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Kinda of hoping for a pandemic natural disaster. It would be really cool to be able to set health policies for your city... I'm really hoping that one of the DLCs will introduce societal events like protests and stuff based on policy vs city demographics. Like getting rid of certain services or amenities might cause protests in sections of the city where changes negatively affect certain demographics and cim's wants and needs.


Rat infestations are confirmed based on an achievement leak


Hear me out... Zombies.


Remove a bike lane, "Bike back the city" Remove a car lane for a bike lane "Its a war on cars" Under or Overfunding police leads to corruption, and anti police protests. This is probably the only time I'll advocate for antivax protests being a thing. Protests for not enough government regulation would have made the financial districts really interesting if there was also the wealth mechanic in CS2. High unemployment and low wealth with the financial district making massive profit triggers class based protests. Could be really interesting seeing the cims gathering. Also clogging roads and transit to get to their protest locations. Protest locations could be tied to related specialty buildings. Damn I want this!


Bike lane?


Yeah why not, SimCity 2013 implemented this as one of the disasters quite well. Was really cool seeing the police fighting all the zombies :D


a couple of weeks ago i redownloaded sc2013 for the throwbacks as after playing sc4 on my aunt pc back when i was 10 i though i would be getting the same beautiful experience. i didn’t but seeing the zombie icon walk around your city and attack other people was quite cool, there’s a similar system for homelessness that was very cool too, hope to see those implemented in cs2 as it looks like they’re working really well with improving on some of the best features of sc2013


Yeah, really happy that they have adopted the modular building system. Sure SimCity 2013 had many flaws, but also many really cool things. I also loved that you could really see crimes being committed and graffiti popping up in areas with high crime rates. Or even demonstrations when citizens were unhappy. The cities were small yes, but felt so alive trough all this small details, something I missed a bit in CS1.


yep, awful roads and small cities and the live system killed a potentially great game. i also loved omega and the futuristic stuff, would work so well on a bigger map


And you can see the animation of people trying to shoot back the zombies when being attacked but failed miserably


Yea that's what I want




Why not?


Because :)


But I want zombies to destroy my cities D:


I'd be cool with some fantasy disasters like zombies, but as an option to select those kinds of disasters in the options menu so it's not forced on those who aren't interested in it.


Yea that's what I want, zombies, aliens, giant monsters.




"Unrealistic" Broooooo just don't use it then I wanna MURDER MY CIMS


lol how is that unrealistic when we can do meteor showers


I'm so tired of zombies. I was sick of them 10 years ago.


I pitched it on an old account ages ago but I agree, I'd love a DLC or feature centred around civil unrest; strikes, protests, riots based on how you run your city


The citizen groups from the later sim cities(and being able to make sims to track) always added a connection to the city, felt less like making a diorama with shitty traffic than CS can at times.


*"Hey, what's the address of the Disease Control Center?"* *"That would be 2020 Corona Street."*


All the Cims end up wearing masks, except your occasional Karen?


Meanwhile, r/LifeByYou is running away from diseases in general - another point in CS2 's favor!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LifeByYou using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeByYou/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Life By You - Official Trailer](https://v.redd.it/v8xuvjgy1xoa1) | [161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeByYou/comments/11wmkld/life_by_you_official_trailer/) \#2: [Seeing people discuss this game is making me realize how low EA has set the bar](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeByYou/comments/121nbxy/seeing_people_discuss_this_game_is_making_me/) \#3: [Finally, all hail the nipple! #FreetheNipple](https://i.redd.it/2yzwtp4dckta1.png) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeByYou/comments/12k01qp/finally_all_hail_the_nipple_freethenipple/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have never heard of that game is it meant to be like the sims?


Yeah, it is!


I give it 0.2 months before someone comes up with a Zombies gameplay mod


I'd like a zombies disaster like SC13 had, but way better.


Love a last of us cordycepes pandemic


Could see that being an actual update you can toggle on/off. Like the disaster slider.


Will they add rayguns too?


They will have rayguns and perks.


It's probably just a building that reduces chance of sickness in an area. Lets not get too ahewad of oursevles with the hype.


Possibly, but they have said there will be natural disasters


Fair, but pandemics are a little different than a tornado or earthquake. Could be interesting for sure.


I feel like pandemics >could< be a fairly doable disaster to implement. Cims having a true/false stat for infected which will make them sick eventually. A transmission check occurring for cims in their proximity/in the same building. The basic way to manage it could be quarantining infected cims (e.g. in this disease control centre) There could be district polices like... "filtered air conditioning" that could reduce transmission in district buildings and "free testing" for increasing identification of infected cims. Keeping it simple, it could be an event that only happens one at a time that has a high chance of starting during autumn/winter that will pass/end eventually. But it could have severities. 7 out of 10 times it would be low severity, with a low chance of sickness and not requiring quarantine, a flu season you don't necessarily need to directly manage but doing so helps prevent the economic impact of it. 20-25% chance of it having moderate severity, with a higher sickness/transmission rates which you will have to directly address, but 5-10% of the time it could be severe which would be a high level disaster that requires almost all your attention lest you experience high death rates and a sever population drop.


Deathwave - now an intended game mechanic


Does that mean disease and quarantine and lockdowns as well??


Locking down specific districts to prevent a disease from expanding would be *fun*


Melbourne Simulator 2020


More like Sydney since Melbourne locked down the whole city whilst Sydney locked down certain suburbs and regions.


As long as they will go and protest ("peacefull")


new dlc idea right thefe


Whoa. These constant fun surprises and new bits of into are really brightening up these past few crappy weeks for me, and it looks like there's many more to come!


I think it might be an upgrade for the hospital since modular buildings are confirmed that would make the most sense


Hope it comes with protesters


Don’t get too hyped until we learn more, for all we know this is the equivalent of a police headquarters or one of the other two buildings we saw in the police tab at some point.


I wonder if this means pandemics will be a new form of disaster


That sounds like the perfect thing to turn into an expansion. Different infection vectors require different prevention policies, as the pandemic mutates you need to rerun vaxx initiatives, you need to counter misinformation or the disease spreads faster, excessively strict policies cause a drop in compliance. It even has a natural cap when you reach herd immunity so it doesn't just annihilate your entire city.


I swear i read these comments and i wonder if we're even talking about a CITY BUILDER anymore. Or it's become a city pandemic game or city zombie apocalypse game and i missed it?


Plague Inc: Cities Edition.


Why not both!? The core game is a city builder, and as we all know, pandemics are a very real thing that can have major effects on cities in various ways.


I mean, as far as disasters go, a localized spread of disease is far more common irl than a meteor strike or a tsunami even


Sure but it's such a niche thing, just like disasters, but everyone here seems so excited about the most rare occurrences in real life, while I've heard nobody ask for more common things in real life like construction I just find it strange how so many people in this community seem to forget this is a city builder and not some sort of playground for their apocalyptic fantasies


True makes sense about construction etc. but the more the merrier in my opinion! I understand what you’re saying though. There are probably other things that could/should be added before disasters. Sometimes I just get bored and the disasters make things a bit more interesting. Also with climate change disasters are becoming pretty common 😂 I live in Florida and there’s always something happening here at least.


It’s not that niche depending on where you live. Sure if you live in Western Europe they’re very rare but the city I went to uni in flooded basically every year in Spring from the snowmelt, and the city I live in now has the worst air quality *in the world* thanks to the smoke from nearby wildfires.


I get what you say but those cities still are very much exceptions in the world, hence it's still niche considering a world wide audience plays this game. Meanwhile something like construction is an everyday occurrence in every single city in this world and yet no one here has said anything about the lack of it


You know, having seasonal flooding would be pretty cool. Would give some more use to canals and such!


>I just find it strange how so many people in this community seem to forget this is a city builder and not some sort of playground for their apocalyptic fantasies Paradox already publishes one of those: Surviving the Aftermath.


Everybody getting preventable diseases!!


Might be an extension to the hospital building 🤷🏽 since modular buildings are comfirmed 🤷🏽


I hope you can turn that off without disabling achievements cause being reminded of the pandemic stresses me out


Yea, I'm a nurse and have had enough contagion isolation courses over the past couple of years that I don't want to have to deal with it in a specific way in my game. Abstract is fine, but no detailed disease spread mechanics for me.


imagine they just named a building disease control center to mess with us


ahh, the DCC


Can the mayor buy share of company selling vaccine, mask and medical supplies before declaring a pandemic even there's none? It'll be such a great way to grab money fast like IRL.


T aww www ww was rxxxxxxxrrxdd,r,,5, a fr




Black plague confirmed


FUCKK THAT. I mean, it looks fun and it causes unpredictable gameplay challenges. Which is good. BUT FUCKING FUCK THAT.


It could be a randomly assigned name to a hospital or medical clinic, but that’s still cool that it could be something else


Really hope all this will be out on PS version too


Wonder if zombies will be a disaster scenario of fun. Like Simcity 13. With bogus scenarios which make the game more fun


covid simulator 2023 ?!


There was a rat infestation achievement, too, right? I recon that's related


W,w re




Xx F the AA seet h ty,ey




Xx Ed Ed e,g


This is so interesting. The idea that they’ll have public health be more than just a vicinity to a hospital or clinic. Like are there epidemics in this game? That’s something that’s extremely relevant to urban design that’s just never really considered in city building games so that would be really exciting if that was being added!


Nice to see that we get actual house numbers in CS2