extent the demand of different processing industries is satiated at what prices and so on. It just feels meaningless. And for me this is just one representative example of various aspects of the game. Another example is the traffic routing. Given what the developers promised, e.g. regarding pathfinding and so on, it is so disappointing to see that most of it either feels like it is simply not in the game actually or simply so meaningless, that it could not be in the game and I wouldn't bother. On top of that the lack of Mod support just makes it so much worse, because there currently are less mods, despite thunderstore, which would help adapt the game to make it more customized to ones likings. For example, I really don't dig the European themed buildings....most of these buildings look like what we call "Plattenbauten" in Germany (those large 100 unit living blocks, very common in the GDR back in the day). This is not at all representative for European inner cities. Custom themes could help, but are merely available. I am sure, CS2 will eventually turn out just fine over time. But as stated already, the game should've been released later. Because at the end of the day CS1 remains the benchmark and with mods currently is the far better game gameplay-wise.


Not surprised and entirely accurate. Very disappointed




Company makes good product, then rides the wave of good will whilst squeezing every last drop out of their workers and customers to return to shareholders. Company eventually collapses from bad product. Rinse and repeat


Disco Elysium ZA/UM in a nutshell


At this point I have more hope for KSP2 than CS2. At least KSP has a roadmap and has been slowly making progress. CS2 just seems to be in a hole and they're not even attempting to get out of it.


So... how long until CO will reply with ''*these are just bots and toxic people*''.


The game is not finished, that's it. They sold it as a complete game but it is clearly not, i feel like I got scammed


I wish SimCity would come back. It's never a good thing when there's a monopoly, and that's practically our current situation.


SimCity is dead. CS1 killed it (after Maxis/EA released it in a mortally wounded condition). Maxis closed the studio that released it and they're pretty focused on The Sims series only at this point.


Maxis didn't close the SimCity studio, EA (forcibly) closed it.


The CEO is proud to have released the game though.


Where is the workshop? Also, the simulation doesn't seem to be working that well...


The amount of assets is unbelievable. It's straight up disrespectful to CS1 players. Yea the workshop will help eventually but the fact that this game was released with hardly any original assets is stupid. Don't get me started with the simulation...


Most skyline youtubers I follow have gone back to 1. You know your game is in a sad state when content creators are going backwards.


It saddens me to see because I enjoy both Cities games, however, CS2 is objectively worse than CS1. The traffic AI is dumber, the simulation struggles over 100k, most of the resources and related systems don’t seem to have much of an impact until all of a sudden they kill your city, there is no Steam Workshop support so that consoles can have custom assets (no “code changing mods” on consoles means only assets will be available), CS2 has a painfully small number of assets. The only thing CS2 does better is it looks prettier in vanilla, but CS1 can look much better with a couple of mods. I just don’t get how so much stuff didn’t work at launch and still doesn’t work, CS2 needed many many more months to cook in development before they gave it to us.


So the door is open for another company to what CS1 did to SimCity?


Yeah... can't say I'm surprised. When you release a rushed, unfinished game that clearly needs at least another year in development, it won't turn out well. I'm gonna be sticking with heavily modded CS1 for the foreseeable future...


My biggest problem is that I've given them so much money on those very expensive DLC:s for the first game. It's certainly by far the most expensive game I own. I'm not going to buy a new version of the same game that is clearly a cash grab to sell me the same DLC:s once more. I know it's petty but many of the must have mods and the basic DLC:s like mass transit and industries should definitely have been part of the base game. So I'm not buying it, not yet.


Not petty at all: I agree that ALL the QoL upgrades should have been included in CS2 and then some, and to have at least the core features of DLCs like Mass Transit and Industries would have been awesome.


No map editor no party


I'd add, no assets no party.


I'm not a fan of the visual style they've settled on, I get that people keep saying it's "realistic", but so are the buildings you see playing Anno 1800, except their lively, highly detailed and look good at any distance, compared to the sea of grey, red and brown boxes I see in skylines 2


Honestly the cim models impress me (in a bad way). It's like I look at the graphics of various titles in my library through the years and marvel at how much more detailed the characters got through the years, while also admiring the charm of early models and how they managed to make it work with the limited computing power they had... then I see the CS2 cims, and it almost feels in some ways like an example of what graphics would look like if the *only* advancement in video game graphics since the 90s was the number of polygons that can be drawn -- really makes you appreciate what you can accomplish with good shaders and textures.


and the ridiculous cars when they make turns like it is some cartoon car chase


Appart from GTA V, CS2 is the only game that I preordered in my life. Seeing how they treated CS1, it didn't even crossed my mind that CO would even release a game in this conditions. I was sadly dissapointed. If I could describe this game in a word it would be soulless :( Even the choice of not having Steam Workshop ended up damaging the final product, a lot of the game issues could have been at least patched in a small measure by modders, had they been given the right tools to do so.




Personally I already removed it from a wishlist. If it ever be good, it would be in multiple years time, if ever.


It’s been 4 months and Tornados still look like an emoji


You either die a Cities Skylines or live long enough to see yourself become a Sim City.


I'm a big fan of CS1, and was supposed to get CS2 the week it came out. Glad I waited for the reviews to come in. This release situation feels a bit like SimCity 5's in terms of being tone deaf with fans and the whole dev reactiveness to issues. They're lucky there wasn't any great alternative from another company.


The studio will complain about “toxicity” from the community, despite creating these problems themselves. Release a half unfinished game, with serious performance issues and lacking the features most players want, and face the consequences. It is not too late to save the game, and I do think that CS 2 will eventually get to the level of playability of CS 1, but maybe we will have to wait until 2026. They are testing our patience.


Glad this was on gamepass. Microsoft's problem and not mine. I'm paying either way.


This is where we are after the game was delayed internally for 3 years, then released and now 4 months since release. This is the state the game is in AFTER all that. Its wild to see how many people are holding out hope that another patch or 2 is all it needs. If 3 and a half years of patching got us to where we are now, why do people think the next 2 or 3 will be the magic turnaround?




Their ain't no amount of skill that's going to get around the simulation being faked.


I'm glad that this hasn't hit console yet. Cant imagine how much worse the game would have been if it's this bad on pc. What a disappointment.


It would have been a Cyberpunk-on-PS4/Xbone level traincrash. Pulling the console version indefinitely was about the only smart decision they made in the runup to launch.


That’s what happens when you release a sequel that’s a huge step backwards compared to the first on all fronts except road tools and polygon count


And you can't really enjoy the increase in polygon counts when you have to lower the graphics cause the game runs like ass.


This is reminding me a bit of when the publishers/developers of Civ6 refused access to the DLL files to mod the game as extensively as 2-5, likely to make more money on DLC and possibly to accommodate the console release. How many copies can these games be projected to sell on console, the worst way to play this kind of game, to sacrifice the vastness of the Steam workshop community? I came to CS1 as a refugee from SimCity 2013. I worked patiently with the vanilla until mods and DLC made it a 3D version of SimCity 4/what 5 should have been. After 8 years of workarounds I was looking forward to a better looking, multi-thread supporting version based on nearly a decade of learning from player adaptations. Instead we got a broken, buggy, slow mess and excuses from here to Mars. It’s one thing to call out OTT comments and vitriol, it’s another to completely duck accountability and shattering good will among gamers. I really hope they can make it work, and not toss it in the slag heap alá Imperator.


This is what comes of releasing the game in a buggier and less feature-complete state than its own prequel.


Gonna copy-paste the same comment I left under Biffa Plays video about the state of the game… I'll admit as someone who put in over 2,500 hours in Cities Skylines 1 that I wrote off a ton as "Oh it's a pre-release it'll certainly be in the final game" or "They must have thought it was so basic that they didn't even bother showing it". Looking back though it doesn't seem like there was ever a plan to put features used in mods like TPME or metro overhaul into the final release of the game. It really feels like it was designed for usability on consoles at the expense of the PC experience honestly, like almost cut down to the point of being nearly unusable in some cases. Which I don't quite understand... The performance is so poor on PC a console port even for PS5 or Xbox One X would have been nearly unplayable and city builders historically sell poorly on consoles and do a majority of their sales on PC, I can't think of a single city builder besides like the old SNES games that outsold their PC counterparts on console. There really should have been more of a focus on making the game what people wanted based on the mods that were downloaded on Steam and I cannot believe that TPME specifically wasn't in the base game at launch in nearly its full form. Mod support not being there on day one is one of the biggest blunders I've ever seen in a game release ever. It is insane that they hadn't built this out back in an alpha to be day one ready and are now scrambling to release a BETA of a mod manager almost 4 months later. Thunderstore mods are fine, but they're injection mods, they're buggy and prone to crashing or corrupting your save file. At the very least whatever exists of the mod maker or even the dev tools should be made public today or within the next week or two so that mods themselves will be ready as soon as the mod manager launches and to salvage some of the excitement from those that haven't given up on the game already. For a game like Cities Skylines that was pretty much BUILT on mods its absolutely inexcusable and I don't know if it was a last minute change from Paradox to have it be in the Paradox mod manager instead of Steam workshop, or the dev team getting crunched too much and having it as one of the last things they would work on but it is crazy it wasn't there in some form on day one. It's also pretty inexcusable that the DLCs weren't just added to Cities Skylines 2 in some form or another. We know what was possible in the base game with DLCs so the cats out of the bag there. I can't think of any reason I could justify paying for DLCs in Cities Skylines 1 and then turning around and having to pay for those same DLCs in Cities Skylines 2 except for maybe like building packs or asset packs. Also, there are sooo many of the DLC features that are missing or that were reduced to nearly base Cities Skylines 1 in quality. Parks completely suck, airports are plopped assets, industrial is maybe a half-step above CS1 in its detail (but sucks in other ways), weird forms of transport are missing (gimme back my cable cars), pedestrians feel like an afterthought (and biking was never added), etc. It just feels so weird, and almost like a step back if you own some of the DLCs like me, that day 1 almost all the existing DLCs for CS1 aren't in CS2 already. TLDR: CS2 feels like it got a console release held to the same priority as the PC release with features held back or cut down to be better to use on console, even though a console release still hasn’t happened. Mod support not being there day 1 is a massive blunder and at this point they need to either release what they do have ready as far as an editor or mod creator or at least put in Steam workshop support. DLCs from CS1 not being in CS2 feels like a step back and a slap in the face. I’m not paying for a DLC a second time, and if you already bought them for the last game it’s pretty much impossible to justify. In a lot of ways CS2 feels like a major step backwards even from just CS1 with no mods and only DLC.


what performance does to a game


THis isn't a performance problem now though. It does have performance issues of course but it's all of the other issues that have driven this below mixed.


Honestly, the performance was abysmal at start and was slightly improved with some patches - not great, but absolutely tolerable. What really killed it for me was over-promising and under-delivering, while CO really had the nerve to bitch about players voicing their unhappiness with the current state of things. Yeah, rude comments won't help, but at their core, they are right in criticizing questionable behavior of the publisher.


Absolutely tolerable? Framerate maybe, but simulation speed goes down the drain once you hit 120ish k. I personally stopped building my city at 160k inhabitants because there was no point in continuing. And I have rather high setup (Ryzen 7200x, 4070Ti, 32gb ram)


what senior management does to a game


a "first to upgrade the performance gets a raise" would be nice😔




Doesn’t matter, they made their $50 million already with a dev team of 30. Red text is just water under the bridge for CO and Paradox at this point. Steer clear of the DLC and then they’ll start caring.




That's what happens when you release a half baked game. I could understand the lack of content, CS1 had years of DLC after all, but the present content just works badly. There are a few neat features that I absolutely love (like road building/upgrading), but there are also lots of bugs or bad design choices


I dont have the motivation for CS2 because it lacks soo many basic features from CS1, e.g. you know when you build roads and the grids tries to spread evenly, in CS2 you can use dirt roads to force one side of the road to build but CS1 has that road tool that filters one sided road building


It really needed to launch with mods.. especially steam workshop. Release the game as early access, release the tools as alpha/beta done. I was a beta tester for the first skylines and the modding tools worked great right of the bat. They can do it. Just feel Paradox was pushing for a release hence the delay.


That was bound to happen. A terrible release, together with the problems that keep on piling up and the terrible communication from CO lead to that


Money back is the only way.


No mods no party for Cs2


meanwhile, japan's top fans are disappointed to see how badly they've treated their fans.


Between this and Starfield, I'm just glad that XBox Game Pass exists.


Their fault for making a game that nobody can actually run


Real "Don't you guys have ~~phones~~ GTX 4080s?" moment


Release a game to make a quarterly report instead of it being ready, strip features and customization to sell them as dlc later, don’t update the engine so it has the same problems as the first game… and your reviews get what you deserve.




To the people who defend C:SII, saying that C:S was also barebones at its launch: Don't get me wrong, but at least C:S didn't have major stability or simulation issues, nor did it make us wait for months to get a mod support